C100 - Module 1 thur 6 Self Assessments PDF

Title C100 - Module 1 thur 6 Self Assessments
Author Alicia Walton
Course Introduction to Humanities
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 87
File Size 3.1 MB
File Type PDF
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1.19 Module Self-Assessment Final Score: 150 / 150 Points Attempts: 1 out of unlimited Retake Test (/tools/test_intro.php?tid=3276)

Question 1

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Which of the following are true of the relationship between the humanities and technology? (Choose two.) Your Answer a) Technology has led to an increase in globalization by making the world smaller and connecting people together through social networks via the internet b) The internet increased the value of art because online auctions improved the demand for art while the supply of collectable art stayed the same. c) Technology has increased our ability to preserve, document and share works of art, literature, and music in a way that is unprecedented. d) The internet increased the quality of literature because self-publishing opened the door to authors that have historically been undiscovered.

Feedback: The correct answers are a and c. See Section 1.06: "Throughout human history there have been many inventions that have come and gone-many discoveries--some more impactful than others. Three inventions that altered the way that we live, and the way that we go about our business, are the printing press, electricity, and the Internet."

Question 2


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Which of the following themes is found in multiple historical periods? a) Individualism b) Globalization c) Humility d) Exoticism

Feedback: The correct answer is a. See Section 1.07: "There are three themes that affected not just a single period; they are powerful enough that they have, historically, required revisiting and reimagining. These themes, individualism, revolution, and classicism, tell us something about the values central to the Western world."

Question 3

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How do we identify themes in a literary or artistic work? a) Identify the moods within the works. b) Analyze the structural elements of the work. c) Look for the unifying or main ideas. d) Research the historical context.

Feedback: The correct answer is c. See Section 1.07: "Themes are unifying ideas that are repeated or developed throughout a literary or artistic work."

Question 4

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Which of the following is true of myths? (Choose two.) Your Answer a) They are traditional stories of a people or culture that are told to explain natural phenomena and to record values and belief systems from generation to generation.




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b) They use logic and emotional appeals to mislead and misdirect from the truth. c) They utilize archetypes and symbols to find a deeper understanding of life. d) They all use the monomyth to present one central truth about life.

Feedback: The correct answers are a and c. See Section 1.09: "Myths are traditional stories of a people or culture that serve to explain some natural phenomenon, the origin of humanity, or customs or religious rites. Humans can pass on their visions, values, and memories from generation to generation through myths. These myths often offer practical and spiritual wisdom in addition to providing entertainment." 10 /

Question 5

Match the following Humanities disciplines with their definitions. A. Part of public ceremony, ritual, or entertainment dates back to C. Architecture the earliest human civilizations D. Religion

B. Stems from the early Greeks, with their development of tragedy and comedy

A. Dance

C. Concerned with the interplay of form and function. D. Can include any system of ethics, values, and beliefs.

B. Theater

Feedback: See Section 1.11.

Question 6

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Which discipline of the Humanities is primarily concerned with critical inquiry and reasoned argument? a) Literature https://wgu.mindedgeonline.com/tools/view_results.php?eot=1&tid=3276&rid=3129069&



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b) Music c) Philosophy d) Film

Feedback: The answer is c. See Section 1.11: "Philosophy's object is the pursuit of wisdom about the nature of these matters. Critical inquiry and reasoned argument generally distinguish it."

Question 7

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The Bayeux Tapestry's depiction of the Norman Conquest of England fulfills which purpose of art? a) Art enabling commerce. b) Art as political propaganda. c) Art illuminating the spiritual. d) Art offering new perspectives.

Feedback: The correct answer is b. See Section 1.13: "For example, The Bayeux Tapestry from the Middle Ages functioned as political propaganda when it was created (and still does today)."

Question 8

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What are the Humanities? a) The study of the financial and medical resources provided to areas of the world that are underdeveloped or in a state of crisis. b) The study of the how the human race understands and documents the human experience through creative contributions in art, music, literature, philosophy, religion, dance, etc. c) The study of the chemical and biological factors that make us all human including recurring genetic sequences in our evolutionary development. https://wgu.mindedgeonline.com/tools/view_results.php?eot=1&tid=3276&rid=3129069&



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d) The study of the primary influence of reason and logic in defining what it means to be human.

Feedback: The correct answer is b. See Section 1.03: "For our purpose, we will define the Humanities as a study of the various ways people, in all times past and present and in all places around the world, live out the human experience. Humans have engaged in religion, philosophy, literature, music, art, language, and history to better comprehend and describe our world."

