Basic Verb Conjugations PDF

Title Basic Verb Conjugations
Course Beginner's Intensive Japanese
Institution McMaster University
Pages 2
File Size 87.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Basic Verb Conjugations ■Ru-Verb: The short form of verbs end with “ru” and the second last vowel is “i” or ”e”. To change the short form to the long form affirmative, replace る with ます . To make the present negative form of long form, replace る with ません. You will learn in Lesson 8 You will learn in Lesson 3 Short/Plain/ Short/Plain/ English Dictionary-form Dictionary-form Long/Polite Long/Polite translations Present Affirmative Present Negative Present Affirmative Present Negative お

to get up

起きる okiru

to see/watch

見る miru

to eat

食べる taberu

to sleep

寝る neru

起きない okinai み

見ない minai た

食べない tabenai ね

寝ない nenai

起きます okimasu み

見ます mimasu た

食べます tabemasu ね

寝ます nemasu

起きません okimasen み

見ません mimasen た

食べません tabemasen ね

寝ません nemasen

■U-Verb: The last syllable ends without ”ru る”in the short form (some exceptions exist). To change the affirmative long form to the short affirmative form, replace “imasu” with “u” in the roman letter. Note that “chimasu” in “machimasu” is changed to “tsu” in matsu, and “shimasu” in “hanashimasu” is changed to “su” in “hanasu” in the short form. To make the negative long form to the short form, replace “imasen” to “u” in the roman letter. Note: Hanashimasen=>hanasanai, machimasen=>matanai You will learn in Lesson 8 You will learn in Lesson 3 Short/Plain/ Short/Plain/ English Dictionary-form Dictionary-form Long/Polite Long/Polite translations Present Affirmative Present Negative Present Affirmative Present Negative い

to go

行く iku

*to return

帰る kaeru

to drink

飲む nomu

to read

読む yomu

to write

書く kaku

to listen

聞く kiku

to talk/speak

話す hanasu

to wait

待つ matsu


行かない ikanai

行きます ikimasu

行きません ikimasen

帰らない kaeranai

帰ります kaerimasu

帰りません kaerimasen

飲まない nomanai

飲みます nomimasu

飲みません nomimasen

読まない yomanai

読みます yomimasu

読みません yomimasen

書かない kakanai

書きます kakimasu

書きません kakimasen

聞かない kikanai

聞きます kikimasu

聞きません kikimasen

話さない hanasanai

話します hanashimasu

話しません hanashimasen

待たない matanai

待ちます machimasu

待ちません machimasen


■Irregular Verbs You will learn in Lesson 8 Short/Plain/ English Dictionary-form translations Present Affirmative

You will learn in Lesson 3 Short/Plain/ Dictionary-form Present Negative

来る kuru する suru

to come to do

Long/Polite Present Affirmative き

来ない konai しない shinai

来ます kimasu します shimasu

Long/Polite Present Negative き

来ません kimasen しません shimasen

Note. U-vebs: *u verbs which end with る have a, u, or o right before the final る such as aru ある, wakaru わ つく

かる tsukuru作る, uru売 る, toru撮る, noru乗 る. はい



Exceptions: hairu入 る, hashiru走る, kiru切る, and kaeru帰 る have vowels i and e before the final る....

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