Business Oral-2 - Oral exam taken with petit-frere PDF

Title Business Oral-2 - Oral exam taken with petit-frere
Course Introduction to Business Management
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 6
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Oral exam taken with petit-frere...


Due Date: May 15th

TOK ORAL BRAINSTORM Artificial Intelligence: the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

● Multimedia, it can involve audience interaction, Like a show ● Aim to WOW the audience ○ Cool Multimedia shit is always appreciated ■ See Muriel Vid ● Based off of a central knowledge question SEARCH UP COOL IDEAS THINGS UNDER DESK ALWAYS MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY ● We can attach chocolate or candy for the end of the presentation ●

Instructions: - Select your group members from the teacher (1-3 students). For each member for eh group you get 10 minutes (TIME IS FIRM). Students do not have to talk the same time - play to strengths - Use the outline provided to help create your oral. THis MUST be done. YOu will copy and paste each box of the outline into the TK PPD form which WILL BE SENT TO IB ALONG WITH YOUR FINAL MARK -

Fill out form for Oral, which is found on This package will give you hints for how to do an oral To download the form do everything this says. DO NOT SKIP A STEP:


Real Life Situations:

Due Date: May 15th

First one doesn’t have to be the most significant CENTRAL KNOWLEDGE QUESTION: TOK development, sift through binder from the beginning, stuff TOK words in -

Hook, makes people interested First RL: RElatively Smaller Scale, etc Fitbit or Apple Watch etc. Second RL: Think about a large Idea, ethics of AI, how does language affect perception etc.

DISCUSS CONNECTION BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE QUESTION AND RLS: Explain how your real life situation led to questions and then spawned your primary knowledge question (the journey from the real work)

OUTLINE: ( do this twice or thrice bc we have 3 people) Discuss how you are going to develop your presentation with respect to perspectives subsidiary knowledge questions, arguments etc. This can be Prose or Bullet Points Present second Rl, usually bigger idea, more meaty. Discuss how this is connected to ur KQ. Circular presentation (Finish where you start. ) ⇒ It's a journey - fitbit -> robotics -> stem cells -> fitbit NOT AN E S S A Y, u are not proving anything. You are discussing and exploring. USE A GLOBAL APPROACH, discuss many things across the whole world Read Tips on Sheet: Use magical bullshit to take u back to ur main point. NOT RECAPPING MY GOD. NEVER RECAP EVER. EVEN IF IT BRINGS YOU BACK. (MAGICAL BULLSHIT IS WORTH LOTS OF MARKS) Presentation must be fluid and smooth in style. Fiction cannot be used as examples nor proof.§€ RLS ⇒ Non - Fiction

Due Date: May 15th e/ harters-problem-big-tech BRAINSTORM ● Ethical AI ○ RLS: Driverless cars (MACHINE ETHICS (AMA)) ■ Bestowing sentience Ethical responsibility ■ ● Ethical TOK topics ○ Ethical models ■ Utilitarian - Increase/maintain happiness while reducing conquential pain.

Knowledge Claim: ● 2nd order ○ Can you trust your knowledge in regards to AI sentience? ■ Turing test, u need to be able to trust ur knowledge in saying that this is an AI or not. ■ THE ANSWER IS YES, BECAUSE NO AI HAS OR EVER WILL PASS THE TURING TEST

Knowledge Question: “How can we know that we are making the right ethical decisions in regards to AI?” 1. Ethics of AI a. Household Technology (Emotion)

Due Date: May 15th


Can emotion as a Way of Knowing override rational personal knowledge in the natural sciences? 1. We will focus on the displinces of physics, with an emphasis on computer science, engineering and Ethics. 2. Emotional connection with ai

b. Driverless Cars (Ethics) roubling-look-into-our-values i. How does emotion & sense perception affect ethical knowledge? 1. HUME AND ETHICS vs. UTILITARIANISM a. This would require the vehicles to make value judgments, including in versions of a classic philosophy thought experiment called the trolley problem: if a car detects a sudden obstacle—say, a jackknifed truck—should it hit the truck and kill its own driver, or should it swerve onto a crowded sidewalk and kill pedestrians? A human driver might react randomly (if she has time to react at all), but the response of an autonomous vehicle would have to be programmed ahead of time. What should we tell the car to do? b. Global trends in ethics

c. Rights RL Sophia and Citizenship (Language) i. Does the CCRF protect AIs 1. Be a person of good moral character is a requirement 2. DO AIs SUCH AS SOPHIA FULFILL THIS REQUIREMENT i. aturalization-information ii. Can you be restricted by the language you use? 1. AIs can only perform what their coded to do 2. Do these restrictions in code allow for the emergence of moral character iii. Is Language restrictive in nature? iv. Can language restrict ethical knowledge? 1. Sophia as citizen requires moral character

Due Date: May 15th

a. Does her encoded nature affect her moral character b. c. Can she act ethically? Like is she held back by her coding? Self driving cars -decision making -rational justification To what extent can the justification of

Other Topic: Gender and Sophia Corporation as a perspective for Sophia, if corporations have perspective, why not robots??? - What is conscious is and is it possible -


“Origins” - premise, use as a tool for humans getting more and more machine - National geographic january 01 bionic eye, within medicine new models of science as a result of new technology (lent) ⇒ KQ: “Anthropocene”

Order of RLS is as follows: ➔ 1st RLS: Household Technology - “Can emotion as a Way of Knowing override rational personal knowledge in the natural sciences?” ◆ Household Technology, we can introduce siri/bixby/alexa for demonstration or to grab the attention of the audience (visual demonstrations are usually appreciated) ◆ If need be, we can talk about roombas but I feel like that’s a weaker point ◆ We should address an issue or maybe a specific incident to incite controversy

Due Date: May 15th

➔ 2nd RLS: Sophia the Robot ◆ Can language restrict ethical knowledge? ● Discuss how Sophia wishes to be treated like a human, and how we have made her sentient. (Twitter) ● Introduce the american guidelines for citizenship ● Talk about the 2 sides. (use examples from twitter to show people opinions) s ○ Sophia is able to make ethical decisions in spite of the instructions programmed into her being. ○ Sophia is unable to make ethical decisions, as she is restricted by her language, code.

➔ 3rd RLS: Driverless Cars ◆ How does emotion & sense perception affect ethical knowledge? ● Hume Ethics vs. Utilitarianism ➔ 4th RLS: Bionics

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