Chapter 17- Multiple Choice PDF

Title Chapter 17- Multiple Choice
Course Adulthood & Aging
Institution The City College of New York
Pages 17
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1. A person between the ages of 18 and 25 is considered to be in the developmental stage of _____. A) adulthood B) emerging adulthood C) post-adolescence D) young adulthood

2. Hans is a 21-year-old American college student. According to the text, Hans is in the developmental period of _____. A) late adolescence B) emerging adulthood C) early adulthood D) young adulthood

3. Chanel has recently finished high school and is now attending college. After earning her bachelor's degree, she plans to continue to graduate school. In addition, Chanel is not seriously dating anyone and thinks marriage and parenthood are years away. Chanel is at which developmental stage? A) late adolescence B) emerging adulthood C) extended adolescence D) young adulthood

4. Most girls reach their maximum height around age _____. A) 16 B) 18 C) 21 D) 30

5. Most boys reach their maximum height around age _____. A) 16 B) 18 C) 21 D) 30

6. Maximum strength potential typically peaks at about age _____. A) 15 B) 25 C) 35 D) 45

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7. Xavier is a male in the developmental stage of emerging adulthood. He can expect to notice all the following physical changes EXCEPT for increased _____. A) muscle growth B) body fat C) bone strength D) arm strength

8. Which task would be easier for a 21-year-old than for a 51-year-old? A) writing a letter by hand B) carrying a bag of groceries from the store to the car C) watching two hours of television D) walking up four flights of stairs

9. A study of biological aging found that some people age _____ times faster than others, with about half of the difference between fast and slow aging evident by age 26. A) three B) five C) seven D) ten

10. During emerging adulthood, all body systems _____. A) begin to develop B) function optimally C) cease developing D) age rapidly

11. Generally, emerging adulthood is characterized by _____ health. A) good to excellent B) failing C) slowly improving D) fair to poor

12. In a large study, about 95 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds reported no activity limitations because of _____, a rate far better than that of any other age group. A) pregnancy B) increased psychological stress C) work commitments D) chronic health conditions

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13. Although the health of many emerging adults is good, some may be diagnosed with a chronic disease. All the following are common diagnoses for this age group EXCEPT _____. A) high blood pressure B) cancer C) asthma D) diabetes

14. Emerging adults tend to do which of the following regarding medical care? A) overuse the system, frequently seeing doctors for even small complaints B) need significant care by doctors and other medical professionals C) avoid medical professionals, unless they are injured or pregnant D) receive ongoing medical care but report significant activity limitations due to chronic health conditions

15. Which of the following statements is NOT true about emerging adulthood? A) It is a time between full body growth and full adult roles. B) Many of today's college students fall within the period of emerging adulthood. C) Universal trends, including longer educational tracks and later first-time parenthood, have ìcreatedî this stage. D) All individuals between the ages of 18 and 30 are now considered to be in this stage.

16. Conclusions based on U.S. college students may apply only to those who are WEIRD, which refers to _____. A) the idea that they are chronic risk takers with little responsibility B) ìWestern, Educated, Industrialized, and Rich Democraciesî C) ìWitty, Educated, Intelligent, Risk-Taking, and Daringî D) their deviation from the social norms of their parents' generations

17. The average age of marriage in the United States is _____ for women and _____ for men. A) 25; 27 B) 28; 30 C) 27; 29 D) 30; 28

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18. Developmentalists cluster adults into chronological age groups for all the following reasons EXCEPT _____. A) age matters to adults as they live their lives B) developmental variations are nonexistent C) maturation and experience accumulate D) cohort matters

19. Three body functions protect emerging adults: _____. A) lymph tissue, strong muscles, and a developing brain B) organ reserve, homeostasis, and allostasis C) metabolism, neurotransmitter production, and lymph tissue D) the circulatory system, the metabolic system, and the neurological system

20. The capacity of organs to allow the body to cope with stress via extra, unused functioning ability is referred to as ì_____.î A) senescence B) homeostasis C) organ reserve D) diathesis

