Bus 102 second - Report PDF

Title Bus 102 second - Report
Author Nima sherpa
Course Introduction to Management
Institution Kaplan Business School Australia
Pages 8
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Assessment 2 Information Subject Code: BUS102 Subject Name: Introduction to Management Assessment Title: Individual Case Study Analysis Assessment Type: Report Word Count: 1000 Words (+/- 10%) Weighting: 40 % Total Marks: 40 Submission: via Turnitin Due Date: Week 9 Your Task Compile a report based on researching a one of the following companies. Choose from ONE of the theories covered in weeks 4 (Culture), 5 (Motivation) and 7 (Individual Differences). Assessment Description Select ONE of the following companies as your case study: • Blackmores • BlueScope Steel • SPC • Colgate Palmolive Select one company to find examples of human resource management practices

they utilise; such as the organisations culture, how they motivate and engage their workforce or what they do to develop areas of diversity within the organisation. Do an evaluation of ONE of these areas for your selected company. Assessment Instructions The assessment is to be presented in a Report Format using headings and requires the followingsections: • Cover page • Table of contents • Introduction (125 words) – state simply the purpose of the report and the structure you will follow • Give an overview of the organisation and a summary of the human resource management practices they employ (250 words) – identify the company and briefly explain the practices relating to all areas of HR, their organisational culture, motivation and diversity • Human Resource Management Theory (250 words) – identify the ONE specific area of discussion and explain the theory you will analyse (it will relate to what was covered in weeks 4 – organisational culture, 5 - motivation or 7 - diversity) • Analyse what the company is doing (250 words) – explain what the company has in place and support WHY this is effective by using the theory • Conclusion (125 words) – a summary of the key information and summarise the findings you identified in your report • Reference List Please refer to the marking criteria as a guideline to help you complete the report. Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Important Study Information Reference guide: Use a minimum of four references. This must include weekly readings, and other readings from textbooks and journal articles. Referencing should be in the Harvard style – please refer to Kaplan’s ‘Harvard Referencing Guide’. KBS presentation guidelines: Arial, size 11 font, 1.5 spacing Submission: PDF and submit to Turnitin by the due date. Late submissions will incur a late penalty. Academic Integrity Policy KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences

of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties? How can I appeal my grade? Click here for answers to these questions: http://www.kbs.edu.au/current-students/student-policies/. Word Limits for Written Assessments Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded. Study Assistance Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information


Introduction Managing diversity involves creating and sustaining an atmosphere that encourages all individuals to reach their full potential to achieve the organisational goals. Diversity management mainly emphasises developing specific skills, designing plans and drawing up strategies that get every employee the most out of them. This assumes a cohesive organisational environment, which aims at efficiency, competitiveness and eventually competitive advantage. Through effective integration of diversity management principles is the key human resource functions of recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal and remuneration, an organisation can effectively manage workforce diversity. It may also require the organisational culture, motivation and understanding the individual difference in the organisation to meet the organisational goals (D’Netto & Sohal, 1999).

Organisational Culture Organizational culture refers to the cognitive structure of beliefs, values, behaviours, norms, attitudes and aspirations held by members of the organisation. There are six core organisational culture characteristics which are valued by the member of an organisation to grow and to develop. It helps an organisation to build the future that they want to see. The role of organisational culture are as follows: •

It provides a sense of identity. If the values of an organisation and the defined perceptions are shared clearly then the more strongly people can associate themselves with the mission of their organisation and feel that they are important part of it.

It generates commitment to the vision. Culture reminds people of what their organisation is all about rather than any individual's interests.

It clarifies and reinforces standards of behaviour. The words and actions of employees are guided by the culture. It gives stability to behaviour, both in terms of what an individual can do at different times, and also in terms of what different individuals can do at the same time (BUS 102, 2020).

Zappos Strategic HR video, zappos core values are adventurous, creative and openminded. Pursue growth and learning. It requires the person to be a creative thinker so that they can be hired and the organisational culture has been set up in a way to help employees live up to that goal. Their culture focus on how to make customer satisfaction with an unique customer service. Apple's employee recruiting video, apple core values such are qualities, customs, standards and principles that the company as a whole considers desirable. It challenges the employees to ensure that they have what it takes to work at apple. Their culture focus on recruiting the staff who is talented in the related field so that he/she can perform tasks independently.

