C204 Task 1 Management Communication PDF

Title C204 Task 1 Management Communication
Author Shelley Wheeler
Course Management Communication
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 10
File Size 163.2 KB
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C204 Management Communication Task 1 Shelley Wheeler Western Governors University March 2020

Management Communication Task 1

2 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Selected Scenario 1......................................................................................................................3 A.

Motivational Email to Internal Staff.............................................................................3


Informational Email to External Stakeholders.........................................................4


Consumer-Facing Blog Post.............................................................................................5


Persuasive Letter to Business Partner.........................................................................6

E1. Public Response to Customer Complaint.......................................................................7 E2: Direct Private Message to Customer Complaint.........................................................7 F1: Communication Strategies.................................................................................................9 F2: Four Communication Methods.......................................................................................10

Management Communication Task 1


Selected Scenario 1

A. Motivational Email to Internal Staff

To: A New You Nutrition Team Members From: Shelley Wheeler Subject: Exciting New Product Launch Hello Team! I am very excited to tell you all about a new product that A New You Nutrition will be adding to our product line soon. When we acquired Makers Nutrition last month, we also brought on Kamelon which was a very successful weight loss product for Makers Nutrition. We will be discussing it in more detail at our kick off meeting in a few weeks. I wanted to take a moment to give you some background information about the product so you are better prepared when we meet together. I wanted to give you time so you could plan on coming to the kick off meeting with any questions, concerns and ideas you might have. We hope you are as thrilled as we are at the prospect of growing this product here at A New You Nutrition. We feel confident our experienced marketing team will have some awesome ideas for growing Kamelon as successfully as they have our other weight loss products. They have a lot of experience launching new products and we know there will be concerns that arise along the way. One possible disadvantage we are aware of is that some customers have not seen the results they were hoping to see. Another disadvantage that Makers Nutrition had experienced was an inability to keep production levels in line with sales. We are already working to mitigate these disadvantages should they arise. We have an experienced sales team that already has a strong customer base at their fingertips. This will come in handy once we launch Kamelon with the rest of our existing product line. One independent research study of 100 participants found, 90% of whom lost as least 15 pounds over a reasonable period of time. Of the users, 80% were able to maintain their weight loss by continuing the product. We also have a greater capacity to keep up with manufacturing the product to keep up with sales. We are able to produce the pill casing for the supplement at Synesthor Inc that produces components for 2 other existing products in our line. Our purchasing department has already been working closely with Synesthor Inc to mitigate any concerns with the pill casing production to make for a smooth transition. If Synesthor Inc is unable to meet our needs, we have also partnered with Pure Encapsulations to take over if needed. This is an exciting time for our company and our continued success is not possible without each and every one of you. If you have any suggestions about the launch before the kick off meeting feel free to stop by office so we can discuss them in greater detail. I look forward to hearing all of your ideas! Truly, Shelley Wheeler Chief Operating Officer

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B. Informational Email to External Stakeholders

To: A New You Nutrition External Stakeholders From: Shelley Wheeler, COO Subject: New Product Launch for Weight Loss Supplement, Kamelon Dear External Stakeholders, I am thrilled to be writing you today to introduce the newest addition to the A New You Nutrition line that we will be launching soon. As you know, we recently acquired Makers Nutrition and its product line. We will be launching Kamelon our newest product which is a weight loss supplement. Kamelon is an exciting and welcome new addition to our other A New You Nutrition supplements. This product has a proven success, and I’d like to fill you in on what the research study shows. As I mentioned, Kamelon has proven success through a research study that consisted of 100 participants. First, 90% of those participants lost 15 pounds or more over a reasonable amount of time. Second, 80% of those participants were also able to maintain their weight loss with continued use of Kamelon. Our marketing department had already started formulating a new campaign that we anticipate will help increase sales 20% over the next six months. With the anticipated increase in sales, we have already worked through potential production issues with our suppliers and found an additional supplier in case there is a supply chain disruption. The study also found that 10% of users felt they were unsuccessful during the study time period. We want you to know we can mitigate this disadvantage by being well-informed up front and understanding the elements that led to these findings. Our research scientists are working on potential changes in product use based on recent market surveys from participants who experienced success in using Kamelon. We anticipate these changes will give all customers the ability to see the same satisfaction in weight loss as the research study participants found. We are excited for this new addition to A New You Nutrition and are very happy you are on board with us. Feel free to call or reach out with any questions or concerns. Yours Truly, Shelley Wheeler Chief Operating Officer

