Module 1 self test chapter 1 PDF

Title Module 1 self test chapter 1
Author Kiran Jeet
Course Anatomy and Physiology I
Institution Thompson Rivers University
Pages 12
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Define symptom.A symptom is a subjective change in the body function that is not visible to the observer. Examples include headache, nausea, etc.A symptom is a subjective change in function that cannot be determined by an observer. (Page 9)Define sign.Signs are objective changes such as vomiting, bl...


Define symptom. A symptom is a subjective change in the body function that is not visible to the observer. Examples include headache, nausea, etc. As y mp t o mi sas ubj e c t i vec ha ng ei nf unc t i ont ha tc a nnotbede t e r mi nedb ya nobs e r v e r . ( Pa ge9 ) Define sign. Signs are objective changes such as vomiting, bleeding, etc. that are visible to the clinician. Feedback As i g ni sac ha nget ha tc a nbeobs e r v e dorme a s ur e d. ( Pa ge9 ) Question text In the anatomical position, the: Superior


Epigastric region is


Wrist is


to the umbilical region

to the elbow.



Thumb is

to the palm.

Feedback Your answer is partially correct. You have correctly selected 1. The correct answer is: In the anatomical position, the: 1.

Epigastric region is [Superior] to the umbilical region

2. 3.

Wrist is [Distal] to the elbow. Thumb is [Lateral] to the palm.

Question text List the six criteria that distinguish living from non-living forms: A: METABOLISM

B: C: D: E: F:


Feedback a )Me t a bol i s m—al lc he mi c a lr e a c t i onsoft hebody b)Re s pons i ve ne s s —de t e c t i onofa ndr e s pons et os t i mul i c )Move me nt —mot i onofc e l l s ,t hebody d)Gr o wt h—i nc r e a s ei ns i z ea ndc ompl e xi t y e )Di ffe r e nt i a t i on—s pe c i a l i z a t i onofc e l l s f )Re pr oduc t i on—ne wc e l l sorne wi ndi vi dua l ( Pa ge6 ) Question text Describe the following body cavities: A: Cranial B: Thoracic C: Pericardial CRANIAL BODY CAVITY CONTAINS THE SKULL BONES AND THE BRAIN. THORACIC CAVITY IS THE CHEST CAVITY WHICH CONTAINS 3 SMALLER CAVITIES a- PLEURAL CAVITY WHICH SURROUNDS EACH LUNG AND ITS SEROUS MEMBRANE IS PLEURA. b - MEDIASTINUM WHICH IS THE CENTRAL PORTION OF THE THORACIC CAVITY AND EXTENDS FROM STERNUM TO VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND FROM THE FIRST RIB TO DIAPHRAGM. IT CONTAINS ESOPHAGUS, THYMUS, TRACHEA, AND MANY LARGE BLOOD VESSELS. c - PERICARDIAL CAVITY WHICH SURROUNDS THE HEART AND ITS SEROUS MEMBRANE IS PERICARDIUM. Feedback a )Cr a ni a lc a vi t y—t hec a vi t yf or me dbyt hec r a ni a lbone soft hes kul l b)Thor a c i cc a vi t y—t ha tpor t i onoft heve nt r a lbodyc a vi t yabovet hedi a phr a gm c )Per i c a r di a lc a vi t y—t het i nys pa c ebe t we ent hepa r i e t a la ndvi s c e r a lpe r i c a r di um ( Fi g .1 . 9) Question text

Name the indicated abdominopelvic regions in Fig. 1:

A: RIGHT HYPOCONDRIAC REGION B: LEFT LUMBAR REGION C:RIGHT INGROIN REGION D: UMBLICAL REGION Feedback a )Ri ghthypoc hondr i ac b)Le f tl umba r c )Ri ghti l i a c( i ngui nal ) d)Umbi l i c a l ( Fi g .1 . 11 ) Question text Define the following directional terms: A: Inferior B:





Inferior - Away from the head or the lower part of the structure.

