BC Ch5 9ed Study Guide Some Answers PDF

Title BC Ch5 9ed Study Guide Some Answers
Course Business Communication
Institution Arkansas State University
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BC Ch5 9ed Study Guide Some Answers...





Chapter 05: Communicating Electronically Multiple Choice 1. Which of the following is true of the selection of a channel of communication? a. If a message is straightforward and informative, a technological communication channel is inappropriate. b. Before choosing a communication channel, it should be determined whether a permanent record of a message is needed or if a temporary form would suffice. c. Employees that are floors apart or in different offices or time zones cannot benefit from email and Web communications. d. Personal interaction cannot replace written communication, printed or online, which is essential in today's team-based work environments. ANSWER: 2. Which of the following statements is true of a company's right over its employees' electronic communication? a. A company cannot intercept its employees' electronic communications. b. A company cannot use its employees' electronic communication to determine legitimate business use. c. A company can monitor its employees' electronic communications without consent. d. A company technically owns its employees' electronic communications. ANSWER: 3. Which of the following considerations must be made before sending a message? a. An electronic format is preferred over a face-to-face encounter for sensitive situations. b. A technological option is inappropriate if a message is straightforward and informative. c. A message will not be lost if conveyed electronically. d. A communication channel should fit a sender's purpose. ANSWER: 5. _____ is effective when sending a single message to several recipients and when needing to communicate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. a. Email b. Malware c. A wiki d. A weblog ANSWER: 6. Which of the following is an advantage of email communication? a. It reduces a company's costs. b. It offers a personal touch. c. It is safe from malicious attacks. d. It ensures a quick verbal response. ANSWER: 7. Which of the following guideline should you follow for effective email communication? a. Send to single or multiple addressees. b. Avoid restating the subject in the body of a message. c. Focus on multiple topics in a single message. Page 1




Chapter 05: Communicating Electronically d. Avoid using graphic highlighting. ANSWER: 8. Which of the following is an example of the effective use of email communications? a. When sending an email, Alan focuses on multiple topics and addresses all of them in the email. b. When sending an email, Ellis restates the subject in the body of the message. c. When sending an email, Jake avoids using a descriptive subject line. d. When sending an email, Mary avoids integrating graphs and pictures into the email. ANSWER: 9. Which of the following is a guideline that assists in effective email usage? a. Check mails once every week. b. Do not contribute to email overload. c. Send messages that are formatted. d. Do not use separate accounts for receiving messages. ANSWER: 10. Aaron, an employee at MindRaft Inc., had an argument with one of his colleagues, Ron. Following this, Aaron sent hate mails containing sarcastic and offensive statements to Ron. In this scenario, the message sent by Aaron is an example of a _____. a. spam b. flame c. virus d. hoax ANSWER: 11. _____, which are websites that provide virtual communities in which people with shared interests can communicate, are common sources of viruses and spyware. a. Uniform resource locators b. Social networking sites c. Web browsers d. Proxy servers ANSWER: 12. Which of the following statements is true of instant messaging (IM)? a. With IM, your conversation with someone is free from eavesdropping. b. With IM, it is important to pay careful attention to spelling and grammar when trading messages. c. The best-known IM programs require special hardware and extensive training. d. To use IM, you maintain a list of people with whom you want to interact. ANSWER: 13. Chris and Stephanie are friends who reside in two different states. They stay in touch with the help of a computer program that allows them to send messages to each other that both of them can immediately see when they are online. In this scenario, the technology used by Chris and Stephanie is: Page 2




Chapter 05: Communicating Electronically a. blogging. b. phishing. c. text messaging. d. instant messaging. ANSWER: d 14. Which of the following statements is true of text messaging? a. It cannot be used to send messages from a cellphone to a computer. b. It puts less premium on conciseness than email. c. It is a refinement of computer instant messaging. d. It cannot be used for business purposes. ANSWER: c 15. _____ is particularly well suited to text messaging because the names of the numbers are also close to the sounds of certain words. a. Mandarin b. Arabic c. Japanese d. English ANSWER: a 16. Identify a true statement about the legal requirements governing electronic messages. a. A copy of an electronic message cannot be produced as verification in the courts. b. Inability to locate emails and other relevant documents cannot be considered negligence. c. Evidence produced by companies in the form of an email is considered invalid by the courts. d. Destroying email messages in violation of securities rules is a sure path to destruction. ANSWER: d 17. To avoid the legal perils of electronic communications, employees must be taught to: a. write loose messages. b. always write casual messages. c. delete all old messages. d. organize relevant messages. ANSWER: d 18. Which of the following is true of effective Web writing? a. Web users refer frequently to directions and are likely to read little notes, sidebars, and help files. b. Information on a website should follow the pyramid style of writing common in newspaper writing. c. Web users can more quickly scan items in rows rather than columns. d. English-speaking readers typically start scanning at the right side of the main content area of a website. ANSWER: b Page 3




Chapter 05: Communicating Electronically 19. Which of the following is an example of a good practice while writing for a website? a. James avoids highlighting areas of information on his website. b. Jane categorizes and groups items in columns rather than rows on her website. c. Zafar places little notes, sidebars, and help files on his website. d. Asha places the main idea at the end of the content area on her website. ANSWER: b 20. Which of the following is a difference between web pages and social media? a. Unlike web pages, social media prohibits users from generating their own content. b. Unlike web pages, social media enables people to connect online and have a conversation. c. Unlike web pages, social media is not generally interactive. d. Unlike web pages, social media requires authorization before posting. ANSWER: b 21. Which of the following is a Web 2.0 technology? a. A web page b. A wiki c. A flame d. A cookie ANSWER: b 22. Stuart is agitated by the political developments in his country in the last couple of months and decides to share his views. He posts his concerns online by filling a simple online form from his browser. The visitors to his online journal can post comments. The technology used in this scenario is an example of: a. text messaging. b. instant messaging. c. blogging. d. emailing. ANSWER: c 23. _____ are dynamic, with rapidly changing content that does not require authorization to post. a. Flames b. Cookies c. Blogs d. Websites ANSWER: 24. A _____ is a collaborative website that hosts the collective work of many authors. a. weblog b. wiki c. flame d. forum ANSWER:

