B19378 1590865109 - n njbj PDF

Title B19378 1590865109 - n njbj
Author garima singh
Course Organizational Behaviour
Institution University of Rajasthan
Pages 13
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Destination Marketing

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1 TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1 P1. Evaluation of marketing planning principles for supporting marketing of a particular destination...............................................................................................................................1 M1 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of applying principles of marketing planning........2 D1 Critically evaluate the importance of applying principles of marketing planning for destinations to achieve strategic objectives............................................................................3 TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3 P2. Analyse the key elements of a range of destination marketing campaign examples to analyse the success of objectives............................................................................................3 M2 Compare and contrast the key elements of a range of destination marketing campaigns and their inter-dependency.....................................................................................................4 D2 Critically evaluate the marketing campaign of a specific destination and the use of digital marketing tools to promote the destination and engage the target audience..........................4 TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5 P3. Review of different digital marketing tools used for promoting and advertising a specific destination...............................................................................................................................5 M3 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of digital marketing tools.......................................6 D3 Make valid and justified recommendations for improving digital marketing..................6 TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7 P4 Role and Services of DMO in marketing a destination.....................................................7 P5. Challenges Faced by DMO..............................................................................................8 M4 Critically analyse the challenges faced by DMOs in successfully meeting destination marketing objectives, using a range of examples...................................................................9 D4 Make recommendations and solutions for overcoming challenges faced by DMOs for successfully meeting destination marketing objectives..........................................................9 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9


INTRODUCTION Destination marketing is a crucial element of marketing which is mainly related to promotion of particular destination. This process is mainly undertaken in order to maximize visitor’s number in a significant way (Önder, Gunter and Gindl, 2020). Destination marketing involves advertisement of a specific location in order to increase rate of tourist’s arrival. Present report has been conducted on The Tourism Company; this organisation is UK leading tourism consultancies and offer high quality tourism strategies, feasibility studies, marketing plan and other form of services in all across United Kingdom and worldwide. This organisation was founded in the year 1990 and aim offering innovative ideas as well as realistic solutions with sustainable tourism principles. In this report formative discussion has been made on marketing plan for particular destination along with key factors of destination marketing campaign in addition with different digital marketing tools for promotion activities. Along with this services and role of DMOs and proper assessment of challenge that has been faced by same is being defined.

TASK 1 P1. Evaluation of marketing planning principles for supporting marketing of a particular destination Marketing is defined as a function to promote services and products in a target market with an aim to attract attention of large number of individual. It includes activities related to advertisement, selling, delivering of services and products. There are some effective marketing planning principles through which the tourism company can maximize that efficiency is defined: Product/service: This factor demonstrate that services and product is required to be created by analysing needs and demand of consumers to gain maximum profitability. In this it is essential for an entity to ensure that their product or services reflects value for consumer money, as it allow them to grow significantly in respective industrial sector and stimulate loyalty of customers towards entity for long period of time (Wardhani, Dasmadi and Hartono, 2020). In context with the tourism company it is essential for them to evaluate hotel and other services of tourism in Turkey and provide accurate information to customers of all income level in order to influence their


attraction towards country. This significantly helps entity to advertise in effective manner of their services and products and solve consumer query in effective manner.

Price: It is one of the most important factors which is having direct and indirect impact upon services and products. In this it is essential for organisation to identify income level of consumers and offer different type of product and services according to respective categories in order to conduct their marketing planning in effective manner. In context with respective organisation it is essential for them to identify estimate cost that will undertake place in promotion of destination, as it allow them to control their prices in effective manner. In addition to this entity is also required to take advantage of differentiation pricing strategy as to gain maximum advantage in respective industrial sector. Place: This factor play key essential role in destination marketing practices as in this entity is required to identify different type of attractive places and locations to advertise them. In this entity can take use of both online and offline measures to demonstrate destinations in attractive manner. In relation with the tourism company by taking use of Instagram, Facebook and different social media Pages Company can demonstrate different places in Turkey. This will allow entity to influence customer’s decision in effective manner. Promotion: By taking advantage of attractive promotion techniques and strategies entity can undertake proper plan to conduct process like sales, advertising, public relation, promotions in effective manner. It has been evaluated that in order to increase attraction of maximum number of individual entity is required to provide special offers on season and festive basis. In terms with the tourism company different promotion activities can be undertaken by them to promote destinations in Turkey as this will help them to influence individual’s decision. In addition to this company by providing discounted price packages can get maximum advantages. M1 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of applying principles of marketing planning There are different types of factors through which an organisation can successfully accomplish effectiveness of marketing plan. In terms with tourism industry it is essential for respect of consultancy organisation to evaluate strategies and marketing plan of competitor in 2

