BUS 187 SB4 - Multiple choice PDF

Title BUS 187 SB4 - Multiple choice
Author Chi Tran
Course Global Dimensions of Business
Institution San José State University
Pages 4
File Size 70.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Multiple choice...


1. There is a need for every business in the international marketplace to understand the prevailing culture in the countries that they are doing business in. This is known as: cross-cultural literacy. 2. Culture that is defined as a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living stems from the work of which expert? Hofstede 3. When the new neighbors moved in, Naghma told her family it would be appropriate for them to make a batch of cookies and take them over to the neighbors and introduce themselves. This social convention is an example of a(n) _____. Folkway 4. True or false: Cultures can embrace several nations. True 5. True or False: While religion can influence the values and norms of society, the values and norms of society can also impact religion. True 6. Understanding how cultural differences across and within nations affect the way business is practiced is known as ______ literacy. Cross-cultural 7. The basic social organization of a society is known as social _____. Structure 8. A system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living is called: Culture 9. What has made a major contribution to society's emphasis on extended social groups? social media 10. True or false: Folkways are atypical morally significant actions in everyday life. False 11. The dynamism associated with the U.S. economy is a result of the philosophy of ______. Individualism 12. There is a _____ one-to-one relationship between a society and a nation-state. Non-strict 13. What are the four principles of social stratification? Social stratification is a trait of society. Social stratification is generally universal. Social stratification involves beliefs as well as inequality. Social stratification carries over to the next generation. 14. What are three of the determinants of culture? Political philosophy Social structure Economic philosophy 15. In a given society, the extent to which people can move up and down the class system is known as social: mobility 16. The _____ of a society refers to how it is organized in terms of its values, norms, and societal relationships. social structure 17. A caste system is a type of social structure that divides people on the basis of _____. inherited social status

18. A(n) ______ consists of at least two individuals who have a shared sense of identity and interact in structured ways. Group 19. A class system is characterized by the fact that a person can move from one ______ to another. social strata 20. One advantage of individualism is a(n) high level of entrepreneurial activity. 21. The _____ degree of social mobility in the U.S. limits the impact of class background on business operations. High 22. All societies are divided on a hierarchical basis into social categories called _____. social strata 23. Mallory grew up in a rural community and she knows that even though she has a master's degree in finance, she will always be considered a "country bumpkin" in her society. Her thoughts reflect the idea of _____. class consciousness 24. The movement of the members of a particular society in terms of their social status from one group to another is an example of: social mobility. 25. In a caste system, change in position is _____ during one's lifetime. usually not possible 26. A system of shared beliefs and rituals based on sacred thought is the definition of _____. Religion 27. The ______ system is a less rigid form of social stratification than the _____ system. class; caste 28. In Japan, most people perceive themselves to be middle class; therefore, class background has ______ impact on business operations. Less 29. Which major Christian organization accounts for more than half of its members? Roman Catholic 30. Class ______ is an awareness of one's social or economic rank in society. Consciousness 31. What major world religion is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad? Islam 32. ______ is/are something that one believes in and follows with some measure of devotion. Religion 33. One reason for the rise of Islamic fundamentalism is the response to social pressures in traditional Islamic societies brought on by: the influence of Western thought. 34. The Reformation movement in the sixteenth century led to the establishment of: Protestantism. 35. When discussing Islam, the Koran actually promotes _____. free enterprise 36. The economic principles of Islam prohibit a bank from paying or receiving _____. Interest 37. Islam is a ______ religion, believing in one true God. monotheistic 38. Hindus believe that an individual can achieve a state of complete spiritual perfection known as _____ by practicing material and physical self-denial. Nirvana 39. The Western media relates Islamic fundamentalists with ______, rather than with

deeply held religious values. Violence 40. The religion where followers try to achieve nirvana or spiritual enlightenment is _____. Buddhism 41. Which two phrases reflect the economic implications of Islam? Hold property as trustees, rather than as owners (per Western definition of ownership) Cannot earn profit through exploitation of others 42. True or false: According to the Koran, the receipt of interest within the banking system is considered suitable for businesses but not individuals. False 43. The religion where followers believe in reincarnation and karma is: Hinduism. 44. Confucianism values harmonious relationships, which are based on moral and ethical conduct and ______. loyalty to others 45. Buddhism has all the same basic beliefs as Hinduism except for _____. advocacy of extreme ascetic behavior. support for the caste system. 46. What directs the attention of a society to specific features of the world and structures how people perceive them? Language 47. What ethical system emphasizes taking the right actions to attain salvation? Confucianism 48. What is considered appropriate personal space when conducting business in the United States? 5-8 feet 49. What is part of the "hidden curriculum" of schools? Respect for others Obedience to authority Being on time 50. What are three of the dimensions Hofstede identified and studied? Masculinity vs femininity Individualism vs collectivism Power distance 51. In parts of Canada, you will find both English-speaking communities and Frenchspeaking communities. This illustrates that language helps shape the way people perceive the world, and it also helps define ______. Culture 52. In the ______ dimension by Hofstede, it is recognized that people are not equal in physical and intellectual capabilities. Power Distance 53. Unspoken language is another way to describe ______ communication. Nonverbal 54. The Hofstede dimension that is focused on the degree to which people in a society are integrated into groups is: individualism versus collectivism. 55. According to Hofstede, societies with strict codes of behavior, rules, and laws score ______ on the uncertainty avoidance index. High 56. True or false: Education provides a competitive economic advantage through the creation of a pool of skilled and educated workers. True 57. According to Hofstede, in a _____ culture, sex roles are sharply differentiated.

Masculine 58. As the result of criticism of his original work, Hofstede went on to expand his model with the addition of which dimension? long-term vs short-term orientation 59. ______ is the Hofstede dimension that describes the extent to which individuals do not have the same levels of physical and intellectual capability. Power distance 60. According to Hofstede, if the ties between people are loose, it is most likely a sign of a(n) ______ society. Individualistic 61. Culture can best be described as a ______ phenomenon. Dynamic 62. What is the Hofstede dimension that measures a society's tolerance for ambiguity? uncertainty avoidance 63. ______ is judging another's culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture. Ethnocentrism 64. The Hofstede dimension that looks at the relationship between gender and work roles is: masculinity versus femininity. 65. There is a connection between culture and competitive advantage. What are two reasons why this connection is important? This connection can affect the choice of countries to do business in and locate production facilities in. The connection suggests which countries might produce the most viable competitors. 66. Hofstede studied how ______ relates to values in the workplace. Culture 67. Fifty years ago, it was not widely accepted that a woman could hold a senior management position. Of course, today this is a common reality. This demonstrates how ______ can change over time. Culture 68. Belinda sneered when she was told that cattle were allowed to roam the streets in certain countries. She said, "We would never allow that in America." Belinda's response demonstrates which concept? Ethnocentrism 69. Country A has a free market economy and group-oriented social structure. Country B has all of the same traits, but also possesses an advanced education system. Which country would be the better investment site? country B...

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