Task 1 - Task 1 for D095 at WGU PDF

Title Task 1 - Task 1 for D095 at WGU
Course Managing Engaging Learning Environments
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 5
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Task 1 for D095 at WGU...


Abbie Thompson Student ID: 001547128 September 4, 2021 D095 - Task 1 A.1)

My future class will be a high school special education pre-algebra class. The students

will range from 14-17 years old. I will be teaching students with IEPs so my content will be modified to better serve the students. Two different types of instructional strategies I will use are bell ringer work as review of previous content and interactive notebooks for note taking. I will be doing direct instruction while students are filling in the interactive notebook. The interactive notebooks will leave the students with a step-by-step reference book to help them complete homework and to use as a study tool. I would also like to incorporate head-to-head challenges as an instructional strategy. These challenges would help student internalize multiplication and division facts, square roots, cubed roots, and other mathematical content. A.2)

My classroom philosophy is to create a safe, positive, and productive learning

environment. I want the students in my classroom to not only learn, but I also want them to have fun while they are learning. I know the importance of building a relationship with each student in my classroom. I will take the time to get to know them as a person and not only as a student in our classroom. I will establish rules that make good humans. Everyone will be respected and heard in my classroom no matter their differences. A.3)

3 goals I have for my classroom are….

1. Creating and maintaining a safe, positive, and productive environment for all students.

2. Create an engaging and fun environment while ensuring rules and expectations are clear. 3. Include real life situations in the instruction content so students feel connected and can see how learning the content will be beneficial to them personally. A.4)

My classroom will have tables with 4 chairs at each one for students. My desk will be off to one side of the room. The student tables will be set up, so students have a clear view of the SMART board and the white board. The tables will be easy for the high school students to work in small groups or partners. The table set up will also provide an easy way to set up different stations for students to do station work as well. The tables also provide an easy way for me to pull up a chair and help groups or individual students with a task. Direct instruction and bell ringer work will take place while students are in their seat at the tables.

A.4a) Due to the tables already providing a work space for partner and group work, the layout would not need to change for these types of activities. This layout also allows for us to utilize the space between the table and the white board at the front of the room to do our head-to-head challenges. The only things that will need to change is where the student is. They will move to different tables in the room or be lined up for the challenges. The only time I foresee this layout needing to change would be in January for a fresh look. A.5)

One routine I will have is daily bell ringer work. Students will come into the classroom

and automatically start working on the bell ringer work for that day. They will have the first 5 minutes of class to complete it. There will be timer set, once the timer goes off, they will turn in or submit their work and we will begin our instruction. The second routine I will implement in my classroom is a designated area to turn in daily work. There will be a paper tray on my desk that will be the designated area for student work to be turned in. On the first day of school, I will present these routines to the class. For the first few days of school, I will remind students to get started on their bell work upon entering the class. I will also state all work should be submitted or turned in once the timer goes. Students will be reminded each day to turn in their daily work to the designated paper tray. A.6)

Classroom Rules…

1. Be respectful to each other, the teacher, and the classroom. 2. Be on time, on task and prepared. 3. Be responsible for your own learning.

A.6a) My classroom rules support creating norms in different ways. Being respectful is a behavior that we want to see in every classroom. My rule not only has students being respectful to myself and each other but also to our classroom. Examples of respecting the classroom are picking up after yourself and treating classroom tools and furniture kindly. Being on time, on task and prepared are also behaviors we want to see in every classroom. Students will learn selfdiscipline and responsibility through this rule. Being responsible for your learning is a rule set for students to be responsible for completing homework, asking questions when they do not fully understand something and to let the teacher know if they are struggling with learning certain content. A.6b) The rules will be communicated verbally the first few weeks of school. They will also be posted on the wall in the classroom as a reminder to all students. When I notice a student clearly demonstrating one or more of the class rules, I will commend the student for a job well done during class. This will reinforce the behaviors I expect to see in the classroom. Having the rules posted will be a way for the students to know the rules without myself verbally telling them or them having to remember them on their own. A.7)

One type of positive reinforcement I would implement in my classroom would be verbal

praise, high fives, fist bumps, and small prizes. These items would be given when students are noticed following the classroom rules. Seeing other students receive these types of rewards will help to motivate others to follow the rules so they are noticed as well and can receive praise as well. I would also implement a class incentive that would have students working to earn a bigger prize such as donuts, pizza, or popcorn for everyone. A class incentive gives students the opportunity to encourage, praise, and support their classmates as they each work to achieve their common goal.

One type of consequence I would implement in my classroom would be a verbal warning to adjust the unwanted behavior. The second consequence would be to stay after class for a few minutes so the student and I could have a conversation about the behaviors in class. Both scenarios allow for the student to be reminded of the rules in our classroom. Having the student stay after class to discuss their behavior will give the student the opportunity to let me know if there is something going on that I am unaware of that could help the student change their behavior. Both scenarios also allow students to take responsibility for their actions and change their behavior. If the unwanted behaviors continue, other consequences would be put in place. Some of the other consequences would be a call home, meeting with a parent or guardian, or a meeting with the Dean of Students or Principal. A.8)

The first day of class I would go over the rules and ask students to write down anything

they want or need from me as their teacher. We would work together to decide what our class incentive prize would be so each student has a voice in it. We “win’ together and we “work” together. This means when someone has a “win”, or does well, we will celebrate them as a class with praise, high fives, and fist bumps. When someone is struggling on a concept, students who have mastered the concept will help their peers by showing them how they mastered it....

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