B: Medial - Near the midline, imaginary vertical line that separates the body into equal left and right sides. C: Proximal - Near to the attachment of the limb or near to the point of origin. Feedback a )I nf e r i o r —a wa yf r om t hehe a d,t o wa r dst hel o we re ndofas t r uc t ur e b)Me di a l —ne ar e rt ot hemi dl i neoft hebodyors t r uc t ur e c )Pr o x i ma l —ne a r e rt ot hepoi ntofa t t a c hme ntoror i gi nofas t r uc t ur e ;c l os e rt ot hema i n a xi soft hebody ( Ta bl e1 . 2) Question text List in order, from the lowest to the highest, the levels of structural organization within the human body. 1. Chemical level - Atom and molecules 2. Cellular level - cells

3. Tissue level - tissues 4. Organ level - organs 5. System level - Body systems 6. Organismal level - Organism Feedback Chemical Cellular Tissue Organ System Organismic (Pages 2–3, 6; Fig. 1.1) Question text Define a frontal and a midsagittal plane. Frontal plane - it is an imaginary plane that divides the body into anterior (ventral or frontal) portions and posterior (dorsal or back) portions. Midsaggital plane - it is an imaginary vertical plane that divides the body into equal left and right sides. Feedback Thef r o nt a lp l a nedi vi de st hebodyora nor ga ni nt oa nt e r i ora ndpos t e r i orpor t i ons . Themi d s a g i t t a lp l a nei save r t i c a lpl a net ha tdi vi de st hebodyoranor ga ni nt oe qua lr i ght a ndl e f thal ve s . ( Pa ge1 2 ;Fi gs .1 . 7 ,1 . 8 ) Question text Describe the functions of the following systems: A: Integumentary B: Endocrine C: Respiratory D: Urinary A: B: C: D:

Integumentary Endocrine Respiratory Urinary -

Feedback a )Thei nt e gume nt a r ys ys t e m pr ot e c t st hebody ;s ynt he s i z e svi t a mi nD; r e c e i ve se xt e r na ls t i mul is uc ha st e mpe r a t ur e ,pa i n,a ndpr e s s ur e ;a nd he l pst or e gul a t ebodyt e mpe r a t ur e . b)Thee nd o c r i nes y s t e m pr oduc e shor mone sa ndr e l ea s e st he mi nt ot hebl oodt or e gul a t e me t a bol i ca c t i vi t i e s . c )Ther e s p i r a t o r ys y s t e ms uppl i e sox yg e nt ot hebody ,r e mov e sc ar bondi ox i def r om t he bl ood,andhe l pst or e gul a t epH l e ve l s . d)Theur i na r ys y s t e mr e gul a t e st hec he mi c a lc ompos i t i onofbodyflui dsande l i mi na t e s wa s t e sf r om t hebody . ( Ta bl e1 . 1) Question text Define homeostasis. Homeostasis is the maintenance of relatively stable environments with the body's internal environment despite the changes in the inside and outside of the body. Feedback Ho me o s t a s i sr e f e r st ot henor ma lphys i ol ogi c a lc ondi t i onoft hebody ,a ndt het e nde nc yof t hebodyt oma i nt a i nt ha tc ondi t i on,de s pi t ec ha nge si ns i dea ndout s i deoft hebody . ( Pa ge7 ) Question text What is meant by the term anatomic position? In the anatomical position, the subject stands erect facing the observer, with the head level and eyes facing forward. The lower limbs are parallel and the feet are flat on the floor and directed forward and the upper limbs are at the sides with the palms turned forward. In this position, the body is upright. Feedback I nt hea na t o mi c a lpo s i t i o n,t hes ubj e c tf a c e st heobs e r ve r ,s t a ndi nge r e c twi t ha r msa tt he s i de sa ndpa l msf a c i ngf or wa r d. ( Fi g .1 . 5) Question text Define positive feedback and negative feedback by illustrating their main differences. If a response reverses a change in a controlled condition, the system is called a negative feedback system while if a response strengthens or enhances a

change in a controlled condition, the system is referred to as a positive feedback system. Feedback Po s i t i v ef e e d b a c ki sas i t ua t i oni nwhi c ht her e s pons et oapa r t i c ul ars t i mul usi nc r e a s e st he s t i mul us ,whi c h,i nt ur n,i nc r e a s e st her e s pons e . ( Fi g .1 . 4) Question text Name the four abdominopelvic quadrants:

