BIG- History - Lecture notes 1-8 PDF

Title BIG- History - Lecture notes 1-8
Course Psychology
Institution Holy Angel University
Pages 10
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The subject/course was first time to be offered at Philippines....




Founded by historian David Christian and was supported by Bill Gates Traces the Origin of Man in the bigger context of the universe Utilizes an inter-disciplinary approach in understanding the complexities of human existence Philosophy, Science, Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, History INGREDIENTS + GOLDILOCKS CONDITION = NEW COMPLEXITY

ORIGIN STORIES 1. Zulu (Africa) – Unkulunku, first man and creator of all things 2. Mayans (Mexico) – Teupeu the maker; animals of the sky and land. Man out of: (1) clar = crumbled, (2) wood = empty headed, (3) corn = emphathetic & intelligent 3. Efik (Africa) – Abasi and his wife Atai 4. Iroquois (North America) – sky woman giving birth to twins; Big turtle 5. Greek (Europe) – father sky (Uranus) and Mother Earth (Gaia) 6. Chinese (China) – cosmic egg (Yin Yang) They are all naïve, simplistic, lack emotional power, poetic and center = paradox MODERN ORIGIN STORY: 

Literal account to the origin of everything, 13.7 billion years ago, based on rigorous & carefully tested scientific theories; not fixed; space, time, matter and energy

4. EMERGENT PROPERTIES – the new properties characteristic only of such form of complexity THRESHOLD 1 – BIG BANG THEORY Space Time Energy Matter + quantum fluctuations w/in multiverse = Potential to create everything around us  


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Singularity – the point where thee predictable nature of physics breaks down because the curvature predicted by general relativity at that point is infinite They are thought to exist at the core of lack holes. The universe begins 13.7 billion years ago, in the size of a single atom The universe began as a violent expansion All matter and space were created from a single point of pure energy in an instant: from nothingness comes everything we are today


4 FEATURES OF COMPLEXITY 1. DIVERSE COMPONENTS – the most basic units or building blocks that comprise the particular form of complexity 2. SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS – the precise structures into which those components or building blocks are arranged/ organized and the connections among them 3. FLOWS OF ENERGY – the ways the energy flows through those diverse components

Before the bigbang, there was NOTHING Big Bang created bot in a single expression called SPACETIME

Big bang ( 5.5 billion degrees Celsius) Energy and mass interchangeable (cannot form any solid yet) E = mc2 Space and time now exist o Charged particles are floating around in plasma state and cannot bind yet due to extreme temperature


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3 minutes after the Big Bang, the universe has grown from the size of an atom to larger than the size of a grapefruit E =mc2 ;Energy froze into matter according to Albert Einstein’s equation The created matter is now starting to form free particles which soon become stable atoms Forces were activated: gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclear forces

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ATOMS form H, He, and small amount of Lithium QUARKS, electrons and other particles were formed (10-6 sec). All these events happened only one sec

EVIDENCES OF THE BIG BANG Universal Expansion and Hubble’s Law 

After the Big Bang, the universe is constantly expanding from 13.8 billion years now. Hubble observed the majority of galaxies are moving away from us and each other Red shift – the light emitted by a star changes as it moves away from the observer Cosmic background radiation o 1948: “Afterglow” of the Big Bang was 1st predicted by Ralph Alpher and other scientists o 1965: Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson and the Bell Radio receivers and pigeons o 1965: Robert Dicke and Princeton University o Noise radiation is evenly spread across space o The amount of radiation matched predictions o C.O.B.E satellite confirmed for the entire universe that noise radiation is evenly spread o Law of conservation of energy - energy remains constant over time


Quasars Radioactive decay Stellar formation and evolution Speed of light and stellar distances

SOME ISSUES OF BIG BANG 1. Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum – no external torque acts on an object, no change of angular momentum will occur; all planets should spin in the same direction (Venus, Uranus, and Pluto spin in the

opposite direction to the other six planets) 2. From nothingness comes everything – we could only speculate OTHER POSSIBLE ISSUES 1. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation may not be the product of Big Bang 2. Observed evidences of Matter Continuous Generation, the Earth Formation 3. Generalized to Microcosmic Range the law of Energy Conservation Strictly Exists no Longer THRESHOLD 2 – STARS LIGHT UP H,He,Gravity + High Temp = Hot Spots, Stars, Galaxies, Clusters, Superclusters


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Large ball of hot gas They look small because they are a long way away, but in fact, many are bigger and brighter than the un The heat of the star is made in the center by nuclear fusion reactions There are lots of different colors and sizes of starts


Stars are made (or “born”) in giant clouds of dust and gas called “nebula” Sometimes, part of the cloud shrinks because of gravity. As it shrinks, it becomes “hotter” and when it is hot enough, nuclear reaction can start in the center Billions of Hydrogen (H) atoms fuse together to form Helium (He) and once the conditions are met, a Star is born Stars can last from millions to billions of years


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Once a nuclear fusion is producing heat at the center, this heat stops the rest of the star from collapsing The star then stays the same (almost exactly) for a long time The balance between gravity trying to make the star shrink and heat holding

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FYE REVIEWER it up is called Thermodynamic Equilibrium LIFE OF A STAR



Will eventually, after a supernova, become a neutron star or black holes Less massive stars will return into planetary nebulae, white dwarfs, then black dwarfs

Earliest stage of a star’s life Can be described as a contracting cloud


a smaller body that cannot reach the stage of nuclear fusion at its core Is a star that never ignites, or a failed star Does not sustain H fusion at its core



