BUSI 1110 S14 Fall 2020 Course Presentation PDF

Title BUSI 1110 S14 Fall 2020 Course Presentation
Course Fundamentals of Business in Canada
Institution Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Pages 5
File Size 202.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 32
Total Views 165


Course presentation in 2020 for BUSI 1110....


KWANTLEN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY COURSE OUTLINE BUSI 1110 – S14 Fundamentals of Business in Canada Semester:

Fall 2020


Debra Pankratz

Class Room:

Online (mostly asynchronous)


[email protected]

Class Hours:

Wednesday 4:00pm – 6:50pm


Big Blue Button (Moodle)

1. COURSE DESCRIPTION & LEARNING OBJECTIVES A broad range of business concepts will be introduced and applied in a Canadian context. Students will be exposed on varying levels to the different business topics including (but not limited to) strategy, human resources, motivation, leadership, operations, marketing, accounting and finance. The course also provides an overview of economic systems, forms of business ownership, general management principles and ethics. A student who successfully completes the course will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:  explain the basic concepts involved in operating a business in Canada;  discuss key issues which are relevant to business activities including business ethics, employment regulations, productivity, quality management and international trade;  define common business terms and understand their application in news articles presented in various business media;  differentiate between different types of economic systems, business functions and forms of business ownership; and  describe the roles, responsibilities, and duties of general managers and specialists in the various functional areas of business including finance, human resources, marketing and production/operations.

2. CLASS FORMAT Lecture topics will follow the class schedule outlined below in Section 12. I will use a combination of lecture, video presentation, case analysis and structured exercises to enhance the effectiveness of the course material.

Class slides will be posted onto Moodle before each class, for your reference, but you will also be expected to read the required chapters prior to class. Class materials can NOT be shared with students beyond this class, which includes the class slides, notes, exam papers and past research papers/essays. All course materials are uploaded onto the Moodle for the convenience of your studies throughout the duration of this course. However, they are not expected to be shared with students outside of this class due to copyright restrictions. Failure to follow this rule may place the student at subject to legal action.

3. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK Business Essentials - Canadian 9th Digital E-text Edition. Pearson Education. Ronald J. Ebert; Ricky W. Griffin; Frederick A. Starke; George Dracopoulos Once the digital version is purchased, through the KPU Bookstore website, students can order, directly from the publisher, a print copy for $20 - delivered to their home.

4. COURSE EVALUATION Grades will be allocated on the following basis: Individual Weekly Written Assignment (10x2%) Quizzes (5 x 5%) Midterm Exam Final Exam Individual Final Assignment TOTAL

20% 25% 15% 15% 25% 100%

4.1 Individual Weekly Written Assignments: Students are expected to complete 10 individual assignments that will form 20% of their total grade. More details to be provided during class. 4.2 Online Quizzes: In order to test preparedness of the course materials beyond the Midterm and Final exams, students will be required to participate in 5 online quizzes via Moodle. 4.3 Individual Final Assignment: Business Proposal (more details to come in the weeks to come)

Most of the above assignments (except for the Individual Final Assignment) are relatively short in duration and are included to ensure that you are able to study on an ongoing basis and know where you may need further help or studying time.

5. PLAGIARISM AND CHEATING: Plagiarism and cheating are serious educational offenses which may result in failure of an assignment, failure of a course, and possible suspension from KPU. For complete details, please refer to Kwantlen's Plagiarism and Cheating policy in the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar or http://www.kwantlen.ca/counselling/academic/policy_summary.html (Student Conduct Policy #C.21, Plagiarism and Cheating Policy #C.8).

Examples of cheating and plagiarism for this course may include, but are not limited to, the following:     

Copying your classmates’ answers or referring to texts/notes during exams and quizzes Using a tutor to complete a portion (or all) of an assignment (if you plan on using a tutor please see me to discuss how to avoid plagiarism. I will also require contact info for your tutor and all copies of drafts of your work before and after editing). Copying wording verbatim from the Internet and other sources without proper citation; Copying in part or in full the work of other students who have submitted projects to this course in the past; Submitting any portion of a project for this course which also has been, or will be, submitted in any other course;

Plagiarism is especially important with regards to your Individual Assignment. There will be areas where you will need to refer back to the theories discussed in class, and therefore proper APA citations format is expected. For first year students, this may be daunting therefore I will spare a bit of time to talk about how this works later in this course.

