Chapter 16- Multiple Choice PDF

Title Chapter 16- Multiple Choice
Course Adulthood & Aging
Institution The City College of New York
Pages 18
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1. Psychosocial development during adolescence involves the search for a(n) _____. A) romantic partner B) career C) set of behaviors to please others D) understanding of oneself

2. Psychosocial development during adolescence is often seen as a quest to answer the question _____. A) ìWhat am I going to do with my life?î B) ìWill I ever find someone to love?î C) ìWho am I?î D) ìWhy don't my parents understand me?î

3. According to Erikson, adolescents are in the stage of _____. A) identity versus role confusion B) intimacy versus isolation C) independence versus neediness D) integration versus separation

4. According to Erikson, the goal of adolescence is to _____. A) abandon parental goals B) find one's own identity C) attain independence from one's peer group D) form an intimate relationship with a member of the opposite sex

5. According to Erikson, the ultimate adolescent psychosocial goal is identity _____. A) diffusion B) achievement C) foreclosure D) moratorium

6. Mary is an adolescent. According to Erikson, her new identity will be established by choosing _____. A) an appropriate adult ìhero figureî B) values and goals opposite to the destructive identities of media stars C) to embrace some parental and societal values while abandoning others D) one sexual role and sticking with it, regardless of the consequences

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7. Following Erikson's lead, _____ distinguished four specific ways young people cope with the identity crisis. A) Baumrind B) Freud C) Marcia D) Skinner

8. The identity status characterized by a lack of commitment to any goals or values is _____. A) achievement B) foreclosure C) diffusion D) moratorium

9. Identity diffusion refers to the identity status in which adolescents _____. A) pause during their identity formation to explore alternatives B) form their identity prematurely C) do not commit to goals and fail to take on any role D) understand who they are as connected to everything they have learned

10. Identity diffusion is typically characterized by _____. A) no focus on or concern about the future B) foreclosure C) following one's heart D) commitment to a cause

11. Which adolescent appears to be experiencing identity diffusion? A) Jeannine, who runs away from a pressured home environment and joins a commune B) Fred, who is pressured by his parents to become a doctor C) Barbara, a college student who frequently changes majors D) Zachary, who spends most of his time watching TV, drinking, and avoiding responsibility

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12. Seventeen-year-old Andrew failed several classes, lost his job, and spends most of his time sleeping on the couch. When his parents voice their disapproval, he replies, ìWhatever.î Andrew's response indicates _____. A) role confusion B) identity achievement C) identity foreclosure D) moratorium

13. When a person adopts parents' or society's roles and values without questioning and exploring a personal identity, it is referred to as ìidentity _____.î A) moratorium B) foreclosure C) diffusion D) achievement

14. _____ is an example of ìidentity foreclosure.î A) Dropping out of high school B) Choosing a different career path than what parents wanted C) Eagerness to vote in a national election D) Working in the family business because it is expected

15. Harold readily adopted his parents' political beliefs without question. Happy and secure, he enjoys participating in political events with his parents. His identity status reflects _____. A) diffusion B) achievement C) foreclosure D) moratorium

16. Without any thoughtful consideration, Sean took on an identity that is the opposite of what his parents want for him. Sean has adopted a(n) _____. A) negative identity B) positive identity C) non-identity D) over identity

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17. Of the various identity statuses, _____ is comfortable. A) diffusion B) moratorium C) foreclosure D) achievement

18. The term for a pause in identity formation, when alternatives are explored before final choices are made, is _____. A) identity diffusion B) role confusion C) negative identity D) moratorium

19. During an identity moratorium, adolescents typically _____. A) ignore their future roles and responsibilities B) take on temporary roles and postpone identity-achievement decisions C) change their identities from that of their youth D) adopt their parents' views after having tested them on their own

20. Barrett is serving a two-year mission for his church at the age of 19. When he returns home from his mission assignment, he will decide whether to attend college and will make decisions about career and family. Barrett's current status is identity _____. A) foreclosure B) moratorium C) diffusion D) achievement

