BU121 Purpose Proposal Assignment Instructions PDF

Title BU121 Purpose Proposal Assignment Instructions
Course Functional Areas
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
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BU121 Purpose Proposal Assignment Instructions 2022...



BU121 WINTER 2022 PURPOSE PROPOSAL – Due January 29 © What is the purpose proposal? Assume you are a summer intern at a publicly traded company in Canada and you report to Chantal Leadren. Chantal assigns you the following task: “I’ve been talking to the senior leadership team about our organization’s purpose. I believe we need to create a meaningful corporate purpose – it seems like every company is doing so – but there are several senior leaders that are skeptical that it is just a buzzword. They fear that it will distract us from meeting our quarterly financial targets and if the share price falls, we’ll be under threat from powerful investors. I recall you saying that you discussed this topic at school, and I would like to know what you think. Would you recommend that we become a purpose-driven organization? Why or why not? Consider the opportunities, benefits, risks and challenges involved in being purpose-driven. Please back up your recommendation with at least one company example and specify how their approach (purpose-driven or not) has helped them cope with the current business environment.” How do I complete the proposal? Timeline Activity

Jan. 14 19

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Jan. 1719 Jan. 2023

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Review the ‘purpose’ resource materials (under Week 2 Checklist) Make jot notes of key points Begin brainstorming company examples; consider using the Library’s BU121 Purpose Proposal Assignment Guide - Company Research Review Academic Integrity Guidelines to refresh yourself on how to act with integrity. This is an individual assignment and as such, collaboration is not allowed. Academic integrity also applies to your writing and sourcing. Practice identifying benefits and limitations of purpose in lab Practice exploring company example in lab As preparation for Lab 3 and to prepare for writing this proposal: o read guidelines for writing business memos HERE o review Writing Services guidelines for citations HERE o review Writing Services guidelines for grammar HERE (Scroll down to this section)

Consider attending a Writing Services WORKSHOP or making an APPOINTMENT Review jot notes and create a rough draft

On your own/ In Lab On your own

In lab On your own


Jan. 2426 Jan. 2728

Jan. 29

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In Lab 3, complete a practice grammar quiz and some exercises to practice effective writing Refine and polish your proposal Consider attending one of the following Writing Services BU121 Writing Support Drop-in sessions (first come, first served, 15minute maximum): o Thursday, January 27 from 2 – 4 p.m. o Thursday Zoom Link o Meeting ID: 927 6035 6617 Passcode: 512068 OR o Friday, January 28 from 12 – 2 p.m. o Friday Zoom Link o Meeting ID: 925 6170 5288 Passcode: 719336 Submit final copy to MyLS dropbox before 1:00 pm EST

In lab On your own/ with Writing Services

On your own

Why am I doing this proposal? This proposal allows you to provide evidence that you have achieved the following learning objectives: LO1a-d

LO4b LO4c LO4g

Understand the purpose of business organizations both in the past and today Understand how purpose impacts an organization’s key success factors and management approaches Understand benefits and challenges associated with becoming a purpose-driven organization Identify examples of companies that have adopted a purpose-driven approach Develop the skill of business writing Develop the skill of critical thinking Develop the skill of independent learning

This proposal also supports your development of BBA program objectives #3 and #4 - communication skills and critical thinking. How do I format this proposal? Length* 3-page maximum (2 pages for memo and 1 page for References List) Spacing Double spacing for memo heading and References List Single spacing for body of memo Font 12-point Calibri (Body) font Margins 1-inch APA Citation Style (7th Edition) – see guidance HERE Sourcing Conventions (for in-text and References list)


*If your proposal is formatted differently, your IA will reformat it accordingly to the guidelines listed here and grade only those pages that fit within the page limit. How do I submit this proposal? Submit your final copy in one Word document (not PDF) to MyLS dropbox titled “Purpose Proposal”. When do I submit this proposal? What happens if I am late? Submit your proposal before 1:00 pm EST on Saturday, January 29, 2022. If you miss the deadline, submit your proposal as soon as possible to the MyLS dropbox and email your Lecturer (with cc: to your IA) to explain why you were late, what steps you took before the deadline to try to meet the submission deadline and what you will do in the future to ensure on-time submission. Your proposal will be graded and you will receive feedback so that you can track your achievement of learning objectives, but the grade will be overridden to ZERO. At the end of the semester, your Lecturer will review your explanation and your track record throughout the course to determine if the late penalty may be reduced. Late penalties are not waived unless there are exceptional circumstances. How is this proposal graded? Your proposal will be reviewed in Turnitin.com and then your IA will assess your proposal using this rubric. Refer to it closely as you prepare and edit your proposal. The graded rubric and feedback comments will be visible to you in MyLS by approximately February 13, 2022. The proposal is worth 10% of your BU121 grade. Purpose Proposal Rubric Recommendation • articulates recommendation clearly and persuasively • provides insightful and objective rationale to support recommendation • anticipates counterarguments and effectively rebuts Business Example • provides relevant and compelling business example • demonstrates how business choice re: purpose has helped to address current business environment Organization & Development • uses appropriate business memo structure • organizes content effectively • transitions smoothly between paragraphs • creates effective topic sentences for each paragraph (connected to paragraph and developed with sufficient details) • uses headings and bullets strategically


35 31 28 Meets all criteria at high level

27 21 15 Meets some criteria

14 7 0 Meets few criteria

15 13.5 12







15 13.5 12







4 Grammar & Readability • uses grammatically correct sentences • writes without any spelling errors • uses punctuation correctly • uses appropriate parallel structure • edits and polishes memo with care • writes succinctly and objectively • uses appropriate business tone and language Use of Sources* - see important note below • uses summary, paraphrase, and short quotations appropriately • incorporates own voice into memo • uses in-text citations appropriately within memo • includes appropriate References list


18 16







15 13.5 12







*If sourcing is evident but imperfectly formatted, students will face deductions in this grading component. If sourcing is not evident or extremely sloppy, students may face an allegation of academic misconduct. Ensure you understand how to use sources appropriately!

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