BUS 5910 Portfolio # 4 PDF

Title BUS 5910 Portfolio # 4
Course Management Capstone
Institution University of the People
Pages 4
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BUS 5910 Management Capstone Unit 4 Portfolio Activity University of the People Professor: Richard Lamontagne 7/15/ 2021

For this week’s portfolio activity, please advise the instructor of the following: 1. Provide a brief list of research references you might use (you are not committing to using the resources) for the written assignment due at the end of Unit 6. Please also describe the content of the resource (in one or two sentences) in order to demonstrate the relevance and usefulness of each. Ask any question in the Course Forum for the instructor and/or classmates prior to the submission of the Unit 6 written assignment.

List of some research references for Case Study the Transformation of Valio

Ackerman, L. (1997). Development, transition or transformation: the question of change in organizations. In Organization Development Classics, edited by Van Eynde, D., Hoy, J. and Van Eynde, D. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

- This resource address how organizations can handle change

Beer, M. and Nohria, N. (eds) (2000). Breaking the Code of Change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

- This resource addresses how organizations can maximize their economic value while also simultaneously improving their organizational capabilities.

Cope, M. (2003). The Seven C’s of Consulting: The Definitive Guide to the Consulting Process. London: Financial times/Prentice Hall.

- This resource addresses the framework for consultancy within organizations.

Jisc, (2016). Change Management. Retrieved from https://www.jisc.ac.uk/fullguide/change management

- This book deals with change management issues

Lamprinakis, L. (2012). Organizational Innovation in the Face of Institutional Change: The Case of the Finnish Dairy Sector. Proceedings in Food System Dynamics, 0(0). Retrieved December 12, 2012, from http://centmapress.ilb.unibonn.de/ojs/index.php/proceedings/article/view/229.

- This resource helps understand organizational innovations’ effect on change

Lamprinakis, L. (2013). Organizational Response to Institutional Change: EU Membership and the Case of the Finnish Dairy Sector [Pdf file]. https://pdfs.semanticscholar org/65f7/c2a42c0f530827529c613000ddb67b7ca1fd.pdf

- This deals with how organizations respond to institutional change.

Lamprinakis, L. (n.d.). Organizational Innovation in the Face of Institutional change: The Case of the Finnish Dairy Sector [Pdf file]. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org /b0de/26c02153ef07c3a10b0228963aead168b5a9.pdf

- This deals with organizational innovation in the face of change.

Meyer, A., Brooks, G. and Goes, J. (1990). Environmental Jolts and Industry Revolutions Organizational Responses to Discontinuous Change. Strategic Management Journal,11(5), 93-110.

- This resource contains different characterizations of the change process

Perko, T. (2005). The Valio Story: From butter exports to international business. Keuruu: Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava.

- This resource helps understand how Valio successfully changed its operation, perceptions of management and practices.

Robbins. S. P. (1998). Organizational behavior (8th edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

- This resource addresses different concepts, controversies and applications that deal with organizational behavior...

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