Management Communication Task 1


C. Consumer-Facing Blog Post


Do you want to be free of those last few pounds but you just can’t shake them? Do you want to pull out your favorite jeans that are just a bit too tight? Do you want to feel better so you can keep up with your kids? We’ve got a proven supplement that is the perfect thing to help you succeed. The newest addition to the A New You Nutrition line is Kamelon. Kamelon is an all-natural weight loss supplement that will help you get rid of those last few stubborn pounds. Clinical test shows proven results. 1. Kamelon works! We have clinical data that shows 90% of participants were able to lose 15 pounds in a reasonable time period while using Kamelon. 80% of those users kept the weight off during an extended period of time. 2. Ease your mind and give Kamelon a try! We will give you your money back if you aren’t completely satisfied with your results. Our biggest concern is your satisfaction! 3. Did we mention this is an all-natural product? Kamelon does not contain any harmful chemicals or additives. Your health and safety are our top priority. 4. The weight stays off! Kamelon users have found that they can keep the weight off and maintain their weight-loss while continuing to use Kamelon. The weather is warming and we want you to be swimsuit ready for summer. We hope you give Kamelon a try, and we are ready to stand by you to make sure you are completely satisfied. Check out our Facebook page to see other satisfied Kamelon users and helpful tips for your success. Make sure you share your experience with us too. We want to hear from you. You can respond below with any questions and we will make sure we get back to you quickly, but you can also check out the Q & A section on our website 24 hours a day.

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D. Persuasive Letter to Business Partner

A New You Nutrition PO Box 123 Anywhere, FL 32110 888-321-1234

March 28, 2020

Ms. Fatima Sousa Synesthor Inc. 430 Pitsanuloke Road PO Box 613 Bangkok 10501, Thailand

Fatima, I hope this finds you well. As you know we acquired Makers Nutrition last month. As I mentioned when we talked last week, we are expecting an increased demand for Kamelon. It was one of the known issues with Makers Nutrition. With the increased demand for the product we need you to ramp up production of the pill casings. We anticipate the need for 10,000 pills to be manufactured over the next 3 months to keep up with demand. The increase in production has the potential for a very profitable partnership for both our companies. I will have our purchasing department set up PO’s for weekly orders over the next 3 months. This will break the 10,000 pill casing order up into smaller weekly orders instead of larger orders spaced farther apart. We would like to have production occur around the clock until we have a 3-month supply built up. We understand this may put an increased stress on your current production schedule. I wanted to see if you are able to discuss this request with your production manager to make sure you can handle the increase in production. We would like to keep Synesthor Inc as our sole supplier for the pill casings but understand this may not be possible. Please call me once you have discussed this with your COO and Production Manager. If we need to secure a back-up supplier, we need time to plan for that. We greatly appreciate the partnership we have with Synesthor Inc. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I am more than willing to have a video conference call or an onsite visit to discuss the details further.

Thank you, Shelley Wheeler Chief Operating Officer

Management Communication Task 1


E1. Public Response to Customer Complaint

Social Media Post: “Kamelon does not work! I’ve been using this for a week, and I haven’t lost anything! I’m going on vacation in a couple of weeks and I was hoping to shed a couple pounds before I left for my trip. Unfortunately. I do not foresee this happening. No one should buy this product! As a faithful member of several weight-loss groups, I will not recommend this product to anyone in my groups” Public Response Post: Hi Joanna! Thank you for your recent review of our weight-loss supplement Kamelon. We are so sorry to hear you haven’t seen the results you were hoping to see in your first week. Our customers satisfaction is always our first priority. I would love to talk with you personally about your experience. In the mean time I’d like to see if you would consider continuing the product for the next two weeks. We have found that results can vary with each individual. I will make sure one of our customer care representatives contacts you directly to check up on your progress. I’ve included a link for you to check out some of the other amazing products we have at A New You Nutrition in case you still feel Kamelon is not working for you.

E2: Direct Private Message to Customer Complaint

Dear Joanna, My name is Shelley Wheeler and I am the Chief Operating Officer for A New You Nutrition. I wanted to reach out to you personally after I saw your post on Facebook. I wanted to see if we could talk so you can provide more information regarding your experience with Kamelon. Each person has a different experience using weight-loss products. I am confident we will be able to determine if Kamelon is the best option for you to help you in your weight-loss journey. I know you are going on vacation soon and know it would be great for you to see results soon. I want to see if you can reflect on a few questions. Did you follow the program 100%? I know you mentioned in your post you are in other weight-loss groups. Do you remember if you were also following any other weight-loss routines while you were on Kamelon? I’d like to rule out any other barriers that may have inhibited your weight-loss. I know you completed one week using Kamelon, and I would like to ask you to continue using the product, as listed in the directions included with the product, for the next two weeks. At the end of the second week I would like to have one of our customer care representatives follow up with you to check on your progress. I will also send you information and samples of our other weight-loss products. Your

