Biology quiz answers - a collection of weekly quiz questions and answer for Bio1210 PDF

Title Biology quiz answers - a collection of weekly quiz questions and answer for Bio1210
Course Human Biology
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 52
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Biology Quiz Answers - BIOLQuiz OneCarbon is well suited to be the backbone of organicmolecules because a. it can be obtained from carbon dioxide in air b. it can form bonds with a large number of other elements c. it can form buckyballs and nanotubes d. it is an organic molecule e. its covalent bon...


Semester One - 2021

Biology Quiz Answers - BIOL1210 Quiz One Carbon is well suited to be the backbone of organic molecules because a. it can be obtained from carbon dioxide in air b. it can form bonds with a large number of other elements c. it can form buckyballs and nanotubes d. it is an organic molecule e. its covalent bonds are the strongest known Amino acid is to protein as a. nucleotide is to nucleic acid b. ATP is to glucose c. fatty acid is to steroid d. sucrose is to cellulose e. maltose is to RNA Living things primarily contain the following elements: a. sulfur, carbon, iron, and hydrogen b. carbon, hydrogen, sodium and potassium ions c. carbon dioxide, water and salt d. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen e. glucose, oxygen, proteins and water Plants can polymerize glucose monomers to make: a. Maltose b. Glycogen c. seeds d. Cellulose e. fatty acids Nucleotides a. are composed of a sugar, a nitrogen base and phosphate b. are the monomer components of polysaccharides c. are only found in DNA d. are made of NADH or FADH e. are found in DNA, RNA and proteins

Semester One - 2021

Under the microscope, various organelles can be seen to move rapidly about the cell. What cell components are responsible for the structures and energy associated with this movement? a. chloroplasts and microtubules b. plasma membranes and channel proteins c. cell membranes and ribosomes d. golgi apparatus and lysosomes e. cytoskeleton and mitochondria Which of these cell components is mismatched with its function? a. golgi apparatus with modification of proteins and lipids b. plasma membrane with regulates import and export of molecules c. lysosomes with intracellular digestion d. endoplasmic reticulum with site of RNA synthesis e. cytoskeleton with cell shape and movement Which of the following is NOT a trace element important for the function of enzymes or hormones? a. Zinc b. Copper c. iodine d. Iron e. Lithium The person who originally named 'cells' after observing cork with a microscope was a. Robert Hooke b. Bert Newton c. Matthias Schleiden d. Charles Darwin e. Antony van Leeuwenhoek What structures allow proteins to enter the nucleus? a. channel proteins b. nuclear pores c. endocytosis vesicles d. golgi apparatus e. gatekeeper molecules Carbohydrates are composed of the following elements:

Semester One - 2021 a. carbon, hydrogen and water b. carbon dioxide and hydrogen c. carbon, nitrogen and oxygen d. carbon, oxygen and hydrogen e. carbon and hydrogen Water has the property of cohesion because a. it can dissolve many compounds b. it has a high heat of vaporization c. hydrogen bonds form between adjacent water molecules d. there are covalent bonds between water molecules e. it is a liquid at room temperature Solutions of pH 7.0 are considered neutral because a. they have a hydrogen ion concentration of zero b. they are the same pH as rainwater c. they are non polar d. they have the same concentration of hydrogen and hydroxide ions e. they only contain water molecules Which of these is NOT true of the nucleus? a. it is the site of RNA synthesis b. it is found in eukaryotic cells c. it is bounded by a double membrane d. it contains DNA e. it is the site of most protein synthesis A solution is made acidic by the addition of a. Neutrons b. Electrons c. hydrogen ions d. dissociated water e. hydroxyl ions Which of these is mismatched? a. flagella with microtubules b. lysosomes with hydrolytic enzymes c. rough endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes d. mitochondria with cristae e. chloroplasts with thylacine

Semester One - 2021

Which organelle is bounded by a double membrane, is the site of most RNA synthesis, and is not found in prokaryotes? a. Nucleus b. Mitochondrion c. nucleolus d. endoplasmic reticulum e. Lysosome What are found in both plant and animal cells? a. large vacuoles b. grana stacks c. chloroplasts d. cell wall e. endoplasmic reticulum Nucleic acids, such as DNA, contain the following chemical elements: a. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus b. carbon, hydrogen, sodium and potassium c. sulfur, carbon, iron, and hydrogen d. glucose, oxygen, proteins and water e. carbon dioxide, water and salt Which of the following are NOT directly associated with the cell's cytoskeleton? a. Microtubules b. endoplasmic reticulum c. dynein motor molecules d. tubulin dimers e. actin filaments Which of the following is NOT a carbohydrate? a. starch b. c. d. e.

