Diplo History Lecture Notes PDF

Title Diplo History Lecture Notes
Author Eva Song
Course U.S. Diplomatic History (Us Diplomatic History)
Institution George Washington University
Pages 12
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Dr. Brazinsky...


1/18 ●

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John Winthrop-First governor of Colony of Massachusetts: we shall be city upon a hill, eyes all upon us (both example for Europe to watch and if seceed set a presedent). Clear religious meaning-Puritan belief: God’s will needs to be worked out on a new continent. Ezra Stiles-U.S. just won Independence War. Page 39: sun will shine on 50 million inhabitants of U.S. Half Europe. Illumine the world with truth and liberty, the world should look to American for government. More secularized: what’s unique and exceptional about US is not just religion, but more about its political institutions., liberty dying in Europe, as Winthrop believed religious purity dying in England. Moral righteousness. Rise of monarchism and imperialism in Europe gave Stiles optimism in America. The US-never had a feudal tradition, monarchy system, and NO REVOLUTIONARY tradition either. A consues in US of liberal capitalism (1. Political liberty 2. Social mobilityclass can move upwards in society 3. Constitutional government 4. Capitalist models of distribution and production) Limited range of debate-american revolution not truly social revolution that is fought to assure liberal government can be retained. Expansion of benefits change throughout history (women, minority) So what approach should US take at the time: they should set themselves apart (isolationism) so foreign ideas don’t affect you but still shine as an example OR you transform the rest of the world and demonstrate US system works better. Isolation vs Globalism: The core of the debate on US foreign policy. Belief that US is distinct and superior. ○ Institutional Mechanisms (set up international institution that facilitate access to American goods and beliefs, system of rule-based international order where American ideas would eventually win); ○ National Building (efforts to build institutions that align with US ideologies in other countries. Nation building is accomplished by sending American expertise, often to countries that are defeated by US or relatively poor) BUT: American belief their threat comes from the right, they align with the left. Ex. WWII, align with far left to defeat Fascism, Cold War, US aligns with far right to defeat USSR. Strategic thinking throughout the guideline to promote US ideas, in some cases you make compromises. Problems: resistance from foreign country, resistance from domestic politics, sovereignty issue for other countries, underlying assumption that liberal capitalism should work, cost and resources, prioritization in foreign policy--1. Some nations resist change 2. Democracy constrains ambitious programs and domestic politics effect foriegn policy 3. Much resources and need other countries’ cooperation thereofre need to compromise. Contradictions: US believed it’s different from the rest of the world, if it succeed, US will not longer be exceptional in its system. Unresolved cycle in its own mission.

01/23 ● James Madison and the Constitution. 1. Republican Form of government superior to democracy. The larger the country, the greater the number of factions, less likely that one faction dominates politics.. Perpetuation of American exceptionalism depends on America’s growth. 2. Extending the sphere: Territory+population- expand territory! ● GW and the great dilemma: Farewell address p8 US needs to grow in power in order to remain neutral and refuse foreign influence-Isolationism. Also leaving the door for power projection if it does become powerful and being respected. Also need to preserve the right to peaceful commerce. ● Louisiana Purchase ○ Expand American territory ○ Pressure on France ○ Removed Europeans from Western frontier Willingness to play realpolitik and dedication to territory expansionism and isolationism. Jefferson very strategic Why is France keeping Louisiana? Supply food to Haidi slaves for sugar cane, massive slave uprising in Haidi, Madison and jefferson send aids secretly to slave rebellion in Haidi (slave majority). Once franch are thrown out of Haidi, Franch may not want Louisian as much. Encourage native american to ● Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819 ○ Concern about the decline of Spain. Make sure no other european countries take advantage of spain’s decline ○ Andrew jackson campaign against seminole indians. Moved troops into spanish territory ○ Florida ceded to the US ● The war of 1812-after GW, US foreign policy focused on pursue neutral open trade. However since 1803 war in Europe british and france attempt to blockade us trade against their rivalries. ○ The impossibility of neutral trade ○ British blockades ○ Embargo act-failed American efforts to reduce risk ○ 1812 US declaed war against UK ● Chnage in US policy due to War ○ Burning of the capitol and creates new sense of vulnerability in the us ○ Nation must be more vigilant about its defense-military power, navy ○ Call for greater national unity. New england states remained opposing the war even when it’s occuring ● The Monroe Doctrine and the Great Dilemma ○ At the time when US is still not a great power ○ Policy: no further European colonization in western hemisphere. Once a south american country gained independence, european countries can’t come back and colonize it. ○ Implicit expansionism-attack on sovereignty of american states is regarded as attack directly to the US-US principles are different from the european principles.