order to set their goals as to gain more competitive advancements. Along with this and it is required to segment market according to segmentation, targeting and positioning factors in order to target specific audience. Along with this with the development of multi channel strategy and proper budget plan organisation can conduct their marketing process in a well effective manner. Further with the assistance of review plan entity can measure their performance in time effective manner to control any form of variation in order to accomplish futuristic goals. D1 Critically evaluate the importance of applying principles of marketing planning for destinations to achieve strategic objectives Effective marketing planning needs to be carried out for destinations so as to attain fruitful outcomes in terms of timely achievement of strategic objectives. In this regard, principles of marketing planning such as product, price, place and promotion need to be applied in order to make sure that the destination is able to capture the attention of large base of audience. It is significant that a sound marketing strategy focussed upon the before mentioned elements is developed so that positive results can be gained.

TASK 2 P2. Analyse the key elements of a range of destination marketing campaign examples to analyse the success of objectives Destination marketing campaign is defined as advertisement of particular destination with the help of different modes like online platform, TV, newspaper radio etc. Main aim of this activity is to influence individual attention in effective manner towards the destination and increase their interest to travel. In this there are different points that are required to be undertaken by the tourism company to conduct promotion campaigns in effective manner. Family destination: This destination allow individual to spend quality time of holidays with family. It has evaluated that most of the individual prefer family destinations around the world as they travel their families and children’s. In this respective organisation is required to evaluate different type of locations like amusement parks, national parks, resorts and more as to influence individual’s interest in effective manner. Along with this in order to influence individual, sound and light shows at historical places in Turkey also prove to be beneficial that can influence individual interest in effective way. 3

Adventure destination: These destinations are mainly preferred by young generation as they are mainly tended towards new and sporty activities to spend their tour. In order to fulfil interest of individual who are inclined towards adventures destinations the tourism company can provide individuals with the information of different adventurous destination in Turkey like Walk the Lycian Way, Climbing Mt Ararat, Mountain biking in the Lake District, Cycling along the south-west coast through which they can influence attractiveness of individual to visit the place. In this entity by taking advantage of different promotional measures in innovative way can significantly to fulfil their objectives M2 Compare and contrast the key elements of a range of destination marketing campaigns and their inter-dependency It has been evaluated that all key factors of destination marketing campaign are duly interrelated with each other. In order to assure success it is important to make sure that all these factors are combining with each other as to increase efficiency of destination marketing campaigns. There for all other elements are automatically included in strategy and tactics. Company requires branding of the product and in order to do so they have to work with influencers. This is how these two are interconnected and dependent on each other. Likewise, entity as to maximize bran vale of organization is required to generate more number of loyal customers by offering them personalize experience. This is how brand generation is also linked with personalized experience offered to customers by organization. D2 Critically evaluate the marketing campaign of a specific destination and the use of digital marketing tools to promote the destination and engage the target audience Iceland began a marketing campaign with the tagline “ Fill your heart.” This campaign has been started as a part of the Iceland Tourism that is engaged in provision of lucrative information about the destination so as to attain the attention of large base of audience. It has been analysed that this marketing campaign resulted in a decent hike in the quantum of tourists visiting the destination (Palhais, Dias and Pereira, 2020). This implies that the digital marketing along with the tools employed for the same within this campaign have been quite effective.