glycogen glucose insulin Cellulose

Plants can polymerize glucose monomers to make: a. fatty acids b. glycogen

Semester One - 2021 c. maltose d. seeds e. cellulose Fatty acids are components of a. fats and steroids b. c. d. e.

carbohydrates and proteins steroids and glycerol phospholipids and cholesterol fats and phospholipids

Proteins are polymers of a. monosaccharides b. nucleotides c. amino acids d. sugars e. fatty acids What set of terms correctly represents an increasing order of complexity and size in living things? a. molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organism b. atom, molecule, organelle, organism, cell c. atom, cell, monomer, polymer, organism d. organelle, tissue, cell, organ, individual e. electron, carbon, starch, glucose, maltose All the following are found in chloroplasts except a. b. c. d. e.

cristae chlorophyll stroma thylakoids grana

Nucleic acids such as DNA are polymers of a. monosaccharides b. sugars c. fatty acids d. nucleotides e. amino acids

Semester One - 2021

Quiz Two Sodium-potassium pumps a. are important in signal transmission down axons b. establish an electrochemical gradient across membranes c. require carrier proteins and energy d. all these answers are true e. accumulate potassium inside cells Junctions that allow the rapid transfer of water, ions and other molecules between adjacent cells are called: a. channel proteins b. Desmosomes c. gap junctions d. tight junctions e. adhesion junctions A charged amino acid molecule has a specific transport mechanism to get into cells because: a. proteins are too large to cross the membrane b. charged molecules cannot pass through the hydrophobic lipid bilayer c. otherwise it would get trapped inside the membrane d. this transport is one way of generating ATP e. only charged molecules can pass freely through the plasma membrane A phospholipid molecule has a charged “head” and two uncharged lipid “tails”. These tails would be found a. in hydrophilic environments b. connected to either side of a membrane c. in the interior of the membrane d. at the surface of membranes e. only in adipocytes Which of these is mismatched? a. mitochondria – cristae b. rough endoplasmic reticulum – ribosomes c. flagella - microtubules d. lysosomes – thylakoids e. chloroplasts – grana

Semester One - 2021

A group of similar cells that perform a specific function is called a a. Tumor b. cell mass c. basement membrane d. Tissue e. cell organelle Which of the following are not found in cell membranes? a. channel proteins b. Phospolipids c. cholesterol d. Enzymes e. Tubulin Maintenance of the body’s internal conditions, such as temperature, pH and blood glucose at set levels is called: a. Feedback b. Metabolism c. homeostasis d. Integration e. Endothermy A tissue that is hard, rubbery, and lacks blood vessels is likely to be: a. Bone b. stratified epithelium c. osteocytes d. nervous tissue e. Cartilage Bone is one type of a. connective tissue b. skeletal tissue c. epithelial tissue d. fibrous tissue e. cartilaginous tissue Which of these molecules could pass through a plasma membrane by diffusion? a. Proteins b. Glycogen

Semester One - 2021 c. sodium ions d. carbon dioxide e. Cholesterol A single layer of rectangular-shaped cells lining a body cavity would be a. endothelial pavement b. stratified cuboidal epithelium c. simple columnar epithelium d. an endocrine gland e. a bed of microvilli Homeostasis maintains all of the following except a. body temperature b. carbon dioxide concentration c. insulin concentration d. glucose concentration e. pH of blood Which of these correctly describes skeletal muscle? a. striated, multinucleate and voluntary b. stratified, banded and enucleated c. holds the body together d. is found in the abdomen and uterus e. voluntary and smooth What is the function of the Golgi apparatus? a. promoting mRNA translation b. digesting intracellular trash c. packaging and modification of proteins d. movement of cell organelles e. organizing the spindle apparatus Which of these is NOT a reason why a particular cell could attain a large size? a. it has many fine branches, like neurons b. it is a cancer cell c. it already has a supply of nutrients d. it has adaptations that increases its surface area e. it is long and thin - like muscle cells Which of these processes requires cells to expend energy in the form of ATP? a. active transport

Semester One - 2021 b. facilitated transport c. membrane fluidity d. Diffusion e. Osmosis The multiple layers of flattened cells lining the nose, mouth and oesophagus would be classed as: a. simple basement membranes b. pseudostratified ciliated columnar cells c. connective tissue d. stratified squamous epithelium e. goblet cells When a dried apricot is placed in water, it swells back up and takes on its original form. Why should this be so? a. solutes flow out of the apricot to equalize concentrations b. the apricot is growing again c. salts enter the apricot and cause it to swell d. water enters the apricot cells in the process of osmosis e. water leaves the cells towards the area of higher solute concentration Cells that secrete products directly into body fluids are classified as a. mucus glands b. endocrine glands c. salivary glands d. goblet cells e. exocrine glands What organ system moves internal parts of the body and generates metabolic heat? a. cardiovascular system b. muscular system c. skeletal system d. digestive system e. reproductive system Cell membranes mainly consist of a. channel proteins and desmosomes b. a carbohydrate layer with embedded cholesterol c. protein, phospholipids and chitin d. a phospholipid bilayer and embedded proteins