American political principles can be corrupted if European influence comes to latin american. It’s Forward looking, it was not so likely that the holy alliance would come to latin america. Prevent european influence dominating latin america. The US doesn’t need to colonize latin ameria at this point, because american commerce will win out eventually. John O’ Sullivan (journalist) and Mannifest Destiny-1839 ○ Territorial expansion as the route to national greatness-expansion is a cause and result of national greatness ○ However, increasing fraction--free state and slave state in the south. If you incorporate new land, which side would the new state become? ○ Problem of slavery James K Polk’s Expansion--you expand both north and south so everyone’s happy! ○ Acquisition of Oregon ○ The mexican war-california ○ Expansionism! Best proof and best source of american exceptionalism ○ By 1848, US completed the construction of a continental empire--but what would america do now it can’t expand anymore??

01/24 Discussion Office Hour-Monday 10-12 Policy memo: speak in present tense Intro paragraph: set the stage/background (specify time period) and cite the textbook, analysis American exceptionalism-american universalism--promotion of its political and ideal system American revolution-important battle, saratoga--convince France US can win, 90%military equips come from France’s aid. Yorktown, general lafatte provides commanding and navy power to stop the british from escaping to the sea. The key to Basteal remained in dc during franch revolutionary. Legacy of lafette: first US troops landed in France in WWI, general persian, lafete i’ve come to repay your debt (importance of france’s help in america revolutionary war). The fedearlist-factions. Contexts: ratifying the constitution, Monroe doctrine: War of 1812, nationalism very high, revolution breaking out in latin america. Commerce being blocked by european power. Russia challenge in the pacific northwest, revolution in greece-do we involve ourselves in their business? Adams convinced Monroe to not to involve in Greece-1821. Greece(christian) rebelled against ottoman empire (islamic)-clash of civilization. War of 1898, rebllion in Phillipines, the us went to istanbul for help. Substance: haitian revolution. Pacific northwest. Russia ended up negotiating boundries favorable to the US. the legacy of monroe doctrine, congress didn’t pass leged of nation because of the mutual defense policy. Manifest destiny: us has destiny to expand 01/25-Great Transition of American foreign policy 1875-1895--radical transformation

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Prior to 1875 US foreign policy: American diplomacy: reactive-wait til events happen. By 1898, government started to actively engage, ready to engage in war with major european power. The source of this transformation?: Material, cultural, and ideological reasons. Ideas of thinkers put forward logics of new style of foreign policy. Alfred Thayer Mahan: naval officer and professor, most important strategist of the 19th c. ○ Calls for the acquisition of pseudo colonies/treaty ports, don’t need British empire sort of colonies ○ Construction of a new navy: Avoid war by strengthening yourself, need navy to protect American commerce. Different from GW. Stronger navy stronger export ○ American commercial and industrial power increased after civil war ○ By 1898, america had the 4th biggest army in the world. US Economy in the late 19th century: ○ Second industrial revolution, newly developed steer rails, electric light, modernization of agriculture. Internal combustion engine all made transport cheaper and more efficient. ○ Also anxiety towards economy. Before US can enter these markets, european powers may enter those foreign market and colonize those markets. ○ Economic downturns Panic of 1873/ 1893 David Ames Wells: The problem of “Overproduction”--idea that american industrial dynamo is producing too much. Annexation of Hawaii ○ 1893 US citizens engineer overthrow of Hawaii Queen ○ Debates over annexation. McKinley Decision to Annex in 1898 ○ Ideal pseudo colonies. Frederick Jackson Turner ○ Historian at U of Wisconsin. ○ The frontier in American history. Frontier is going to close, it would lead to the demand for a more vigorous foreign policy and strengthen american sea power ○ Expansionist engines would continue to operate when frontier closed ○ Turner doesn’t advocate any policy, but predicted Josiah Strong ○ American Protestant clergyman ○ Had been engaged in promoting missionary activity in West ○ Social darwinism can be applied to international relations. The strongest is going to survive. ○ Greater call for national strengthen--US must conquer other peoples to demonstrate its superiority Brooks Adams ○ Grandson of John Quincy Adams/ Historian and critic of Capitalism ○ Law of civilization and decay: every society starts out as barbaric society, dominated by 2 groups: clerics and worriers. They build up energy. Economic

