Beloved Chapter 3 PDF

Title Beloved Chapter 3
Course Literature And Society
Institution Binghamton University
Pages 2
File Size 46.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Chapter 3 Summary of Beloved...


Chapter 3: Tuesday, October 23, 2018

11:50 PM

• WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE ANTELOPES IN FUCKING CAROLINA OR FUCKING LOUISIANA IT'S NOT FUCKING AFRICA WTF IS THIS NOVELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ASLDFAILUHFALIUSDHFLAUHFA ○ Like an antelope? - who's the antelope - Sethe?? • Denver used to play on the other side of the woods after crawling her way there ○ "it began as a little girl's houseplay… first a playroom… then a refuge…soon the place became the point… vlied and proteted by the live green walls, she felt ripe and clear, and salvation was as easy as a wish" § She was lonely and her "imagination produced its own hunger and its own food… because her loneliness wore her out." • Amy: house Sethe found - scary looking woman ○ Sethe: on her way to Boston to get some velvet at Wilson (store) (pg. 32bottom) ○ Sethe's mom worked to pay for passage but died after having Sethe, she worked off the payment and now she's going to get velvet (top pg 33) • Amy: "…velvet is like the world was just born. Clean and new and so smooth. The velet I seen was brown, but in Boston they got all colors. Carmine. That means red but when you talk about velevet you got to say 'carmine.'" (pg. 33) ○ Talks to Sethe like a child • "it's when you bump into a rememory that belongs to somebody else. Where I was before I came here, that place is real. It's never going away/ Een if the whole farm…dies. The picture is still there and what's more… if you go there and stand in the place where it was, it will happen again; it will be there for you, waiting for

• •

you… you can't never go there… because even though it's all over - over and done with - it's going to always be there waiting for you… no matter what." (pg. 36) Nothing ever dies (page 36) Color ○ Grandma Baby yearned for color ○ Everything was so bland ○ Sethe wanted color after remembering the pink chips in the headstone of her baby § Through food she made color House was perfect the way it was - Sethe was remembering ○ "there was no room for any other thing or body until Paul D arrived and broke up the place, making room, shifting it, moving it over to someplace else, then standing in the place he had made." "…kneeling in the keeping room the morning after Paul D came, she was distracted by the 2 orange squares that signaled how barren 124 really was. He was responsible for that… things became what they were: drabness looked drab; heat was hot. Windows suddenly had view. And wouldn't you know he'd be a singing man." (pg. 39) Paul D: singing ○ To sethe: songs didn't fit. " they were too loud, had too much power for the little house chores he was engaging in - resetting table legs; glazing" (pg. 40) Paul D had many homes - he was a squatter...

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