BHS 420 RS T1Benchmark Early Childhood Essay Template PDF

Title BHS 420 RS T1Benchmark Early Childhood Essay Template
Author Marcianna Harris
Course Group Dynamics and Process
Institution Grand Canyon University
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What are teratogen and the effect it has on embryo's....


Early Childhood Essay on Teratogens


Early Childhood Essay

Presented to Grand Canyon University

BHS-420, Human Development

By Patricia Bates October 11, 2020

Early Childhood Essay on Teratogens


Early Childhood Essay on Teratogens Introduction I will be discussing what teratogens are and the effects of what teratogens has on the human embryo or fetus. I will be discussing the description of a specific teratogen, and the impact of the teratogen on the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. I will explain how physical and behavioral health roles can aid those that has been exposed to the teratogen in order to reduce symptoms and increase quality of life. I will piece it all together and sum it all up with my conclusion. Teratogens Teratogens are substances that may produce physical or functional defects in the human embryo or fetus after the pregnant woman is exposed to the substance. A couple of examples are cocaine and alcohol. These exposures affect the fetus or embryo in many ways, depending upon the length of the exposure, the amount of teratogenic substance, and the stage of development the embryo or fetus is in during exposure. Preterm labor, miscarriages are the aftereffects of teratogens. Teratogens are classified in four types: physical agents, metabolic conditions, infection, and drugs and chemicals. Specific Teratogen An example of a physical teratogen is hyperthermia. Hot tubs, saunas or infections that may raise the woman’s body temperature to 101 degrees or higher. I would use malnutrition, diabetes, thyroid disorder as examples of metabolic conditions. Also, Certain infections such as herpes simplex, rubella, and syphilis are all examples of a third kind of teratogen. The fourth

Early Childhood Essay on Teratogens


kind of teratogen includes drugs and chemicals that is ingested during pregnancy, which consist of cocaine, alcohol and retinoids., which can cause congenital malfunctions in embryos. All these teratogens have a very significant impact on the embryo or fetus, and all are life threatening conditions. Impact of Teratogen The impact that teratogens has on an embryo or fetus is it can cause interference with the development of the brain, attention control, impairments in behavior. Smoking nicotine alone can cause low birth rate, it affects blood flow, affects nutrition, and blood flow to the brain. A woman that may be malnourished during her pregnancy has a great chance of delivering a low birth rate infant, and that may cause intellectual problems in childhood and can lead to a mental illness as an adult. A woman can develop Fetal Alcohol Syndrome during pregnancy if she drinks heavily during pregnancy, and the fetus could have body malformations. Also, they often have heart defects and loss of hearing. Pregnant woman that uses marijuana can lead to an infant having lack of interest in their surroundings or environment for 2 weeks after birth. Preventions and Interventions The good news is that teratogens that many birth defects are associated with can be prevented. First off consult your healthcare provider concerning which over the counter and prescription medications that are safe to consume during pregnancy, and what should be avoided. You can also visit the FDA’s website for information on teratogenic substances and pregnancy. Do not use chemicals that may harm your child- this includes fungicides, pesticides, and very harsh cleaning products. Do not consume fish that is high in mercury such as tuna, swordfish or mackerel. Do not smoke, use drugs, or consume alcohol during pregnancy. Monitor and manage

Early Childhood Essay on Teratogens


your blood sugar levels, prevent infections, also speak with your healthcare provider about which vaccines are safe and recommended during pregnancy. Do not expose yourself to cat litter or go near a litter box during pregnancy. Exposure to cat feces can lead to serious and life-threatening parasitic condition known as toxoplasmosis, which is also associated with certain type of birth defects. Finally, seek regular prenatal care, this is a very vital part of the entire process. Conclusions In conclusion I basically learned what teratogens are, because I had no previous knowledge or have ever heard of it. The research has taught me a lot about teratogens and its affects on the embryos and fetus. I learned that vitamin A and its derivatives are known as retinoids and is a chemical in teratogens. I have a lot of knowledge about the affects that drugs and alcohol have on the embryo and fetus, but I did not know it had anything to do with teratogens. I will now use this research to make other woman aware of the causes and the effects of teratogens, because I am sure that most woman have not had any previous knowledge of teratogens. I am thankful to have gained this knowledge, and I am able to possibly save a lot of woman from unnecessary unhealthy prenatal conditions.



Early Childhood Essay on Teratogens Alliance; 2010 Feb 17. Appendix D, Teratogens/Prenatal Substance Abuse. Available from: (November 2018). Impact of Teratogens Affecting the Prenatal Child. Retrieved from Tantibanchachai, Chanapa, "Teratogens". Embryo Project Encyclopedia (2014-01-22)


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