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men expense more than he produces. Then society need to conquer new sources of energy--US needs to control Asia in the future. Convergence of all these ideas: US needs to be more active in its foreign policy in Latin America and Asia. Olney Note ○ Richard Olney: US secretary of state 1895-1897 (Mckinley). ○ US must and will intervene if its interest in the hemisphere are threatened. (Contexts: Britain vs Venezuela. Britain ignored the arbitration.) ○ Imp. midway point of Monroe doctrine and ○ Why Britian should submit to US arbitration ○ New assertiveness vs European power ○ British caved as a result of the dispute. Samoan Crisis ○ Standoff between Britain, US and Germany over Somoa. Somoa fits with Mahan’s idea of pseudo colonies ○ 1887 US Naval base at pago pago ■ Led to disputes over governance of parts of idland ■ Near war with germany, led to diplomatic resolution in the end. Evidence of us growing power More powerful, assertive US. Building of empire that will differ from old european power.

01/30: The Spanish-American-Cuban-Philippines War ● *** This war is crucial to American Foreign Policy ---- US learns for the first time how to be a leader here ● Prelude to War I - Cuban War of Independent Causes ▪ (1) growing American economic investment leads to closer ties with US ● Cuba = geographically closer to US + farther from Latin America/Spanish Rule ▪ (2) rapid social change due to break up of sugar plantations + end of slavery ● Rebellion on the rise ▪ (3) Rise of Cuban nationalism due to developing middle class + anti-Spanish sentiment ● Valeriano Weyler = military officer sent by Spanish Empire to quell the Cuban rebellion ● Prelude to War II - Sinking of the Maine – 1898 (US battleship stationed to protect commerce with Cuba) ▪ Belief that Spanish was to blame - Dupuy de Lome Letter ---- recognizes that the Spanish has dishonored/disrespected the USA + the USA must respond ● Henry Cobot Lodge speech - Addressed to the US President William McKinley - Cubans seek the same freedoms as the US – freedom of press + religion - Logic that if any foreign actor threatens the same freedoms that the US defines as its very existence implies that the US needs to combat these threats abroad to protect its own values - Lodge’s arguments ▪ (1) US could transform + democratize Cuba ▪ (2) Commercial interests – opportunity to also strengthen economic interests for both Cuba/US ● Spanish-American-Cuban War = A war for national honor! ● Why President McKinley declared war against the Spanish? - Religious inspiration - Economic incentive + McKinley was a smart businessman ● Treaty of Paris (1898) - Spanish-American War = very brief - The US shows the full power of their navy + dominates the war ▪ US General even took out the Spanish Fleet near Philippines thinking that the Spanish would use this fleet - (1) Cuba declared independence - (2) Puerto Rico + Philippines ceded to the USA ● Because of the Treaty of Paris, the US cannot annex Cuba, BUT they want to control them → Platt Amendment - (1) US has the right to intervene in Cuban Affairs - (2) Cuba cannot acquire debt --- designed to weaken relations with European countries b/c they cannot afford to have debt if they can’t take loans from Europe

- (3) 99-year-lease on Guantanamo Bay - US/Cuba trade increases dramatically! Emilio Aguinaldo - (1898) Before the Treaty of Paris was signed, a Filipino rebellion breaks out solely signed to prevent American annexation ---- hundreds of thousands in casualties - Aguinaldo = the leader of the rebellion - Why the war is referred to as the American-Spanish-Fillipino War Senator Albert Beveridge - Advocates for an annexation of Philippines - Justifies saying that the Philippines is without the ability to self-govern --- right of the US to - Partial pro-European sentiment that we should be able to govern territories just like Great Britain/Germany/etc. ---- the idea that the US can be an empire, BUT we can do it better than the Europeans --- still that exceptionalism mentality - Pro-expansionist --- Beveridge wants a continuance of the US frontier (i.e. Manifest Destiny) William Jennings Bryan - Populist, US Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson - Against the annexation of Philippines - The true question, can we offer governance + support to protect territories from foreign threats w/o interfering with their domestic affairs - The most important goal should be justice NOT expansion ▪ We cannot justify an annexation with religion --- that’s where the Europeans fail - *** The USA cannot sustain an empire abroad while also claiming to be a democratic/liberal government ---- HUGE CONTRADICTION - An annexation of the Philippines will undermine the core values at home + the trust of the American people Nation Building Project in the Philippines - First major experience of US nation-building - (1) supervision of municipal governments ---- local gov. that would report to the head American military governor in Philippines --- attempt to satisfy both sides of debate for/against annexation - (2) educational reforms --- implement western learning + new ideology would grow in following generations - (3) Economic development programs --- modernize the agriculture industry + teach technical skills (i.e. engineers, architects, city planners) ---- INTENTION: once the Filipino’s were exposed to the benefits of economic development + democracy, they could want to grow/change on their own -