21. According to Erikson, _____ identity is an arena of identity formation. A) physical B) political C) familial D) economic

22. _____ adolescents totally reject the religions in which they've grown up. A) Few B) About half of all C) About three-fourths of all D) Almost all

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23. Compared to adults, adolescents may express their _____ identities more devoutly. A) sexual B) achievement C) religious D) vocational

24. According to researchers, which individual will probably be the most liberal? A) Carson, who just turned 10 B) Liliana, who just turned 19 C) Noel, the mother of a teenager D) Barrette, the father of a teenager

25. Related to political identity is _____. A) foreclosure B) vocational identity C) diffusion D) ethnic identity

26. Early _____ identity is no longer appropriate, as it was a century ago. A) gender B) political C) vocational D) sexual

27. Research indicates that adolescents who work 20 hours a week or more _____. A) save more money for college B) are more likely to love their work in adulthood C) create stronger vocational identities early on D) tend to hate their jobs and achieve less in school

28. Gender refers to _____. A) the cultural or social attributes of being male or female B) the biological characteristics of being male or female C) the categories that boys and girls are sorted into at birth D) one's sexual orientation

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29. People's acceptance of the roles and behaviors that they define as male or female is referred to as their ì_____ identity.î A) gender B) ethnic C) heterosexual D) foreclosed

30. Enrique believes that males should always be the ones to ask females out on dates. He thinks that if a man accepts an invitation for a date from a girl, it makes him a wimp. This is an example of Enrique's _____. A) sex B) gender identity C) sexual orientation D) gender

31. Which statement is an example of a gender role? A) A man should be the primary wage earner. B) A baby is born with reproductive organs for both sexes. C) A biological male decides to undergo an operation to become a woman. D) A woman decides to try dating men and women.

32. The DSM-IV labeled individuals who had a strong and persistent cross-gender identification as having ìgender identity disorder.î The DSM-5 instead describes people who are distressed at their biological genders as having ì_____.î A) gender atypicality B) sexual fetishism C) sexual atypicality D) gender dysphoria

33. An intervention study designed to improve family communication and cohesion between parents and their sons revealed that the sons' DNA was important to the outcome. Which of the following was a finding from the study? A) The intervention had an impact on boys with a long allele of the 5-HTTLPR gene. B) The intervention had an impact on boys with a short allele of the 5-HTTLPR gene. C) The control experience had an impact on boys with a long allele of the 5-HTTLPR gene. D) The control experience had an impact on boys with a short allele of the 5-HTTLPR gene.

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34. In the United States, parentñchild conflict is most common during _____. A) late childhood B) early adolescence C) late adolescence D) emerging adulthood

35. In typical relationships, one would expect the MOST bickering between _____. A) grandparents and teens B) adolescents and older siblings C) mothers and daughters D) fathers and sons

36. Bickering between parents and adolescents is most likely to _____. A) to be about religious beliefs B) signal pathology in the family C) concern personal habits and dress D) increase steadily between the ages of 13 and 19

37. Sandra is in her bedroom with her mother. Sandra's mother exclaims, ìYou need to get these clothes off the floor right now!î Sandra replies, ìIt's my room, and I will leave things where I want.î Sandra's mother responds, ìI am your mother, and you will do what I say.î This is an example of _____. A) bickering B) open communication C) parental monitoring D) family bonds

38. Some parentñchild bickering during the adolescent years may indicate _____. A) a disturbed parentñchild relationship B) poor parenting skills C) teenage depression D) a healthy family

39. _____ refers to the belief that family members should support one another, sacrificing individual freedom and success to care for one another. A) Familism B) Authoritarianism C) Extended-family cohesion D) Ethnic connectedness

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40. Two aspects of family closeness during adolescence include _____. A) communication and autonomy B) support and connectedness C) connectedness and authority D) openness and control

41. A father says to his son, ìI want you home by 10:00 P.M.î This best represents which aspect of family closeness? A) control B) support C) communication D) connectedness

42. Eva is about to become an adolescent mother. Based on recent research, she and her child will better handle the situation if her parents _____. A) assume care for Eva and her child B) adopt Eva's child and raise the child as their own C) encourage Eva to move out of the house to raise her baby alone D) are supportive but do not assume complete care for her child

