Bowen model - assessment PDF

Title Bowen model - assessment
Author Joe Kowalski
Course Couples and Family Therapy
Institution Edith Cowan University
Pages 6
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The proposed model is an approach to family therapy covering concept, techniques and some of the processes from theory of Bowen family system. The component from Minuhin s structural family approach that will contribute to the TBF is some therapeuphic techniques to change the dynamics of the family of Paul, Ann,Alisha and Aaron.

In my view, for this particular study the Bowen family system better suits the needs of the assignment as Nichols and Minuchin (1999) state that structural family therapy is an aggressive intervention because it challenges families. The Bowen Family Systems Therapy (BFST) is more focused on psychoeducational factors with low emotional reactivity. For the purpose of this paper, using the theory of M.Bowen family system I would like to analyse the key concepts of the theory, therapy goals, and present challanges and criticism. As stated above, there is also an infusion of therapeutic technique from Minuchin's theory focusing on triangle Paul-Ann-Aaron. According to the authors Nichols, M. P., & Schwartz, R. C. (1998) presented in Family therapy concepts and methods. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. p.141 “Bowen family systems therapy has by far the most comprehensive view of human behavior and human problems of any approach to family treatments. It

extends the focus deeper into the hearts and minds of family members and broader into the wider family context that shaped, and continues to shape, the life of the family” The key concepts in the BFST are: differentiation, triangles, nuclear family, emotional process, family projection process, emotional cut -off, sibling position. Differentiation Differentiation is very important concept in BFST theory. According to theory, an official patient should not be emotionally connected to the family of origin with no fusion. In the other words, a patient- person should be separate but not cut -off. Numerous studies assert that BFST see a connection between low differentiation and poor emotional, psychological, and physical health, compared with higher differentiation and better health. Poorly differentiated persons, are more problems to handle stress and are susceptible to “greater levels of chronic anxiety (Peleg Popko, 2002, p. 357). In presented case scenario, Ann is not welldifferentiated. She is prone to depression due to strong attachment to the family of origin. Differentiation is also a factor affecting an individual as well as a family system. Following this line of thought, the other members of the family might have a low level of differentiation. In order to measure differentiation a Chabot Emotional Differentiation Scale can be used.

Triangles Triangulation is based on interaction of a three-unit emotional relationship system. When a two person in emotional system is going through anxiety is likely that the person who is more weak involve a third person in order to ease a tension. In this study, Ann is seeking help from the sister and possibly creates a triangle sister-Ann-husband. On the other hand, it is also possible triangle mother (Ann)-child (Alisha) against father (Paul). It might result in a fixed distance between a father and daughter. Easing tension in the triangle might bring temporary stability but does not resolve a conflict. Nuclear Family Emotional Process Murry Bowen believed that lack of differentiation and unresolved attachment will result in problems with marriage relationship. Conflicts and disfunction might appear. According to the BFST, it is especially important to differentiation with parents physically, emotionally, socially and in order to positively influence one’s nuclear family.


CONCLUSION According to BFST, process and structure are the key elements of therapy. Process is connected with a change of emotional reactions of family members while structure refers more to unlocking triangles. Deconstruction of triangles leads to change of family system and influence the level of differentiation of each family member.

The processes are presented by therapist as a system change not a singular unit change. However, when the particular member of the family changes the whole system transforms into desired form. The role of the therapist is more like an educator who explains emotional connections, builds closeness, instead of just fixing a problem within the family.

Therapeutic goals The therapeutic goal is aimed at optimal family development. This “takes place when, 1. Family members are well differentiated 2. Anxiety is low 3. Parents are in good emotional contact with their own families of origin 4. Emotional attachment between spouses is similar to those from families of origin”

Paul and Ann need to work on communication, emotional reactivity, problems with raising up the children, financial responsibilities. Those issues need to be rised up in counselling. Contrary to Paul, Ann need to differentiate from family of origin, detriangulate. The couple need to work on intimacy and improve behavioural patterns. They need to be educated on Bowenian method, especially detriangulation and maintaining balance between emotions and intellectual functioning. The therapist rule is to leave the family with a breathing space to find their own capacities even if they might be not that high in the differentiation levels. Bowanian Therapist ‘s purpose is to combine reading and testing out the ideas. Also they need to ask client for the most important patters, learning how to ask questions. Question the therapist asks relate to “ what is going on in the family “ versus “ asking for people’ s opinion of who’s to blame and who needs to change. The therapist use the following questions while performing a counselling. Who did what ? How did other’s respond ? Who distanced ? Who got caught in ? What was the effect ? Challenges and critique In the 1990’s numerous studies were testing the validity of a number of Bowen’s theory elements, some

were validated while others were not supported. The unsupported assumptions were the idea that persons with similar differentiation levels attract and marry, theories on sibling position, triangulation, and multigenerational transmission, and the consequences of differentiation on child functioning, adaptableness, and physical health issues (Miller et al., 2004). Additionally, Bowen Family Systems Theory has received criticism for gender bias, over-focusing on the mother’s contribution to symptom development in children thereby fostering disrespect for both the male and female parent, and while it does describe emotional processes, it does not readily allow for emotional expression (Brown, 1999, Horne & Hicks, 2002)....

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