Question 9

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Which of the following are examples of universal themes in this Module? a) Love and the Hero b) Time and Trouble c) Wealth and Want d) Health and Harmony

Feedback: The correct answer is a. See Section 1.08: "Two examples of recurring universal themes* in the Humanities include love and the hero. Although you won't see these called out specifically on the previous page, in terms of "core" themes for the periods, you will see these called out multiple times as you begin to analyze art from each period. Love and the figure of the hero, then, tell us about two shared human principles in the Western world."

Question 10

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Match the following Humanities terms to their definitions:




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C. Aesthetic A. Brotherly or selfless love. D. Eros

B. A recurrent example or model of human behavior

E. Monomyth

C. An experience of beauty that is its own justification

B. Archetypes

E. A myth that is embraced by a majority of people throughout

D. Passionate or sexual love


A. Agape

Feedback: See 1.08 and 1.09 for definitions of these terms.

Question 11

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Why is E.O. Wilson's theory of consilience important to the study of the Humanities? a) It reinforces interdisciplinary study and facilitates the exchange of information necessary to create a more holistic understanding of who we are. b) It silenced critics of the Humanities by providing an empirical explanation of what it means to be human. c) It brought together Eastern and Western understandings of social structure and allowed autocratic and democratic governments to coexist peacefully. d) It clearly defined the boundary between science and art and stressed the importance of disciplinary homogeny.

Feedback: The correct answer is a. See Section 1.16: "Wilson's idea of 'consilience,' which he defines as a 'jumping together' of knowledge by the linking of facts and fact-based theory across disciplines to create a common groundwork of explanation, is today still being explored for its powerful contribution to the world of Humanities study in universities and colleges around the world."

Question 12 https://wgu.mindedgeonline.com/tools/view_results.php?eot=1&tid=3276&rid=3129069&

10 / 6/9


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How was Humanism reflected in the nonwestern world? a) Ancient Chinese culture embraced principles in Confucianism and Buddhism that mirrored Humanist principles. b) Expeditions to the North and South poles expanded Humanist ideology to the most remote points of the globe. c) The nonwestern world struggled to compete with advancements in math, language and philosophy that flourished in Ancient Greece. d) Trade routes in the Far East enabled the exchange of goods and commerce similar to what was occurring in the West.

Feedback: The correct answer is a. See Section 1.15: "...humanism was never an intellectual heritage or pattern exclusive to the West. History instructs us that a humanist tradition also emerged in the nonwestern world. Ancient China's culture, for example, reflected perspectives from Confucianism and Buddhism that were not unlike those found in Western humanism."

Question 13

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How does studying the Humanities increase cross-cultural communication? a) It gives us the authority to judge other cultures that fail to meet our own cultural standards. b) It gives us insight into the technology we use today to transmit data and a window into the future of transmission speeds. c) It helps us to interact with and understand a variety of people from different times and different places through their creative contributions. d) It provides an avenue for exploring the genetic link we all share through the extraction and replication of specific strands of DNA.

Feedback: The correct answer is c. See Section 1.04: "We live in a global economy. Studying the Humanities can help us develop a better understanding of other cultures and worldviews. Exploring the human condition and how people




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throughout history have faced the challenges of life can help us when we face our own challenges."

Question 14

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How does studying the portrayal of love over time enhance one's understanding of humanity? a) The study of love in all its forms (eros, agape, and platonic love) illustrates a distinction in types of love that has captured the attention of artists. b) Although people have portrayed love over time, it is not an important theme within the humanities. c) The concept of platonic love was developed in the 20th century, and reflects contemporary scientific principles. d) Although people have portrayed love over time, the beliefs about how love forms between two people have remained the same.

Feedback: The correct answer is a. See Section 1.08: "This profound distinction gave the formal arts a construct for expressing the duality of love (physical passion versus love of soul, lust versus spiritual desire) that nearly all cultures recognize. It opened art, literature, and theater to exploring erotic subject matter. And it lent the framework in which philosophers developed the concept of an idealized and exalted spiritual love that transcends passion."

Question 15

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What is the difference between a myth and a monomyth? a) Myths are a collection of facts about a particular culture. The monomyth is a single fact about a culture. b) A myth is a traditional story of a culture’s origins. The monomyth is a traditional story of a culture’s beliefs about the future. c) Myths are simple, short stories about a culture. The monomyth is a long and complicated myth. https://wgu.mindedgeonline.com/tools/view_results.php?eot=1&tid=3276&rid=3129069&



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d) Myths can include a wide variety of narratives and archetypes. The monomyth focuses on the hero’s journey.