21. Organ reserve power decreases each _____, but it usually does not matter, because people rarely need to draw on it. A) day B) month C) year D) decade

22. Homeostasis is quickest in _____. A) middle childhood B) adolescence C) early adulthood D) middle adulthood

23. Due to a job loss and divorce, 25-year-old Luke has been under an enormous amount of stress, yet he still feels good physically. The fact that Luke's body can continue to function well under this stress is likely due to _____. A) organ reserve B) homeostasis C) senescence D) diathesis

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24. A dynamic longer-term body adjustment that affects overall physiology is referred to as ì_____.î A) organ reserve B) homeostasis C) senescence D) allostasis

25. Bella has been skipping meals and eating very little for months. One night she goes out with friends and eats a full, heavy meal. Within hours, she is vomiting and has diarrhea. Bella's symptoms are likely the result of a(n) _____ adjustment. A) organ reserve B) homeostatic C) senescence D) allostatic

26. _____ refers to the stresses of basic body systems that burden overall functioning, eventually causing hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. A) Reserve B) Homeostasis C) Organ reserve D) Allostatic load

27. Marishka, age 24, started an extreme diet last month. She has already lost 20 pounds, and due to restricting her food intake, Marishka rarely feels hungry. Marishka's eating behavior has triggered new _____, allowing her to function with fewer daily calories. A) homeostatic reactions B) metabolic syndrome C) organ reserves D) caloric reactions

28. Faster heartbeats and heavier breathing, which accompany exercise, are _____. A) homeostatic responses B) metabolic indicators C) organ reserves D) allostatic loads

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29. Although Leah has a closet full of clothes and shoes, she is shopping for a new outfit to wear on Saturday night. Leah wants to look good, and she thinks a new outfit will help her accomplish this goal. Statistically, Leah is most likely to be which age? A) 15 B) 23 C) 31 D) 40

30. Chase exercises six days a week to have a fit, muscular, and attractive body. Chase is most likely which age? A) 12 B) 16 C) 20 D) 40

31. _____ correlates with almost every chronic illness. A) Age B) Gender C) Sitting for long periods D) Overeating

32. Which percentage of emerging adults reaches the standard of exercising 30 minutes a day, five days a week? A) 25 percent B) 43 percent C) 62 percent D) 80 percent

33. Which two factors encourage exercise among individuals? A) friendship and communities B) friendship and a desk job C) communities and parenthood D) parenthood and marriage

34. Grace is in her early 20s and exercises regularly. As she ages, which is likely going to encourage her to continue to exercise regularly? A) becoming a parent B) having an active friend C) getting married D) working 50+ hours each week

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35. Two factors tend to encourage physical activity: _____. A) friendship and communities B) age and gender C) occupation and cultural values D) participation in a sexual relationship and access to a gym

36. A particular body weight that an individual's homeostatic processes strive to maintain is referred to as the ì_____.î A) organ reserve B) body mass index C) set point D) optimal weight

37. Robert is just leaving his 11:00 A.M. college class, and he is extremely hungry. He heads over to the cafeteria and orders a meal. After eating for about 10 minutes, Robert is feeling full and decides not to finish the entire meal. Robert's behavior is likely under the influence of his _____. A) organ reserve B) body mass index C) set point D) optimal weight

38. The CARDIA (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Adulthood) study began with more than 4,000 healthy 18- to 30-year-olds; most were reexamined 7 to 20 years later. The study found that _____. A) those who were the most fit at the first assessment were four times more likely to have diabetes and high blood pressure in middle age B) those who were the least fit at the first assessment were four times more likely to have diabetes and high blood pressure in middle age C) those who were the least and most fit at the first assessment were four times more likely to have diabetes and high blood pressure in middle age D) there was no relation between fitness level at the first assessment and later health conditions

39. The ratio between weight and height that is used to determine whether a person is below, at, or above normal weight is referred to as the ì_____.î A) organ reserve B) body mass index C) set point D) optimal weight

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40. About _____ percent of all emerging U.S. adults are within the normal range for body weight. A) 25 B) 50 C) 75 D) 80

41. Which of the following is NOT true about the sexual-reproductive system of emerging adults? A) Miscarriage is less common. B) Conception is quicker. C) Orgasms are more frequent. D) Serious birth complications are usual.

