BU 491 - Policy II Syllabus PDF

Title BU 491 - Policy II Syllabus
Author Scott Dick
Course Policy 2
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 6
File Size 202.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 33
Total Views 138




BU 491 WINTER 2019 BUSINESS POLICY II All Sections STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN THE GLOBAL CONTEXT Instructors: Name: Anne Domurath Room: LH 4109 E Mail: [email protected] Phone : 519.884.0710 x4816 Office hours: By appointment only Sections: D, G

Name: Sepideh Yeganegi Room: LH2021 E Mail : [email protected] Phone : 519.884.0710 x 4904 Office hours: By appointment only Sections: B, C, E, F

Faculty Assistant: Indera Singh, LH 2052, [email protected]

Course Description: This course addresses the challenges associated with business strategy assessment, formulation and implementation within the international context.

Required Materials: 1) Assigned articles can be found via the library. 2) Transnational Management – Text and Cases in Cross-Border Management; Bartlett, C.A. & Beamish, P.W. (2018), 8th edition, Cambridge University Press. Available in the bookstore. 3) Additional case pack, which can be purchased through Ivey Publishing. Instructions for Accessing Course Material for BU491 - Business Policy II Winter 2019 Case Pack: 1. Go to the Ivey Publishing website at www.iveycases.com 2. Log in to your existing account or click "Register" to create a new account and follow the prompts to complete the registration. If registering, choose the "Student User" role. 3. Click on this link or copy into your browser: https://www.iveycases.com/CoursepackView.aspx?id=21490 4. Click "Add to Cart". 5. You may choose to order in either print or digital format. o To order the material in digital format, check "digital download" and click "OK". o To order a printed copy for delivery, enter the print quantity required and click "OK". Please note that shipping charges will apply. 6. Go to the Shopping Cart (located at the top of the page), click "Checkout", and complete the checkout process. 7. When payment has been processed successfully, an Order Confirmation will be emailed to you immediately and you will see the Order Confirmation screen. o If you ordered digital copies: Click "Download your Digital Items" or go to "My Orders" to access the file. o If you ordered printed copies: Your order will be printed and shipped within 2 to 3 business days. IMPORTANT: Access to downloadable files will expire 30 days from the order date, so be sure to save a copy on your computer. The downloadable file is a PDF document that can be opened using Adobe Reader.

BU 491 Winter 2019 This material is for your personal use only and is not to be shared or distributed in any form. This is an automated message - please do not reply to this email. Contact your professor directly or contact Ivey Publishing during business hours. Ivey Publishing Ivey Business School Western University e. [email protected] t. 519.661.3208 | tf. 800.649.6355 www.iveycases.com Business Hours: Monday to Thursday: 8:00am-4:30pm (ET) Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm (ET)

MyLearningSpace The MyLearningSpace (MLS) technology platform will be used in this course. In addition to the email, announcement, calendar and grade posting functionality, students will find slides used by the instructor, as well as any handouts.

Course Aims: At the end of this course the student is expected to: 1) Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts pertaining to: • The global business context as it is pertinent to strategy. • Assessing a firm’s readiness for international markets. • Assessing international opportunities. 2) Demonstrate awareness of the factors to consider in developing an international business strategy including ethical challenges. 3) Demonstrate an understanding of the various strategies available to firms in the context of international strategy expansion. 4) Have successfully applied the above concepts, factors and strategies through various business cases.

METHOD OF INSTRUCTION The majority of classes involve a brief lecture, class discussions, discussion of business cases, while some classes will also use exercises and videos. Cases will be analyzed using the strategic management frameworks learned in BU481 as well as new frameworks covered in this course. In order to maximize learning, students are required to read and analyze the assigned material prior to class. Participating in study groups prior to class can help you prepare your analysis and recommendations for class. During the class, time is used to address the management issues and decisions in the case – not to rehash facts in the case. In an effort to support the University’s and the Lazaridis School’s sustainability objectives, most handouts will only be made available electronically through MLS. Lazaridis School of Business and Economics


BU 491 Winter 2019

Grading: 40% 20% 20% 20%

Technical Test Class Participation Case Analysis Memorandum (Group) Country Presentation (Group)



Test and assignment dates can be found in the BU491 Spring 2018 Schedule document available on MLS.

Technical Test The Technical Test is designed to demonstrate student’s learning and understanding of key strategy concepts and tools covered during the term. There will be one closed book Technical Test in class using short answer questions. The Technical Test will cover the book and all material covered prior to the test. If a student misses the Technical Test and has an adequate and valid excuse, there will be one make-up test. The make up test is scheduled for Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 7am-8am. It is BU491-Course Policy not to accept retroactive doctor’s notes. The Technical Test cannot be deferred twice. Please ensure that you understand and follow these rules. They will be enforced to ensure that all students in this course are treated equally. Your instructor will not, under any circumstances, alter the posted rules for any student. All students will receive a grade for the Technical Test to get a final grade. The weight of the Technical Test will not be added to another assignment.

