final Portfolio PDF

Title final Portfolio
Course Public Relations Techniques
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 17
File Size 360.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 9
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final portfolio...



Table of Contents Introduction.......................................................................................................................2 Key message:................................................................................................................................2

..........................................................................................................................................3 Media release 1.................................................................................................................3 Pitch email: Media release 1........................................................................................................5

..........................................................................................................................................6 Media Release 2................................................................................................................6 Pitch email: Media release 2........................................................................................................8 Media release rationale................................................................................................................9

Facebook post..................................................................................................................10 Twitter post 1...................................................................................................................10 Twitter post 2...................................................................................................................10 Facebook and Twitter rationale..................................................................................................11

Media list.........................................................................................................................12 Media list rationale....................................................................................................................13

Summary reflection..........................................................................................................14 Reference list...................................................................................................................15

Introduction As a result of the current outbreak of Covid-19 and related restrictions, So Brave has been unable to produce their 2021 calendar. This year, as a temporary substitution for the calendar, So Brave has begun a new project focusing on providing education for young women (aged 15-25), enabling them to develop good breast care habits. The project involves the creation of an information pack that is available for download on the So Brave website; the pack includes educational material for young women guiding them to become aware of their breast health. The organisation’s aim is for 46,000 young women to register online for the information pack by the end of October.

Key message: So Brave is encouraging young women to download the information pack on their website. By downloading the pack women are able to educate themselves and become breast aware, hopefully leading to early detection.

The key message is simple and working with the brief provided by So Brave, it was clear that their key organisational goal is to get young women to sign up to receive the information pack.

In order to educate young women on breast cancer and encourage them to look after their breast health, So Brave must create a public relations campaign sharing their message. By distributing media releases to journalists, So Brave is able to carry their message directly to their target public and hopefully encourage young women to download the information pack (Mizrahi, 2016).

In order to forge relationships with audiences and raise awareness for an organisation, an effective portfolio of public relations material is essential (Luchs, 2018). By creating a portfolio of public relations material So Brave will be able to cut through the noise of other charities and reach their audience.

Media release 1 28 September, 2020

Early detection saves lives So Brave has been unable to produce their 2021 calendar due to the Covid-19 outbreak and resulting restrictions; they have instead created an information pack available on their website.

Due to Covid-19 travel bans and social distancing rules, founder of So Brave Rachelle Panitz and her team were unable to travel and work on photoshoots for the 2021 calendar.

As a temporary alternative, So Brave has created an information pack to educate young women and teach them how to become #breastaware. The information pack is available for download on the So Brave website.

October is breast cancer awareness month, and So Brave hopes that by the end of the month over 46,000 women will have signed up to receive their information pack.

Rachelle has expressed her determination to continue the mission of So Brave by working on the information pack in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Ensuring that young women have access to all the information they may need is one of our main goals,” explains Rachelle.

“Early detection is really important, and I believe by educating young women and getting them to look after their breast health, we can save lives,” she continues.

Breast cancer survivor Beck explains how important it is to be educated on breast cancer: “My biggest thing is awareness and education, at 29 being diagnosed I was the fittest and healthiest of my life, if I hadn’t known to look for and subsequently found the lump I may have missed an early diagnoses.”

As a So Brave ambassador, Beck advocates for monthly breast checks and education: “Early detection saves lives, it is really important to be breast aware, know your normal, know your body and be [hashtag breast aware].”

Rachelle and Beck urge young women to sign up on the So Brave website to receive the information pack, as Breast Cancer Awareness Month is the perfect time to start the journey to becoming #breastaware.

So Brave website:

For further information please contact: Public relations assistant at So Brave

Pitch email: Media release 1 To: [email protected] From: e Subject: Early detection saves lives Dear Jody, Due to the Covid-19 outbreak and resulting restrictions, So Brave were unable to produce their 2021 calendar as planned. As a temporary substitution, So Brave has created an information pack that is available for download on their website. The information pack will educate young women on how to become breast aware and look after their breast health.

Cancer survivor and So Brave ambassador, Beck, has told her story and advocates for regular breast checks, urging young women to download the information pack and educate themselves on how to maintain breast health. Beck’s story is compelling and will inspire women to become breast aware.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested in this opportunity or would like further information. If you wish to discuss this further, I am available on 041537 9559. Thank you for considering this opportunity.