01/31 Discussion--War of 1898 ● The war against spain-as a combination of trends or a departure from American tradition? ○ Trends we see building during 19th century--growth of america and acquire of lands--expansion. Interest in acquiring Cuba. ○ 1893-The end of america frontier-anxiety that option to expand in american continent is exhausted. America needs sphere of influence. Anglo-Saxon superiority. Economic overproduction, economic depression, Mahan argued US needs treaty ports. When Turner presented frontier theory, US had trade deficit, acquire foreign markets. Needs sea power and treaty ports. ○ American trade interest and properties in Cuba by 1898 ○ Involvement in a war? Business front: opposed to intervention, war would further disrupt the market. Start to support until late March. ○ Domestic policies--1896--republican platform of expansionism--hawaii, virgin island, cuba independence. Moral responsibility to help Cuba to end colonial end? The Maine, the delon letter made Mckinley look weak. The yellow press, journalism fueled domestic outcry towards intervention in Cuba. p311 ○ Mikinley didn’t wannt war, but also didn’t want to be viewed weak, put the issue into the hands of congress ○ Factor diswaiding from war: war costs money; Spain is an empire still has an equipped army; could have lost the war, death; anti-imperialist voices; Mikingley served in civil war, which exerted his hesitant in war (personal memories) ○ Brian’s speech--phillipines have abilities to govern themselves with time. Sustained debate over Philipines, moral and religiously us shouldn’t intervene. In the 1890s, us immigrants came from south eastern europe, provided racial backlash.anti-imperialist: Want to preserve anglo saxon trait of US. ○ McKingley--set the stage for executive pervue. Congress by inlarge wanted intervenntion. Strucutral facotrs are very strong. Sending the Maine to harbor give hostage to the war party. Individual acknowledging the power of structure.

02/01 Open Door Policy and China Phillipines gave US more access to China New consertive efforts to secure market and prevent european power to take over CHina ● Europe succeeded in carving up China during late 19th century-Consession/extroterritoriality ● Sino-Japanese War 1895, ended Sinocentric asia order ○ Climate of turmoil in China and Imperial interest in China ● US become more interested in China ● Charles Denby Jr. ○ 1st secretary of US legation in China ○ Helped to negotiate treaty of Shimonoseki ending Sino-Japnese War ○ Wants China market/Direct investment such as railroads, mining, export of cotton and oil (Increasing american trade with china) ○ China craves to develop, if you take the American spark to China, China would have developed dramatically and become a great trading center-transform China. American commere has a tranfomative influence on other society ○ Government needs to give more supports to its merchants--formation of groups such as the American Asiatic Association--trade lobbying group ○ let’s be different from the European. ● Religion/Christianity--Smith ○ Growing influence of christian missionaries/especially protestant activities more aggressive..Christianity can play an important role in china’s transformation to a state. Also help with progressive nationalism. Christianity has a broader liberal impact. ○ Challenge: missionary usually are teachers, chinese officials sometimes see missionaries as threat, hostile ideology, challenge the legitimacy, empress is the mandate of heaven ○ Boxer rebellion/uprising, young male peasants, attacks on foreigners in china, nov 1899 ○ Boxer protocol-chinese gov has to pay foreign powers indemnity ■ Foreign countries can station troops in beijing ■ Legation quarters governed by extraterritoriality ■ Missionary started campaign to pressure gov to support their cause-moral responsibility ○ How’s us different from europe?

● The Race for Commercial Supremacy in Asia ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

US should approach China as partner/friend as opposed to europeans as conquest Letting europe carve up asia would hurt US interest Eventually you want china to achieve measure of independence Protects China’s...

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