Bravery - i want the pfd PDF

Title Bravery - i want the pfd
Author Ritu Manandhar
Course Chem Eng Research Seminar
Institution Texas Tech University
Pages 4
File Size 54.2 KB
File Type PDF
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i want the pfd...


Ritu Manandhar English 101 L13 Professor Laura Bozarth 09/12/2018 Personal experiences that have influenced the development of one of your personal values Bravery, My personal Value Everyone has a different perspective towards life, different set of challenges to face, different goals they aspire to accomplish. Unlike the life story of thousands of people over the world, I have a different life story to tell. My life story, the roller coaster ride of my life with a lot of ups and downs. But every set of challenges I faced, every bit of adventures I experienced in my life has only helped me become more bold, brave and fearless. For this paper, I have chosen bravery as the personal value that has helped me shape my life. I believe that, the place I am today and the person I have become today is all because of the complicated but brave steps that I have chosen in my life. The Devastating Earthquake (April 2015) I clearly remember, 25th April 2015 was a gloomy day. I had a gut feeling that day. I had a feeling like something bad was going to happen but hadn’t imagined that the thing would be so traumatizing and life changing to almost all people of Nepal. That lazy Saturday morning, I decided to go to my father’s restaurant and help him. Our restaurant is located in one of the oldest and busiest street of Nepal. The street is very narrow and with tall houses at the edge. It was a busy time, around noon when I was working in the shop and all of a sudden the ground

started shaking. It was an earthquake. Every customer in our shop started yelling, crying and running here and there. My father hold my hand and pulled me out of the shop. The sight just outside my shop was very scary. The wall of a nearby school had collapsed and many people were dead and injured. I literally saw the pool of blood flowing in the street. I panicked. People were running here and there to save their life. Me and my father, we were looking for a safer place to run. At that moment, I saw an old women just in front of me shouting for help. She was covered in blood under the bundle of bricks and cement of the collapsed wall. It was too risky to stay there for a long time but I could not let that old women’s scream for help go unnoticed. So I tried to remove all the stuffs above her and my father carried her at his back. Then we ran to find a safer place. That day, I was brave enough to stop, put my life in risk and help someone. Now, when I think if I hadn’t been brave enough to stop and help the women, I would have regretted it the whole life. Sexual harassment and my reaction (2017) The weather outside was really hot. I was returning back from my college in a public bus. As it was the office hours the bus was really pack. So, there weren’t any empty seats. A lot of people were standing in the front. So I joined them. After sometime, I realized a man was standing behind me. He was standing very close to me, knocking into me several times. I thought it was due to the movement of the bus so didn’t really care about it. But after sometime, the man grabbed my waist tightly and tried to pull me even closer. I struggled to remove his hands from my waist, turned towards him and slapped him hard. Then I shouted loudly “How dare you touch me.” Everyone in the bus stared at me. I explained everyone how he tried to harass me sexually. All the people inside the bus got really angry and threw him out. In the male dominated society, where women are always forced to suppress their voice and tolerate all the violence, I was brave

enough to raise my voice for justice. I have seen and heard the stories of lots of girls who try to ignore these issues and pretend as if nothing had happened. But in my case, I can never tolerate the harassment and never see other tolerating it. Studying in United States (2018) I come from a very conservative Nepali family. I have a lot of rules and restrictions set by my parents. I was never allowed to go out with any my friends without introducing them to my father, never allowed to have night overs with my friends and the most annoying rule, I was never allowed to go anywhere alone. This made me realize that if I stay in Nepal even after my high school under the rules of my parents, I will never be able to expand my horizons of experience, adventures and knowledge. So, I came up with an idea of studying abroad. It might sound like an easy choice but was a very difficult one. For the past nineteen years, my parents had been making decisions for me. But all of a sudden, coming to United Sates and handling everything alone was a brave step to me. It took me a lot of courage to come to the conclusion. But one fine morning, I woke up with the thought in my head that “I am applying to the universities in United States.” So, here I am today trying to be independent, strong and always motivated to meet my goals. I learned to be brave when I was four and left in the pool to swim on my own, when I was six and stood on the stage in front of hundreds of people to give my speech. The person I am today is because of all the courage and bravery I have been able to show during the most difficult situations of my life. I believe that learning to be brave and take a stand for myself, being bold enough to make my own choices and decisions has actually changed my life positively....

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