Public relations assistant So Brave

Photo opportunity: Due to the continually changing nature of the Covid-19 restrictions in place, a photoshoot may or may not be possible. Assuming that a shoot is possible, an image could be created with Beck and Rachelle posing together in full body paint, similar to images in the So Brave calendar. If a shoot is not possible due to regulations, Becks photo from a past So Brave calendar would be suitable.

Media Release 2 15 June, 2020

Deceiving number of cancer diagnoses since Covid-19 Medical practitioners have found that the number of cancer diagnoses have dropped dramatically in recent months since the outbreak of Covid-19.

Professionals believe that women have stopped seeing their GP about small abnormalities, resulting in fewer cancer diagnoses.

While the lower number of diagnosed cases may seem positive, medical practitioners have pointed out that the situation means cases will be found at later stages, potentially reducing the efficiency of treatments.

Breast cancer survivor Beck explains how early an diagnoses saved her life; “I was really lucky that I got in to see a doctor when I did, had I been forced to wait weeks for an appointment I don’t think the treatment would have been as effective as it was, given how aggressive my cancer was”.

Early detection and diagnoses can lead to a more effective treatment for patients, it is a concern that fewer people are being diagnosed during this time.

“My biggest thing is awareness and education, at 29 being diagnosed, I was the fittest and healthiest I had been in my life and I still got diagnosed, it doesn’t matter how old or fit you are, it can and might happen to you.” Explains Beck.

“Early detection saves lives and that’s my number one mission”, Beck continues. Detecting cancer early allows the patient the best opportunity for recovery and enhances the possibility that treatment will work.

Rachelle Panitz and her team at So Brave advocates for monthly breast checks and urges young women to register to download the information pack on their website.

“Monthly breast checks are so important, an early diagnosis can save a life” explains Rachelle, the earlier a case is diagnosed and treated, the more likely treatment will work.

Rachelle encourages young women to consider downloading the information pack on the So Brave website and urges all young women to keep up with their monthly breast checks and to visit their GP if they do find any abnormalities.

So Brave website:

For further information please contact: Public relations assistant at So Brave Email:


Pitch email: Media release 2 To: [email protected] From: e Subject: Deceiving number of cancer diagnoses since Covid-19 Dear Sarah, Medical professionals have pointed out that there have been less cancer diagnoses since the Covid-19 outbreak began earlier this year. Although this may appear to be positive, it is predicted that fewer breast cancer cases will be diagnosed in the early stages. This is can likely be attributed to women refraining from seeing their doctor over small abnormalities due to the Covid-19 restrictions.

Early detection of breast cancer is key to ensuring that treatments have the best possible chance to work. Young women need to be educated on breast cancer and need to become breast aware, learning how to look after their breast health women will be have the best chance at recovery upon diagnoses. So Brave has an information pack available for download on their website, the pack includes all the information young women need to become breast aware.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested in this opportunity or would like further information. If you wish to discuss further, I am available on 041537 9559. Thank you for considering this opportunity.

Public relations assistant So Brave

Photo Opportunity: Covid-19 restrictions allowing, So Brave ambassador Beck could pose with her GP in her local clinic. The image may inspire some women to visit their GP if they do find any abnormalities.

Media release rationale I chose to cover the release of the information pack and the reduced number of diagnosed cancer cases in two media releases. The introduction of the information pack is an important topic within So Brave that needed to be highlighted within the media releases. The aim to reach 46,000 registrations by the end of October can only be reached if there is wide media coverage on the topic.

Smith emphasises in Becoming a Public Relations Writer that media releases must be based on topics that journalists want to publish and what readers want to see (Smith, 2017). I felt that the release about the drop in the number of cancer diagnoses would be a topic that readers would find interesting. I chose to date the release near the end of September so any articles/ coverage could be produced in time for the commencement of breast cancer awareness month which is October. In Publicity for Nonprofits, Beckwith points out that readers pay more attention to threatening news, a story about cancer diagnoses will likely grab the attention of readers (Beckwith, 2005).

Media release 1 was sent to Jody Scott, the health editor for Vogue Australia. Jody has previously written articles on cancer and has an audience largely made up of young women. Vogue online is incredibly accessible to all and can be shared easily making it the perfect outlet to write this story.

