BSNL MBA Final Year Report 2021-2022 PDF

Title BSNL MBA Final Year Report 2021-2022
Course masters in business administration
Institution Anna University
Pages 74
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MBA Final Year Report 2021-2022MBA Final Year Report 2021-2022MBA Final Year Report 2021-2022MBA Final Year Report 2021-2022...


TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SURVEY AT BSNL TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Executive summary 2. Introduction to Training and Development 3. Importance of Training and Development 4. Need for the study Title of the project Statement of the problem Purpose of the study Scope of the study Objectives of the study 5. Research methodology Sampling plan Area covered Methodology 6. Data collection Primary data Secondary data 7. Data Analysis Statistical tool Statistical package 8. Limitation of the study 9. Theoretical aspects of training and development 10. Introduction to the company 11. Analysis and interpretation 12. Findings 13. Suggestions 14. Conclusion 15. Bibliography 16. Annexure BABASAB PATIL

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Strongly disagree

Somewhat disagree

Neither agree nor disagree

Some what agree

Strongly agree


Training helps in increasing productivity of employees, to achieve organizational goals.







Training programs are well-planned.







Training programs are of sufficient duration.







Training is periodically evaluated and improved.






Training programs emphasis on developing technical & managerial capabilities of employees.








Training of workers is given adequate importance in your organization.






Employees are sponsored for training programs after carefully identified developmental needs.








Those who are sponsored for the training programs take the training seriously






Employees in the organization participate in determining the training they need.







The quality of training programs in your organization is excellent.






External training programs are carefully chosen after collecting enough information about their quality and suitability.








There is a well-designed and widely shared training policy in the company.








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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Telecommunication is a technology intensive industry with a high probability of obsolescence. Our country has witnessed a number of technologies varying from magneto exchanges to the modern New Technology Digital Switches. We have also seen changes in the transmission technology starting from carrier systems to the DWDM systems providing long distance circuits across the length and breadth of the country. Telecommunications today is both a public utility and a vital infra-structure. Therefore an in house training center is an essential institution for continuous training of the officers and employees in this key technological field. Training is a process through which a person enhances and develops his efficiency, capacity and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his knowledge and understanding the skills relevant to perform his or her job. Training also helps a person cultivate appropriate and desired behavior and attitude towards the work and people. Unless training is provided, the jobs and lives of employees in organizations are at stake. It gives people an awareness of the Rules & Procedures to guide their behavior. It is an application of knowledge to improve the performance on the Current job or to prepare one for an intended job. Organization & individual for their survival & attainment of mutual goals should develop & progress simultaneously; this can be done mainly through training technique because training is the most important technique & it is a value addition to the organization through Human Resource Development for the development of the employee. The employee she/he been selected, placed & introduced in an organization should be provided with training facilities in order to adjust & make them suitable for the BABASAB PATIL

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TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SURVEY AT BSNL Job as no organization can get a candidate who exactly matches with the job & organizational requirements.

The trained employees are the valuable assets to any organization. Training at BSNL is given when there is a difference between the job requirements & employees present specifications. Thus employee training is the most important sub-system, specialized & one of the fundamental operative functions of Human Resource Development. Organizational efficiency, productivity, progress & development, also organization viability, stability & growth to greater extent depend on training. If the required training is not provided it leads to the performance failure of the employees. Training enhances the Competence, Commitment, and Creativity & Contribution to the organization. The first step in my study is to find out the effectiveness of training and development in achieving the goals of the company, to study the different methods of training followed at BSNL, The basis on which training programmees are planned and scheduled and how the performance appraisal helps in identifying training needs.

The second step was data collection through various sources I used both primary and secondary data for the study as both are quiet essential in any type of survey. primary data was collected through survey and personal interview, whereas secondary data made use of certain reports from the HRD department provided the information as to the total no of employees, schedule of training programs, number of persons attending it and other such things. The secondary data also included textbooks, company data, internet. The analysis of the questionnaire was carried out through which the purpose of the study was served. The analysis was done by using statistical tool in which the study made use of two test that is : frequency test and correlation. BABASAB PATIL

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TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SURVEY AT BSNL These tests gave the clear idea about the most significant factors which are positively correlated and those factors which are not so significant and are not positively correlated. Hence it helped the study to identify the important factors which are quiet essential for effective training and development in the organization.

This study gives a detailed idea about the employee’s attitude towards the training program and how the employees apply the knowledge, skills and attitude in job performance.

Therefore through the analysis the study could be interpreted that the training and development programs are quiet effective but still needs to be improved on some of the aspects mentioned above.


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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human Resource Management is defined as the people who staff and manage organization. It comprises of the functions and principles that are applied to retaining, training, developing, and compensating the employees in organization. It is also applicable to non-business organizations, such as education, healthcare, etc Human Resource Management is defined as the set of activities, programs, and functions that are designed to maximize both organizational as well as employee effectiveness…………… …………………… Scope of HRM without a doubt is vast. All the activities of employee, from the time of his entry into an organization until he leaves, come under the horizon of HRM.The divisions included in HRM are Recruitment, Payroll, Performance Management, Training and Development, Retention, Industrial Relation, etc. Out of all these divisions, one such important division is training and development. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in structured format.


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TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SURVEY AT BSNL TRADITIONAL AND MODERN APPROACH OF TRAINING AND DEVLOPMENT Traditional Approach – Most of the organizations before never used to believe in training. They were holding the traditional view that managers are born and not made. There were also some views that training is a very costly affair and not worth. Organizations used to believe more in executive pinching. But now the scenario seems to be changing.

