Bird in hand principle tutorial PDF

Title Bird in hand principle tutorial
Course Could You Be an Entrepreneur?
Institution University of Exeter
Pages 3
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Bird in hand principle Book – business model you (£14), helps with the assignment Bird in hand – start with your means and imagine the possibilities that originate from your means About who you are What you know Whom you know This is private answer You must do a reflection on this activity – write about doing these reflections generally You wont have enough time to reflect on these questions fully Question 1: imagine it is 10 years from today , and a major newspaper has just run a story about you featuring quotes and a photo of your happy smiling face What Is the story about Why is it featured Write some quotes from the interview Top 30 under 30 forbes Camille Bradbury entrepreneur – business HOCO Global brand of formal attire rental for women Featured because the business is so successful ‘I came up with the idea at university, put the idea into action and here I am” ‘sustainability is at the forefront of what I do, and I believe that it should be at the forefront of every business considering the awful state of our climate at this stage (now 2029) ‘the fashion industry contributes to the warming of the planet, I have stopped this industry from being associated with waste and turned it into a circular econonmy’ ‘connecting people through this platform has allowed for this sharing community to take hold of the formal fashion industry’ ‘this business is more successful than I could have ever imagined’ Question 2: one day, you are surprised by a courier who hands you a pack of legal documents, a rich uncle offers you 18 million on the conditions that: You have to complete 2 tasks Task 1) you must learn new things…you are not allowes to attend a college, university or other formal education program What would you learn and how would you develop yourself? For the first half of the year I would do a ski season somewhere in France. I would learn how to be the best skier I could be, learning this skill would teach me discipline. In the evenings I would learn French by chatting to people and getting a job in a bar (and going to an informal night class). I would go to yoga to learn how to meditate and be mindful.

I would go travelling to south America for the second half of the year on my own to learn how to be more comfortable in my own company, here I would make friends and meet new people and through this I would hope to learn Spanish I would trek up patupitchu and learn more about myself, train my body as well as my mind for 6 months, I would also learn how to travel alone Second year: second task Find a cause to support – find a cause that you really care about, a year to investigate, participate and select a project you really care about – something to help humanity… I would select something to do with the environment because it is so important for so many things linked to humanity – linked to poverty, encompasses my own neighbourhood, city, country, world I would donate the 9 million into research into climate saving technologies whether that be on the demand side or supply side. Finding new sources of renewable energy, developing a technology to clean our oceans from plastics, carbon crediting schemes. I hope that the money will be reinvested and grow into more as a result of this research/development, keen for it to be financially viable - technology can be sold to other countries. On my travels from the year before I might notice that the snow is bad that season or see the great pacific garbage dump in the oceans, these things will further my passion for the cause. Question 3: name one or more of your role models, who do you admire most and why, write 2 words to describe that person – what is it that makes them admirable Mummy Selfless Integrity Daddy Business mind Has an idea and actions it He inspires other people He does a lot for charity Nelson Mandela Brave Stands up for what he believes Makes a real difference Mahalia Shes intelligent Shes a feminist Shes very brave

Question 4: need 10 pieces of paper, on the top of each piece, write a different answer to this question: WHO AM I? Then go back to each sheet and write a)what excites me about this role? b)why you said this answer? Daughter a) family orientated b) my parents are my role models and I hope to make them proud of me Sister a) being a role model to my 2 younger brothers, b) help them to see the mistakes I have made as the oldest, tell them I am proud of what they have achieved, ensure that they don’t always compare their achievements with the siblings Best friend a) sharing things on my mind with people I can say anything to, having lots of fun, laughing, being there for eachother if something goes wrong b) my friendship with my girl friends is so important to me as my release, makes me feel loved and comfortable being away from home Student a) being able to delve into topics that excite me and to challenge myself b)because this is my current project, this is who I am currently in the working world this is my current ‘role’ in life, treating this as a challenge to do to the best of my ability Traveller a) beign free to do whatever I want to do, not being stressed about work b) because im going travelling next year and want to get the most out of the experience Job applicant Entrepreneur? Environmentalist

5) take one of the identities from the last exercise A value proposition canvas, identify: 1) gains (what makes you happy, what makes life better/easier( 2) pains (what is annoying/troublilng, preventing them from leading a more fulfilling life) 3) jobs to be done (what are the jobs they want to get done in their work or life) Chosen identity – best friend Gains – laughing a lot, spending time with people I love Pains – upsetting my friends by not putting them first Jobs to be done – make people happy and feel loved and interested...

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