Media release 2 was sent to Sarah Berry at the Sydney Morning Herald. She focuses on writing about health and lifestyle in a factual but relatable context, her articles often include advice on how to look after your health. I felt that this story would be interesting for Berry and her readers and fit in perfectly with what she regularly writes.

Facebook post As many of you know, due to the Covid-19 outbreak and resulting restrictions, we are unable to work on photoshoots and create our 2021 calendar. Instead, we have created an information pack that is available for download on our website.

Early detection saves lives and the best way to do this is to do this is to perform regular breast checks and see your doctor if you find any abnormalities.

#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth is just around the corner and we have a goal that by the end of the month, 46,000 of you will have registered online to receive our information pack.

Know your normal, know your body and be #BreastAware

Twitter post 1 As many of you know we weren’t able to create our much-loved annual calendar for 2021, instead we have put together a breast care info pack which you can download off our site. Go on, Check it out! Know your normal, know your body and be #BreastAware

Twitter post 2 Post on October 23, 2020

#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth is coming to an end and we wanted to remind you of our goal to have 46,000 young women download our breast care info pack by the 31st. We’re nearly there and need your help! Visit our Facebook for more info and share with your mum, sister and friends!

Facebook and Twitter rationale Social media has become an extremely helpful platform for public relations professionals. Social media can be a great form of two-way communication and help organisations forge meaningful relationships with publics and audiences (Valentini, 2015).

The most effective way to use social media is to allow for engagement and conversation with followers, hashtags can also become a useful tool to build a brand and create awareness (Graham, 2019). All three posts include at least one hashtag, the #BreastAware is used in most So Brave posts and is a great way to collate all posts into one area. In the Facebook post and one of the Twitter posts I have used the hashtag for breast cancer awareness month, during the month traffic will be driven to this hashtag from many platforms allowing for a wide audience to find the So Brave page.

Content amplification is an essential step that needs to go along with any social media content it ensures that content reaches a wider audience (Shewan, 2020). Twitter post 1 includes a link directly to the information pack on the So Brave website. Traffic from twitter is lead to the Facebook page via Twitter post 2 which specifically sends audiences to the So Brave Facebook page.

Please note: Twitter post 1 shows as being 287 characters, when a post is made on twitter any URL is converted to be 23 characters only, this URL is 39 characters, a more accurate character count would be 271.

Media list

Outlet Name


Name &

Media Type


Comments Email / Phone

Twitter Based in Brisbane,



Lucy Stone

[email protected]

Times Channel 9:



(07) 3835 7515



Emily Rice

[email protected]



Reporter Laura

(03) 9420 3253 [email protected]

Daily Mail



(02) 8651 8626



Editor Sophie

0422 701 581

focuses on local @ljstone09

news 20 years of experience


reporting on health Focuses on health in a women column

@Lauhouse Writes on wide range of topics

Kalagas Web

[email protected]

Frankie -



(03) 9214 2702

Online Harper's



0413 661 980

Bazaar -


Sukriti Wahi

[email protected]




Writer Clare

0423 481 634


[email protected]

Particular interest



(02) 9299 9555

in Womens health


Editor Sue

0423 505 856


[email protected]



(02) 8114 8653


writer Sarah Berry

0428 957 154

The Sydney


[email protected]



(02) 9282 2822

Editor Hannah

0434 394 423 [email protected]


(02) 8333 4393


Herald (SMH)

@skalagas Writes on a wide


range of topics

@Thinkspo1 Has written extensively on medical research @Sue_Dunlevy

and health issues Focuses on lifestyle health

@sarzberry Work highlights issues with the

Triple j Vogue


Producer Jody Scott

0403 131 405 [email protected]





(02) 8045 4840


youth community Health editor

Media list rationale It is really important that media releases and press content is sent to the correct contacts, this will ensure the highest chance of getting a story published (Brethenoux, 2019). It is also key that the appropriate media outlet is approached according to the target audience, I have chosen outlets that target young women (Brethenoux, 2019).

The media list I have put together features a very wide range of outlets and media types. So Brave is targeting young women and the outlets I have chosen reflect this. Most of the outlets are online, I felt this was appropriate given that the target audience is ages 15-25. Targeting mostly young women and the issue predominantly based around women, all of the contacts are women, I felt they would be able to connect the most with the story and choose to write it. Most of the contacts on the list have previously written on health/ women’s health or focus on topics of in...

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