Feedback: The correct answer is d. See Section 1.08: "The hero's journey archetype has been termed a monomyth (a phrase popularized by the scholar of mythology Joseph Campbell) because the trajectory of the hero's quest or journey is fundamentally the same everywhere." 150 / 150 Points

Final Score:

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1.02 Module Pre-Test Final Score: 100 / 100 Points Attempts: 1 out of unlimited Retake Test (/tools/test_intro.php?tid=3275)

Question 1

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An experience of beauty that inspires a feeling of pleasure is often referred to as ___________. a) aesthetics b) an aesthetic experience c) an apollonian response d) a shifting perspective

Feedback: The correct answer is b. An aesthetic experience is an experience of beauty that inspires a feeling of pleasure.

Question 2

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Why is architecture considered an art? a) Because architecture provides shelter to humans b) Because architecture is often decorated with art forms c) Because architects use perspective in their work d) Because architecture is concerned with the aesthetic effect of structures in their environment




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Feedback: The correct answer is d. Architecture is considered an art because it is concerned with the aesthetic effect of structures in their surrounding environment.

Question 3

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How can art function beyond its merely aesthetic value? a) It provides galleries and museums with new exhibits. b) It can act as political and social commentary, serve as an artifact of culture, and provide enjoyment. c) It is something experienced only for its beauty. d) It does not have a utilitarian or practical value.

Feedback: The correct answer is b. Art functions as political and social commentary, as an artifact of culture, and as a device or object for enjoyment.

Question 4

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Which of the following disciplines falls within the realm of Humanities? a) Music b) Religion c) Literature d) Architecture e) All of the above

Feedback: The correct answer is e. Music, religion, literature, and architecture all fall within the realm of Humanities. Other disciplines included in the study of Humanities are philosophy, dance, theater, visual arts, and cinema.

Question 5 https://wgu.mindedgeonline.com/tools/view_results.php?tid=3275&rid=3128323

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Traditional stories that serve to explain some natural phenomenon, the origin of humanity, or customs or religious rites are known as _________. a) aesthetic experiences b) myths c) archetypes d) symbols

Feedback: The correct answer is b. Myths are traditional stories of a people or culture that serve to explain some natural phenomenon, the origin of humanity, or customs or religious rites. We pass on our visions, values, and memories to younger generations through myths.

Question 6

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Logic, aesthetics, and epistemology are all branches of which of the following? a) Religion b) Philosophy c) Music d) Architecture

Feedback: The correct answer is b. The main branches of philosophy include metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, logic, and philosophy of the mind. Philosophy's object is the pursuit of wisdom about the nature of these matters.

Question 7

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Which of the following is a function of art? a) Art can assist in physical and emotional healing. b) Art can be used to enable commerce in advertising products and services.




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c) Art provides aesthetic pleasure. d) All of the above

Feedback: The correct answer is d. All of these are functions of art; in addition to these, art also offers political and social commentary, and art can create historical artifacts from a specific time or place.

Question 8

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Love and the archetype of the hero are both examples of which of the following? a) Symbols b) Myths c) Universal themes d) Branches of philosophy

Feedback: The correct answer is c. These are both examples of universal themes. Universal themes are those recurring and timeless themes that define what it means to be human.

Question 9

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When studying the Humanities, a chronological timeline of events allows us to _________. a) rank art in order of importance b) see connections between cause and effect c) show how one artistic movement is better or worse than the one that came before d) comment on the aesthetic values of a culture




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Feedback: The correct answer is b. Chronology is defined as a method of taking events and putting them in the order of occurrence. In the study of the Humanities, a chronological timeline or a listing of the sequence of events allows us to see connections between cause and effect. 10 /

Question 10

These are unifying ideas that are developed or repeated throughout a literary or artistic work. a) Myths b) Arguments c) Themes d) Comparisons

Feedback: The correct answer is c. Themes are unifying ideas that are repeated or developed throughout a literary or artistic work. 100 / 100 Points

Final Score:


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2.21 Module Self-Assessment Final Score: 150 / 150 Points Attempts: 1 out of unlimited Retake Test (/tools/test_intro.php?tid=3309)

Question 1

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Match the work with the description: B. The A. Emphasized the themes of order and balance in its construction Republic as a temple to the goddess Athena, patron of Athens. D. Oedipus Rex

B. Applied reason and logical thought to ideas about government and how to live a good, balanced life.

C. An epic poem narrating the story of an i...

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