Business GCE and Ethics Assignment PDF

Title Business GCE and Ethics Assignment
Author Gurjeet Singh
Course Building Communications Portfolio Skills 1
Institution Centennial College
Pages 7
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GCE AND BUSINESS ETHICS ASSIGNMENT Course= Fundamentals of Business Course code= BUS119-002 Professor= Shanker Seetharam Submission Date=6th March 2021 NAME GURJEET SINGH

STUDENT ID 301128270

1.MANAGEMENT, STAKEHOLDERS & ETHICS a. With reference to the stakeholders represented in that image, what ethical dilemmas does the Story of Stuff present, discuss. Ans. The Story of Stuff showed us how stuff is processed through a system. This clearly described the operation of our economy which includes five processes: Extraction, Production, Distribution, Consumption, Disposal. Throughout these processes, we will begin to determine ethical dilemmas in the Story of Stuff. In the story, the author mentioned that companies are running out of natural resources for their manufactures which affects to environment. While company should have responsibility for protecting environment, a huge number of natural resources which is exploited seriously for manufacture activities. According to statistics, 80% of global forest are going to gone. The next point, there are a lot of toxic chemistry which are used in factory and are not tested carefully. Those toxic chemistry directly affect people health because manufactures put those toxic chemistry to their products as a protection material. We could not ensure that materials are qualified for producing system, health, environment. When toxic chemicals are moved to factories to produce final product, they cause impact to workers’ health. Because these poor workers need a job, they accept to work with toxics. Besides, the Story of Stuff also point out the problems of the radio with cost of $4.99. The corporation build their factory in many poor countries because they can take advantage of natural resources and labour in these countries. This means they can buy resources and pay local workers with lower expense. After that, they will bring all products back to their countries. These local workers are impacted seriously on their health by toxics from workplace, but they receive lower wages and no insurance from companies. At developing countries, government does not have polices to protect their resident like developed countries. In addition, when companies place their factories at other countries, this means that they will move a large amount of trash and cause pollution to those countries. Consumers are also a factor that pollute the environment, they go shopping more often that the last decades but tend not to reuse things anymore. According to the video, 99% of American do not reuse products that they got within 6 months. This increases the amount of trash disposed to the environment. Recycling is small step to protect our environment, the most important thing is that consumers should be aware of what pollutes the environment and apply using environmentally friendly products in the daily basis. Owners only care about how much products they can sell to customers, they lower the price tag to attract customers, they even pay their employees so low to save the expenses. Government also focus on the country’ growth. They support corporation to enhance their productivity because more products are sold in the market which help increase country’s GDP. If many corporations decrease their productivity, the economy of country will go down. The Story of Stuff describe specifically our economy, profits of corporations, owners, government is more important than people’s health and environment.[CITATION The09 \l 1033 ] b. Then, discuss how this applies to GCE #4 Ans; From history, we can see that the economy and society cannot achieve stability if we focus only on profit without and protecting our planet. When all companies exploit only natural resources without recovery and protection, all sources of materials and foodstuffs in the future are gone. Populations faced with contaminated water, air or business do not have the tools to generate activities. Therefore, almost all companies nowadays have a specific strategy to develop products and protect the environment. They work together and set high standards for their partners as they hope their BUSINESS REPORT


campaigns will raise awareness of environmental protection and ensure the safety and sustainability of the supply chain. In addition, the government is educating residents about environmental issues, such as reducing waste or new products in everyday life. In addition, the international company needs to treat all workers equally and the government should raise awareness among local workers about their rights and adopt specific policies for their protection. They have the right and responsibility to behave equally.

2.Ethics in Practice a. First, discuss how the company you chose demonstrates social responsibility initiative at the local, national, or global level, chose a specific initiative that they undertake, discuss stakeholders involved and how it relates to philanthropy & Carroll’s Pyramid.

