Bsbinn 601 20190691 PDF

Title Bsbinn 601 20190691
Author Rekha Subba
Course Management and Leadership
Institution Australian Catholic University
Pages 27
File Size 1.9 MB
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Innovation management...


Australian Ideal College RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: [email protected] Website:

Educating for Excellence

Assessment Submission Sheet Course

BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

Unit Code


Unit Name

Lead and manage organisational change

Assessor Name


Student Name


Student ID


Date Due Please read and sign this assessment coversheet and submit it together with your assessment to your Assessor by the due date. Student Declaration I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. I have read the Plagiarism Policy and Assessment Appeal and Reassessment Policy in the Student Handbook and I understand all the rules and guidelines for undertaking assessments. I understand that by typing my full name in the student field this is equivalent to a hand-written signature. I give permission for my assessment material to be used for continuous improvement purposes. Student Signature

Date Submitted

Assessor Use Only Assessment Items Task 1

 Case study

Task 2

 Report

Task 3

 Presentation


Final Result for this unit

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my appeal rights.

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback





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Australian Ideal College

Educating for Excellence

RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: [email protected] Website:

Assessor’s Final Comments


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Australian Ideal College

Educating for Excellence

RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: [email protected] Website:

Task 1 Assessment Instructions Using the scenario information supplied, you will identify strategic change needs, review existing policy, monitor trends in the external environment that impact on organisation’s objectives, identify operational change objectives, prioritise change requirements and consult experts or specialists to assist in identification of change requirements and opportunities. You will then write a report to management outlining the change requirements. Procedure Review the scenario information provided in Appendix for Fast Track Couriers and Prepare a 3–4 page report detailing change requirements for Fast Track. Include all of the information you identified and explanations that you prepared in steps 1–8. Submit all documents to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records. To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following: You must submit:  A 3-4 page report including all information identified in the procedure below 1. Analyse the organisational objectives provided in the scenario to identify the change requirements for Fast Track Couriers: a. Identify requirements for change b. prepare an explanation of how your identified change needs link to the organisation’s strategic plan goal/s. 2. Review the organisation’s current state to understand how the current policies, practices and operations deliver against the organisation’s strategic goals. Review the organisation’s performance against objectives with regards to its: a. people b. processes c. technology d. structure. 3. Monitor external trends to identify events or trends which may impact on the achievement of the organisation’s strategic plan goals: a. identify two external trends b. develop an explanation of how the trends currently impact or will impact organisational objectives. 4. Identify major operational change requirements: a. identify changes due to performance gaps b. identify changes due to business opportunities c. identify changes due to threats d. identify changes due to management decisions. 5. Identify specialists to be consulted to assist with identifying change needs: a. identify specialists you will engage to help identify change requirements and be prepared to explain your reasons for engaging these specialists AIC-UP- BSBINN601 –V3.0

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Australian Ideal College

Educating for Excellence

RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: [email protected] Website:

b. identify what consulting model you would adopt to engage the specialists and be prepared to explain why you would use this model. 6. Assume your assessor is a specialist/expert of the kind you have identified in step 5. Consult with your assessor to assist with identification of change management requirements and opportunities. 7. Identify the managers that need to be informed. Prepare a plan that identifies who, when and how stakeholder managers will be engaged to review and prioritise change requirements. 8. Assume your assessor is a manager you have identified. Consult with your assessor to review the changes you propose and to help you prioritise changes. Suggest and justify the priority you have assigned to each change you recommend.

Fast Track Couriers is a courier company that has been operating in New South Wales for the last 15 years. Its primary business function is delivering medium to large size packages across metropolitan Sydney. Currently, the firm wants to expand its market and aims towards two vital goals. They are:  Implementing proper PDA otherwise GPS usage in the productivity function upon truck fleet.  Implementing one person per truck policy utilising automatic lift gates

1.a.Requirements for change: 

Install proper PDA or GPS system for each truck and testing the new distribution system.

