C721-Change Management - C Means PDF

Title C721-Change Management - C Means
Author Chelsea Means
Course Fundamentals of Marketing C712
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 13
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Task 1: C721

Task 1: Change Management Course Code: C721 Student Name: Chelsea Means Student ID: 000809026 Date: 02/04/2020

Task 1: C721

A. Discuss the need for change for the company in the scenario using either the systems contingency model or the organizational life cycle model. A company could use the Greiner’s Organizational Life Cycle Model to show the company’s need for change to be able to grow and stay competitive in the market. In the organizational life cycle model there are five stages that can help show a company their possible growth and any potential challenges that could arise. During stage one, known as the Entrepreneurial Stage or the creativity phase is where a company who is still relatively small that has a few amount of employees to handle less than $1 million in sales, and who is still in the process of figuring out the company’s structure. The need for leadership would be the crisis in this stage. A company would then grow into the second stage of the Organizational Life Cycle Model known as the Collectivity Stage. During this stage the company has formed its structure and now has a clear direction for how the company will grow. This direction helped the company to extend their business into the international market, which has increased the company’s sales to $100 million allowing for the hiring of more employees. This stage is where the company forms its leadership structure. This company views the leadership as hierarchy, and has decided to take a top-down approach with their management. This means that if this company were to face a crisis would only be handled by the leaders, and the company’s employees have no say in the problem-solving or decision-making process. The crisis in this stage leads to no autonomy in their employees, which means this company is not allowing their employees to grow or offer creative solutions that could help the company. For the company to continue to grow, a change is needed in the leadership structure. This change in the structure of leadership would allow for employees to make suggestions and bring the company new and innovative ideas (Acrobatiq, 2017).

Task 1: C721

B. Describe the differences between a learning organization and a traditional organization. Within a learning organization things are always growing and changing with time. A learning organization applies more focus on individuals of the company. Individuals are highly encouraged to learn and expand their minds. Employees are encouraged to try new things to find where they fit best within the company, and so the employee does not become complacent in the same position. The learning organization offers a safe environment for the employees while being encouraged to offer their input or suggestions for solutions to problems or issues the company may be facing. When a company has a learning organization they are willing to be more risk takers as well as being more innovative (Acrobatiq, 2017). On the contrary to a learning organization, a traditional organization is very structured, and has a chain of command. Due to the strict levels of management, a traditional organization cannot respond quickly to any change. A traditional organization have to communicate any challenges or problems that arise through the different levels of leadership within the company, and decisions can only be made from a select few in the higher up management. Employees within a traditional organization are expected to listen to management, while keeping any suggestions to solutions to themselves. Traditional organizations tend to follow successful methods from the past, and tend to shy away from being innovative for new solutions to problems. Since a traditional organization does not handle change very well they face challenges in the market since it is changing constantly (Acrobatiq, 2017).

1. Identify which stage of Woolner’s 5-stage model the company is currently in. “Developing the Organization” is currently the stage in which this company is in, which is stage 2 of the Woolner’s 5-stage model (Acrobatiq, 2017).

Task 1: C721

a. Explain why the company is currently in the identified stage of Woolner’s 5-stage model. From the Woolner’s 5-stage model, the company has completed stage 1 “Forming the Organization.” While the company began to grow they learned what the flaws were and set a structure for the company. Now the company is in the second stage “Developing the Organization.” For a company to survive in a modern market a change is needed in developing and training their employees as well as updating the current software systems and processes. The company is taking steps to become more of a learning organization by implementing innovative processes within the company. The company needs to continue to see positive growth, so change management consultants were hired to help make suggestions and changes to improve the company’s structure (Acrobatiq, 2017).

2. Explain how the company from the scenario would use Senge’s 5 disciplines to become a learning organization. A learning organization follows Senge’s 5 disciplines, which is the foundation to succeed in transformational change within a company. The first discipline is systems thinking, this discipline looks at the company and analyzes how each component works together as a whole. In a company every process and position are interdependent. Teamwork is the key to form a successful company. This company’s leadership should focus on the benefits that teamwork has to offer, and realize that current team members have the potential to offer valuable contribution to the company. Team members who are allowed more autonomy and flexibility in their day-today tasks are able to offer the company a different insight to better streamline their position which in return can help the company in its growth. When considering updating the company’s

