BHS 420 RS T7Short Answer Questions PDF

Title BHS 420 RS T7Short Answer Questions
Author Kendall Alford
Course Abnormal Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 2
File Size 101.7 KB
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Topic 7: Short Answer Questions Directions: Provide short answers of 100-150 words each for the following questions/statements. Do not exceed 200 words for each your response. Use the textbook and any other scholarly resources to support your responses. Include at least two to three scholarly resources beyond the textbook. 1. How do different cultures approach loss? Provide at least two different examples in your response. I believe a lot of cultures approach loss very differently. I am black and Filipino. On my black side a lot of my family views a loss as something to be joyful about. Whether the person was young or old. God has a plan for everyone, and we believe that everything is in his hands no matter what. In my Filipino household my family takes it very much to heart whenever there is a loss. They still understand that it’s on gods hand, but they react to it more sensitively. Also different cultures have different ways about going about celebrating someone’s loss. Some cultures throw on a big event and some cultures stay very lowkey about it.

2. What happens in the grieving process when the person dies young? Would the grieving process differ based on the age of the deceased? Why or why not? As we stated in class the grieving process when someone dies young is very different for everyone. Not everyone has the same grieving process. If everyone was the same nothing in this world would be unique. Most of the time when a young person dies people are very sad about it. They usually say wow they never got to fulfill their dreams. One example is Gigi Bryant she died this year, and she was very young. She never got to fulfill her dreams and did what she wanted to do because she died so young. Grieving processes are different no matter how old the person is that passed away. Everyone is different and you can’t just slap a label on someone when someone dies. Just like everyone experiences sadness in different ways people grieve in different ways.

3. How can retirement impact an older adult socially, emotionally, and financially? What role can retirement play in Ego Integrity vs. Despair? Retirement is a big thing today. Retirement isn’t based on age. Someone 27 can retire and someone 87 can retire. It is not based off of how old and how weak you are. It more so based on yourself. Have you done everything you would like to do in life? Are you financially stable to be retired? An example I can give is that my grandpa was 74 and he had a heart attack. He deiced to retire then since he had to have surgery and recover. Once he was back home from the hospital he could not stand being at home. Even though he was still in recovery he hated that he and nothing to do. He wasn’t content. He wanted to still be able to go out and make money and provide for the family. Emotionally and socially some people aren’t © 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

ready for retirement. Some people love to work and keep moving on with their career. Retirement can play a big role in ego integrity vs despair. Despair s something like when someone retires, and they just feel like crap being home. They feel like they haven’t done enough in their life. And integrity is when one knows that they have be successful and they have done everything that they want to do.

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