C121 Task 3 Jgomez - Task 3 PDF

Title C121 Task 3 Jgomez - Task 3
Author Janessa Gomez
Course Survey of United States History
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 5
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Task 3...


Janessa Gomez Student ID : 001551861 Course Code: C121 February 2021 23

A. Discuss three major changes in race relations that resulted from Reconstruction .((suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs There were many changes which involved race relations during the Reconstruction Period. These changes were to help all people during the time. When The Civil War had ended there were three major amendments that were implemented into the constitution. The first came following the Civil War, the 13th Amendment. In this amendment slavery was abolished except .( for when someone was to be punished for a crime they committed. (Norton, 2015 The next change was the 14th Amendment which defines citizenship meaning anyone born in the United States was given citizenship. It also guaranteed equal protection to all citizens, they were able to own land, go to court and sue others and were protected by the federal laws. .( This amendment extended the rights in the Bill of Rights to all the states. (Norton, 2015 Another part of the reconstruction was the 15th Amendment, making it illegal to deny any citizen the right to vote due to the color of their skin, race, or previous condition of servitude. African Americans were given equality and more opportunities because of the .( Amendments that were added in the Constitution. (Norton, 2015

B. Describe two consequences of industrialization on American politics and/or society .((suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs

In 1860 up until 1930 the Patent Officepermitted 1.5 million patents for new inventors. Ingenuity drove the new industrialization. This eventually led to the creations of electricity, telephone, and typewriter. There was a decrease in face-to-face interactions because people were .( abole to call or write each other letters. (Norton, 2015 There was a great demand in mass production goos so businesses were growing at a rapid pace to keep up with the demand they needed, this enlarged the productions of goods. Overall, this led these businesses to go banks to take out loans. The prices of the products were on rise as .( well to keep up with paying the loans off. (Norton, 2015 One other effect of industrialization would be that women and children included with the rest of the population were working full time. Once the Purity laws were made it limited the amount of hours worked for each week. There was a good amount of placed which allowed black . and whites to work together but segregation between the two was still carried out

. C1. Describe the role of religion and social morality in promoting Progressive reforms Religion ans social morality were important roles int eh Progressice Reforms. When Progressivism was put in place it went against thecorruptions, inequalities happening, and the social injustice. The Social Gospel was its strong foundation as well as thelabor movements. The Social Gospel Movements were led by Protestant Ministers and theyargued that the Christian people should be incorporating their religious beliefs and share to the public. They also beleived in bettering coditions for those in poverty. After this, it was seen that Social Gospel Movements was important due to the economic fairness they trusted in during the Progressive Era. Social .( Movements grew after this. (Norton, 2015 . C2. Describe two reform movements that helped to define the Progressive Era

One reform that helped to define the Progressive Era was the Woman Suffrage. Women wanted more equality and didn’t want to settle for just dealing with household duties. Harriot Stanton Blanch founded the Equality League of Self-Supporting Women in 1907. Harriot led such aggressive marches and meetings supporting the National Women’s Party. Women had proved themselves by their contributions during the time of World War I and global responsibilities. Women, for the first time were allowed to pursue higher education with that wanting more equal right opportunities as men had in the United States. In 1912 there were about 9 states that allowed women to vote this leading up to the 19th amendment giving women the .( right to vote. (Norton, 2015 Another reform that helped define the Progressive Era was the education reform. John Dewey, an educational reformer had beliefs in which advocated for children. He believed that if education was expanded out it would grow the nation. Children mostly worked out on the farms and had little education only up to 4 years of schooling. It wasn’t until the 1870s and 1880s that the state laws required children to take part in school until they reached the age of 14. Schools grew rapidly when this law took place. There was a major change, women were able to attend and by 1940 47% of women were pursuing higher educations. African Americans were also .( allowed to attend college and further their education. (Norton, 2015 C3. Discuss one impact of the Progressive movement on American politics (i.e., .(amendments, legislation, diplomatic decisions One impact of the Progressive movement on American Politics was that the 17th amendment was set in place. It was set to change the ways congress ran it also granted the people to vote to put congress members to senate. Each state legislature was allowed to choose their senator. Then, the referendum was set in place allowing voters to favor a vote on the laws that

were to be passed and giving the right to veto the bill. The recall was also carried out which gave .( the voters the right to evict any corrupt officials from office. (Norton, 2015

D. Explain (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) the role of American imperialism in leading :the United States into two of the following conflicts A conflict thar rose from the American Imperialism was the Annexation of Hawaii. The United States wanted complete control over Hawaii for many reasons. James Blaine deemed the island of Hawaii an essential part of the American System. Basically, Hawaii’s ruler wasn’t given much of a choice but to accept the Constitution that permitted them the right to vote. This made a change and the island to become a legislative. The Americans took over the Pearl Harbor finding it beneficial for military purposes for war against Spain. The Hawaiian people felt that the Americans were just stealing the land from them. Eventually, Hawaiians were allowed to become .( citizens part of the United States but this wasn’t until the 1900s. (Norton, 2015 Another conflict that arose was the Spanish-American War. Cuba was ruled by Spain and had a huge reliance of selling products on American land. There was a change in taxes which added taxes when exporting sugar from Cuba which just created problems and the Cubans rebelled against Spain. The Americans then sent a battleship (Maine) out to Havana Harbor, an explosive was set off and killed over 200 Americans. American’s blamed Spain for that .( happening and this is ws the start of the war with the Spainiards. (Norton, 2015

E. Provide acknowledgement of source information, using in-text citations and .references, for quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content Norton, M.B. (2015). A People & A Nation. Retrieved from:


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