Bio 102 exam 1 - Lecture notes 15 PDF

Title Bio 102 exam 1 - Lecture notes 15
Course Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity and Ecology
Institution The University of Tennessee
Pages 7
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a lot of information for exam 1 of bio 2...


Bi ol ogyBr oadDefini t i on t hest udyofl i f eonEar t h Bi ol ogyPr eci seDefini t i on t hest udyofl i vi ngor gani sms Ex obi ol ogy l i f eonot hercel est i al bodi es I nt er r el at i onshi psofDi sci pl i nes Bi ol ogy >Bi ochemi st r y >Chemi st r y>Phy si cs >Mat hemat i cs >Phi l osophy >Theol ogy ? Oxy gen O,65% humanbodywei ght Car bon C,18. 5% humanbodywei ght Upgr adet or emov eads Onl y$1/ mont h Hy dr ogen H,9. 56% humanbodywei ght Ni t r ogen N,3. 3% humanbodywei ght Ex ampl eoft r aceel ement( l esst han0. 01%) I odi ne( I ) ;i nt het hyr oi dgl and,t hyr oi dgl andr eal i z est her ei s n' tenoughi odi neandt he t hyr oi dget sbi ggert of or m agoi t er Vi t ami nB12 achemi cal necessar yf ory out ost ayal i ve,cannotmak ey our sel f ,mustbet ak eni nby t hef oody oueat At om smal l esti ndi vi s i bl euni tofmat t ert hatst i l l r et ai nst hepr oper t i esofanel ement Lumpsf oundi nnucl eus posi t i v e( pr ot ons) ,negat i v e( el ect r ons) ,neut r al ( neut r ons) Basi cCar bonAt om 6+Pr ot ons 6Neut r ons 6El ect r ons El ect r oncl oud cont ai nsver ysmal l el ect r ons At omi cnumber numberofpr ot onsi nt henucl eus( 6i ncar bon) Massnumber numberofpr ot ons&neut r ons( 12i ncar bon) I sot opesofCar bon Car bon12,Car bon13,Car bon14 Car bon12 nor mal car bon,v er yst abl e,6pr ot on,6neut r ons ,6el ect r ons;massnumberi s12 Car bon13 6pr ot ons,7neut r ons,6el ect r ons;massnumberi s13 Car bon14

6pr ot ons,8neut r ons,6el ect r ons;massnumberi s14 I sot opes r adi oact i v echemi cal s " Radi oact i v e"i s ot opes v er yunst abl ei sot opes( ex .car bon14) ,hal f l i f e=5, 100y ear s Al zhei mer smak es B( bet a)amyl oi d Wher ear eel ect r onsf ound? i nout er" shel l s "oror bi t al sar oundt henucl eus M or bi t al needshowmanyhowmanyel ect r ons 8 I oni cbonds at t r act i onsbet weeni onsofopposi t echar ge( ex .Sodi um chl or i de,NaCl ) I ons char gedat oms " Goal "ofgi vi ngorr ecei vi ngel ect r ons t oachi eveaf ul l out eror bi t Hy dr ogenbonds canhol dpol ar i z edmol ecul est oget her ,weakbonds( ex .wat ermol ecul es) pH negat i v er eci pr ocal ofhydr ogeni ons( H+)mol arconcent r at i on Howmanycar bonat omsdoesoct anecont ai n? 8car bonat oms Whathappenswhenaddi nganOH? mak esanal dehyde Dehydr at i onr eact i on l engt henpol ymerbyaddi ngmonomer s,byr emovi ngawat ermol ecul ewecanaddt oa pol ymerchai n Hy dr ol y si s r ev er seofdehydr at i onr eact i on,br eaksapar tpol ymer s Fourmai ncomponent sofDNA A, T, C, G Car bohydr at es si mpl esugar s ,t wot ypes-al dehydesandk et ones Monosacchar i des i ndi vi dual uni t s ,t hemonomer sofcar bohydr at es 3way st owr i t eamonosacchar i de 1)St r uct ur al f or mul a 2)abbr evi at edst r uct ur e 3)si mpl i fi edst r uct ur e Di sacchar i des t womonosacchar i desputt oget her Pol y sacchar i des l ongc hai nsofsugar s( monosacchar i des) Cel l ul ose