Case Analysis Memorandum (CAM) Students will prepare and submit a “Case Analysis Memorandum” (CAM). This is a group assignment for groups of up to 6 students depending on class size. Group size will be determined by your instructor. The CAM is a written document consisting of a report and a few pages of exhibits. The CAM should include a recommendation to the situation posed in the case, key points of analysis that support the recommendation and a plan of action. The assignment will be submitted both in hard copy and as an electronic version through MLS. The submission through MLS will be checked for plagiarism using “Turnitin”. The CAM assignment will be described more fully in a separate handout that will be provided by the instructors during the term. Individual participation for the CAM will be assessed using a "Peer Evaluation Form". While grades for the group report will be assigned on a group basis, individual grades will be adjusted either up or down if the "Peer Evaluation Form" suggests such an adjustment is appropriate at the discretion of the instructor. Lazaridis School of Business and Economics


BU 491 Winter 2019 All students will receive a grade for the CAM assignment. The weight of the CAM assignment will not be added to another assignment.

Participation Assigned materials must be read prior to class and active participation is required. Students will have the opportunity to share relevant current events with others to enhance their participation grade. Students will keep track of their daily class contribution using an assessment form that is made available at the beginning of each class. Assessment forms need to be returned to the instructor at the end of each class. The instructor has the discretion for determining whether the students’ assessment is accurate. A name card is mandatory at each class in order to earn participation marks. Aggregated participation marks will be provided on MLS by your instructor on a regular basis. The best 19 out of 21 possible participation marks will be retained for the participation grade calculation. All students will receive a grade for their participation. The weight of the participation grade will not be added to another assignment.

Country Presentation The Country Presentations are group projects. Each section of the course will have 10 groups and group size will be determined by the instructor. Instructors will assess grades for each of the country presentations and similar to the CAM assignment individual grades may be adjusted either up or down if the “Peer Evaluation Form” suggests that such an adjustment is appropriate at the discretion of the instructor. The Country Presentations consist of two parts. Part A (10%) is a poster presentation at the World of Opportunities event on February 9, 2019. Part B (10%) is an in-class presentation that will focus on current events in another country and their implications for businesses. Part A: Each group of students will be assigned a specific country and will be required to prepare a “poster presentation” for the World of Opportunities event on February 9, 2019. Each group will be given one table at the event for the purpose of creating a display of information about the assigned country. More specific details will be provided by the instructors. This event is an all-day conference and attendance is compulsory for all students enrolled in BU491. In addition to participating in the poster presentation portion of the agenda, students are required to attend the keynote address and panel presentations. Attendance will be taken and a participation mark will be allocated to the event. Part B: Each group will be assigned a specific country and will be required to prepare an in-class presentation on current events in that specific country, which affect the business environment. More specific details will be provided by the instructors. Lazaridis School of Business and Economics


BU 491 Winter 2019 Please refer to the class schedule for specific presentation dates for the various country presentations. All students will receive a grade for the country presentations. The weight of the country presentation grade will not be added to another assignment.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING PROCEDURES AND EXPECTATIONS ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic integrity is expected of all members of the Laurier community. Any act by a student or students which represents a deliberate attempt to unfairly gain an academic advantage is considered academic misconduct. Students involved in academic misconduct may receive a failing grade on the course and even a notation of academic dishonesty on their transcripts. In this course, academic misconduct includes copying or use of unauthorized aids in assignments and test; plagiarism or, more specifically, using another individual’s idea(s) without properly crediting them; submission of work generated for another course without prior clearance by the instructor of this course; “making up” facts or research findings; aiding and abetting another student’s dishonesty; and giving false information for the purpose of gaining credit. The “Student Code of Conduct and Discipline” in the WLU Calendar sets out related policies and procedures. Students will be required to submit their assignments through Turnitin.com. For tests, cell phones are to be turned off. In the event that plagiarism is detected within a group submission, all students within the group will receive a zero for their group assignment and they will be reported to the Associate Dean. In the event that plagiarism or some form of academic integrity issue is detected during the Technical Test, students will receive a zero grade for the test and they will be reported to the Associate Dean. In the event that plagiarism or misreporting occurs on the self-assessment forms, students will receive a zero grade for the participation in the respective class and they will be reported to the Associate Dean. Please note that students are only allowed to write down comments they made in class.

COPYRIGHT The educational materials developed for this course, including, but not limited to, lecture notes and slides, handout materials, examinations and assignments, and any materials posted to MyLearningSpace, are the intellectual property of the course instructor. These materials have been developed for student use only and they are not intended for wider dissemination and/or communication outside of a given course. Posting or providing unauthorized audio, video, or textual material of lecture content to third-party websites violates an instructor’s intellectual property rights, and the Canadian Copyright Act. Recording lectures in any way is prohibited in this course unless specific permission has been granted by the instructor. Failure to follow these instructions may be in contravention of the university’s Code of Student Conduct and/or Code of Academic Conduct, and will result in appropriate penalties. Participation in this course constitutes an agreement by all parties to abide by the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics


BU 491 Winter 2019 relevant University Policies, and to respect the intellectual property of others during and after their association with Wilfrid Laurier University.

Accessible Learning Centre Students with disabilities or special needs are advised to contact Laurier’s Accessible Learning Centre (1C11) for information regarding its services and resources. Students are encouraged to review the Calendar for information regarding all services available on campus.

Lazaridis School of Business and Economics


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