Introduce professional development trainings and use motivating tools to improve productivity of the employees.

Reduce workplace injury.

Implementing recognition and incentives policies for outstandanding performances like bonus for exceeding targets, advancement or leadership opportunities.

Increasing number of trucks to expand the business as well as to reduce delays in deleveries.

Implement one person per truck policy using automatic lift gates.

b.prepare an explanation of how your identified change needs link to the organisation’s strategic plan goal/s. 

The company can develop and improve integrated approach to distribution management through utilisation of technology like PDA and GPS devices.

Training programs provide to the employees and drivers will develop and maintain cohesive and well motivated workforce in the organisation.

To expand business in metropolitian areas so that small to medium package deliveries market sharte increases by 7.5%.

One person per truck policy will also ensure optimum use of human resources as well as proper use of other resources in order to make the production of the company more efficient.

The automation of the gates will reduce injuries of the drives as they don’t have to lift the gates manually.

2.The current organisation state as far as its practices,policies, arrangements and tasks have a AIC-UP- BSBINN601 –V3.0

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Australian Ideal College

Educating for Excellence

RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: [email protected] Website:

significant impact on the essential objectives of the organization.  People: Truck Drivers

Management team Human resources Finance 

Process: Distribution management system Company policies

Potential for continuing pay disputes exists. Resistance to the change of policy of one driver per truck that has adversely affected the drivers. Less participation of drivers in the training programs as they fell utilization of updated technologies like PDA and GPS doesn’t confide them. No administration, no control over the workforce has led to lack of encouragement and motivation in the employees. No implementation of HR function. Having industrial relations and union problems.

Automatic lift gates not yet implemented by Fast Track Couriers that leads to delay in deleveries due to man-handled loadings and unloadings. One driver per truck policy has not being implenmeted due to resistance.

Technology: PDA and GPS Installation

Not implented yet as they are in the testing phase. As a result, the drivers are not embracing the technological changes as they feel that the company doesn’t trust them and consequently need to screen their work. It seems that the drivers prefer to use documented manuals as before.

 Structure: HR Department

The GM of the company is always in the road because of which he is not able to see the working contiotion of the organization in real time and thus, based on the reports sent by the head office and drivers he manages to build policies. Therefore, no administration, no control over the workforce has led to lack of motivation and encouragement in employees to perform effectively.

3.The external trends to identify events or trens that impacts on the achievement of the organisation’s strategic plan goals are as mentioned below: 

Competitors of Fast Track Couriers: The competitors in the industry are already using driverless advanced technologies like PDA and GPS to track its distributions, as well as has more efficient distribution management process workers which may lead to loss of the client and market shares of Fast Track Couriers.

The salary of Fast Track Courier’s drivers is less than the salary of the average driver in NSW. This may lead to increase in staff turnover as the drivers’s may join other competitors company for more opportunity and development.

9. AIC-UP- BSBINN601 –V3.0

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Australian Ideal College

Educating for Excellence

RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: [email protected] Website:

a. Identify changes due to performance gaps: Provide proper on-going training and communication to assist the divers to understand the new tewchnology. Give ideas and self-awareness regarding PDA and GPS usage. Currently Fast Track Couriers has two drivers to each truck and by installing PDA device and automatic lift gates the driver can be reduced to one which helps in improving efficiency of distribution process. However, implementing of new technology has to face resistance from drivers resulting to uncalled strikes. New policies and procedures needs to be written to support the implementation of one driver policy and PDA/GOS integrated distribution goals. b. Identify changes due to business opportunities: Fast Track Couriers has an opportunity to increase its market share by 7.5% in delivery business. Buying new trucks to implement one driver per truck policies, this leads to expansion of the business. Therefore, as a result the capacity and efficiency of Fast Track Couries delivery business will improve. c. Identify changes due to threats: The potential threat to Fast Track Courier is the driver’s acceptance of new technology related to distribution management process as some of the driver are not satisfied with the change and it may hamper the work or performance. The company needs to make some adjustments in its operational plans as well as the assign truck drivers to participate in trainings, learnings and development programs in order to understand and make new technology acceptable. Fast track Courier must implement one driver per truck policy to enable expansion of fleet. Technologies should be implemented in order to avoid falling behind than competitors. Delivery and distribution time will be short if the competitors are already using various advanced technologies and that might result in loss of the clients and late delivery. d. Identify changes due to management decisions: Expand business to deliver small and medium parcels into metro areas. Implement one truck driver policy and procedures to reduce injuries.