Semester One - 2021 e. cellulose, lipids and proteins Which of these correctly describes smooth muscle tissue? a. makes rounded body contours b. stratified, banded and enucleated c. is found in the heart and blood vessels d. striated and voluntary e. involuntary, cells with single nuclei Cells are usually small because they have to a. fit through blood vessels b. c. d. e.

have an adequate surface area to volume ratio adapt to changing environments divide when they get too big form many different tissues

Adipose tissue is a type of a. b. c. d. e.

connective tissue blood vessel cell epithelium Cartilage

Phospholipid molecules have a charged head group and two fatty acid tails. The hydrophilic head groups would be found: a. on the membrane surface b. as part of the fluid mosaic c. passing through the membrane d. in the membrane interior e. attached to cytoskeletal elements A single layer of flattened cells lining a tube would be a. b. c. d. e.

an endocrine gland simple squamous epithelium a blood capillary endothelial pavement stratified columnar epithelium

Semester One - 2021

Quiz Three Removal of the gallbladder may cause difficulty digesting a. Lipids b. Steroids c. starch d. Proteins e. polysaccharides Which association is incorrect? a. protein & pepsin b. starch & amylase c.. maltose & disaccharidase d. fats & urease e. polypeptide & protease Which of these processes does not use ATP? a. cooling the body by evaporation of sweat b. running to the bus c. cell division d. reading this question e. DNA replication Rings of smooth muscle undergo rhythmic contractions pushing material into the ileum. Where is this process taking place? a. in the small intestine b. in the uterus c. in the skeletal muscle d. in the synapses e. in the cytoskeleton Bile a. is produced by the gallbladder b. emulsifies fats c. all these answers are correct d. cannot be stored e. is an enzyme that digests fats

Semester One - 2021 During metabolism of glucose, the conversion of pyruvate to lactate or ethanol in the absence of oxygen is called a. oxygen debt b. Lactogenesis c. fermentation d. Brewing e. transition reaction Glycolysis a. oxidizes glucose to water and carbon dioxide b. generates two ATP molecules per glucose c. takes place in mitochondria d. synthesizes pyruvate from carbon dioxide e. is more efficient than aerobic respiration The function of the light reaction in photosynthesis is to a. convert light energy into usable forms of chemical energy b. speed up the Calvin-Benson cycle c. concentrate carbon dioxide d. synthesise carbohydrate e. fix CO2 with ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Which of these could be absorbed directly without digestion? a. DNA b. Fats c. glucose d. Protein e. Cellulose In what type of human cells does the most fermentation occur? a. skeletal muscle cells b. stomach cells c. brain cells d. prison cells e. epithelial cells Vitamins are important components of diet because they a. found in the center of structural proteins b. broken down to generate energy in the body c. are found in cell membranes

Semester One - 2021 d. are part of coenzymes in enzymatic reactions e. easy to synthesize in cells Of the following, what is generally likely to be the least important factor affecting enzyme activity? a. Inhibitors b. pH c. presence of cofactors d. light intensity e. Temperature The end products of photosynthesis are a. oxygen and carbohydrates b. ATP and oxygen c. chlorophyll and energy d. oxygen and water e. carbon dioxide and water Trypsin is principally involved in the digestion of a. Starch b. Carbohydrates c. lipids d. Cellulose e. Protein Enzymes a. are usually proteins b. become reaction products c. are not affected by pH d. raise the activation energy for reactions e. are used up in reactions Which of these organs of the digestive system participates least in the actual digestion of food? a. Pancreas b. Mouth c. esophagus d. Stomach e. small intestine

Semester One - 2021 Which part of aerobic cellular respiration occurs in the cytoplasm? a. electron transport b. the Calvin cycle c. the Krebs cycle d. the transition reaction e. Glycolysis Why are plant leaves generally green? a. they do not absorb green light, so it is reflected b. they only absorb green light c. they reflect nearly all light wavelengths d. carotenoid pigments are green e. they absorb yellow and blue wavelengths of light If you wanted to increase the rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction, you could a. boil the reaction b. increase the concentration of enzyme c. add concentrated acid to the solution d. shake it vigorously e. add more product What part of photosynthesis requires the most significant inputs of ATP? a. fixation of carbon dioxide in the Calvin Benson cycle b. synthesis of chlorophyll c. the light dependent reactions of photosystem I d. generation of NADPH by photosystem II e. harvesting of light energy by the thylakoid membranes What is the primary source of energy for organisms living on the earth’s surface? a. sunlight b. ATP c. electron transport d. aerobic respiration e. glucose What structure stops food entering the trachea? a. the epiglottis b. the soft palate c. border patrol d. the esophageal sphincter

