BUS-5115 Portfolio Activity Unit-01 PDF

Title BUS-5115 Portfolio Activity Unit-01
Course Business Law, Ethics and Social Responsibility
Institution University of the People
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Portfolio Activity- Unit-01 ETHICAL & EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT ROLE BUS 5115 Business Law, Ethics and Social Responsibility University of the People February - 2021


BUS 5115 Business Law, Ethics and Social Responsibility Portfolio Activity Unit-01 TOPIC: Building on the themes discussed in the paper from this week, discuss the following issue from your own personal perspective. Draw on your own experience and knowledge. Put yourself in the shoes of both an employer and employee. 

How can effective and ethical management provide a better business environment (defined and interpreted to include sustainability-related issues and implications) that benefits all parties, including employees, employers, and customers? Extend your analysis to how effective and ethical management might also promote a more environmentally aware business environment. How does this compare to situations in which self-employed individuals conduct business on their own without management policies?

Portfolio assignments should be about 500 - 750 words (1 - 1.5 pages) in length.


BUS 5115 Business Law, Ethics and Social Responsibility Portfolio Activity Unit-01 INTRODUCTION: Better business environment need better policies and policies are made by management. In my experience management is the core of any organization and these are the individuals who create policies according to these policies companies and organizations are run to achieve the set goals. When coming to sustainability related policies now a day’s environmental issues are widely taken into consideration and most of the countries has signed united nations resolutions to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable environment. Effective leadership is about the creation, process, and achievement of vision. Ethical leadership is about whether the vision or objective is morally good for the whole of society. Effective leadership is about the “how’s”, while Ethical leadership is about the “outcomes” of leadership. (Sharen, 2012) Ethical leadership is defined as "leadership that is directed by respect for ethical beliefs and values and for the dignity and rights of others." It is mainly concerned with moral development and virtuous behavior. (Kuligowski, 2020). In business perspective ethical leadership involves business leaders demonstrating appropriate conduct both inside and outside of office. That means leaders do not have two faced behavior, supportive at outside and shouting or abusive in office. Showing integrity and doing what’s right are the core of being an ethical leader. (Kuligowski, 2020). There are three types of management ethics identified by archie B. Carroll. 1. Immoral Management: That is practiced by managers. Managers want to maximize profits at the cost of legal standards or concerns for employees. 2. Moral Management: This type of ethics is followed by mangers who wants to maximize the profit within remaining in confined ethical values and principles. 3. Amoral management: this character lies between moral and immoral management, where managers respond to personal and legal ethics only if they are required to do so.


BUS 5115 Business Law, Ethics and Social Responsibility Portfolio Activity Unit-01 An ethical workplace or office supports a positive reputation for the company while improve the moral of employee also. In case of failure of ethical environment in an organization damage the whole organization, to create ethical environment in company below step are to be taken, Policies: There should be written ethics policies in any establishment for all employees, suppliers and customers, that define clear understanding for each to follow and behave accordingly in establishment. Training: Training is integral part for implementation of any policy, all employees & concerned manpower should have a good sense of ethics in workplace, and that could be created only by training and continuous follow-ups, all new employees should receive this training, while refresher courses should be held yearly for existing employees. Reporting: after implementation of policy it is necessary to make assessment for the effectiveness of policy and training. A reporting system that allows employees to alert you to possible ethics violations reinforces your commitment to respectable behavior. Despite the efforts you make toward creating an ethical work environment, you may have employees who fail to uphold your standards. A reporting system also needs prompt action when a potential violation occurs. Management Action: The management should set values and types of behaviors acceptable in workplace. After implementation of above both the management should focus on the actions to be taken in case of any violation found in organization and actions should be taken against each violation. Ensuring ethical practices in the workplace, such as with personnel policies, can stave off expensive litigation or fines in the future. Finally, it can translate to great PR for your business. Examples of good business ethics, 

Treat employee well.

Be honest in all business dealing.


BUS 5115 Business Law, Ethics and Social Responsibility Portfolio Activity Unit-01 

Be socially responsible

Back up your products and services.


7 Things You Should Do to Be an Ethical Leader. Business News Daily. https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5537-how-to-be-ethical-leader.html.

Frost, S. (2016, October 26). How a Company Develops & Maintains an Ethical Environment. Small Business - Chron.com. https://smallbusiness.chron.com/company-developsmaintains-ethical-environment-37312.html.

Management Ethics: Meaning, Need and Importance. Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management. (2016, August 9). https://www.businessmanagementideas.com/notes/management-notes/corporate-socialresponsibility/management-ethics-meaning-need-and-importance/5319.

Sharen, C., says, L. W., says, C. S., says:, J., says:, C., says:, C. H., … says:, W. R. (2012, January 20). Good Leadership: Effectiveness versus Ethics. Thinking is Hard Work. https://colleensharen.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/good-leadership-effectiveness-versusethics/#:~:text=Effective%20leadership%20is%20about%20the,the%20%E2%80%9Coutco mes%E2%80%9D%20of%20leadership.

Why You Need Good Business Ethics. Edward Lowe Foundation. https://edwardlowe.org/whyyou-need-good-business-ethics/.

Why You Need Good Business Ethics. Edward Lowe Foundation. https://edwardlowe.org/whyyou-need-good-business-ethics/....

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