BA 2101 Final Essay - Kishan PDF

Title BA 2101 Final Essay - Kishan
Course Professional Development
Institution Temple University
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Kishan Patel BA 2101, Section #: 001 Ayana Pilgrim-Brown December 5, 2017 “The Dirty Little Secrets to Getting Your Dream Job” Essay The Dirty Little Secrets to Getting Your Dream Job is a great book for motivated individuals that want to a land a corporate job but do not exactly know how. I think this book is likely one of the most helpful reading materials for all college or non-college students pursing a job. The book provides advice and information on how land the job you want. The book helps with the networking aspect of trying to get an interview, to how to prepare for an interview, to tips on how to get better after getting the job. It elaborates on even how to act, dress and speak with companies/employers. Raskin explains how to get your dream job in a casual way by educating the reader through his personal experience while giving feedback on the subject as a whole. At a pressure filled point in my life, preparing to get my first internship, this book has really helped me improve my professional development. For example, after reading I had taken the time to reevaluate my resume and make improvements. It made me realize how important your resume is and is the best impression most companies have of you until your first interview. I had also made a cover letter after Raskin explained how to make one in detail. I underestimated the power of a cover letter and thought it didn’t matter as much. Also after reading the resume section of the book, I am considering studying abroad next year in Italy. However, after I learned how important it could be for a resume and how it boosts my image for recruiters I decided that it was something I may do while my years here at Temple. Aside from study abroad another topic

in chapter one that grabbed my attention was the interest and activities section. I really liked the idea of Raskin’s description of the importance of the section on one’s resume. I never considered how interest and activities could really tell the recruiter about the interviewee as a person instead of a candidate. Every student has a GPA, work experience, and some skills but that does not tell the recruiter about you as a person. By finding out what kind of person I am recruiters can not only find the best candidate for the job but also perhaps a new asset for the company as a whole. I also like the idea that Raskin’s book does not only apply to graduating college students but to anyone who is not working his or her dream job. It should not be a concern if you are just about to graduate college or already over half way through your career, if you are not currently in your dream job it is not too late to start to search. The reader can tell Raskin implies this because the book does not just give you the steps to land your dream job but also what you need to do to keep the job and thrive at the company. Raskin’s goes into detail about what to do after you have accepted a job offer and continues to give helpful tips throughout the first year of being hired. I believe this is a positive idea for the reader to understand; it is much more stressful to landing a dream job after getting laid off and half way through your career than just about to graduate from college and finding your first job. Many think that it is too late, they are too old, the competition is too great amongst college graduates and etc. but this book goes to show that anybody at any age can still pursue their dream job if they follow the advice given and keep striving to be better. Another section that I found interesting was looking beyond your first job. It was really interesting to include this section in the book since it is mostly about how to land a job. Raskin’s shows that most jobs do not last forever and even though you might land your dream job you should never stop looking for other opportunities and learning from all of your experiences. You never know what can happen to a company over time and it never hurts to have a plan b or look

ahead to the future. This made me realize that that we should never stop planning for the future. A flaw in many people including myself a couple years back was that we tend to think in the short term but to live a financially healthy and happy lifestyle one must plan ahead for the future and let the short term be stepping stones to the bigger picture. Raskin’s book holds many great ideas and goals to land one’s dream job but there are several pointers he makes that I do not agree with. Raskin states in his book to not negotiate starting salary once you accept the initial offer. I disagree with him on this idea and think that it is silly not to negotiate. Say you got another job offer after accepting one already, you can absolutely notify them that unless they can give a raise in salary that you will be choosing the other job offer instead. It would be much more beneficial to my career to discuss raising the salary a little to show what the company thinks of me. If I am just a number then they have no reason to even negotiate but if they value me as a valuable employee they will, hopefully, at least listen to my negotiation. Along with it showing how valuable you are to the company, at the end of the day it is your life and you can guide it however you wish and do what is best for you. Raskin’s book The Dirty Little Secrets of Getting Your Dream Job is one of the most beneficial textbooks I have read. The information in the book is beyond helpful in my career search and looking for my first internship this coming summer. However, I believe the content of the book will continue to help me throughout the rest of my career as well. From preparing for your first job interview to taking the necessary precautions after landing your dream job Raskin provides essential tips and pointers to make the most of your career and reputation....

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