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BLOOD DONATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Objective: The project is programmed in order to help the humans or patients who are seeking blood at a particular location. This .Net project is designed in such a way that it keeps detailed information as well as separate information of all the locations where the ...


BLOOD DONATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Objective: The project is programmed in order to help the humans or patents who are seeking blood at a partcular locaton. This .Net project is designed in such a wayd that it keeps detailed infoormaton as well as separate infoormaton ofo all the locatons where the blood is available and what kind ofo blood is available and in how much quanttyd. The sydstem does not store blood but it stores the infoormaton about the blood or more preciselyd we can sayd it store the infoormaton or database ofo the blood available in the partcular locaton. Because there was a tme when some needs bloods in urgentn then this sofware proved to be his best foriend and help the person fnding the place nearbyd him veryd quicklyd. The sydstem is basicallyd an E-infoormaton sydstem foor getng the database foor the blood availabilityd in anyd partcular arena. Existing System: In existng sydstemn not all users can get access to the infoormaton because ofo the low working ofo the applicaton or is not able to access anyd site. Sometmes the infoormaton is not updated or available foor a partcular place. In existng sydstem the securityd is less and latest updates and uploads are not so forequent. Proposed System: In the proposed sydstemn in this sofware once the tmer is being arrangedn it put up updates and uploads automatcallyd and does not need anydone to do so. Also it is easilyd available due to its speed and programming part and using it is quite an easyd task and well as due to its speed the infoormaton which will be available byd one or two clicksn will get available in foew seconds onlyd. Modules: The foollowing integrated sofware had the given modules: 1. Administrators: Theyd have the right to add all the details to the sydstem such as blood groups availabilitydn the quanttyd in which theyd are availablen locatons nearbyd and countryd and everyd details including the phone number ofo the locaton ofce as well. 2. Donor: Donor is the one who donates the blood. The infoormaton ofo all the donors is being maintained. So that in case ofo emergencyd when the blood is not available then asking directlyd to the donor to provide hid blood will help the people a lot. 3. Organizaton: All the organizatons along with the place in which theyd are located can be added into this module....

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