Blue nines and Red words RP weekly submission good copy PDF

Title Blue nines and Red words RP weekly submission good copy
Course Imagination and Topographies
Institution York University
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this is a good copy of the weekly submission requested by the teacher. It compares themes, characters, quotes and very important in order to complete the end of the year assignment....


Komal Nijjar 215603699 Blue Nines and Red Words In “Blue Nines and Red Words” by Daniel Tammet, the audience is presented we see that the main character has a rare condition known as the savant syndrome. This syndrome causes the narrator to experience life a different way than others. For example, a person with autism or Asperger’s may be have some mental complications, but can be in the normal, or even superior IQ range. Autistic Savants are able to display extraordinary skills in one or several spheres. Daniel Tammet condition allows him to calculate large numbers in his head without much effort. He can see numbers as shapes, colours, textures, and motions. He states that he relates to the day of the week to a colour. For example, Wednesday is blue, he says “Wednesday are always blue, like number nine or the sound if loud voices arguing” (p. 113, Tammet). Synesthesia-neurological condition is when the brain is capable of processing information with multiple sense. Daniel tells the story of his life from birth and the constant personal struggles and frustrations he’s faced with socializations and disruptions to his simple daily routines. The critical I chose to best analyze the text would be suspending judgement is important when analyzing the text because it allows us to clearly see the theme of power of language in storytelling. Suspending judgement is vital when we are trying to understand a life that may be completely different from what we know. Suspending judgement allows us to put ourselves in the shoes of a character and understand their perspective in the story. By using this critical skill there is no problem of initial judgements or prejudices. Daniel writes the story from a perspective that ignores the stigmas attached to his disability and explains his goals to achieve a life that is comfortable for his needs. The way this story is told plays an important role in educating others because we sometimes forget that people experience things

differently than us, that we do not all fit the common dominant fantasies of life. Readers might have had a prejudged opinion. For example, in the text he states that he sees numbers as his friends with all individual personalities (p.2, Tammet). This quote alone confirms the theme; the power of language and the ability to change perspectives just by the way he writes is enough for readers to develop a better understanding to someone who is diagnosed with this condition. Another theme that I found within this text was the theme of theory in fiction. Although text is very educational and informative, it does have a deeper meaning than simply educating readers on a certain condition. I believe the theory, or life lesson within the text is that each of us has a special gift that we can use to help those around us. In simpler words, different minds make sense of the world in different ways. For example. numbers play an important role because it provides Daniel with comfort and stability to make connections to the way others view life. Numbers is the language in which Daniel communicates and thinks, this is also a direct link to the power of language in storytelling, because the author uses numbers as the language to communicate the readers with. Throughout the text, readers come to understand that there isn’t just one way of doing things, everyone differs in their own ways and communication is processed differently in everyone’s mind. Through this critical skill, readers acknowledge that things are not always as they” should be” but accepting things as they are. To conclude, I explored the themes of Power of Story/Storytelling through language and Theory in fiction. Through the text “Blue Nines and Red Words”, By Daniel Tammet shows the importance of suspending judgement when understanding someone who may seem different than us. People with savant syndrome are generally referred to as idiots, retard, and autistic. However, through this text the power of language- math in this case, moves the readers emotionally and allows us to repress any negative notions against people who are diagnosed with conditions

different from the “norm”. Words can be used to influence people and create change, the theory found in this text allowed us to appreciate that we are all different....

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