A: Left upper quadrant B: Right upper quadrant C: Left lower quadrant D: Right lower quadrant Feedback a )Ri ghtuppe rqua dr ant b)Le f tuppe rqua dr a nt c )Ri ghtl owe rqua dr a nt d)Le f tl o we rqua dr a nt ( Fi g .1 . 12 ) Question text List the principal systems of the human body. 1. Reproductive system 2. Integumentory system 3. Endocrine system 4. Digestive system 5. Cardiovascular system 6. Skeletal system 7. Muscular system 8. Nervous system 9. Respiratory system 10. Lymphatic system 11. Urinary system Feedback

-I nt e gume nt a r y-Lympha t i c - Ske l e t a l-Re s pi r a t or y -Mus c ul a r-Di ge s t i ve -Ne r vous-Ur i na r y -Endoc r i ne-Re pr oduc t i ve -Ca r di ova s c ul ar ( Ta bl e1 . 1) Question text Define the terms anatomy and physiology Anatomy is the science of structure and the relationship between structures. Physiology is the science of body functions that is how body structures work. Feedback Anatomy is the study of structure and the relationships among structures. Physiology is the study of the function of body parts. (Page 1) Question text Which directional terms describe the relationship of your navel to your right shoulder? Select one: a. Inferior and medial b. Inferior and lateral c. Superior and medial d. Superior and lateral Feedback (Fig. 1.6) The correct answer is: Inferior and medial Question text Which plane is vertical and divides the body into right and left sections? Select one: a. Coronal b. Frontal

c. Horizontal d. Transverse e. Sagittal Feedback (Figs. 1.7, 1.8) The correct answer is: Sagittal Question text Which directional term means nearer to or at the front of the body? Select one: a. Anterior b. Inferior c. Medial d. Posterior e. Superior Feedback (Table 1.2) The correct answer is: Anterior Question text The human skin belongs to what major body system? Select one: a. Digestive b. Endocrine c. Integumentary d. Nervous e. Skeletal Feedback (Table 1.1) The correct answer is: Integumentary Question text

If a response enhances an original stimulus, the system is classified as a ____________ feedback system. Select one: a. Deficit b. Negative c. Neutral d. Polarized e. Positive Feedback (Pages 8–9; Fig. 1.4) The correct answer is: Positive Question text Which of the following lists is arranged in the correct order from the most complex to the simplest level? Select one: a. Cellular, tissue, chemical, system, organ, organism b. Chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, system, organism c. Tissue, cellular, chemical, organ, system, organism d. Organ, organism, chemical, cellular, tissue, system e. Organism, system, organ, tissue, cellular, chemical Feedback (Fig. 1.1) The correct answer is: Organism, system, organ, tissue, cellular, chemical Question text A feedback system consists of three basic components: a control centre, a receptor, and a(n): Select one: a. Effector. b. Integrator. c. Monitor. d. Power pack.

e. Regulator. Feedback (Page 8; Fig. 1.2) The correct answer is: Effector. Question text The description of any region of the body, such as directions and planes, assumes that the body is in the _____________ position. Select one: a. Prone b. Supine c. Sitting d. Anatomical e. Cadaver Feedback (Page 10) The correct answer is: Anatomical Question text _______________ is the change that a cell undergoes from an unspecialized to a specialized state. Select one: a. Differentiation b. Metabolism c. Movement d. Reproduction e. Responsiveness Feedback (Page 6) The correct answer is: Differentiation Question text

Which of the following are considered to be dorsal (posterior) body cavities? Select one: a. Cranial and pericardial cavities b. Cranial and vertebral cavities c. Pleural and abdominal cavities d. Pelvic and spinal cavities Feedback (Page 15; Fig. 1.9) The correct answer is: Cranial and vertebral cavities Question text The homeostatic responses of the body are regulated by which two systems? Select one: a. Digestive, urinary b. Reproductive, endocrine c. Endocrine, nervous d. Cardiovascular, respiratory e. Skeletal, muscular Feedback (Pages 7) The correct answer is: Endocrine, nervous Question text Which directional term means farther from the midline? Select one: a. Contralateral b. Distal c. Lateral d. Prone e. Proximal Feedback

(Fig. 1.6) The correct answer is: Lateral...

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