Bio chapter 10 and 11 notes PDF

Title Bio chapter 10 and 11 notes
Course Intro to Biology
Institution Western Michigan University
Pages 6
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With things being online this semester it was hard to keep up but these notes are what helped me pass. There are also quiz questions that are insanely helpful because yes, they are on the exam/quiz....


Biology 1120 ! Online Lecture for Reading 10! 10.1 The human body is organized into a structural hierarchy! Atom > Molecule > Cell > Tissue > Organ > Organ System > Organism ! Organism is composed of organ systems! Organ System composed of organs! Organs composed of tissues! Tissues composed of cells! Cells contain Organelles! Cells and organelles are composed of molecules! Molecules composed of atoms!


Form and Function! - Muscle Fiber (cell)! Skeletal Muscle - Voluntary movement! - Move or stabilize the position of the skeleton: guard entrances and exits to the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts; generate heat; protect internal organs ! - Nuclei! - Muscle Fiber! - Striations! Cardiac Muscle - pumping action of the heart! - Moves blood and maintains blood pressure! - Nucleus! - Cardiac muscle cells! - Intercalated discs! - Striations! Smooth Muscle - Involuntary movement of blood vessels and the digestive tract! - moves food, urine, and reproductive tract secretions; controls diameter of respiratory passageways and regulates diameter of blood vessels! - Smooth muscle cell! - Nucleus! Anatomical structures (form) inform our understanding of physiological action(function) and vice versa! - Alveoli: site of gas exchange! Anatomy: the study of the structure of an organisms’ body parts (its form) ! Physiology: the study of the functions of those parts! Hierarchy! - Forms cells! - to tissues! - to organs! - to organ systems ! - to the entire body! Practice Question : Which of the following correctly describes how the parts of your body are organized?! A. Cells are composed or organ systems, which are composed of tissues, which are composed of organs! B. tissues are composed of organs, which are composed of cells, which are composed of organ systems! C. organs are composed of organ systems, which are composed of tissues, which are composed of cells!

D. Organ systems are composed of organs, which are composed of tissues, which are composed of cells! Answer: D - Organ systems are composed of organs, which are composed of tissues, which are composed of cells! What can one learn about by studying the structure of a body part?! A. what ecological relationships the organism has with other organisms in its environment! B. The important role DNA plays in the body! C. What it does and how it works! D. The life history of an organism! Answer: C- what it does and how it works! What function do organs perform?! A. functions that reflect the sum of the functions of the cells that comprise it! B. functions individual tissues can carry out alone! C. functions that are generally unrelated to the structure of the organ! D. functions individual tissues are unable to carry out alone! Answer: D- functions individual tissues are unable to carry out alone! 10.2 The human body is composed of four major types of tissues! - Cells: the fundamental units of life! - Tissue: consists of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function! 1. Connective Tissue: Consists of cells scattered throughout an Extracellular matrix. Supports, connects, or binds different parts of the body! 1. Bone - associate with support! 2. Blood - transports substances throughout the body and plays an important role in the immune system! 3. Cartilage - associated with support! 4. Adipose - long term reservoir for energy, insulating and padding the body! 2. Epithelial Tissue: Covers the whole surface of the body, including your digestive tract! 3. Muscle Tissue : Consists of bundles of long cells called muscle fibers, each of which contains specialized proteins that allow it to contract (shorten)! 1. Smooth muscle: found in blood vessels and the digestive tract (involuntary)! 2. Cardiac muscle: found in heart tissue (involuntary)! 3. Skeletal muscle: attaches to your bone (voluntary)! 4. Nervous Tissue: Communicates signals between your brain and the rest of the body! Practice Question: Which of the following is an example of connective tissue: ! A. Adipose tissue! B. Cardiac Muscle! C. Cells of the epidermis! D. Neurons! Answer: A - Adipose tissue!

What does epithelial consist of?! A. bundles of long cells called muscle fibers! B. neurons! C. cells scattered throughout an extra cellular matrix! D. sheets of tightly packed cells that are fused together! Answer: D- sheets of tightly packed cells that are fused together! 10.3 The internal environment of the human body remains relatively constant, despite external changes! Homeostasis: The process by which organisms adapt to changes in both their internal and external environment, such that conditions of the internal environment remain within a certain range of values! Animal Bodies tend to maintain relatively constant internal conditions! - Many of the organ systems of the body can be understood as mechanisms that maintain this internal steady state. ! - Stimulus (change occurs in internal environment) > Control center -set point (change is compared to the set point) > Effectors (muscles or glands > Response (change is corrected)! The integumentary system interacts most directly with the enviornment ! - E.g. the integumentary system contains blood vessels that can widen or narrow thereby regulating heat loss to the environment ! How does your body detect and respond to changes in the environment ?! - Negative feedback, where the results of a process inhibit that very process, is the most common mechanism ! Diabetes is an example of a breakdown in homeostasis! - In a person with diabetes mellitus, the body fails to produce enough insulin (type 1) or target cells do not respond normally (type 2) ! Example Question: All of the following are mechanisms that reduce the loss of heat EXCEPT?! A. Blood vessel constrict! B. Sweat is produced! C. hairs stand up producing goose bumps! D. the body starts to shiver! Answer: B- sweat is produced! Why does blood glucose levels remain relatively constant despite the face that a healthy person eats only occasionally during the day?! A. the body relies primarily on exercise, not diet, to maintain glucose levels! B. the body has mechanisms to detect and respond to changes in blood glucose! C. eating food typically does not affect blood glucose levels! D. glucose levels are particularly resistant to change! Answer: B- the body has mechanisms to detect and respond to changes in blood glucose! While skating on the ice at a local pond, a skaters body starts to shiver. Which of the following represents the STIMULUS that led to this change?! A. the blood vessels began to constrict! B. The skin began to sweat! C. body temperature is below normal state! D. body temperature is above normal state! Answer: C- body is below normal state! Online Lecture on Reading Eleven ! 11.1 The human digestive system consists of an alimentary canal and accessory organs! The human digestive system is a long tube with specialized organs! - The human digestive system consists of an alimentary canal! - 9 Specific steps in the processing of food occur along the way! - Mouth: site of ingestion. initial mechanical and chemical digestion!

