C204 Task 1 for WGU PDF

Title C204 Task 1 for WGU
Course Management Communication
Institution Western Governors University
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Motivational Email to Internal Staff To: All Employees From: President of Vector Motors Subject: Exciting New Product

Good morning Everyone, As some of you may have noticed, there is a change that is starting to take shape with our company. I understand that some of your coworkers may have been in and out of different meetings and having to work odd hours in secrecy. There was a good reason for all the secrecy, and I am excited to inform you that our company will be launching a new product called Sparkit. This product that we have recently developed will be a package that allows a gas-powered engine to transition the engine to have capability to run on biofuels. This revolutionary product is expected to change the work on how we view the fuel crisis as our modern internal combustion engines can be converted to run on cheap and renewable biofuel. We hope to change the future of the motoring business, and it couldn’t have happened without all your hard work and dedication to provide the capability to roll out the new product. Please see below to see a few of the finer points of the product of Sparkit and the expected challenges we may face in the future. Benefits: 

Reduction of Carbon Emissions: In the United States today, 28.9% of all greenhouse gas emissions are due to transportation (EPA 2017). With the usage of Sparkit being installed to the current engines, it will reduce the carbon footprint left by petroleum burning engines by half. With the release of our product to the current market, we expect

many states or towns that require emissions testing to provide support or even subsidies for the purchasing of our product. 

Cost Savings: One of the rising concerns of the world today is the limitation of fossil fuels. With the availability to use biofuels, it will allow the consumer to use a cost saving alternative to gasoline as the world’s price on gasoline goes up every year due to the limitations of fossil fuels.

Challenges: 

Sales Prediction: With the launch of our new product Sparkit, we are expecting high sales, and with this, and expected high volume of calls from clients as well as potential buyers. As this launch will have a significant impact in all lines of business, I ask that everybody stays positive, and follow the new protocols created so that we can provide our clients the best that we have to offer at Vector Motors.

DIY Culture: In the culture of social media and YouTube today, there is a large following of clients attempting to complete the installation of our products themselves rather than going to an automotive professional. With this, we foresee that this will lead to mistakes made by novice mechanics. Please be prepared for the increased volume of help requests and even complaints that may exist with the release of the new product. We currently anticipate that 50% of the cars on the road today can be retrofitted with our product, so please be aware of the guide created to ensure that Sparkit is not sold to consumers whose cars are not compatible with our current product. We are current in research to broaden the percentage of cars that can be retrofitted with our product, as well as looking into a partnership with Firestone to provide services for our product.

This is an exciting new chapter for our company, and I want to thank everyone for your hard work and dedication for all of your contributions to our company. It is you, the employees that are the lifeblood of the company, and none of this could be possible without your help. The official unveiling of our product is set to be done at later this week, and I hope to see everyone there.

Sincerely, Byungseung Yoo President, Vector Motors

Informational Email to External Stakeholders TO: All Shareholders From: President of Vector Motors Subject: Product Announcement Good evening, Two years ago, at our annual stakeholders’ conference, we had a discussion of a vision and a future for our company. A future that without your support, wouldn’t have been possible. Due to your support, we are finally able to unveil Sparkit, a transition package that allows a gas-powered engine to transition into being capable to run on biofuels. There has never been anything before that allows clients to be able to switch over from an existing gasoline powered engine over to a biofuel resource. I have strong belief that as the front runners in this new industry, we will shape how the world views the usage of the existing vehicles and biofuels. With the introduction of our new products to the marketplace, there are a few things that may impact Vector Motors. 1. The first major impact is the supply and demand for our product. We expect a large increase to sales in the first fiscal year, but with the increase in demand, the production must be able to supply the demand. Right now, we are expected to keep pace with demand, but we may have to look for other avenues in obtaining our filters as our partner Autojor has recently had an impact to their production lines due to a natural disaster. We are working closely with Autojor for production to boost the production capabilities of Autojor, but we may have to look to outsourcing alternatives in order to meet the sales demands.

2. The second impact from Sparkit comes from many of our purchasers trying to complete the installation of our product themselves, and making the mistakes doing so. To mitigate this factor, we have partnered with Firestone with the installation of our products. With this, Vector Motors will be able to use the Firestone Warranty Option of being able to provide our clients a warrantee of 12 months or 12,000 miles to the client. The Firestone usage will also look to eliminate the installation of Sparkit on vehicles that is not registered for usage. We are excited to launch this new product to the marketplace, and I want to thank each and everyone of you for all of your support and contributions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my staff for any comments or questions. Sincerely, Byungseung Yoo President, Vector Motors