Ans. The Grove Collaborative give all item which is solid for family and for planet. They energize trade to treat the planet with care. Subsequently, they have tall standard for their accomplices, providers in materials, fabricating, etc. Other than, they have plans to empower inhabitants to secure environment and spare creatures. The Grove Collaborative advances their worker in exercises of charities and exercises for community such as planting of 1 million modern trees. As they are conducting various charities events they are relating to the philanthropy. The Grove accept that they can contribute to do more and progress the world and community they serve. They center on the issues of Plastic, Trees and Carbon. They set an objective in 2025, they will be gotten to be a company with plastic-free. The Grove’s extraordinary campaign is “We are moving past plastic”. They make astonishing thoughts for the campaign. At early period, they are the primary company which utilize plastic unbiased to constrain impacts on environment. This helps The Grove has removed a huge amount of plastic from oceans, rivers, and land in January 2020. The fellows of company strongly inspire their spirit to all employee and community. In the next five years, the company commit that all products will be sold with plastic-free. From CEO of The Grove Collaborative, Stuart Landesberg said that “CEOs who say they’ll reduce their impact by 2050 won’t be around when that date comes. Grove will be 100% plastic-free by 2025. That’s going to be on my watch.”. [CITATION Ann20 \l 1033 ] b. Next, discuss how the company you chose is one that will help you personally, with advancing your business skills via social responsibility initiative at the local, national, or global level. Ans. The Grove Collaborative’s goals change my minds about developing and social

responsibility of an organization. due to their goals and commitment in protecting environment, the corporate get customers’ trust. Their mission is to vary the globe for the higher and convey health products to consumer. Therefore, customer believe that once they buy any products from The Grove, they are helping community in protecting environment. the corporate will increase profit, customers, reputation within the market. this can be the amazing idea which I learn from the corporate. I think that when a



corporation concern on the matter of society, they will retreat to concerning from consumer.

3.Reflection on Ethics a. What you have learned regarding how to recognize ethical organizations, remember to connect this to GCE #1: Ans. While making the assignment and completing the chapter 4, I able to recognize my role and responsibilities as a good citizen towards society. As a responsible citizen I should be ready taking personal responsibility for one's decisions and actions, including respecting others, obeying rules and laws, and setting a good example to others. Global citizens feel a sense of responsibility to help when the rights of others are violated, no matter where in the world they live. As in my personal life It is my responsibility to respect elders, obey rules and protect environment. I should serve community as well. On the professional life I should be aware of my surroundings, I should stand with employees if they are treated wrongly or harassed. I should be aware of my duties and my rights. I should be responsible in working with diversify workplace, I should pay respect to every culture. With the help of the assignment, I can recognize ethical organizations as know I know the roles and responsibilities of global citizen. I can easily recognize that whether the organization is ethical or unethical by looking at the following things:  Treating employees, customers, investors, and the public fairly  Holding every member personally accountable for his or her action  Communicating core values and principles to all members  Demanding and rewarding integrity from all members in all situations[ CITATION Bus18 \l 1033 ] If an organization is meeting the above, we can say that it is ethical. b. Conclude by discussing what your individual approach to ethics is, again, remember to connect this to GCE #1; in your response, also include how the results of the changemaker quiz impact your ability to be a proactive global citizen as well. Ans.To conclude, I think my approach toward ethics are that I am very positive kind of person. I look deep into the problem first before applying a suitable solution. I respect everyone’s moral value and their culture. I respect everyone’s view towards problem. Before applying any solution to the problems, I look for the various option and which option will produce the greatest benefits and least harm. My approach towards ethics is that firstly I look for the problem and find relevent facts, then I would find feasible solutions, moving ahead I will look after each solution on skateholders, employees and each other factor. Then I will look after the most appropriate option which will suits best.



The result of changemaker quiz effects me in various ways. The result shows that I am a good communicator[ CITATION The21 \l 1033 ]. The ability to communicate effectively with people from around the world is one of the most important skills needed for global citizenship.  By using your creativity and expression to share knowledge in compelling and accessible ways, whether through art, film, oratory, music, online or innumerable other ways.  By reminding people about all the ways we are connected.  By spreading news, information, and ideas to other Changemaker Personalities.



REFERENCES Bright, Annie. "10 of The Most Socially Responsible Companies & Brands to Model (2021)." 23 October 2020. Growensemble. 3 March 2021. .  Managers, Business Faculty from Ontario Colleges and eCampusOntario Program. "Ethics and Social Responsibility." Managers, Business Faculty from Ontario Colleges and eCampusOntario Program. Fundamentals of Business: Canadian Edition. eCampusOntario, 2018. 63-70.  The story of Stuff. 22 April 2009. Video. 3 March 2021. .  The Story of the Stuff Project. n.d. 6 03 2021. . ...

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