- At Pharynx the epiglottis blocks the trachea, directing food down the esophagus! - Food moves through the esophagus to the stomach via muscle contractions called peristalsis!

-Cells lining the stomach secrete gastric juice, containing enzymes (such as pepsin) ! -Chemical digestion is completed within the small intestine, primary site nutrient absorption. (picture) ! -Within the colon, the main portion of the large intestine, water is absorbed! -Remaining waste is formed into feces and stores in the rectum ! -Two sphincter , one voluntary and the other not, regulate the opening of the anus! -When the voluntary sphincter muscle is relaxed, feces are expelled!

Your digestive system contains a series of accessory organs! - Accessory organs secrete specific digestive chemical into the alimentary canal via ducts! - Salivary glands! - Liver! - Gallbladder! - Pancreas! - Stomach ! Practice question: Where might your find bile in the human body? ! A. Stomach! B. Gall bladder! C. Oral cavity! D. Pancreas! Answer: B- Gall bladder ! Which of the following organs connects the pharynx to the stomach?! A. esophagus! B. anus! C. large intestine! D. small intestine! Answer: A- esophagus! Which part of the alimentary canal is responsible for the mechanical digestive of food?! A. Liver! B. large intestine! C. oral cavity! D. small intestine ! answer: C- Oral cavity! 11.2 Food is processed in a series of four stages! 1. Ingestion(eating)! 2. Digestion (mechanical and chemical)! 3. Absorption (primarily by cells lining the small intestine0! 4. Elimination! After ingestion, digestion begins! - Mechanical digestion is the use of physical processes to break down food into smaller pieces.! - Chemical digestion is the use of enzymes to perform hydrolysis, chemical reactions that use water to break bonds within large molecules! After digestion, food molecules are absorbed and waste is eliminated.! - Absorption is the uptake of these small nutrient molecules, primarily by the cells that line extensive folds of the small intestine! - Elimination is the disposal of undigested matter from the body!

Example Question: At which stage in the processing of food does the uptake of small nutrient molecules occur?! A. Ingestion! B. Digestion! C. Absorption! D. Elimination ! Answer: C- Absorption ! At which stages in the processing of food does mechanical digestion occur?! A. ingestion and absorption! B. elimination and absorption! C. digestion and ingestion! D. digestion and elimination! Answer: C- digestion and ingestion! What is the primary chemical process by which enzymes break down large molecules during digestion?! A. hydrogen bonding! B. dehydration synthesis! C. polymerization! D. hydrolysis! Answer: D- hydrolysis ! 11.3 Proper nutrition provides energy and building materials! - Food is a source of both energy and matter! - Food is also a source of essential nutrients, molecules that the body needs but cannot synthesize on its own! USDA Dietary Guidelines are meant to remind us to make healthy food choices! - Other recommendations! - Avoid sodium! - Drink Water! - Eat high fat foods only occasionally! - Limit empty calories! - Be physically Active! Four categories of essential nutrients! - Minerals: inorganic chemical elements required to maintain health! - Vitamins: is an organic (carbon-containing) nutrient required in your diet, but only in a very small amount! - Essential Fatty acids: required to builds several important lipid based molecules! - Essential Amino Acids: required to build proteins! Example Question: The ! guidelines suggest you should do all of the following EXCEPT?! A. add sodium! B. Drink water! C. be physically active! D. avoid empty calories! Answer: A- Add sodium! 11.4 An unbalanced diet or malfunctioning digestive system can lead to health problems! - Common aliments include:! - Acid reflux! - Gallstones! - Constipation! - Appendicitis! - Cholera! - Inflammatory bowel disease!

- Ulcer! Improper diets can cause significant health problems! - Obesity! - Contributes to type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease! - Malnutrition: caused by a diet that lacks sufficient calories or essential nutrients! - Eating disorders: anorexia nervous and bulimia can cause nutrient deficiencies and death! Practice Question: Which nutritional imbalance disorders is of the greatest concern in America! A. obesity! B. Malnutrition! C. Anorexia nervous! D. Bulimia! Answer: A- obesity! Minerals, such as calcium, ! A. reduce inflammation! B. can be found in broccoli! C. are fat soluble! D. can be found in lemons! Answer: B- can be found in broccoli ! What is the difference between a mineral and a vitamin?! A. there are minerals the body can produce for itself, but no vitamins! B. minerals can prevent diseases like scurvy, vitamins can prevent anemia! C. vitamins are water soluble, minerals are fat soluble! D. minerals are inorganic, vitamins are organic! Answer: D- minerals are inorganic, vitamins are organic! Which of the following if untreated, can be quickly become so severe that it leads to death! A. ulcer! B. inflammatory bowel disease! C. obesity! D. cholera! Answer: D- cholera! how many americans are believed to be either overweight or obsess?! A. one fifth! B. one third! C. two fifths! D. two thirds! Answer: D- two thirds...

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