Consumer-Facing Blog Post Impacting the Future Global warming is not a myth. Our planet is warming, and this is shown in the overall temperature of our planet. This occurs due to the actions that we are taking, and without a future plan for this, the generations of the future will have significant impact and ramifications that they must deal with. With that being said, without a dramatic change to our existing lifestyles, we have been unable to make significant impact to our existing climate. That is until now. Sparkit, a bolt on kit for your engine, is a revolutionary product which will allow customers to convert their gasoline powered engines to be able to run on biofuel. A biofuel is a gasoline alternative which reduces the carbon emission of your vehicle, and once installed, only requires you to use a different pump. Many gas stations are also providing the alternative biofuel for customers, and by converting your vehicle, you will be doing these three main things. 1. Saving money: With the usage of biofuel, Sparkit will pay for itself once year into using the product. Think of all you can do with the extra savings on your fuel costs. 2. Passing your Emissions Test: If your town or state has a strict requirement for your vehicle for emissions, look no further. With the installation of Sparkit your vehicle will be reducing the carbon emissions by 50% which will allow most vehicles to be able to pass their emissions testing. 3. DIY or Professional Installation: The power is in your hand on how you want to approach this. Are you a savvy mechanic? If yes, there is a DIY kit for you to be able

to install this to your vehicle yourself. If not, no worries! We have partnered with Firestone so that you may get this professionally installed at your local Firestone. Follow us on all our social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to be updated on when you can order your Sparkit. You can also check out our YouTube channel to see our walkthroughs on our easy installation process. Save yourself the headache of emissions and leaving a carbon footprint and look into purchasing Sparkit today!

Persuasive Letter to Business Partner RE: Production Challenges Hello Mr. Mateo Kalani, I hope you’ve been very well. I wanted to reach out to you today as our success depends on your cooperation together with Vector Motors with the launch of our new product. I have heard of the recent natural disaster which had wiped one of your recent manufacturing plant, and I am sorry to hear about your loss. With the introduction to our new product Sparkit we are expecting to see large increase in sales as we are currently forecasting the demand to be astronomical. With this, we are both currently linked as we are looking for large profits to be expected with both of our companies in the new upcoming fiscal year. This being said, we request that you create additional capabilities to lend to the production of the filters required for new product. The greater you are able to meet our product demands, the bigger you are able to receive a profit for your own company. We are excited that Autojor is a product of the United States, and we have come to you due to your quality and trust in your products. It would really be unfortunate if we would have to look for outsourcing due to product demands for our new product. If possible, we would not like to go in this direction with our partnership, and we still believe that you are able to hold up to the demands of the current marketplace. We both stand to gain a lot from our partnership, and I’m glad that this partnership is with you. I have strong belief that we can continue our mutual partnership, and you will be able to assist with Autojor in being able to focus on greater production of filters. If there is anything, we can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you for all your assistance. Sincerely,

Byungseung Yoo President, Vector Motors

Public Response to Customer Complaint “I bought and installed Sparkit. It doesn’t work! The instructions do not match my engine’s layout, and now my car doesn’t work at all. This was supposed to save me money, but now my car won’t run. I’ll have to put more money into getting it fixed. This is ridiculous. I have told all my friends, and now I am telling the world—do not buy this product! If you do, you will regret it.”

We are very sorry to hear about your difficulties of the installation of Sparkit, and completely understand your frustration. Please be advised that the product as listed is not a universal fit for all vehicles. If the instructions do not match your engine layout, it may be that the Sparkit is not a fit for your vehicle at this time. We are doing our best to currently have more of our kits fit onto different vehicles. At this time, Sparkit is partnered with Firestone to be able to provide the best assistance for your vehicle. If possible, please take your vehicle to Firestone where professions will be able to fully inspect your vehicle to make sure that your vehicle fitment is correct, and to assist with the uninstalling of our product if it is needed. For any additional assistance, please contact us at 1-800-382-5968.

Private Response to Customer Complaint Hello Mr. Smith, I understand that you have had a rough time with our product, and I hope to be able to resolve some of your frustrations. In order to better assist you, please provide me the Make, Model, Year, and the Engine of the vehicle that you are currently attempting to install this in. If your vehicle is capable of installing our product, I can provide you the information to your nearest Firestone for the installation of our product. If your car is not compatible, please visit your nearest Firestone for assistance on the removing the installed parts,

and we would be happy to provide you a full refund for the product. For additional assistance, please feel free to call our troubleshooting team at 1-800-382-5968.