Task 1: C721

software having employees who have worked with different types of software programs at their previous company can offer their valuable opinion on which software would better suit this company’s current needs. This company has more to gain if they would focus on the interrelationships between all employees (Acrobatiq, 2017). Of Senge’s five disciplines personal mastery would be the second discipline. Personal mastery involves “continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively” (Acrobatiq, 2017). In the teachings of Senge’s five disciplines, organizations can only learn through individuals, but that does not ensure an organization is learning. In this company’s current structure there is no encouragement for personal growth, so employees are not placed in positions that would contribute to reaching their personal mastery. A work culture that encourages their employees to contribute their opinions will feel valued and will strive to learn and grow with the company. A company should develop new programs and trainings to help employees reach their personal mastery which could likely help the company continue its growth (Acrobatiq, 2017). The third discipline of Senge’s 5 disciplines is the mental models. The life we lice and the way we see the world are a result from the assumptions and generalizations that have been ingrained into our minds is known as mental models. The pictures or images in our mind can also be mental models that shape the way we communicate and view things in life. Understanding the reasons as to why we view things a certain way and taking a look inward is what this discipline includes. The current mental model this company has in place is what led to having a bureaucratic structure. The mental models of the company’s leaders is what has led this company away from a learning organization. To become a learning organization this company needs to

Task 1: C721

dive deeper into the traditional structure and understand that a change in mindset could offer this company great changes (Acrobatiq, 2017). The fourth step in Senge’s five disciplines is shared vision. For a company to succeed it is important to work towards a central goal. When planning any major change to the company’s structure the leaders need to share the same vision. Having a shared vision can be great motivation, if everyone in the company shares the same vision it can help the company grow tremendously and led the company to a learning organization structure. Leaders of the company must share the same vision for their employees by creating a learning environment that offer training opportunities. The company needs to stay competitive in the market so leaders need to share the same vision when determining when the right time is to update the company’s inventory systems. The company will continue to move in the right direction as long as everyone in the company embraces the same shared vision for change needed with the company’s structure (Acrobatiq, 2017). The final stage of Senge’s five disciplines is team learning. For a company to successfully have a learning organization they would need the discipline of team learning, which combines the other four disciplines. The organization benefits when teams learn together, as well as the individuals. Team learning begins with dialogue that uses the process of “thinking together”. When there is an interaction between a group of members and a suspension of judgment is known dialogue. When a conversation can leave behind any judgements or assumptions it allows the group to focus on the actual problems instead of any political or personal differences. A company can use team problem solving along with creativity in a dialogue to hone in on the deeper structural issues and provide solutions. When a company uses Senge’s 5 disciplines they are likely to transform the company into a successful learning

Task 1: C721

organization (Acrobatiq, 2017).

C. Identify the end result and nature of change to take the company from a traditional organization to a learning organization using Balogun and Hope-Hailey’s model. Note: You may either identify both the end result and nature of change individually or identify the name of the quadrant in Balogun and Hope-Hailey’s model that aligns to the end result and nature of change. Transformational change would be the end result of the company. The company would have an incremental nature of change. This company is in the quadrant of adaptation when using the Balogun and Hope-Hailey’s model (Acrobatiq, 2017).


Explain why the end result and nature of change would be appropriate for the company in the scenario using Balogun and Hope-Hailey’s model. When this company reimaged their culture and turned the structure into a learning

organization that encourages their employees to contribute to the success of the company has an end result of transformational change. In the current market for the company to stay competitive they need to update the inventory systems and software processes. Since the change does not happen suddenly and does not happen all at once the nature of change would be incremental. To bring change to the company it will have to create a plan and be a work in process (Acrobatiq, 2017).

D. Discuss how four steps of the action research model could be applied to the change process (traditional organization to learning organization) for the company in the scenario.

Task 1: C721

The company would hire change management consultants who would use a method of planned change known as the action research model. The change management consultants would use this model to help analyze and implement change within the company. To make this transformation happen the company and the consultants would need to work together. The issues within the company are identified, and the consultants would then consult with their clients. Both the company itself and the consultants collect data and make a diagnosis: that in order for the company to continue to have growth they would need to transition from their current traditional organization into a learning organization. Together the company and the consultants make an action plan. The employees will receive more training to build new skills which will encourage them to take more active roles and make suggestions within the company. The company will use a less hierarchy management style and implement more of a learning environment. In order for the company to stay competitive within the current market they will need to revamp the software systems and inventory programs. To help implement a new learning organization structure the company and the consultants will need to create a new training program. Consultants will conduct research which will provide employee feedback, along with which inventory program and software system would be best for the company. Within this new learning environment all employee opinions would be valued, some employees may have worked previously with different software process and would know which one would work best for this company. After the newly implemented structure has had some time to work, the consultants will then reevaluate all the date to see what has worked for the company and what didn’t quite work and start the action research model again to determine if any new changes need to be made (Acrobariq, 2017).

