Business communications learning journal unit 4 PDF

Title Business communications learning journal unit 4
Author Queen Ade
Course Business Communications
Institution University of the People
Pages 5
File Size 111.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
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RESUME Name: Adekunle Folasade Funmilayo Address: No. 1177, 6th floor, Thumana, Road, Thaketa township, Yangon-Myanmar Mobile: +959951269699 E-mail: [email protected] Passport No.: A05368683 Religion: Christianity Nationality: Nigerian


3 years of teaching experience at private institutions.


Responsible as a classroom teacher.


Teaching involves both lower kids and upper kids.


In charge of monitoring discipline.


Working with staffs from different backgrounds.


Science teacher at Middle and High school.


2008 – 2013

Kings and Queens International College- General Science

2013- 2015

Kwara State Polytechnic. National Diploma in Marketing


Microsoft office


Heritage Int’l college (a private school with about 35 staffs in Nigeria)

Head Teacher Responsibilities ·

Supervision of the heads of departments and other teachers.


Monitoring and training staffs.


Ensuring that all students know the rules and regulations and adhere to them.


Resolve, diagnose, and solve any managerial issue on the aspect of staffs and the students.


Ensure smooth operation of the school.


Resolving issues regarding tax, accreditation, and licenses.


Keeping up to date school records.

2015-2016 Class teacher Responsibilities

Emmanuel int’ school, Nigeria (a private school with about 25 staffs)


Teaching syllables to lower kids.


Implementing developmental policies.


Preparing and managing extra curriculum activities.


Assessing student’s strengths and weakness on a regular basis.


Organizing school’s gathering.


Easy Learning English Center, Yangon-Myanmar

English Teacher Responsibilities ·

Teaching 4 skills English to all levels of students


Development of syllabus


Supervising and monitoring people’s work


Offering teaching assistant when needed


Winner International Summer School, Sittway, Rakhine State, Myanmar

English Teacher Responsibilities Teaching ·

Teaching 4 skills English to all levels of students


Teacher's Trainer


Development of syllabus


Supervising and monitoring people’s work


Offering teaching assistant when needed


Monitored and trained students in high standards.


Supervised and created a successful plan for kids.


Worked hand-in-hand with colleagues to achieve set goals.


Kept up good discipline on the part of students.

References 1.

Adeoti Michael Heritage Int’l Sch., Nigeria +2348068680518 [email protected]


Mr. Samuel Easy Learning English Center, Yangon-Myanmar +959264683783 [email protected]


Mr. Sam Smith Winner International Summer School +959400700219 [email protected]

Above is my recent CV, according to the principles of CV writing laid out in the textbook (McLean, Scott 2010). I believe my CV is missing some information like my grade, besides my employment experience is not in reverse chronological order. Out of the four categories of CV, mine falls in the combination category. List of Unfamiliar Words

Acronym: "an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA )." (Acronym. n.d).

Chronological: "(of a record of events) following the order in which they occurred." (Chronological. n.d). Sparingly: "in a restricted or infrequent manner; in small quantities." (Sparingly. n.d). Synchronous: "existing or occurring at the same time." (Synchronous. n.d)

Reference: Acronym. (n.d). in Oxford Dictionary. Retrieved from; client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk033cVs_vvcG8D6daFSJCJYMka3s6A %3A1588869114208&ei=-je0XoSZDNCV4EPmJmSsAs&q=Acronym&oq=Acronym&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADI CCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAA6BAgAEEdQbYIWPm2CGDBvAhoAHADeACAAbABiAGwAZIBAzAuMZgBAKABAqABAaoBB2d3cy1 3aXo&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiE_pXZlqLpAhXQyjgGHZiMBLYQ4dUDCAs&uact=5

Chronological. (n.d). in Oxford Dictionary. Retrieved from; client=firefox-b-d&q=Chronological

McLean, Scott (2010). Business communication for success. The Saylor Foundation. Sparingly. (n.d). in Oxford Dictionary. Retrieved from; client=firefox-b-d&q=sparingly

Synchronous. (n.d). in Oxford Dictionary. Retrieved from; client=firefox-b-d&q=Synchronous...

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