5. a. Identify specialists you will engage to help identify change requirements and be prepared to explain your reasons for engaging these specialists 

HR Expert: They will assist in uniting all the staff, encourage and motivate them to work under new environment and improve performance by accepting the change. They will aslo advise on how to create payroll plans as well as to improve industrial relations.

IT Expert: They will assist company to install and test PDA devices onto the truck and explains the benefits of devices. Similary, they will provide proper training to operate those devices effectively.

Finance Expert: They will assist on getting support from the investors to provide funds for the expenses related to the change. They also assist in reviewing proposed budget and profit forecasts.

Marketing Expert: They will assist the company to identify taget markets and clients and


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Australian Ideal College RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: [email protected] Website:

Educating for Excellence

also advise on different strategy to achieve high markets. Moreover, they will assist in providing information about the market in details and make changes according to increase their market share and sells.

b. Identify what consulting model you would adopt to engage the specialists and be prepared to explain why you would use this model. Process Consultation: Under this model consultant and organisation work together to identify the problems and solutions. This is more cooperative approach than the doctore-patient model and the purchase of expertise model. The General manager is very concerned about identifying change requirements in close consultation with the organsation. The stakeholders and issues are being identified in this case and the plans are made to engage them in achieving company’s target. External consultation have good trainers to help us improve customner services and how to deal with the customers. This process completes with the evaluation of the process and reporting back to the shareholders.

Stakeholders, Clients

They define the problems

General Manager, Stakeholders

They define or outline solutions

General Manager

Implement solutions

The issues are being identified and solved.

Through maintaining effective arrangement of the solutions

Improvement in internal and environment

This model is appropriate

company’s external

6. Identification of change management requirements and opportunities.    

Increasing or raising salaries of the drivers or introducting reward system like bonus, incentives and other facilities for acknowledgement. Consulting regularly with the unions and employee representatives to understand the needs and requirements of the employees as well as to get an idea of employees perception towards the change. Establish a structural change so that the company will have a dedicated sales team to build sales culture and facilitate training for specific skill set. Implement structural changes to simplicy and clarify top-down, bottom up communication within the organisation so that communication is smooth and understood clearly.

7. Identify the manager / stakeholders and prepare a plan: The managers who needs to be informed are General Manager, HR Manager, Employee representative and IT Manager. AIC-UP- BSBINN601 –V3.0

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Australian Ideal College RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: [email protected] Website:

Educating for Excellence

Stakeholder General Manager

Communication Method Meeting

Hr Manager

Meeting/ Emails

Employee Representatives

Meeting and Emails

IT Manager

Meeting session




Points of discussion New technologies, New policy, processes and structures Employee database, progression in training and participation New Policy, Installation of technologies, Driver requirement and smooth communication one Assist or provide training to operate devices, explain benefit of devices to the driver as well as company

8. Prioritise changes Priority Action 1 Implement PDA and GPS devices/technologies



Implement one truck driver policy

 

Raise minimum salaries for the drivers Introduce bonus and incentive system


Regular consultation with unions, employee representatives with human resource function


Implementation of effective two way communication process throughout the organisation, top-down and bottom up communication


Justification New technology will reduce parcel delivery time which is very essential for courier business. Help company realiseits goal to acc expand its operations through out metropolitian Sydney and increase its market share. Solves pay disputes, improve employee participation and engagemen...

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