Beliefs Related TO Health IN General Population PDF

Title Beliefs Related TO Health IN General Population
Author Nasrin Prim
Course Psychology
Institution University of Nairobi
Pages 2
File Size 89.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Health is vital in any society, however, there are so many beliefs surrounding health in the general public. We expound on it....



This week, we have learned the role of behavior in health. We have also looked at the beliefs and the impact they pose on one’s health. “Health-related behaviors are important predictors of health and illnesses.” Ogden, (2019). There are health-related behaviors that have a negative impact on an individual, such as excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, eating highfat foods, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, and engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as behaviors that have a positive impact, such as oral care, wearing seat belts, seeking healthcare information, having regular check-ups, taking medication, and sleeping a sufficient number of hours. Ogden, (2019).

We all have different beliefs that affect our behavior towards health. What people believe about their health, characterizes it, what they feel is the source of their disease, and how to overcome an illness are all examples of health beliefs. Of course, these ideas are culturally based, and they all join together to build broader health belief systems. What comprises health and what causes sickness are defined differently in different cultures. Culture can be defined in a variety of ways, but it is essentially the traits that define a group of people's way of life, such as attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Misra R., Kaster E.C. (2012).

I will give a reflection on the beliefs related to health in general population, where I live. People are indeed aware that negative health behaviors result in illness, but still relate cultural beliefs to health. For instance, they attribute illness to a higher power that is beyond their understanding. They believe that if you get an illness, you might have done an abomination, so you are being punished. Others consider black magic as a shield to illness. People from my area believe that, if your parents curse you, an illness will attack you and eventually, die.

There is another outrageous belief that, if your husband dies, his brother has to marry you. First. The culture has given a blind eye to what the diseased could have died of, the widow, if she got infected she would pass the illness to the brother-in-law, this belief to me is outdated and should be abolished. Some religious beliefs force people not to seek medical attention whenever they get sick. They only believe in praying to get healed. Most of them end up dead. I believe in healthy-living. Many people are naïve and lack knowledge concerning illnesses brought by their behavior.

References; Misra R., Kaster E.C. (2012) Health Beliefs. Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health.

Ogden, J. (2019). The psychology of health and illness: An open access course. The psychology of health and illness.pdf %20psychology%20of%20health%20and%20illness_2019.pdf...

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