BUSI 1200 Book Report PDF

Title BUSI 1200 Book Report
Author Heidi Seymour
Course Strategy First
Institution East Carolina University
Pages 4
File Size 63.3 KB
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How to Win Friends and Influence People - book report...



BUSI 1200 Book Report

I was really excited when “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie was on the list. My sister said that she ended up taking a Dale Carnegie course in New York City because of this book. Now I completely understand why. I think everyone should read it! There are so many valuable life lessons that this book has taught me.

There are four parts to this book, each providing a deeper understanding of effective human relations. The first part teaches the fundamental techniques in handling people. A very important concept that Dale Carnegie stressed was not to criticize, condemn, or complain. I think my favorite quote from the book is that “any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn…and most fools do. But it takes character and selfcontrol to be understanding and forgiving.” This quality is so important to possess as a leader. Another topic in this part of this book is give sincere appreciation. Making others feel good about the work they did, will only help encourage them to continue to work hard. This principle should not only be used in the workplace, but in everyday life. Giving appreciation is such an easy thing to do but is so overlooked. We tend to be quick to tell people they did something wrong and forget to praise them when they do something right. I was lucky enough to have parents that understood Dale Carnegie’s principle, that “encouragement is a much more effective teaching device than punishment.” I have worked in a nursery over the last two years and try to apply this principle. After reading this book, I’m even more excited to try this technique. I think it’s important for any parent, teacher, and leader to understand.

The second part of this book discusses the six ways to make people like you. A very important lesson in this book is that you will have an easier time making people like you by being interested in them rather than trying to get them interested in you. Becoming genuinely interested in other people is Dale Carnegie’s first of the six principles in this section. He also talks about the importance of smiling. I now

2 find myself trying to smile at everyone! My mom was very successful in her job, and jokes that it was because she smiles a lot. She actually one a smile award! She also has so many of the values that are necessary in a leader, including the ones emphasized in this book. The third principle in making people like you is remembering a person’s name. This is something I really want to work on. I will now make a conscious effort to repeat the person’s name and even write it down so that I’ll remember. Dale Carnegie says that “a person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” The fourth principle is something I would like to work on as well, and that is becoming a good listener. This does take patience, but it is so important. I’ve always liked the saying that there’s a reason we have two ears but only one mouth. When it’s time to do the talking, the fifth principle suggests talking in terms of the other person’s interests. The final principle is to make others feel important, and to do it sincerely. It makes so much sense and I’ve never thought about it before. I’ve seen it at my job, when a child falls, looks around, and then cries mostly for attention. Simply giving people the attention that they so desire will make them feel important. Part of being a great leader is acknowledging the values in the people around you and giving them this feeling of importance. There are so many amazing quotes in this book, but one I have to include is: “There is one all-important law of human conduct. If we obey that law, we shall almost never get into trouble. In fact, that law, if obeyed, will bring us countless friends and constant happiness. But the very instant we break the law, we shall get into endless trouble. The law is this: Always make the other person feel important.”

Everyone in business, especially sales, should read the third part of this book, titled “how to win people to your way of thinking.” In this section, he uses 12 principles that will allow you to effective convince people. He begins to explain the importance of avoiding arguments. I try not to argue, but this book helped me to understand that no one really wins during an argument. Especially as a leader, a person should take time to cool off and try their best to understand the other point of view. It’s also important not to blame others or tell them that they are wrong. In times that I’m wrong, I now understand to admit it quickly and empathetically. I think that empathy is such a valuable quality to have. There were numerous

3 other aspects that would be especially beneficial in business, such as getting people to say “yes” right away, dramatizing, and providing a bit of a challenge.

The fourth part of this book uses 9 principles to advise people on the best way to lead. I have always thought it would be tough for me to fire someone, and I hope if I ever have to I will know the right way to approach the situation. If it were to happen down the road, I would go back and read this chapter over again. All bad news, including criticism, should begin with praise and an honest compliment. You also need to humble yourself and talk about your own mistakes first. This chapter is so important for leaders in getting people to do things. It is not an easy task, especially in this generation, to get people to work hard. This section allows the leader to understand how to get people to do things in the perfect way. One example is to ask questions instead of giving direct orders. Ultimately the goal is to make the person feel happier about accomplishing your recommendation. The sixth principle in this section states to be “hearty in your appreciation and lavish in your praise.” This message is something I will attempt to use every single day.

I have learned so many important things from this book. I think he did a great job at using examples to make the reader fully understand each part of the book. I also really liked that he taught me a lot more about significant people in history. I really enjoyed learning about people like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson. I loved the quote from Benjamin Franklin when he said “I will speak ill of no man,” he said, “and speak all the good I know of everybody.” My mom used to say “if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.” I have always tried to live by this but will now also make a conscious effort to give compliments, appreciation, and praise as well. The book really gave me a new outlook on life! I just had to email a company for a project, and had a whole new way of doing it. It’s hard for me to think of something negative from this book. The only thing I could think of was that some things were a little outdated. Turns out they made a book titled “How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age.” I think the lessons in this book will be so beneficial in my future, not only in

4 business but in every interaction with people. I would recommend this book to everyone to improve their lifestyles from the lessons taught throughout this book....

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