Powered by H fusion Fusion produces and outward pressure that balance with the inward pressure caused by the gravity, stabilizing the star. Fuses H atoms to form He atom at its core Sun & other 90% of stars in the universe Can range from about a 10th of the mass of the sun to up to 200 times as massive Burns through the hydrogen at its core before coming to the end of its lifetime



Is the smallest type of star May be as little as 10% the mass of the sun and emit only 0.01% as much energy Has life span of tens of billions of years Many red dwarfs have been found with planets surrounding them Consumes all of its H in and out of its core Will burn through its supply of fuel to become a WHITE DWARF or DEAD STAR until all beat is radiated away to become a BLACK DWARF



Outer layers collapse inward until temperatures are hot enough to fuse H into C. The pressure of fusion provides an outward trust that expands the star several times larger than its original size

THRESHOLD 3 - CHEMICALLY ENRICHED UNIVERSE Aging and Dying Stars, Very High Temp + Stars Running Out of H Fuel, Giant Stars Collapsing = Chemistry Is Born Atoms      

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the building blocks of matter Two parts – nucleus and electron cloud Proton – found in the nucleus, + charge Neutron – found in the nucleus, neutral Electron – found in the electron cloud, - charge Atomic number – number of protons in the nucleus of an atom; unique for each element Atomic mass – atomic weight; number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom Isotopes – atoms of an element that have different numbers of neutrons (but a constant atomic number) Usually, atoms go in groups A molecule is the smallest amount of compound: a substance made from two or more atoms.

Atomic number   

1 (H) to 92 (U): natural 93 (Np) onwards: man-made or synthesized 101 onwards: transfermium (“beyond fermium”) elements; very heavy elements

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Large nucleus broken down into smaller pieces



o Small nuclei forced together to form a nucleus Stellar Nucleosynthesis o chemical elements formed at the core of stars o with the right temp and gravity, H atoms fused together to form He atoms and from He to heavier atoms o Bigger stars experienced further nuclear burning through fission to create more atoms of different elements Supernova Nucleosynthesis o The stars explodes and released a huge amount of energy as well as neutrons which enabled the creation of elements heavier than iron like U and Au


In the 1800s over 50 elements had been discovered and more were being found Triads (1817), Johann Dobereiner o Groups of 3 elements o Similar properties o Proportional atomic masses Law of Octaves (1864), John Newlands o Arranged elements by atomic mass o Every 8th had similar properties o After Ca, the pattern starts to break down Early Periodic Tables (1869), Dmitri Mendelev o Table in atomic mass order o 66 elements o Grouped on properties o Predicted existence of unknown elements


Periodic table in order of atomic number Discovered that the + charge in the nucleus of an atom of any element is of a definite amount He pointed out the existence of missing elements (43, 61, 72, 75) He also showed that there are no elements lighter than hydrogen (Z = 1)


Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Transition metals Halogens Noble Gases


After a planet (Mercury, Uranium) European mythological figures (Titanium = Titans)  After its color (Gold)  After a physical property (Bromine = bad smell)  After a country (Francium = France)  After a scientist (Es = Einsteinium)  After yourself…?  IUPAC GUIDELINES o A mythological concept or character o a mineral or similar substance o a place or geographical region o a property of the element o or a scientist o Groups 1-16 = -ium o Group 17 = -ine o Group 18 = -on o New chemical elements in English should allow proper translation into other major languages  New Elements: Nh (113 Nihonium), Moscovium (115 Mc), Tennessine (117 Ts), Oganesson (118 Og)


Modern Periodic Table (1913), Henry Moseley

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FYE REVIEWER New Chemical Elements, Clouds of Chemically Rich Matter, Newly Forming Stars + Gravity, Accretion and Random Collisions = Astronomical Bodies


Planetary nebula – cloud of gas where planets can be formed Accretion – the process in which stellar objects grow in size through the collision and sticking together of particles


Approx. 4.5-4.6 billion years old Accretion = terrestrial and Jovian planets

Terrestrial Planets -

Close to the sun Closely spaced orbits Small and Small radii Rocky, solid surface High density Slower rotation Weak magnetic fields Few moons No rings Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

Jovian Planets -

Far from the sun Widely spaced orbits Large, and large radii Predominantly gaseous and has no solid surface Low density Faster rotation Strong magnetic field Many moons Many rings Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

THE SUN       

Considered a dwarf planet A celestial body in direct orbit of the Sun that is massive enough that its shape is controlled by gravitational forces rather than mechanical forces (ellipsoid shape), but has not cleared its neighboring region of other objects


Majority of its mass is found in the sun

Its core can reach 15 million degrees C All colors mixed together, mostly composed of 70% H and 28% He About 4.6 billion years old 1 million earths can fit inside the sun ad it will eventually eat the earth The distance of the earth from the sun changes throughout the year The sun will one day be the size of the earth Light from the sun takes 8 mins to reach the earth

THE MOON        

Only one face of the moon will ever be seen from the Earth A person would weigh much less on the moon Moonquakes There are about 12 people who have walked on the moon Luna 1 (1959), first spacecraft to reach the moon Largest natural satellite Rise and fall of tides It is drifting away from the earth 3.8 cm each year



Inner planets composed of rock and metal while outer planets are composed of H and He Other objects in the system known to mane: DWARF PLANETS (Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake and Eris), moons, asteroids, asteroid belt, comets, Kuiper belt

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Hadean Eon Many objects crashed into it making it bigger and bigger Atmosphere, Crust, Upper Mantle, Lower Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core The only planet not named after a God Its rotation is gradually slowing 70% water, 30% land Mostly composed of iron, oxygen and silicon Rotation: 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 sec Revolution: 365.2564, remainder = leap year GEOID shaped Densest planet in the solar system

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