Semester One - 2021 e. the larynx Absorption of the digestion products of fats differs from absorption of other digestion products in that: a. they are absorbed directly across the stomach wall b. they are absorbed by the macrovilli c. they are taken up by the lacteal vessels of the lymphatic system d. they are absorbed only when other products, such as glucose, are not present e. they are synthesised in the capillaries The end products of aerobic cellular respiration are a. b. c. d. e.

carbon dioxide and water oxygen and water ATP and oxygen water and carbohydrates cytochromes and energy

The Krebs cycle occurs in the a. mitochondrial matrix b. thylakoids of the cristae c. intermembrane space d. dark side of the moon e. electron transport chain Minerals such as iron and magnesium are important parts of diet because they are often a. broken down to generate energy in the body b. found in cell membranes c. cofactors of enzymes d. easy to synthesize in cells e. found in the center of structural proteins

Semester One - 2021

Quiz Four The structure that connects, and enhances communication between the two hemispheres of the brain is called the: a. corpus callosum b. Synapse c. spinal cord d. Cerebellum e. hypothalamus The hepatic portal vein transports material between: a. the lymphatic and circulatory systems b. the small intestine and the liver c. the lungs and the heart d. different dimensions e. the brain and the spinal cord What organ contains chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors and thermoreceptors? a. the ear b. the heart c. the bladder d. the hypothalamus e. the skin Our rate of breathing is controlled by chemoreceptors that detect a. conscious control mechanisms b. loss of consciousness c. carbon dioxide concentrations in the blood d. oxygen concentration in muscles e. oxygen concentrations in the alveoli If the digestive system and respiratory system were completely separate in humans, there would be no need for: a. a nose b. a pharyngeal cavity c. a diaphragm d. Breathing e. an epiglottis

Semester One - 2021 Which of these is NOT a potential cause of anemia? a. an iron deficient diet b. damage to the spleen c. blood loss d. lack of haemoglobin production e. a drop in red blood cell count The smallest blood vessels are called a. Venules b. lacteal ducts c. arterioles d. Veins e. Capillaries When muscles contract a. calcium is taken up by the sarcoplasmic reticulum b. the sarcomeres increase in size c. myosin and actin slide past each other d. motor molecules travel along microtubules e. actin breaks down ATP Urea is a by-product of metabolism of a. Glucose b. Salts c. carbohydrates d. Fats e. Proteins Which of these associations is incorrect? a. white blood cells synthesise hormones b. platelets blood clotting c. leukocytes defense against foreign cells d. red blood cells transport oxygen e. plasma transports nutrients Why is it advantageous to have blood move slowly through capillaries? a. so that blood pressure is maintained b. so red blood cells can fit through the capillaries c. so that the valves in veins do not get damaged d. so that osmotic pressure is increased

Semester One - 2021 e. so there is time for substances to be exchanged with tissues Which of the following is NOT a function of the human circulatory system? a. transports nutrients b. provides internal defense c. helps maintain temperature d. transports oxygen and carbon dioxide e. produces ATP Arrange the following structures in the order that blood passes through them: (1) vena cava; (2) right ventricle (3) lungs; (4) right atrium; (5) pulmonary artery a. 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 b. 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 c. 4, 5, 2, 3, 1 d. 4, 3, 1, 2, 5 e. 1, 4, 2, 5, 3 The main nitrogenous waste product of humans is a. Nitrate b. Urea c. uric acid d. Urine e. ammoniac Which is NOT true of anti-diuretic hormone a. it increases urine volume b. it increases water reabsorption in the kidney c. secretion decreases when you drink a lot of water d. released by the posterior pituitary gland e. secretion is stimulated by high blood solute concentration Which of the following is NOT in the correct order of size (from smallest to largest)? a. urea – glomerular capsule – nephron – medulla – kidney b. oxygen – capillary – alveolus – bronchiole – lung c. neurotransmitter – axon – synapse – neuron – nerve d. erythrocyte – capillary – arteriole – aorta – heart e. glucose – microvilli – epithelial cell – small intestine – digestive system Schwann cells a. clean up cellular debris

Semester One - 2021 b. synthesize neurotransmitters c. supply growth factors to nerve cells d. can be black or white e. insulate axons with a myelin sheath What sense does not use cilia in sensory receptors? a. Hearing b. Touch c. ...

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