PCN-100-RS-T1Short Answer Questions PDF

Title PCN-100-RS-T1Short Answer Questions
Author Stephanie Rodriguez
Course Foundations of Addiction and Substance Use Disorders
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 2
File Size 134.2 KB
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Stephanie Rodriguez PCN-100 Aaron Hallstrom 10/3/2021

PCN-100: Topic 1 Short Answer Questions Directions: Provide short answers of 100-150 words each for the following questions/statements. Do not exceed 200 words for your response. Include a minimum of one scholarly resource in addition to the course textbook. 1. Explain the difference between psychological dependence and physical dependence related to substance use, misuse and dependence. Include two references to support your discussion. A Physical dependence is when your body adapts to a drug requiring an increased dose to achieve a certain feeling or to get high. If a substance is abruptly taken away from the user their body would show signs of physical or mental effects. Psychological dependence relates to the emotional or mental state that a person goes through from, the development of addiction or recovery(Editorial Staff, 2021). Some signs of a psychological dependence are cravings, issues with anxiety or depression, change is appetite, sleep patterns, and mood swings. There is no such addiction that is purely physical or purely psychological. (Editorial Staff, 2021).

2. Examine the consequences of drug use and the related stigmas and stereotypes. What is your viewpoint about this issue? Identify one theoretical model of addiction supporting your viewpoint. Include two references related to your research. Consequences from substance abuse vary from minor such as loss of job, friends, change in appearance, and loss of trust from family. Some more major consequences could be legal problems, hospitalization from overdose and death. There are many stereotypes about drug © 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

addicts, one being that every homeless person is homeless because they are a drug addict. The film on demand, Heroin hits home (Films Media Group 2008.) shows that this stereotype could not be further from the truth. Every day what you would consider normal people are dealing with substance abuse issues that they hide from those closest to them. Addiction can affect anyone regardless of their surroundings or up-bringing. The theory model that supports my viewpoint is, “culture specific model” because this explains that we should not assume that all addicts are the same and we should not make assumptions about a certain group of people.


NIDA. 2020, December 2. Is there a difference between physical dependence and addiction?. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/principles-drug-addiction-treatmentresearch-based-guide-third-edition/frequently-asked-questions/there-difference-betweenphysical-dependence-addiction on 2021, October 3 Edited by Editorial Staff Last Updated: February 11, 2021. (2021, February 11). What is psychological dependence? . American Addiction Centers. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from https://americanaddictioncenters.org/the-addiction-cycle/psychological-dependence. Films Media Group. (2008). Heroin hits home. Films On Demand. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from https://digital.films.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=96349&xtid=45461. Capuzzi, D. and Stauffer, M. (2016). Foundations of addictions counseling (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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