Communication Strategies and Methods In the email written for employees, it uses a combination of both positive and negative strategies. The objective of this emails was to have the employees be hyped up for the new revolutionary product that is being released by the company. With the significant impact that it may cause in the industry, it shows that there is a projection of growth and profits, which then leads to job security. After the positive information, the email also lists out some of the negative strategies such as increased volume, and troubles that the product may bring for the employees. With the negative strategy, an indirect strategy is used as the negative information is softened with solutions of new protocols being created and words of encouragements to the employees for thanking them for all of their hard work. In the grand scheme of things with the promise of profits that come with the launch of a new product and job security that comes with it; it is expected the messages to be well received. In the emails written for stakeholders, it also uses both positive and negative strategies. The objective of the email was to have the stakeholders to buy into the new product being released as the product is created with the support of the stakeholders’ investments. Due to the large impact that the product would create for the company a direct message was used. With the projections of high profit potential and the projected growth of the company, it is expected that the email would be well received. The email was very concise and discussed the product and its benefits in a factual matter. Then the email for the stakeholders discussed the impact of the product. There were a mix of both positive and negative impacts as it lists out the future concerns of the product, but also provides the solutions to mitigate the negative aspects. The positive being the projections for large profit gains while the negative is the limited production capability. The

email then provides the solution to the projected high demand by working closely with the business partner, and an additional solution to outsourcing if it is required. The blog post was aimed at the general public first with the mention of global warming, then transitioned to grab the client’s attention and persuade the future clients to using Sparkit as the solution to their problem. The start of the blog tries to show that there global warming is real, and that there is something that needs to be done about it. The post then provides the main selling points and uses persuasion tactics to get the potential clients to buy into the new product. The main selling point of the new product is saving money and being able to pass their emissions testing for their resident state or city. With the difficulties of passing emissions testing, and the money that the clients may have to spend trying to correct their problem, the email provides a solution to the clients. It tries to get the potential clients excited for the new money saving alternative of being able to pass their emissions test and save money at the pump. The post should be well received as it is killing two birds with one stone, saving money, and passing their emissions test, while being able to state that they are helping the environment. If a client has a need to pass their emissions testing, the client may be heavily persuaded to look into the product as their solution. In the letter to the business partner, there were certainly a mix of positive, negative and persuasive strategy. The main positive note was that there is a larger profit to be gained by both parties, making this a win-win situation. The major problem is that if the partner cannot hold up their end of the bargain for being able to produce the requested goods on time, there is a potential loss for both businesses. The negative and persuasive strategy for this letter is that Vector Motors is stating that they make have to look into alternative options to their business partner. If Vector motors have to start outsourcing for additional parts, this is a potential business loss for Autojor,

and potential loss of profit should be a motivator for the message to be well received even if it is not necessarily a welcoming message for the business partner. A response to the client’s complaint on a social media platform may be one of the hardest things to do. For the response, there is a negative strategy used as it informs the client that the kit is not a universal kit for all vehicles. The message uses an indirect approach by placing a buffer to smooth over the concern and also empathizes to the client to smooth over the client’s concern. For something like social media, as this is a publicly viewed post, the primary goal of the response is to be as factual as possible and get the other public viewers to stand on the side of the company and show that the client is over reacting. The message also provides a solution by providing two different outlets to the client on how to get the troubles resolved. In the private response to the client, it uses a direct persuasive strategy to provide further details, and to get the problem resolved. By asking for the make and model of the car, it shows that the company is trying to resolve the issue, and the offer of the refund also shows that the company is trying everything they can to resolve the client’s issue. It is expected that both messages to the client is well received as they both try to resolve the client’s current issue. By following up on the public message with the private message to truly resolve the client’s issue show’s the customer service, and the attempts the company makes to resolve the issue of the client personally.

Communication Methods On the communication email to the employees, it is one of the best forms of communication to the directed audience. It is a great pre-cursor to an official presentation, that was indicated to be released at the end of the week. It prepares the audience of the new change that is about to occur within the business so that nothing surprises the employees once it is released. As the audience gets the general information of the product, it allows the official presentation to be more effective. The email provides the communication of expected increase in volume, but also indicates that a new protocol that will be released to smooth out the increase in volume to ease any immediate concerns. On a general business day, it may be hard to gather all employees to provide a direct communication, and as such, communication by email may be the most ideal way to start providing the information of the new product release. In the second email communication to the stakeholders, the email is not the most ideal form of communication. As the information in the email has critical impact to the business, it is best resolved through a meeting of the stakeholders to get the opinion of others. Management and stakeholders should be involved in the process to feel that they had their say in the direction of the business. In addition, more information can be presented during a meeting such as being able to go over logistics and profit projections. An email doesn’t do the new product release justice compared to the major impact that it is projected to create for the business. The blog post is very effective at its mission as it encompasses a large audience with its attention grabber, then shows the client’s need for the new product. The largest point is the emissions testing, and many states requiring the consumer’s vehicles to pass their emissions test. The blog also highlights the cost savings that the client can see with the purchase of the product which the creates the scenario for the consumer to kill two birds with one stone. To the company,

it is also a much more cost-effective way of getting the brand recognition and product shown in the market. Generally, TV commercials will be more costly, and largely dependent on the time that the commercial is played. The blog post also serves as a trophy for employees and stakeholde...

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