43. Parents' awareness of where their adolescents are, what they are doing, and with whom they are doing it is referred to as ì_____.î A) parental monitoring B) generational stake C) psychological control D) connectedness

44. Abbie is aware of where her son is whenever he goes out, and she requires him to call if there is any change in plans. This is an example of _____. A) generational stake B) foreclosure for her son C) parental monitoring D) negative control

45. Parental monitoring is most likely to be effective and healthy when it is _____. A) rigid and controlling B) part of a warm, supportive relationship C) relaxed and permissive D) part of authoritarian parenting

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46. Healthy communication and support from parents make _____ peer relationships more likely. A) constructive B) destructive C) other-sex D) romantic

47. The urge to conform to one's peers in behavior, dress, and attitude is referred to as ì_____.î A) conformation B) adolescent burden C) generation gap D) peer pressure

48. Callie called her friend Sue on Saturday to see whether Sue wanted to go to the movies. Sue told Callie she was staying home to study for their upcoming history test. After the call, Callie decided to study instead of go to the movies. Callie was experiencing _____. A) conformation B) adolescent burden C) generation gap D) peer pressure

49. _____ and _____ are especially important for understanding the impact of peers. A) Selection; facilitation B) Age; maturity C) Vocational identity; political identity D) Moratorium; diffusion

50. Isaac and Derek persuaded Robert to cut school and steal alcohol from a store. Isaac and Derek provided _____ to Robert. A) criminal coaching B) deviancy training C) delinquent apprenticeship D) offender initiation

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51. At age 17, Gage aspired to become a serious musician. His group of friends began to change as he grew closer to students with deep musical interests, and he drifted away from other friends who were more engaged in sports. This illustrates peer _____. A) exclusion B) facilitation C) selection D) focus

52. Several of Jamel's friends agree to gather Thursday evening and study for their physics exam, and they invite him to come along. Jamel's friends are _____. A) selecting destructive behaviors B) facilitating constructive behaviors C) providing deviancy training D) being monitored by parents

53. Mr. and Mrs. Cortina have discovered that their son has been skipping classes and cutting school with a group of boys. Which conclusion is MOST likely true? A) The group has led their innocent son astray. B) The behavior is nothing to worry about. C) Their son is more rebellious than the group as a whole. D) Their son chose this group because he shares their interests.

54. Many adolescent romances _____. A) are stable and long-term B) do not include sexual intercourse C) are exclusive commitments between partners D) do not generate strong emotional reactions

55. The term that describes one's having erotic desires about the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes is _____. A) sexual identity B) sexual orientation C) sexuality D) gender identity

56. Popular media depictions of sexual activity rarely _____. A) mention the possibility of developing an STI B) discuss the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy C) show the use of a condom or birth control D) depict casual sex as alluring and exciting

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57. Research indicates that the sexually active teens MOST likely to have STIs have parents who _____. A) tell their children too many details about sex B) provide condoms and other contraception options C) limit their children's exposure to the media D) warn them to stay away from sex

58. One reason that the teenage pregnancy rate in most European nations is less than half of that in the United States may be because _____. A) of the European sex-education curriculum B) European adolescents live at home longer C) American parents are too permissive D) European teens reach puberty later

59. Abstinence-only sex-education programs have had _____ impact in teenagers' sexual activity. A) a significant, negative B) no C) little D) a strong, positive

60. Effective sex education must engage _____ more than _____. A) morality; logic B) emotions; logic C) logic; emotions D) logic; morality

61. Mental health difficulties plague about _____ percent of youths. A) 14 B) 20 C) 31 D) 40

62. In general, as children experience puberty, their self-esteem _____. A) rises B) declines C) rises and then declines D) remains stable

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63. The cultural norm of familism often _____. A) demands that individual family members take care of themselves at a very early age B) fails to provide family members with a cushion during stressful life experiences C) requires family members to make sacrifices for the good of the whole D) undermines familial solidarity