TASK 3 P3. Review of different digital marketing tools used for promoting and advertising a specific destination With the assistance of different digital marketing tool and techniques organisation can conduct their promotion activities of services and products via online platform. In this internet access allow organisation to take modern approach of advertising in a cost effective manner and influence individual at maximum extent. Mentioned below there are some digital marketing tools through which Tourism Company can conduct their advertising and promoting of Turkey in effective manner: Social media marketing: There are different types of social media platforms comprised as a digital marketing tool that allow the tourism country to advertise and promote their services and product of respective destination in effective manner. In these platforms like Facebook, Instagram allow organisation to grab attention of large base of consumers from all around the world. For instance that respective company by undertaking use of buffer digital marketing tool can engage individual from different categories, this will allow organisation to attract maximum number of individual towards their objective. Google Analytics: This is mainly defined as a program which is developed by google, it allow organisation to track traffic on their website as to determine end report. With the help of this, respective organisation can promote their brand (Kirillova, Dioko and Zeng, 2020). Within this method company by hiring expertise webmasters and SEO analyst can conduct digital marketing campaigns in an effective manner and can increase traffic on their website to promote destinations in Turkey in attractive manner. The way in which these tools helps in promoting tourism in Turkey It has been identified respective effective organisation engaged in the services of attracting individual interest towards different location with the use of extensive research. In this by evaluating requirements and demand of consumers company can undertake promotional activities on their digital platforms to influence consumer accordingly. It has been identified that Turkey is mainly famous for their architecture and modern life. Thus, by taking assistance of


mentioned below digital advertisements measures Company can maximize their activities efficiency: 

With assistance of official website, company can increase traffic through which they can influence individual interest in attractive manner by posting enchanting videos and post related to selected destinations.

By providing feature of mobile application software respective organisation can allow individual to download information related to different destinations in easy and effective manner.

By taking assistance of different social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook the tourism company can provide promotional offers, attractive discounts and travelling packages in affordable rate as to attract large base of individual towards attractive destinations of Turkey.

M3 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of digital marketing tools By posting videos, pictures and short story on social media platforms which is one of the most effective digital marketing tools respective organisations can conduct their promotion activities in an effective manner (Chen, Zhan and Zhou, 2020). It allow organisation to reach out to maximum individuals. In terms with, the tourism company with the use modern ways of promotion through digital marketing organisation can effectively save their time, money and operating cost and can conduct their services in affordable manner. D3 Make valid and justified recommendations for improving digital marketing There are certain significant and valid recommendations that have been given for improvement of digital marketing for a destination. In this relation, it has been analysed that the social media channels used for the purpose of marketing should be constantly tracked. Further, SEO optimisation should also be carried out to inflate the probability of timely achievement of strategic objectives linked to destination marketing. All of this assists in creating awareness about the destination amidst the people prevailing across the globe.


TASK 4 P4 Role and Services of DMO in marketing a destination DMO mainly defined as destination marketing organisation that effectively represent different type of destination and effectively aim towards developing long-term tourism and travel strategies. In this element like tourism authority, tourism board, visitor’s bureau and convention are some of the labels that have objectives towards advertising destination in an effective manner as to maximize interest of visitors in attractive manner. In this by taking advantage of mixed strategy brand image of respective destination can be effectively increased: Making a Tourism marketing plan: DMO operates functions with having responsibility to develop appropriate as well as strong plan in order to display attractive feature of a country or respective destination. It has been identified that every destination have their own purpose such as, Turkey aim towards encouraging individual to make their trips maximum in country. In order to fulfil this objective in effective manner DMOs is formulating maps and is taking advantage of mythologies. Promotion and Advertising: This activity is mainly related with advertising and promotion of respective location in order to influence individual interest. For this number of approaches like application of software, websites are being undertaken in order to provide accurate and visible information to individuals. In addition to this different initiative to conduct advertisement activities through social advertisement measures can influence attraction of individual towards destination in effective manner. For instance the tourism company is taking advantage of Facebook in order to promote Turkey tourism in which they highlight and create experiences and positive point of individual those who visited the country. Conducting Market Research: In this DMOs undertake market research as to gather accurate statistics of country in order to make balance in demand by evaluating demographics by collecting data formulation of effective plan and procedure can be undertaken through which experiences of tourist or individual can be maximized (Tulel, Ombaka and Kariuki, 2020). It has been evaluated that Turkey proves to be expensive for number of individual because of costly restaurants. This can reduce interest of number of individual and restrict them to visit the country. Thus in order to overcome this tourism company is required to undertake different statistics in order to provide 7

information to customers to show them low cost restaurants with highly qualitative services to enhance tourism in country. P5. Challenges Faced by DMO DM is those entities who are having significant capability to advertise diverse range of destination with the aim to make particular area famous among individual. However in this process there are number of challenges that can be faced by them and can impact upon their activities in adverse manner. Adapting to Technical changes: Technology is changing at faster rate and there are different type of technological transformation that are taking place and are essential to adopt by organisation in...

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