Biology 1306 Final-1 - final practice bio 1306 modern concepts PDF

Title Biology 1306 Final-1 - final practice bio 1306 modern concepts
Author emma ferguson
Course Mod Concepts Bioscience Cont
Institution Baylor University
Pages 11
File Size 72.2 KB
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final practice bio 1306 modern concepts...


Biology 1306 Final Exam Spring 2020 Name:____________ Choose the best of the available answers for each question. You first instinct is usually correct. 1. ___________amplifies a stimulus and does not usually contribute to homeostasis in animals. ___a. Negative feedback ___b. Positive feedback ___c. Circadian rhythm ___d. Set points 2. Creation of offspring by fusion of haploid gametes to form a diploid zygote is: ___a. Asexual reproduction ___b. Spontaneous biogenesis ___c. Sexual reproduction ___d. Parthogenesis 3. The control of solute concentrations and balance of water loss/gain is a process called: ___a. osmoregulation ___b. excretion ___c. diffusion ___d. anhydrobiosis 4. Reproduction that involves the doubling of chromosomes after meiosis is: ___a. Ovulation ___b. Parthogenesis ___c. Hermaphroditism ___d. Regulation

5. The expenditure of energy to control water uptake and loss in a hyperosmotic or hypo-osmotic environment is termed________________. ___a. osmoregulator ___b. osmoconformer ___c. anhydrobiosis ___d. euryhaline 6. Reptiles and birds excrete nitrogenous wastes as___________. ___a. uric acid ___b. urea ___c. ammonia ___d. ammonium 7. A common opening between the external environment and the digestive excretory and reproductive system is called: ___a. Cloaca ___b. Urethra ___c. Spermatotheca ___d. vas deferens 8. An animal like a river otter that engages in muscle shivering to generate additional body heat in response to extreme cold weather is ____________. ___a. an endocrine disruptor ___b. a conformer ___c. a hormone signaler ___d. a regulator 9. An adaptation to the drying out of temporary ponds, water b ears can dehydrate themselves to about 2 % water in an inactive state. This is called______________. ___a. dessication ___b. osmoregulation ___c.anhydrobiosis ___d. stenohaline

10. In human reproduction, sperm form in the _________ of the __________. ___a. semeniferous tubules, testes ___b. testes, vas deferens ___c. seminal vesicles, prostate ___d. epididymis, bulbourethral gland 11. The transfer of information between specific locations in the body is accomplished by_________. ___a. Endocrine system ___b. Muscle system ___c. Connective tissue ___d. Nervous system 12. The specialized junction formed between neuron and target cells are called________________. ___a. neurotransmitters ___b. synapses ___c. pheromones ___d. local regulation 13. A partially developed egg in the human female is called ___a. ovary ___b. oocyte ___c. follicle ___d. endometrium 14. __________attaches muscles to bones; ____connects bones at joints. ___a. Fibroblasts, Macrophages ___b. Interstitial fibers, Glial fibers ___c. Tendons, ligaments ___d. Adipose tissue, Cartilage

15. Which of the following depicts the proper order in processing of body fluids: ___a. Filtration, Reabsorption, Secretion, Excretion ___b. Secretion, Filtration, Reabsorption, Excretion ___c. Filtration, Secretion, Reabsorption, Excretion ___d. Secretion, Reabsorption, Filtration, Excretion 16. In neuroendocrine signaling, specialized neuro-secretory cells secrete__________ that diffuse from nerve endings into the blood stream. ___a. synapses ___b. neurotransmitters ___c. neuro-hormones ___d. pheromones 17. In the human female, egg formation begins___________; ovulation mature eggs begins _________. ___a. in the embryo; puberty ___b. puberty, during intercourse ___c. in early childhood; at age twenty ___d. in the embryo; in early childhood 18. Which of the following is not a type of animal tissue? ___a. epithilial ___b. Interstitial ___c. Nervous ___d. Muscle 19. Chemicals released by animals into the environment that are used to mark territories and attract mates are called____________. ___a. pheromones ___b. neurotransmitters ___c. neuro-hormones ___d. synapses

20. In mammals oxytocin causes the release of milk, causing greater suckling by the infant, which stimulates the release of more oxytocin. This is known as a _____________. ___a. positive feedback loop ___b. negative feedback loop ___c. hormone cascade ___d. signal transduction 21. The production of fewer gametes and relatively high survival of zygotes is associated with ___a. external fertilization. ___b. parthenogenesis. ___c. hermaphroditism. ___d. internal fertilization. 22. When thyroid hormone levels drop in the blood, the hypothalamus secrets thyrotropin releasing hormones (TRH) causing the anterior pituitary to secret thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) which then stimulates release of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. This is known as a _____________. ___a. positive feedback loop ___b. negative feedback loop ___c. hormone cascade ___d. signal transduction 23. The human male at puberty develops a lower voice and facial hair. These secondary sex characteristics are produced by the hormone____________ secreted by the __________. ___a. testosterone, testes ___b. melatonin, pineal gland ___c. epinephrine, adrenal gland ___d. parathyroid, thyroid gland 24. Skeletal muscle: ___a. is responsible for voluntary movement ___b. is responsible for involuntary movement ___c. is responsible for contraction of the heart ___d. supports organ systems