Task 1: C721

E. Recommend two innovation strategies that management could use to transition the company in the scenario from a traditional organization to a learning organization. The “Exploration” strategy as well as the “Cooperation” strategy could offer this company benefits while they transition from traditional to a learning organization (Acrobatiq, 2017).


Explain how one recommended innovation strategy would be used by management in the company's change process. Management would find the exploration strategy to be useful within the change process. The

company is focusing on generating great ideas by encouraging their employees to be creative. Employees have persistent work ethics along with good attitudes when they are allowed to be creative, which can become great assets for the company. When the company needs to hire new employees they need to look for the creative type. To help make the transition to a learning organization management could use the “bottom-up approach”. Using the “bottom-up approach” ensures employees will be heard even by the highest level of management. In a learning organization the exploration strategy ensures there is less hierarchy. Employees could offer the company with valuable insight on the jobs they perform on a daily basis. To receive this incite from employees the company could start a monthly meeting or a form of dialogue so top executives can participate and hear what opinions the employees have to express. When employees know their ideas and voices are being heard they feel more respected and start to offer the company with great ideas. Another good motivator to encourage employees to be more active within the company is to have internal competitions. Companies who use internal competitions are motivating their employees to work towards a common goal while creating a fun competitive setting. Goals are set that align with the company’s goals and if employees reach these goals they

Task 1: C721

may be compensated with prizes. The “Exploration” strategy also offers a no pressure environment where employees feel safe to discuss their ideas for consideration is known as the Idea Incubator. With the Idea Incubator employees won’t have to worry about their ideas getting lost in politics within the company. This incubator is meant to remove any fear an employee may have about expressing their own ideas, which could help a company with the transition to a learning organization (Acrobatiq, 2017).

F. Discuss how four steps of Kotter’s 8-step model could be applied to the change process for the company in the scenario. In Kotter’s 8-step model the second stage is “Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition”. This stage requires a company to establish a group of leaders who are powerful and encouraging enough to bring change. People who have influence within the company along with top-level executives who agree with the changes the company needs to make will make up the team. A consistent amount of motivation and this coalition will be needed to ensure the company continues in the right direction (Acrobatiq, 2017). In Kotter’s 8-step model the third stage “Develop a Vision and Strategy”: creates the company’s vision and strategies with the coalition from the second stage of Kotter’s 8-step model in order to achieve that vision. This stage sets goals and a plan is then made to ensure these goals are reached (Acrobatiq, 2017). In Kotter’s 8-step model the fourth stage is “Communicate the Change Vision”. This stage communicates to the employees the company’s planned strategies and goals. For the company to be successful in making changes, all of the employees need to be aware of what changes will be taking place and what all they employee with be responsible for to help make

Task 1: C721

these changes happen. A company can make great changes as long as they properly communicate the vision and goals of the company to their employees (Acrobatiq, 2017). In Kotter’s 8-step model the fifth stage is “Empower Others to Act on the Vision”. This stage is about the company motivating their employees to help carry out the company’s vision. When a company has a new vision they need to motivate and keep their employees excited about that vision. When a company values each employee and communicates the importance that their ideas can help bring the needed change to the company (Acrobatiq, 2017).

G. Explain how each of the five pillars of sustainable change could be applied to sustain the learning organization environment of the company in the scenario. The first pillar of sustainable change in a company begins with leadership. To bring change to a company leaders need to set the tone, as well as teach and discipline employees. Employees need to stay focused on the company’s vision to sustain a learning organization is the responsibility of the leaders. Leaders need to continue motivating and valuing employees and their opinions. For a company to sustain a learning environment, the leaders need to keep the changes that have already been made in their sight (Acrobatiq, 2017). The second pillar of sustainable change in a company is strategy. A company needs a strategy to be able to achieve their vision, without strategy a company can’t sustain or make changes. Leadership must create a strategy that is implemented by all employees to remain competitive (Acrobatiq, 2017). The third pillar of sustainable change in a company is culture. This company has completely revamped its culture, from being a very traditional organization changing to a

Task 1: C721

learning organization. Within this new culture of the company employees appreciate their expressed opinions are now valued and understand they must work together. While management needs to keep in mind to continue to be open to new ideas from employees. If everything goes as the company has planned, the company’s change will be sustained and will have great morale in their learning organization (Acrobatiq, 2017). The fourth pillar of sustainable change in a company is structure. Within the company, structure focuses on the interaction of the systems and software as well as the interactions between different departments. To keep things changing within the company the structure needs to allow for communication between different levels so everyone can continue to work together (Acrobatiq, 2017). The fifth pillar of sustainable change in a company is systems. To keep a company going systems must focuses on the processes. For this company to keep current within today’s market, the systems need to be very flexible to change to handle to daily change with technology. To sustain change a com...

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