The modern approach of training and development is that Indian Organizations have realized the importance of corporate training. Training is now considered as more of retention tool than a cost. The training system in Indian Industry has been changed to create a smarter workforce and yield the best results

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that, there are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal.

Individual Objectives – help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization. Organizational Objectives – assist the organization with its primary objective by bringing individual effectiveness. Functional Objectives – maintain the department’s contribution at a level suitable to the organization’s needs.


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TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SURVEY AT BSNL Societal Objectives – ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society.

Importance of Training and Development • Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals. • Development of Human Resources – Training and Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources’ technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth. • Development of skills of employees – Training and Development helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons of Human intellect and an overall personality of the employees. • Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal.


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TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SURVEY AT BSNL • Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees.

• Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to develop and improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the organization.

• Organization Climate – Training and Development helps building the positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

• Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-life. • Healthy work-environment – Training and Development helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal. • Health and Safety – Training and Development helps in improving the health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence. • Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work force.

• Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image. • Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.


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TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SURVEY AT BSNL • Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and carrying out organisational policies

• Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display.

Training in Public Sector

Indian Public Sector is passing through massive changes due to advancement in science and technology and competition from private sector. India has nearly one-sixth of the world's population. This over abundant human resource needs to be converted to asset. This is possible only through proper training and development. The former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi rightly sensed this need and had established a separate Ministry for Human Resource Development in 1985. He stressed on the development of human resources and because of his initiatives, training had taken a front seat in the national economy. Later on, most of the PSEs realized the need and importance of training their employees for better and improved results. The human resource development approach is essential in order to have the optimum utilization of manpower for the benefit of both, the employees and the organization. After opening up of the economy, there has been tremendous amount of pressure on the PSEs to increase productivity of their employees on one hand and reduce surplus manpower on the other. PSEs have found out the route to reduce their manpower strength BABASAB PATIL

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TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SURVEY AT BSNL by adopting Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS). The biggest challenge in VRS is to safeguard talent drain. Talented employees see this as an opportunity and are moving away from PSEs in search of high paid jobs in private and multinational companies, which leads to scarcity of trained manpower. On the one side they get lump sum compensation package by opting for VRS and on the other side they will be attracted by MNCs and other private sector enterprises (The Indian Express, January 25, 2001; Business Line, June 08, 2000; Nearly 40% of the employees in Reliance Petroleum were drawn from the public sector (Vittal, 2001). This again emphasizes the need and importance of training and employee retention in PSEs. Research conducted by TVRLS on VRS also proves that good outside opportunity is one of the important reasons for employees opting for VRS ( Government of India promoted PSEs to fulfill the social objectives since the time of the first Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru. As a result, reservation for socially and educationally weaker sections of the society was introduced in public sector jobs. The government has banned de-reservation of vacancies meant for the reserved categories since 1989 and reservation for other backward classes were introduced in 1993. Now PSEs are required to recruit up to 50% of their manpower from the reserved categories. In the event of candidates from reserved categories not meeting the required standards, reserved seats are filled after relaxing the standards (Naik, 1998). This is another reason to concentrate more on training and development activities in PSEs and to provide proper training and development opportunities to persons recruited on relaxed standards, so that they can come up on par with the required standards. In the year 2000, 11th Finance Commission emphasized that the second phase of structural reforms should concentrate on the extensive restructuring of PSEs. This restructuring should not only give PSEs the same benefits of autonomy and freedom as the private sector, but also free them from the shackles of ministries from which they originally emerged. In one of its recommendations, this Commission said that it a public sector enterprise fails to demonstrate its sustainability and cannot come out of the zone of chronic losses after five years of structurally reformed existence, it should be sold of at


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TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SURVEY AT BSNL whatever price it can fetch. This further emphasized the need for training and development in PSEs to improve their performance. (Sudhman, 2000)


Telecom is one of the fastest growing sectors in India with a growth of 21% and revenue of Rs 86,720 crore in the year 2006. The sector is expected to grow over 150% by 2012. With increase in competition between the major players like BSNL, MTNL, Hutchison Essar, BPL, Idea, Bharti Tele services, Tata, etc, the requirement for mobile analysts, software engineers, and hardware engineers for mobile handsets has increased. However, holding an engineering degree is not enough to survive in the Telecom Sector. There is constant need of updating of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. With this rapid growth in Telecom Sector, the need for trained professionals in bound to rise and so is the training need. The total training market in Telecom Sector is estimated to Rs 400 crore. Many top players are spending a huge amount on training and development, for example BSNL alone spends more than 100 crore on training and development of its employees through the Advanced Level Telecommunications Training Centre (ALTTC) and 43 BABASAB PATIL

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TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SURVEY AT BSNL other regional training institutes. Reliance has also established Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology. In addition to that, Bharti has also tied-up with IIT Delhi for the Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management.

With the increase in competition, availability of huge amount of information through internet, magazines, newspapers, TV, etc, and increased awareness among customers, the demand to impart proper training in non-technological areas like customer care and marketing has increased too. Rapid technological changes, network security threat, mobile application development, growing IP deployment in the sector have brought back the training and development in the priority catalog.

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AT Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) DoT-BSNL MoU: Training of minimum 20% BSNL officials-: BSNL has signed MoU with DoT vide which at least 20% staff has to imparted training in 2006-07. To achieve this, all BSNL units have been asked to fix the target to train 25% of their staff & officers. The training report has to be compiled under various heads such as indu ction, seminar, workshop, behavior & Attitudinal etc.

Computerized Training Management System at ALTTC: This system with online nomination facility has been made operational after clearance by IT cell of BSNL. This software eases the process of nomination by SSAs, Circles and other BSNL units, as it is a paperless system with capability of online nomination & approval. A-circular and approved nomination list are availab...

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