25. ________releases hormones into the blood stream. ___a. Nervous system ___b. Endocrine system ___c. Muscle system ___d. Interstitial system 26. Shedding of the endometrium during the menstrual flow coordinates with the ___________. ___a. follicular phase ___b. luteal phase ___c. growth of new ovarian follicles ___d. none of the above. 27. The cessation of ovulation and menstruation in human females is called___________. ___a. endometriosus ___b. oogenesis ___c. uterine cycle ___d. menopause 28. The muscular but elastic chamber that receives the male reproductive fluid during copulation and serves as the birth canal is: ___a. vulva ___b. labia minora ___c. vagina ___d. clitoris 29. An organism that is stenohaline can: ___a. tolerate a wide variation in salinity. ___b. tolerate a narrow range of salinity. ___c. can only tolerate high salinity. ___d. cannot tolerate any salinity level.

30. The creation of offspring without the fusion of haploid gametes is: ___a. asexual reproduction ___b. hermaphroditism ___c. Sexual reproduction ___d. Parthenogenesis 31._____________ and __________ stimulate sex hormone production by the gonads. ___a. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luetinizing hormone (LH) ___b. Testosterone and estrogen ___c. Progesterone and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) ___d. Estradiol and progesteron 32. The internal body environment of a frog varies with certain external changes. As such, the frog is known as _____________ ___a. hormonal signaler ___b. endocrine responder ___c. a conformer ___d. a regulator 33. Physiological changes occurring roughly every 24 hours in plants and animals are known as ___a. Circadian rhythms. ___b. Circannual rhythms. ___c. Negative feedback. ___d. Conformation. 34. Which of the following is not involved in the coordination of mammalian reproduction? ___a. hypothalamus ___b. anterior pituitary ___c. gonads ___d. adrenal gland

35. In the ascending limb of the loop of Henle, _____but not ______ diffuses from the tubule into the interstitial fluids. ___a. salt, water ___b. ammonia, urea ___c. uric acid, urea ___d. water, salt 36. In the above question, what happens to the filtrate? ___a. becomes increasingly dilute. ___b. becomes increasing concentrated. ___c. Concentration doesn’t change. ___d. It’s excreted. 37. An organism that is eury-haline can: ___a. tolerate a wide variation in salinity. ___b. tolerate a narrow range of salinity. ___c. can only tolerate high salinity. ___d. cannot tolerate any salinity level. 38. Which of the following describes a difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis? ___a. The two processes are identical. ___b. Spermatogenesis begins at puberty ___c. All four products meiosis develop into sperm, while only one of the four products becomes an egg. ___d. A lifetime supply of sperm are only produced in the developing embryo. 39. The type of tissue that covers the outside of the body and lines the organs and coviteis within the body is_______________. ___a. muscle ___b. connective ___c. nervous ___d. epithelia

40. A type of hormonal signaling in which the target cell is the secreting cell is called _____________. ___a. autocrine signaling ___b. paracrine signaling ___c. positive feedback ___d. hormone cascade 41. The excretory organ of Vertebrates that function in both excretion and osmoregulation are called: ___a. malphigian tubules ___b. ureter ___c. kidney ___d. urethra 42. ___________fibers join connective tissue and adjacent tissues. ___a. Muscle ___b. Glial ___c. Interstitial ___d. Reticular 43. The tapeworm is an internal parasite that has both male and female reproductive systems. This condition is known as____________. ___a. parthogenesis ___b. spontaneous biogenesis ___c. hermaphroditism ___d. budding 44. The structure proto-nephridium and meta-nephridium are associated with ____________and __________, respectively. ___a. Planaria flatworms, earthworms. ___b. reptiles, marine birds. ___c. marine fish, freshwater fish. ___d. none of the above.

45. The hormones responsible for the set of physiological responses comprising the fight or flight response are_____________ and ____________. ___a. epinephrine, norepinephrin ___b. prolactin, oxytocin ___c. thyroid hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) ___d. estrogen, progesterone 46. The gland that secretes the hormones in the above question is_____________. ___a. adrenal ___b. hypothalamus ___c. anterior pituitary ___d. testes 47. Biological rhythms associated with reproduction and daily activity levels are controlled by______ secreted by the ____________. ___a. estrogen, ovaries ___b. melatonin, pineal gland ___c. testosterone, testes ___d. epinephrine, adrenal gland 48. Which is a type of connective tissue? ___a. Elastic ___b. Muscle ___c. Epithelial ___d. Insterstitial 49. In the human excretory system, the filtrate ____________in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. ___a. becomes increasingly concentrated ___b. becomes increasingly dilute ___c. becomes unchanged in concentration ___d. is excreted

50. In the human female a reproductive structure consisting of partially developed egg surrounded by support cells is: ___a. ovary ___b. follicle ___c. oocyte ___d. endometrium...

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