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complete satisfaction is our utmost concern, and I have directed our customer service department to refund your payment in full. I look forward to your response and hearing about your results in two weeks. Don’t hesitate to contact me personally if you have any questions or concerns. I have included my direct phone number below. Thank you, Shelley Wheeler Chief Operating Officer 386-321-1234

Management Communication Task 1


F1: Communication Strategies In part A, a motivational email was sent to employees to announce the acquisition of a new company and upcoming launch of a new product, Kamelon. This strategy was able to support the desired outcome of providing information and stirring up excitement for the entire team. The email was able to provide initial details regarding the acquisition and upcoming product launch. Staff was also given details about launch meeting where they would receive more information as well as be able to give their own input. They were also encouraged to start brainstorming on their own to have questions and ideas to help mitigate any possible problems moving forward. The email included two advantages and 2 disadvantages that are known about Kamelon. In part B, an informational email was sent to external stakeholders for the company. This communication strategy was able to support the desired outcome. The intended outcome was to provide information on the recent acquisition and new release of Kamelon. The informational email was also sent to provide two distinct organizational or financial goals stemming from the product. The stakeholders were given results of the research study as well as specific details about Kamelon. The email also explained two goals that are anticipated with the new product, Kamelon. The company anticipates two initial benefits to the new acquisition. First, they anticipate the new product, Kamelon to show a 20% increase in sales over the next 6 months. Second, the company has already made initial changes to the product to mitigate issues that the previous owner incurred. In sharing this information, the email showed stakeholders that this is an exciting time in the company and to expect to see grow in the next two quarters. In part C, a consumer blog was created to share 3 distinct benefits of Kamelon and why a potential customer would want to try it. This strategy supported the desired outcome by using social media to get the information out to potential customers. The blog highlighted several benefits of Kamelon such as clinical data showing proven results, a money back guarantee, and history showing customers can keep the weight off. The blog showed the importance of customer satisfaction and gave several ways A New You Nutrition will stand by their customers. In part D, a persuasive letter was sent to a supplier to discuss the challenges foreseen with the increased product demand. The strategy supported the desired outcome of discussing the perceived challenges. The letter was used to lay out concerns for the company’s ability to keep up with demand. The letter also included suggestions as to how they can mitigate the problem and find a solution. Increasing production times, increasing the frequency of orders while decreasing the individual orders quantity, and possibly adding more equipment. The letter also suggested a possible need to add a back-up supplier if needed. In part E, two responses were created to respond to a customer complaint. The first one was public and the second one was private. Both served its purpose to show support to the customer while trying to improve the company’s public perception. The public response acknowledged the complain from the customer as well as offered support to the customer. The acknowledgement was a way for the company to offer an apology and show that the company cares about every customer and their satisfaction. The response offered support to the customer without pointing a finger at them or placing blame. The response also included that a customer care representative would personally contact them to follow up. The private response supported the desired outcome by proposing a resolution with the customer. The customer was given a 100% refund for their purchase as well as sent samples of other products the

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company sells that may better suit their lifestyle. The COO personally responded to the customer as well as a customer care representative following up to check on the customer after two weeks.

F2: Four Communication Methods The four communication methods effectively served each of their intended target audiences. In part A, the email sent to the team members to introduce the new product and explain the recent acquisition was effective. This method was intended to be an initial communication to all staff not the only communication. It was explained in the letter that there would be an in-person meeting discussing the details in more depth. If this had been the only communication with all staff, I do not feel this would have been the most effective form of communication. This initial email will help reduce the “grapevine” rumors that would start going around about what was happening within the company. It was explained in the email that they would meet as a whole group but were also encouraged and welcome to meet one on one if they had concerns or ideas before the full staff meeting. This gives employees a feeling of being involved and included in the process. In part B, the email that was sent to the stakeholders was an effective communication method. Most stakeholders in large companies are passive and would not learn of this information any other way than a letter mailed to them. If the company was smaller with more involved stakeholders a more effective communication method would have been an in-person meeting or personal phone call. This company appears to be much larger and personal phone calls to a larger number of stakeholders would not be efficient. The letter that was sent gave a good description of the recent acquisition, potential growth, and product description as well as results from the research study. The letter could have also included details and a date for an in-person meeting to explain in more detail the specifics. This would give more active stakeholders the feeling that they are included. In part C, the company blog post was an effective form of communication. Its intent was to reach a large number of potential consumers but not feel like a commercial. The blog post was an informal way to get specific details out and entice blog readers to take a closer look at the product and visit the website. In part D, the persuasive letter was an effective communication method, but could have been viewed as a demand if there was not already a strong line of communication between the companies. The letter included details that they had already had phone calls discussing the new product and potential production issues. It also included interest in having a face to face or virtual meeting. It would have been better to include a date for the face to face meeting to give a time frame and to mitigate any misunderstandings that can happen in written communication. Especially when dealing with different cultures. In Part E, the two forms...

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