BIOS 2061 Lecture Notes PDF

Title BIOS 2061 Lecture Notes
Author Jasmine Hargreaves
Course Vertebrate Zoology
Institution University of New South Wales
Pages 94
File Size 5.3 MB
File Type PDF
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BIOS 2061 Lecture NotesMain Ideas Evolution and Introduction to the Vertebrates Evolutionary Model  Not a theory2 Core Concepts: 1. Life originated spontaneously from non-life 2. New kinds of life can and did originate from pre-existing kinds by:  Mutations  Natural selection Tested in 3 differen...


BIOS 2061 Lecture Notes Main Ideas

Evolution and Introduction to the Vertebrates

Evolutionary Model

2 Core Concepts:

Not a theory

1. Life originated spontaneously from non-life 2. New kinds of life can and did originate from pre-existing kinds by: 


Natural selection

Tested in 3 different ways: 1. By experiments with simulated pre-biotic conditions on Earth 2. Studies of Earth’s living creatures Mutations

3. Studies of Earth’s prehistoric creatures 1. New variations arise as genetic mutations but most are ‘neutral mutations’ and hence not immediately acted on by natural selection Eg. 200+ mutant forms of Haemoglobin molecule in humans alone, but as long as mutations don’t interfere with heme group, there will be no negative impact on the owner of the mutation 

Some mutations can be harmful to the specie (not normally passed on)

Some single mutations (eg. Hox gene Antennapedia) are not very adaptive but an indication of the ability of a single gene mutation to cause major changes in body form

2. Evidence that natural selection can change the frequency of different genetic variations? 

All factors determine which young survive to reproduce are called ‘natural selection’

There are 3 basic kinds of natural selection o

Random or accidental natural selection: may have nothing to do with th relative ‘fitness’ of the particular individuals who survive


Directed natural selection: such that it drives change in the population eg. Peppered Moth


Natural selection can be a stabilizing force that works to stop evolutionary change that would otherwise reduce the fitness of a welladapted population in a stable environment

3. Evidence to support new species developing as a consequence of mutations/natural selection 

Mechanism must lead to reproductive isolation eg. Geographic barriers such as rivers, mountains or deserts and/or tectonic plates o

Plate Tectonics: last 225M years of Earth mindlessly messing with vertebrate distributions


Ecological isolation: Rhagoletis Pomonella (Apple Maggot Flies): 1. Hawthorn fruit fliy: fly’s natural food ripen in August 2. Apples: introduced to North America in 1765 and ripen in July 3. By 1865 apples became infested 4. Now are 2 different kinds of Apple Maggot Flies, one that eats Hawthorn and breed in August, and one that eats Apples and breeds

in July o

Chromosomal Speciation (aneuploidy): new species can result from chromosomal mutations without natural selection driving it – 47% of

Other Evidence of

flowering plants appear to have originated this way Comparative Morphology: Vertebrates comes from the basic common body

plan found in all of them,



Eg. Forelimb of all vertebrates has the same basic structural elements because they were inherited from a CA

Comparative Embryology: developmental paths and patterns in all vertebrate


Eg. Ear region of mammals develops in a way that clearly reflects the descent of mammals from reptiles

‘Missing Links’: unite different but hypothetically related kinds of animals and

plants o

Eg. Porbainognathus and Diarthrognathus are double-jawed missing links between modern reptiles and modern animals. Both had condition that is new dentary/squamosal (mammal) jaw joint as well as the old quadrate/articular (reptile jaw system

Testing the Model


Fish/Amphibian Link: Tiktaalik Rosae 375MYO


Land-dwelling mammals and modern whales: Ambulocetus


Lizard and snakes: primitive Cretaceous snake from Brazil Tetrapodophis

o Human and Chimp: Australopithecines There is still debate about how fast new species can evolve Two different processes 1. Gradual Speciation 2. Punctuated Equilibrium 

Rapid speciation event

Rapid change in shape

Long period of ‘stasis’ Approx. 55,000 living vertebrates

Approx. 1000x that amount are extinct

Radiated over the last 500MY

Now 12 unique radiation

 Who are Vertebrates

5 Foci in this course 1. Chordate Ancestors (pre but not vertebrates) 2. ‘Fish’ then and now 3. ‘Amphibians’ and ‘Reptiles’ 4. Birds Phylum Chordata Contains vertebrates

Archaic Chordates

5. Mammals – origins and early groups, monotremes, marsupials, placentals Share unique derived ‘vertebrate-like’ features 

Notochord, hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal gill slits, post-anal tail