42. Historically, peak newborn survival occurred when mothers were _____ years old at the time of birth. A) 15 to 22 B) 18 to 25 C) 25 to 32 D) 30 to 37

43. Many emerging adults want to engage in sexual activity but know that they are not emotionally ready to be parents. Their solution is _____. A) abstinence B) monogamy C) contraception D) early marriage

44. In the United States and worldwide, women above age 30 are having _____ children than they did twenty years earlier, and emerging adults are having _____ children than they did then. A) more; fewer B) fewer; fewer C) fewer; more D) more; more

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45. _____ emerging adults believe that premarital sex is acceptable. A) Almost all B) About one-third of C) Less than half of D) Few

46. Aiden and Savannah, both age 20, are sexually active and do not use contraception. If they continue to avoid using contraception, conception is likely in _____. A) three months B) six months C) a year D) two years

47. Delilah is currently a 22-year-old college student. Like most of her peers, she believes that premarital sex is _____. A) okay if you plan to get married B) wrong C) acceptable D) very risky

48. About _____ percent of all new cases of STIs worldwide occur in people under the age of 26. A) 1 B) 25 C) 50 D) 75

49. Which phenomenon has contributed to the worldwide spread of sexually transmitted infections? A) serial monogamy B) international travel C) localized prostitution D) modern contraception

50. Largely due to the sexual activities of young adults, _____ has become a worldwide epidemic. A) premarital sex B) HIV C) teenage pregnancy D) contraception

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51. A vector is _____. A) a person who dies from a disease B) a type of sexually transmitted disease C) a person who spreads a disease D) someone who has a communicable illness

52. Which individual is most likely to be an STI vector? A) Michael, age 15 B) Thomas, age 23 C) Dean, age 39 D) Ross, age 55

53. Most emerging adults think that _____ is the purpose of sex. A) reproduction B) retaliation C) relationship D) recreation

54. Peyton is thinking about why she has sex and concludes that it is because she wants to strengthen her bond with her partner. Peyton's attitude about sex falls into which category? A) reproduction B) retaliation C) relationship D) recreation

55. On average, well-being increases in emerging adulthood, as does the incidence of _____. A) night terrors B) physical ailments C) vivid dreams D) psychopathology

56. According to the text, which of the following is NOT likely to contribute to increased instances of psychopathology in emerging adults? A) greater sexual freedom B) high unemployment C) less parental day-to-day involvement D) more education

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57. The view that psychological disorders are produced by the interaction of a genetic vulnerability and environmental factors and life events is referred to as the ì_____.î A) geneñenvironment model B) geneñstress model C) diathesisñenvironment model D) diathesisñstress model

58. Which emerging adult is more likely to experience psychopathology? A) Jana, who has a family history of depression and recently experienced a romantic relationship breakup B) Brody, who just lost his job but is using the extra time to study for his college classes C) Kevin, who has a family history of anxiety and is working part-time in the college library D) Allison, who has a supportive family and is earning good grades in her college classes

59. Before they reach age 30, about _____ percent of U.S. residents suffer from a mood disorder, such as mania, bipolar disorder, or major depression. A) 8 B) 25 C) 50 D) 90

60. Layla has not been interested in even her favorite activities for several weeks. She has trouble sleeping and concentrating. She has also felt very hopeless about the future. Layla may be experiencing _____. A) schizophrenia B) major depression C) social phobia D) mania

61. About _____ of U.S. residents below the age of 25 experience anxiety disorders. A) one-eighth B) one-fourth C) one-third D) one-half

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62. Janel is a 19-year-old who has developed a fear of interacting with people. She is most likely experiencing _____. A) schizophrenia B) major depression C) social phobia D) OCD