mostabundantcompoundonEar t h,hel dt oget herbyB( bet a)bonds,* * i ndi gest i bl e Fat t yaci d hydr ocar bonchai n( NOTcar bohydr at e) Tr i gl y cer i de 1gl y cer ol ,3f at t yaci ds Hy dr ophobi c doesNOTwantt obenearwat er Hy dr ophi l i c want st obenearwat er Whati sgl y cer ol consi der ed? t he" backbone" Membr anest r uct ur eofphosphol i pi d bi l i pi dl ay erofmodi fiedf atmol ecul es 2TypesofPr ot ei ns 1)St r uct ur al 2)Cat al yt i c-" enzy mes" Muscl ef or mat i oni smadef r om whatt womai npr ot ei ns ? act i nandmy osi n Cat al y st al t er st hes t at eofachemi calr eact i onwi t houtgoi ngt hr oughper manentchemi cal changei t sel f Ami noaci d pr ot ei nuni t s Pr ot ei npr oduct i onbydehydr at i onr eact i ondoeswhat j oi nst woami noaci dmol ecul es Pept i deBondFor mat i on hel dt oget herbyni t r ogen( N) Whatar et het wot ypesofnucl ei caci ds ? DNAandRNA DNA A=T,C=G;( sugar -deoxyr i bose) RNA A=U,C=G;( sugar -r i bose) Nucl eot i dePol ymer i zat i on f or msl ong,i nf or mat i onr i chchai ns Rosal i neFr ankl i n Xr ayCr y st al l ogr aphyofDNA,shi nedbeam ofel ect r onst hr oughac r y st al ,f ounddoubl e hel i xi nDNA Wat son&Cr i ck bui l tonwhatRosal i neFr ankl i ndi d( Nobel Pr i z e1962) Bi ol ogi cal Hi er ar chy I ndi vi dual or gani sm ( Ecol ogy ,popul at i onbi ol ogy) | Or gansy st ems( Anat omy ) |

Ti ssues,gr oupsofcel l s( Hi st ol ogy) | TheCel l ( Cel l bi ol ogy) | Subcel l ul arComponent s( Cyt ol ogy) | Cel l ul arChemi st r y( Bi ochemi st r y) | Pur eChemi st r y | Phy si cs | Mat hemat i cs | Phi l osophy? 5Ki ngdomsofLi vi ngOr gani smsonEar t h( Ol dTax onomy ) 1.Ki ngdom Moner a 2.Ki ngdom Pr ot i st a 3.Ki ngdom Fungae 4.Ki ngdom Pl ant ae 5.Ki ngdom Ani mal i a Ki ngdom Moner a NOW " Domai ns"Bact er i a&Ar chae( ex :bact er i aandbl uegr eenal gae) Ki ngdom Pr ot i st a f or mer l yPr ot oz oans,onecel l ed,aquat i c( ex :amoebas) Ki ngdom Fungae nochl or ophyl l ,mul t i cel l ul ar( ex :mushr ooms,y east ) Ki ngdom Pl ant ae pl ant swi t hchl or ophyl l ,mul t i cel l ul ar( ex:al gae,r oses,cl ov er ) Ki ngdom Ani mal i a mobi l e,chl or ophyl l ,mul t i cel l ul ar( ex.s ponges,dogs,y ou) Whi chmi cr oscopei st hemostcommont ype ? l i ghtmi cr oscope Ri bosomes mak epr ot ei ns Gol gi appar at us " cel l packagi ngcent er " ,al soai di nf ooddi gest i on Mi t ochondr i a powerhouseofcel l Whati st hemembr aneofaeuk ar y ot i cpl antcel l madeupof ? phos phol i pi ds Cent r al Vacuol e di r ect l ycont r ol spl antt ur gi di t y Whati st hecel l wal l ofaeukar y ot i cpl antcel l madeupof ? cel l ul ose