64. Approximately 1 in _____ adolescent girls is affected by clinical depression. A) 2 B) 5 C) 10 D) 100

65. Approximately 1 in _____ adolescent boys is affected by clinical depression. A) 2 B) 5 C) 10 D) 100

66. One study found that the short allele of the serotonin transporter promoter gene (5HTTLPR) contributes to increased rates of depression in all girls, but it only affects boys who _____. A) ruminate B) are suicidal C) come from high-socioeconomic-status communities D) come from low-socioeconomic-status communities

67. Elyse broke up with her boyfriend after a fight. She has spent the last week repeatedly going over the fight in her mind, which has caused her to sink into depression. Her continual reliving of the fight is known as ì_____.î A) rumination B) reminiscence C) obsession D) fixation

68. Suicidal ideation refers to _____. A) a deliberate act of self-destruction that does not end in death B) thinking about suicide C) the belief that suicide is an effective way of getting back at one's parents or peers D) feelings of sadness or hopelessness

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69. Suicidal ideation is most common around age _____. A) 9 B) 12 C) 15 D) 18

70. Lydia finds that she often thinks about killing herself. This is called ì_____.î A) parasuicide B) self-destructive behavior C) deliberate suicide D) suicidal ideation

71. Parasuicide refers to _____. A) a suicide attempt that does not end in death B) helping someone else commit suicide C) several people in a group committing suicide D) the serious consideration of suicide

72. Alisha took an overdose of prescription pills, but before she lost consciousness, she called her mom for help. Alisha was rushed to the hospital for medical attention. Alisha's behavior is defined as ì_____.î A) parasuicide B) self-destructive C) deliberate suicide D) suicide ideation

73. Several suicides within the same group of people in a brief period are called ì_____ suicides.î A) cult B) pact C) planned D) cluster

74. With respect to suicide, what is more common in adolescent boys than in adolescent girls? A) serious consideration of suicide B) parasuicide C) completed suicide D) cluster suicide

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75. Pete has been shoplifting for the past year. Unless he experiences an intervention, his shoplifting behavior is most likely to lead to _____. A) defiance, which can lead to running away B) assault, rape, and murder C) burglary D) aggression

76. According to the text, which is NOT a possible reason for the decrease in juvenile criminal behavior? A) fewer school dropouts B) lenient drug laws C) smaller families D) less lead poisoning

77. Life-course-persistent offenders _____. A) may show signs of neurological impairment B) have after-school jobs they dislike C) tend to be involved in school activities D) are unlikely to end up in prison

78. Ty started to behave aggressively at age 5 and by age 8 was caught shoplifting several times. Ty is now age 25 and has committed armed robbery. Ty would be considered a(n) _____. A) hostile offender B) dual offender C) life-course-persistent offender D) adolescence-limited offender

79. Adolescence-limited offender refers to someone who _____. A) attacks only other adolescents B) stops committing crimes by age 21 C) is never arrested D) is a juvenile delinquent

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80. An individual who commits crimes during adolescence but stops by the age of 21 is considered a(n) _____. A) repeat offender B) career criminal C) life-course-persistent offender D) adolescence-limited offender

81. Drug use before the age of 18 _____. A) is rare because it is illegal B) is statistically lower than drug use at age 15 C) is the best predictor of later drug abuse D) usually only involves experimentation with alcohol

82. Inhalants, which are used more by younger adolescents to get high, include _____. A) marijuana B) cocaine C) tobacco D) aerosols

83. The two most common drugs used by adolescents are _____. A) inhalants and alcohol B) tobacco and alcohol C) marijuana and alcohol D) prescription drugs and tobacco

84. Most drug use begins _____. A) as social use B) as hidden, individual use C) with heavy, illegal drugs D) with the onset of puberty

85. One concern about e-cigs is that, similar to hookah bars, they _____. A) lead to harder drug use in older adolescents B) decrease the rate of smoking among young people C) increase the rate of smoking among young people D) contribute to structural changes in the brain

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86. Heavy drinking impairs memory and self-control by _____. A) damaging the hippocampus and prefrontal c...

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