Motivation Goal setting theory of motivation says that specific goals increases the performance and

when difficult goals are accepted, results in higher performance than easy goals. Working towards the goal is the major factor of job motivation. For e.g in the company, when an employee gets feedback on how well they are performing then it affects in their performance. Positive feedback encourages them to achieve higher performance whereas negative feedback tends to achieve lower performance. All the feed back is not equally effective but self-generated feedback when employees are able to monitor their own progress by themselves regarded as the powerful motivator than generated from others. Not only feedback influences the goals-performance relationship, there are also the other factors i.e goal commitment, adequate self- efficacy and the national culture. When people are committed to their goal, they will give their all efforts and motivation to achieve it. Self-efficacy means the individual’s belief that determines the capable of doing tasks. The people who have high efficacy will give all their efforts to achieve a goal whereas having low efficacy will give less efforts or likely to give up. The cultures are different from one to another where people in high collectivistic cultures may fear that they may not reach their goals whereas in individualistic cultures, individual are hard working people who try to reach at the goal (Robbins 2018, p. 589). I agree with my own motivation needs results based on McClelland’s Acquired Needs of Theory. Through the quiz, I have high achievement needs which desire to excel and improve on my past performance, secondly, autonomy needs mean to be self-directed and power needs which influence and direct others, lastly, affiliation needs which interacts socially and to be accepted by others. The desire of the need of affiliation motivates me at the work because it helps to make social interaction with the people where we can share our ideas and views together.

Individual difference Diversity means understanding that each individual is unique and recognising our differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs or other ideologies within an organisation. In companies, to become more innovative and open to change, diversity is important. Maximizing and capitalising on diversity in the workplace has, thus, become a significant issue for management today. Since, managing diversity remains an important

organisational challenge, managers need to develop the requisite managerial skills in a multicultural work environment. Having a diverse workforce produces a boost in recruiting the most qualified candidates and retaining them.

Companies will gain a competitive advantage in being able to

market their products and deliver them within different cultures. “Creativity thrives on diversity” (Aghazadeh, 2004). This statement suggests that greater creativity and innovation can be achieved by an organisation with a diverse work force. When people from different cultures come together to solve a problem or come up with an idea, they can achieve a common solution more. There are a number of drawbacks with all the positive aspects that multiculturalism brings to a business. Conflict increases due to ignorance or unaccepted in an organisation. Such conflicts may affect the performance of the organisation. The cost of the training is rising due to the costs of conferences, services and lectures given for employees to promote diversity within the organisation. Discrimination between the people can take place having different people from different cultures as their ideas and views don’t match to each other (Aghazadeh, 2004). As I am also from different culture and background, I tends to follow the organisational culture so that I can perform well to meet the goals of an organisation. I respect each people and shares ideas and views together to provide better outcomes. Understanding each individual are unique is the best way to boost your performance in the workplace.

Conclusion Organisational culture, motivation and understanding the individual differences is very important in the organisation in order to perform well. Organisational culture drives every individual to follow the rules and regulations within an organisation as it reminds the people about the organisation what all is about. It helps to create the stability in an organisation. Motivation helps to foster the individual performance by giving the

feedback to the people which encourages them to provide better outcomes. Individual difference means having people different from one to another in terms of races, religion, culture, value, beliefs etc. People should learn to respect every individual’s as unique because the way of expressing ideas and views are different to each other. Having people from different background and culture helps in solving the problems which hampers the performance of an organisation. I think motivation and individual difference is the two key points that value the most because if we are appreciated on the tasks completed then we feel good which encourages us to do even more better results. Understanding every individual are different, helps in providing better views and ideas to face the unexpected problems within an organisation. Therefore, there should be diverse workforce in an organisation to achieve success or goals .

Reference lists

Aghazadeh, S. (2004), "Managing workforce diversity as an essential resource for improving organizational performance", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 53 No. 6, pp. 521-531.

D’Netto, B. and Sohal, A. (1999), "Human resource practices and workforce diversity: an empirical assessment", International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 20 No. 8, pp. 530-547.

Robbins, Stephen p 2018, “Motivating employees”, Management, 8th edition, Pearson, Australia Slide 7, Lecture 4, “Introduction to Management”, BUS 102, Trimester 1 2020, Kaplan Business School, Adelaide....

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