Osmor egul at i on v acuol esdon' tal l owwat ert ogeti nt ocel l Wher edoest heci t eofphot os ynt hesi st ak epl ace ? chl or opl ast( mak esugarmol ecul es) Wher ear echl or opl astf ound? pl antcel l s,somepr ot i st s,nev eri nani mal orf ungal cel l s Endosy mbi osi s t hi si st hewaywet hi nkpr okar y ot i ccel l sev ol v edi nt oeukar y ot i ccel l s( hostcel l i s eukar y ot i c) Whatar et heext er nal cel l pr ocesses ? ci l i aandflagel l a " 9+2Ar r angment " ar r angementofmi cr ot ubul esf oundi nbot hci l i aandflagel l a( 9f usedpai r sof mi cr ot ubul esont heout si deofac yl i nderandt he2unf usedpai r sofmi cr ot ubul esi nt he cent er ) Ext r acel l ul arMat r i x meshwor ksur r oundi ngani mal cel l s GAG Gl y coseAmi noGl y can 3Junct i onsi nAni mal Ti ssues 1)Ti ghtj unct i on 2)Anchor i ngj unct i on 3)Gapj unct i on Pl asmodesmat a smal l t unnel t hatgoesf r om i nsi deofonepl antcel l t oanot her ,ONL Yi npl antcel l s Osmosi s di ffusi ont hr oughasemi per meabl emembr ane Hy pot oni c sol ut i onwi t hasol ut econcent r at i onl owert hant hatofacel l ,causest hecel l t ot ak eup wat er Hy per t oni c sol ut i onwi t hahi ghersol ut econcent r at i on,causest hecel l t ol osewat er Ex ampl eofhypot oni csol ut i oni npl antcel l Hemol y si s ,orCyt ol y si s Ex ampl eofhyper t oni csol ut i oni npl antcel l Gr anul at i on Bi ochemi cal Pat hway si mpl eser i esofchemi cal r eact i onst hatdependonanenzy meorcat al y stt opusht he chemi cal r eact i on Passi veTr anspor t flowswi t hagr adi ent ,doesNOTr equi r eener gy Act i v eTr anspor t flowwi t horagai nstgr adi ent ,r equi r esener gy ,pump;r equi r esbr eakdownofATPand ADP Phagoc yt osi s

" cel l ul areat i ng" ,at ypeofendocyt os i si nwhi chacel l engul f smacr omol ecul es,ot her cel l s ,orpar t i cl esi nt oi t scy t opl asm,l ar geramount si ngest ed Pi nocyt osi s smal l amount si ngest ed Ener gyi n Ki net i c >Pot ent i al Ener gyout Pot ent i al >Ki net i c Ex er goni cReact i on chemi cal r eact i ont hatgi v esoffener gy Ender goni cReact i on st or esener gy Whatcel l ul arwor ki spower edbyATP? chemi cal wor k ,t r anspor twor k,andmechani cal wor k Aut ot r ophs ( pr oducer s)canmak et hei rownf ood,usual l ybyphot osy nt hesi s( ex .pl ant s) Het er ot r ophs ( consumer s)cannotmak et hei rownf oodbutmusteatot heror gani smst ogett hei rf ood ( ex .ani mal s,f ungi ) Cy anobact er i a al gae,r espons i bl ef orpr oduci ngal otofoxy gen,( cy an:bl uegr een) Mesophyl l Cel l ci t eofphot os ynt hesi s O^ 18 r adi oact i v eoxy gen Ox i dat i on l ossofanel ect r on Reduct i on gai nofanel ect r on 2St agesofPhot os ynt hesi s Zscheme,Cal vi nCy cl es Zscheme t ak espl aceonl yi nl i ght( dur i ngt heday) ,i nt er cept sl i ghtcomi ngi nf r om sun,onl yi n chl or opl ast sandneedschl or ophyl l ;pr oducesATPandNADP( bat t er ypower ) Cal vi nCy cl es cant ak epl acedayorni ght ,power edbyATPandNADPH Connect i v eTi ssue cel l ssuspendedi namat r i x,usedt obi ndt hi ngst oget her Endocr i nesy st em " sl ow"communi cat i ons ys t em;madeupofhor monepr oduci ngsi gnal sofbody Ner vouss y st em f ast estcommuni cat i onsy s t em i nt hebody Epi t hel i al t i ssues si mpl esquamous( flat ) si mpl ecubodal ( r ound,cubel i k e)

si mpl ecol umnar( col umnshaped,st ack ed) psuedost r at i fiedci l i at edcol umnar st r at i fiedsquamous Adi poset i ssue st or esl i pi ds( f at ) Whati sbl oodsuspendedi n? aflui dmat r i x Muscl et i ss ue al l owsmov ement 1)Skel et al muscl e( s t r i at ed)sy ncyt i al " nocel l s" 2)Car di acmuscl e( st r i at ed) 3)Smoot ht i ssue( nonst r i at ed)ex.ut er us Ner voust i ssue madeupofneur onsandhasf astcommuni cat i on 1)Ax ons 2)Dendr i t es Ci r cul at or ySy st em ar t er i es-bl oodf r om t hehear t v ei ns-bl oodt ot hehear t Repr oduct i v eSy st em ovar i esandt est es,mak egamet esandhor mones Shi v er i ng t ak espl acewhensk el et al muscl esr api dl ycont r act ,gener at esheat Whatar eeasyt ogi v eorst eal neut r ons ? car bonandsi l i con...

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