63. Ren is experiencing hikikomori. For the past six months, he has stayed in his room almost all the time because of his anxiety regarding the social and academic pressures of college. Ren MOST likely lives in _____. A) the United States B) Brazil C) Japan D) Sweden

64. Which of the following increases the risk of schizophrenia? A) being an only child B) college stress C) drug use D) cigarette smoking in adolescence

65. Diagnosis of _____ is most common from ages 18 to 24, with men more likely to develop the disorder than women. A) schizophrenia B) post-traumatic stress disorder C) anxiety D) bipolar

66. Shaun has just taken a position as an emergency room nurse. He is likely to notice _____. A) an absence of emerging adults in the emergency room B) emerging adults who do not respond to typical doses of medications C) emerging adults with a variety of injuries D) emerging adults suffering from heart disease, cancer, and stroke

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67. Young males have always experienced what demographers call a(n) _____ at about age 20. A) psychosocial crisis B) psychological moratorium C) accident hump D) gender swap

68. Jorge spends his weekends engaged in freestyle motocross. Jorge is participating in a(n) _____ sport. A) spiritual B) extreme C) illegal D) college

69. Twenty-four-year-old Ravi wonders whether he has developed an addiction to alcohol. Which of the following symptoms suggests that he may be an addict? A) He only drinks with younger peers. B) He always smokes when he drinks. C) He needs alcohol to fall asleep. D) He avoids social settings that don't involve alcohol.

70. Risk taking during emerging adulthood _____ society. A) is beneficial to B) is harmful to C) rarely has an effect on D) may benefit or harm

71. Which college student is the LEAST likely to abuse drugs or alcohol? A) Carson, who is in an academic fraternity B) Leah, who lives with her best friend C) Coral, who lives with her parents D) A.J., who is on academic probation

72. The use of a drug in a quantity or a manner that harms physical, cognitive, or psychosocial well-being is called ì_____.î A) substance use disorder B) drug dysphoria C) addiction D) dependence syndrome

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73. The use of illegal drugs peaks from ages _____ and declines more sharply than the use of cigarettes and alcohol. A) 15 to 22 B) 18 to 25 C) 21 to 28 D) 24 to 31

74. Joya is a 21-year-old college student. Statistically, she is MOST likely to _____. A) smoke cigarettes B) binge drink C) use illegal drugs D) be an addict

75. Statistically, which of these 21-year-olds is the most likely to engage in extreme drinking? A) Henry, who did not go to college and works full-time B) Stanley, who is a college junior C) Hillary, who graduated from college 10 years ago D) Jessica, who did not go to college and works part-time

76. Family members may know when a person is abusing drugs, and this gives them a chance to intervene. However, intervention is least likely during _____. A) adolescence B) emerging adulthood C) adulthood D) late adulthood

77. Which is an example of the influence of social norms? A) a 20-year-old sitting in a mall doing homework B) a 22-year-old going to the gym after class C) an 18-year-old gambling on the computer in class D) a 20-year-old talking loudly in the library

78. Forms of recreation that include apparent risk of injury or death and that are attractive and thrilling as a result are referred to as ì_____ sports.î A) thrilling B) extreme C) injury-inducing D) mundane

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79. A method of reducing risky behavior that uses emerging adults' desire to follow social norms by making them aware, through the use of surveys, of the prevalence of various behaviors within their peer group is referred to as the ì_____.î A) diathesisñstress model B) social norms approach C) truth model D) overestimationñunderestimation approach

80. Amanda just received the results of a survey administered by a psychologist on campus. Through it, she learned that most of her college classmates study hard and avoid binge drinking. In the future, Amanda is likely to _____. A) study hard and avoid binge drinking B) take surveys C) not study as hard and drink more D) study psychology

81. A college trend that involves drinking before going out with friends is called ì_____.î A) binge drinking B) the pre-party C) pre-gaming D) normative socializing

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Answer Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.


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45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81.


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