Features are often evident only in the larval stage

 These features earmark them as ‘photo-vertebrates’ Stiffening rod along their backs Emu Bay, Kangaroo Island, South Australia all have approx. 55MYO Vetulicolians aka ‘Blind Flappers’ (some also found in Canada and Greenland

Case Study: Cephalochordates: Lancelets (Amphioxus) 

Only 22 species world-wide (8 in Australia)

5cm long, mud-burrowing, filter-feeders fish like body shape as adults

Live several kms off-shore so are rarely encountered


 

Name refers to notochord extending into the head region V-shaped myomeres (muscle blocks)


Dorsal nerve-cord

Notochord-supports myomeres, helps burrowing

Simple eye; no brain

Respiration by diffusion

Pharyngeal gills used for filter-feeding – food is retained and passed back to intestines; water is extruded through slits to atrium and out via the

Shared Features with other chordates

atriopore (not the anus) Shared anatomical features 

Segmented muscle blocks along body

Blood moves ventral to dorsal through gills

Metameric gill arches

Caudal tail fin

Reasons why they evolved 


Increased mobility: o

Able to find new areas for food and breeding


Escape predators

o Catch prey Name means notochord in tail region only

Have the defining chordate features (notochord, dorsal nerve cord and pharyngeal slits)

Chordate traits often occur in larval form only; adults are very different

Approx. 1300 species worldwide

3 orders 1. Ascidiacea 2. Thaliacea 3. Larvacea

Ascidians are most common and diverse

Case Study: Haikouichthys

Vertebrate Chordates


Oldest known chordate, craniate (has a head) and maybe first vertebrate

 Has a head, notochord, gill slit and post-anal tail Differ from lancelets in that: 

Gills are used for respiration, not for filtering food

Hemoglobin in blood

W-shaped muscles

Heads and sense organs

Digestive organs (liver, pancreas, etc)

Kidneys used for osmoregulation

Probably adaptive reasons: 

Increased ability to get food

Increased awareness of world

Better use of food

Salt-control = world domination?

Vertebrates have vertebrate and cranium (usually fused anterior vertebrae) – the cranium encloses the brain and sense organs

Unique embryonic tissue: the ‘neural crest’ – develops into range of

specialised vertebrate tissues Classification and Cladistics Jawless Fish

80 species worldwide


Hagfish and lampreys


Most primitive vertebrates

Sediment feeders and parasite

Changed little in last 500MY

 

3 hagfish and 6 lampreys in Australia 900 species worldwide

400 sharks, 450 rays, 50 ratfish

Cartilaginous skeletons

Features are 450MYO

 

200 sharks and 117 rays in Australia Comprise 50% of all vertebrate species

Name means ‘ray finned’

From seahorses to marlin

Radiated c. 400MYA

 

4000+ species in Australia Includes lungfish, probably precursors to land animals

Diverged from other fish – c. 410MYA

 

Only 8 extant species (1 Australian) Salamanders, frogs, caecilians

4600 species

Semiaquatic with metamorphic phase

Tetrapod body plan

Permeable skin

 

200+ species in Australia 260 living species

Appeared c. 250MYA


Amniotic egg

Unique shell (modified bone) and skeleton

 

21 species in Australia 4500 species

Began to radiate c. 245MYA

Diapsid skull (2 temporal openings)

Australia has high diversity

800 species in Australia

Sharks and Rays 


Ray-Finned Fish 


Lobe-Finned Fishes 



Turtles 


Snakes and Lizards 


Crocodiles and

21 species (2 Australian)


Part of the archosaur group, includes dinosaurs and birds

 Crocodilia Birds

 

Very ancient features 9700 species

Best studied group

Also part of the archosaur group

First birds appeared c. 200MYA

 

770 species in Australia 4500 species in world

First mammal appears c. 220MYA

3 modern radiations


Mammals 


1. Monotremes 2. Marsupials 3. Placentals How to Classify the Vertebrates

Classification System

 285 species in Australia, most unique Species are all interrelated through evolutionary processes 

Share common ancestors

Share many common traits

What classification system can reflect natural, evolutionary and interrelationships?  Linnaeus’ 1758 binomial nomenclature, genus and species for 10,000 species

we have

o 

Eg. Homo Sapiens Linnaeus, 1758

Expanding into the 7 groupings: o

Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species


Known as Linnaean systematics

Genus and species names ITALICS or UNDERLINE

Genus name starts with Upper Case

Species name always lowercase

Limitations of Linnaean System 

Groupings created subjectively o

Regardless of ancestry


Evolutionary relationships are not considered


All traits treated equally no matter how they arose

Doesn’t always reflect natural groupings o

Eg. Reptilia (crocodiles and lizards

Linnaean System and Phenetics 

Compares numbers of shared characters

All traits treated equally

Problem with Phenetic Approach 

Doesn’t reflect/consider evolutionary processes

Huge numbers of characters required to uncover likely relationships

Can’t distinguish traits that have evolved more than once i.e. Convergent

Classification System

evolution Should recognize that some species evolved at different rates

we need

Should avoid grouping based on superficial similarities


 