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Chapter 05: Communicating Electronically 25. Which of the following statements is true of voice mail technology? a. It makes it possible for people to participate on the Web. b. It allows flexibility in staying in touch without the aid of a computer. c. It has rapidly changing content that requires authorization to post. d. It provides a platform for people with shared interests to communicate. ANSWER: b 26. Abdul, a manager at Chrysum Corp., was assigned the task of overseeing the operations in a foreign office for a week. Before leaving the country, Abdul recorded a message on his phone to inform callers that he was away from home and would return their calls when he returned. In this scenario, the technology used by Abdul is an example of: a. text messaging. b. social networking. c. cellphone communication. d. voice mail communication. ANSWER: d 27. Which of the following is a guideline for effective voice mail communication? a. Refrain from updating your greeting often. b. Encourage callers to leave detailed messages. c. Never leave your email address or fax number on your greeting. d. Check your voice mail once a week. ANSWER: b 28. Which of the following tips should be followed to improve voice mail communication? a. Speak fast and in a loud voice. b. Keep your message brief, typically 60 seconds or less. c. Do not update your greeting often. d. Avoid repeating your name and phone number. ANSWER: b 29. Which of the following is true of cellphone communication? a. It ensures complete confidentiality and is not prone to misuse. b. It improves performance among salespersons by improving their outreach to clients. c. It is free from policies and legal restrictions. d. It is cost-effective when communicating with people located in several time zones. ANSWER: b 30. Identify a true statement about cellphone communication. a. Cellphone communication dramatically deteriorates performance among salespersons. b. Confidential or sensitive information can be effectively shared through cellphones. c. Cellphone communication is cost-effective when communicating with people located in several locations and time zones. Page 5




Chapter 05: Communicating Electronically d. The radio frequencies that transmit the voice signals in cellphone communication can be picked up by other equipment. ANSWER: d True / False 31. A technological channel is always the ideal communication method of choice. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 32. For delivering a message that is straightforward and informative, a face-to-face encounter is preferred over a technological channel. a. True b. False ANSWER: T or F 33. Employees that are floors apart or in different offices or time zones benefit from email and Web communications. a. True b. False ANSWER: T or F 34. Undeliverable email messages are delivered to a mail administrator. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 35. A deleted message cannot be resurrected. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 36. A message through an electronic format might be interpreted as cold and impersonal. a. True b. False ANSWER: T or F 37. A sender should choose a communication channel according to his or her preference. a. True b. False ANSWER: T or F 38. Jargon is the buzzword for proper behavior on the Internet. a. True b. False Page 6




Chapter 05: Communicating Electronically ANSWER: T or F 39. Blogging is a real-time email technology that blends email with conversation. a. True b. False ANSWER: T or F 40. The typical cellphone screen can accommodate no more than 140 characters. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 41. Text messaging cannot be used for business purposes as it is strictly a social communication tool. a. True b. False ANSWER: T or F 42. Companies are not authorized to monitor the electronic mail of an employee. a. True b. False ANSWER: T or F 43. An employer must have either a warrant or an employee's permission to view messages stored by someone other than the employer. a. True b. False ANSWER: True 44. English-speaking readers typically start scanning at the top right side of the main content area of a website. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 45. On a website, users can more quickly scan items in rows rather than columns. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 46. Information that is confidential or sensitive can be securely shared through cellphone communication. a. True b. False ANSWER: False 47. True or False: Electronic communicators must abide by copyright law. a. True Page 7




Chapter 05: Communicating Electronically b. False ANSWER: T or F Completion Electronic Mail Communication Technology has expanded communications options. Consequently, electronic communication tools are increasingly important to workplace success. Understanding the elements of successful electronic communication will help you craft effective, professional messages and build your credibility in the workplace and beyond. 48. Email is advantageous in the workplace because it _________. A. reduces the need for formal communication B. is regulated by firewalls C. facilitates the fast, convenient flow of information ANSWER: facilitates the fast, convenient flow of information 49. Consider this text message to Janice Hudgins, who has just won an award, and then complete the sentence. 1/8 messages To: Janice Hudgins 1-520-555-2673 CU @ 4pm mtg in dwntwn office. SEND This text message to Janice Hudgins demonstrates _________ levels of professionalism. A. appropriate B. rude C. inappropriate ANSWER: appropriate Web Page Communication and Social Media The World Wide Web is a familiar platform that is used for internal and external communication. Understanding techniques for effective web and social media communication will allow you to create effective messages and build professional credibility in online environments. 50. Familiar web platforms can be used for communication internally and externally. _________ are web platforms that usually require a password and are used by vendors, suppliers, and other business partners to access company information. A. Blogs B. Extranets C. Intranets ANSWER: Extranets 51. Advances in wireless technology offer capabilities beyond the typical mobile phone. Voice _________ technology offers the ability to communicate with a computer system without a keyboard. Page 8




Chapter 05: Communicating Electronically A. input and output B. storage C. mail ANSWER: input and output 52. The proliferation of new, high-speed communication technologies has changed the workplace. Instant messaging is a tool that is now appropriate for _________ workplace communication. A. certain internal B. certain external C. all internal ANSWER: certain internal

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