6. OFFICIAL WITHDRAWAL Please refer to the web page below for the most up-to-date official dates and deadlines regarding withdrawal and admission. http://www.kwantlen.ca/registration/dates.html

7. MISSED EXAMS All assignments, presentations and exams are due on the dates outlined in the Class Schedule in Section 12 (unless otherwise revised). If a student misses an exam, they will automatically receive a mark of "0". Makeup exams will only be offered under extreme circumstances (family/medical reasons). If you will be missing an exam due to medical reasons, you are required to contact the instructor BEFORE the missed exam and produce a note from a physician. The note must clearly state the reason and dates that you are unable to satisfy course requirements. The University reserves the right to contact the physician's office, not to discuss confidential specifics, but to verify that the note is legitimate.

8. LATE ASSIGNMENTS No late assignments will be accepted. I may only make an exception in cases of substantiated family/medical emergency. You will be required to contact me BEFORE the deadline, by which supporting documentation must be submitted for reporting to KPU.

9. GRADING SYSTEM The following grading system will be applied:


Grade Points

Conversion Scale (%)



4.33 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.00 0.00

90 - 100 85 - 89 80 - 84 76 - 79 72 - 75 68 - 71 64 - 67 60 - 63 56 - 59 50 - 55 0 - 49

Exceptional Achievement Outstanding Achievement Excellent Achievement Very Good Achievement Good Achievement Good Achievement Satisfactory Achievement Satisfactory Achievement Satisfactory Achievement Marginal Achievement Unsatisfactory Achievement

You may also visit the following webpage to review the conversion scores: http://www.kwantlen.ca/calendar/studrcrds.html Grades may be readjusted towards the end of this course to ensure that there is a fair distribution of grades relative to your classmates’ performance. Grades in this course are earned, and are therefore not open for negotiation. The grade you receive will be a result of multiple assessments, which reflect your overall performance, therefore your final grade will not be amenable for further adjustments without proper justification. If you are experiencing difficulties early on in the course, please do speak with me ASAP rather than waiting until the end of the term.



Clearly we will be using our electronic devices on an ongoing basis, so these will be a requirement during class and exams.



The email address for your instructor is [email protected]. You may use email to clarify specific details of your assignments and projects, or to discuss your personal performance in the course. 

Do not use email to request information that is already in the course outline, in the course presentation, posted on Moodle or which has been discussed in class.

When emailing me, please ensure that you use KPU’s email system otherwise your email will likely remain in my SPAM folder.

Include your section and course number in all email titles. I am teaching 4 sections so it is more efficient for both of us if I have the info up front. Failure to do so, will mean that your email will NOT be replied.

Email turnaround is usually within 24 hours except weekends





Sept 9

SUBJECT Course Outline Canadian Business System

CHAPTERS Outline 1

Weekly Assignment #1 (Due Sept 15) 2

Sept 16

Individual Assignment Overview The Environment of Business

Weekly Assignment #2 (Due Sept 22) Quiz #1 (Due Sept 22) 3

Sept 23

Business Ethics & Social Responsibility

Weekly Assignment #3 (Due Sept 29) 4

Sept 30

Entrepreneurship/Small Business

Quiz #2 (Due Oct 6) Weekly Assignment #4 (Due Oct 6) 5

6 7



Oct 7 Oct 14 Oct 21 Oct 28

Nov 4


1,2 3

3 4 3,4 4 6

Managing the Business Enterprise Weekly Assignment #5 (Due Oct 13)


MIDTERM (Ch. 1,2,3,4,6) Organizing the Business Enterprise Weekly Assignment #6 (Due Oct 27) Human Resources & Labour Relations Motivating and Leading Employees Weekly Assignment #7 (Due Nov 3) Quiz #3 (Due Nov 3) Operations Management, Productivity, and Quality Weekly Assignment #8 (Due Nov 10)


7 8 9

8,9 7,8,9 10 10


Nov 11



Nov 18


Nov 25

Understanding Accounting Issues Financial Decisions & Risk Management Weekly Assignment #9 (Due Nov 24) Quiz #4 (Due Nov 24) Understanding Principles of Marketing Pricing, Promoting and Distributing QUIZ #5 (DUE Dec 1) Weekly Assignment #10 (Due Dec 1)


Dec 2

11 15 11,15 10,11,15 12 13

12,13 12,13

Final Exam Review and Final Individual Assignment Due

14 Dec 9 FINAL EXAM 3.30pm-6.30pm *Note: The above-class schedule is tentative and may be changed by the instructor in order to accommodate presentations and/or more in-depth discussions of certain topics. All lecture notes, cases, articles and handouts presented and discussed in class may become part of the material reviewed on exams....

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