Should group together animals that are most closely related Developed in 1950s by Willi Hennig

c Systematics

Identifies lineages derived from a single ancestor

Recognizes special traits that define groups

Creates phylogenetic trees like family trees which clearly identify common ancestors Systematics should reflect relatedness alone i.e. systematics should be

phylogenetic Unambiguous definition of relatedness:

o Monophyletic


Two taxa are more closely related to each other than either is to anothe

taxon if they share a more recent common ancestor A group comprising an ancestor and all (and only) its descendants = monophyletic group or a clade

Phylogenetic systematics attempts to identify monophyletic groups/clades -> aka CLADISTICS

Branching diagrams illustrating this = CLADOGRAMS

Examples of Monophyletic Groups - MAMMALS: 






 Paraphyletic Groups

Eukaryote A group comprising an ancestor and only some of its descendant = PARAPHYLETIC

Often indicated by inverted commas

Examples of Paraphyletic Groups – ‘REPTILES’: 

‘Reptilia’ would be monophyletic if birds are also ‘reptiles’, but this contradicts traditional usage

Traditional Vs Cladistic Classification

Polyphyletic Groups

A group that 

does not include its MRCA and all its descendants

includes descendants of several fidderent MRCASs


Usually comprise taxa that have convergently evolved similar adaptations

Examples of Polyphyletic groups – ‘EDENTATES’: 





What is a character

 Pangolin Any variation between individuals and taxa may be considered as characters to be


used in reconstructing phylogeny – morphological, behavioural, physiological, biochemical, genetic/molecular 

A character state (trait) is a particular version of that character o

Terminology for Traits

E.g. The character ‘horns’ may have the character state of ‘straight’,

‘curly’ Abomorphic

Character States

Different from ancestral state (derived)

Plesiomorphic 

Ancestral state

Homologous 

Similar traits with single evolutionary lineage

Homoplasy (analogous) 

Similar traits with more than one evolutionary path

Synapomorphy = shared derived trait 

Characterise monophyletic groups/clades

Are evidence of relationships

Some synapomorphies among vertebrates 

Vertebral column


Four walking legs

Amniotic egg

 Distinguishing Derived


Hair Comparison with outgroup o

Outgroup branched off earlier so should have ancestral characters

Embryonic development o

Primitive state shown in development e.g. cartilage in fish, gill slits in humans

Fossil record o

Character Polarity

Distinguishing Derived

Ancestral states found in earilier forms and older rock

Only commonly used criterion today is the ‘outgroup criterion’: o


A character state that occurs in a taxon (outgroup) outside group of interest (ingroup) is plesiomorphic (‘primitive’)

The Out group Criterion in Action 

Eg. is egg laying (monotremes) or live births (marsupials and placentals) plesiomorphic for mammals o

Implications of

Outgroup = birds, crocodiles, turtles, lizards

o THUS eggs are plesiomorphic for mammals Cladistics can give ‘unexpected groupings’

Lungfish more closely related to cows than trout

Crocodiles more closely related to birds than skinks

 

Linnean ‘teptiles’ and ‘fish’ are not recognised Cladograms are hypotheses of evolutionary relationships

Constantly challenged and improved by new data

Cladistic approach



New morphological analyses


New fossils

Fish 1

o New DNA analyses Jawless, Jaws and the Sharks

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Cephalochordata 


Subphylum Urochordata (Tunicata) 

Ascidians (sea squirts)

Thaliaceans (salps)

Larvaceans (larvaceans, appendicularians)

Agnathan Craniates (Subphylum Vertebrata) 

Lampreys and hagfish

Ostracoderms (extinct) and conodonts (extinct)

 Extant Agnathans

Armoured, jawless fish, wobbling over the sea floor Lampreys


Very different vertebrates

Separated a long time ago

No vertebrae (but necessary genes)

 

Very specialised (derived/evolved) from parasitic condition Parasites as adults


In rivers


 

Step-up from Branchiostoma Not an eel due to lack of jaw

No paired fins

In deep oceans, lots of slime

Consume rotting flesh

Nevertheless clues to possible evolution of a jaw (mandible) from ‘gill arch’

Major step in

or pharynx Use the supports for the first gill slit as a mandible (‘mandible’ = lower jaw)

derivation of

‘mandibular arch’ = eupper and lower jaws

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