Boomalang conversation #2 PDF

Title Boomalang conversation #2
Author Trinity Smith
Course Intensive Rvw Of Basic Spanish
Institution Miami University
Pages 1
File Size 19.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 48
Total Views 160


Conversation #2 great examples of sentence structure with minimal errors...


Tr i ni t ySmi t h Apr i l 2nd,2021 Boomal ang#2 Apr endomuchosombr emi compañer a.Sunombr eesMar i ana.Mar i ana t i enev ei nt eañosyvi v eenBuenosAi r es,Ar gent i na.Mar i anavi v econsuf ami l i a enunacas a.Mar i anat i enet ambi énunapar t ament oenl auni v er si dadNaci onal deLaPl at a.Mar i anaeses t udi ant eenl auni v er si dadNaci onaldeLaPl at a. Mar i anaespec i al i dadesnut r i c i ón.El l at i eneunpadr e,unamadr e,yuna her mana.Suher mananombr eesSophi e.Mar i ananot i enemas cot as.La comi daf av or i t adeMar i anaesl acomi dai t al i ana.El l al egust api zz a.AMar i ana l eencant avi aj ar .Susv acac i onesper f ect asesunv i aj eaBr asi lenel v er anocon suf ami l i ayami gas .Ensut i empol i br eMar i anal egus t aj ugaralt eni sconsu ami ga.Enl osfinesdesemanael l aduer me,esc ucharmúsi cadepop,mi r a pel í cul asconsuher manayami gos.Mar i anapr efi er ehac ecal ors obr ehacef r i o. Fort hi sc onv er sat i on,Ipr epar edques t i onsaboutherhobbi esand v acat i onact i v i t i es .Whenspeak i ngt hr ought hi sconv er sat i on,Iusedmor e compl exs ent ences ,butIs t umbl edal otmor e.Idi dnothav easmucht i met o pr epar ef ort hi sconv er sat i on,soIwasl essconfi denti nmyabi l i t i es .Iusedmor e v ocabul ar yandunder st oodmor eofwhats hewass ay i ng.If el tmor econfi denti n myl i st eni ngabi l i t i es.Whenwewer et al ki ngaboutourhobbi es ,wedi sc ussedour f av or i t ebooks .Wef oundoutwebot henj oy edt hesamebook ,TheFaul ti nOur St ar sbyJohnGr een.I twasni cet ohav eaper s onalconnec t i ont oherev en t houghwewer eawor l dapar t .Af t erwef oundt hi sconnect i on,If oundmor e confi denceands pok emor ecompl exl y .Ineedt owor konsmoot hi ngmy sent encest omak et hec onv er sat i onfloweas i er .Ineedt or emembert he conj unct i onsf orv er bsandwhent ouset hem.Ineedt opr ac t i cespeaki ngmor et o ensur eIcanappr opr i at el yuset hephr asesandv er bswel ear ni ncl asswhen communi cat i ng.Mypr onunci at i onal soneedsmor epr act i ce.Icanr eadt hewor ds andIk nowhowt ouset hem butpr onounc i ngt hewor dsi sst i l ldi fficul tf orme.I pr obabl ywi l lnotus et hi sbecaus eshespok ewi t hanacc entt hatwashar dt o under st and.SheandIhadt r oubl eunder s t andi ngeac hot heratpoi nt sbec auseof t hi sbar r i er ....

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