CAFS Study Notes Homeless PDF

Title CAFS Study Notes Homeless
Author Paul Trad
Course Community and Family Studies
Institution Higher School Certificate (New South Wales)
Pages 10
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Homeless People Study notes By Paul Trad A person is homeless if, and only if they have inadequate access to safe and secure housing. Levels of Homelessness Primary Homelessness- People who have no shelter. Example: Living in cars, and rough sleeping Secondary Homelessness- People who move between various forms of temporary shelter. Example: Crisis accommodation, or staying with friends or relatives Tertiary Homelessness- People who live in accommodation which is without security of tenure or is unsafe or inappropriate for their needs. Example: Unlicensed boarding houses, and caravans Exploring the specific group within the community Prevalence - Accurate statistics are difficult to record due to the nomadic (Wandering) lifestyle of these individuals. - 116000 people were experiencing homeless in Australia according the 2016. - A higher number of males were homeless. - The females that were homeless were predominantly the result of domestic violence. - Over 50% of people are turned away from accommodation services for the homeless. Diversity - Homeless people come from all walks of life. They may vary in age, cultural background, socioeconomic level, health status, and gender. These people may experience homelessness as a family or as individuals. A lack of education or employment can impact considerably on an individuals health, and wellbeing. This group are usually vulnerable due to: ● Violence, and abuse ● Poor health ● Unemployment ● Lack of Education ● Exclusion

● Substance Abuse Terminology Most Australians have an understanding that homelessness is primarily caused by the poor decision making of the homeless people’. Perceptions of homeless may differ according to the reason behind the homelessness. The terminology used is in relation to the reason to why the individual is homeless. - An example of this is people who lose their house in a bushfire, will be referred to as ‘Unfortunate’. - Another example is homeless individuals who rely on government payments can be viewed as a ‘Burden on society’. Positive Terms -

People in need

Negative Terms - Poor - Violent - Drug addict

Issues of concern for the homeless within the community Satisfaction of needs Safety and security Health Education Sense of identity Employment Adequate Standard of living Satisfying needs of the Homeless Safety and security - Not being safe, and secure impacts their emotional wellbeing. As there predicament brings lots of inconsistencies, and this will cause mental health issues, entirely neglecting their wellbeing. - No safe or secure housing leaves the homeless vulnerable. - Homeless individuals can become targets of abuse. - They will find themselves in unsafe conditions. - Temporary accommodation leaves no safe place to store valuable items. - The homeless may feel isolated if they are new to the environment. Health - Poor health neglects the Physical wellbeing of the homeless. - High risk of numerous health problems. - Mental disorders, malnutrition, drug and/or alcohol abuse.


Aren’t able to continue regular medication. Lack of hygiene. Homeless people need access to free/affordable healthcare. Homeless people suffer from mental health issues. They may need access to counselling services.

Education - A lack of education, impacts the social and economic wellbeing of individuals. Social is affected, as they can’t create support networks from school, and study groups. A lack of education hinders employment chances. - Educational programs aim to develop self esteem, and help deal with drug and alcohol issue. - Many homeless do not have the resources (money) to gain access to education. - The homeless need to be educated about the services that are available for them. - They may require education in day to day skills, such as maintaining hygiene, management of resources, and strategies to deal with alcohol, and drugs. Sense of Identity - The predicament of the homeless hinders their sense of identity, entirely impacting their emotional, spiritual, and cultural wellbeing, These are impacted as individuals in this group will lose a sense of who they were. - Numerous Homeless individuals have no sense of who they are or their role in society. - A poor sense of identity is due to low self esteem, unemployment, low or no income, loneliness, no secure address or safety and security. - Abuse from other individuals can affect their sense of identity - Community programs such as the choir of Hard knocks, help homeless people achieve a sense of identity. This program brings the unfortunate, and homeless together through music. Employment - Hinders economic wellbeing, as they may not be able to maintain funds. - Most homeless people are unemployed. - The factors that affect the likelihood of the homeless gaining, and maintaining a job, include low self esteem, lack of education and lack of support, as to poor health. - Inability to secure employment, makes it difficult in obtaining income to afford for basic needs. - Homeless may face abuse in the workplace due to there predicament. - Centrelink help homeless make contact with certain job employers, and training programs. - The magazine ‘The Big Issue’ gives them the opportunity for employment. Adequate Standard of Living - Without an adequate standard of living, the physical wellbeing is neglected. This is due to Food, shelter, and clothing being necessary to maintain good


health Homeless require access to services that provide accommodation and social support. Being isolated makes it difficult to understand the services that are available for the homeless. Certain organisations such as vinnies help in providing food, which nullify the homeless from health issues, as they may eat from bins. Clean clothing allows the homeless to be hygienic.

Priority Needs - Adequate standard of living - Health - Security and Safety Access to Services Types of services Financial support Accomodation and housing Transport Legal aid Education Employment Counselling Health care Financial Support - It is difficult for the government to provide the homeless benefits, as they do not have a secure bank account, and they don’t have a clear address. - Some shops may provide donations, or vouchers for bills, and food. - The Department of Human Services offers crisis payment, rental assistance. - They may be entitled to financial assistance from centrelink, but they may not be capable to apply for it due to lack of skill and education. Accomodation and Housing - The department of housing (DoH) provides short term accommodation for homeless people. - A crisis accommodation program, has been put in place. This program ensures individuals who were affected by natural disasters, or other events have crisis accomodations organised. - Aged homeless individuals can be assisted by the government organisation ACH (Assistance with care and housing for the aged) Transport - Homeless people being marginalised, require access to transport. - Walking is the main form of transport, as some aren’t capable of public transport due to their predicament. - In Victoria, their is a Homeless Youth Transport policy, to ensure the homeless youth are able to move from one place to another - Transport allows these individuals to access educational, and employment

resources. Legal Aid - These individuals have a range of issues that require expertise in different fields. - There are homeless legal aid services which are free in New South Wales. These services are situated in community centres. - A particular service is the Homeless Persons legal Service, it also provides free legal aid. - These services usually work off the homeless coming in and asking for help. So no appointments are needed. Education - Being Homeless makes it difficult to maintain consistent schooling, and study. - A lack of education makes individuals more likely to find themselves in long term unemployment. - A lack of education, may cause the individual to not understand the services provided or needed. - Youth off the streets is a non profit community organisation, which was put together by father Chris Riley. This organisation provides education, community support, mental health, youth and drug services. Employment - Organisations such as Mission Australia provides individuals an opportunity to acquire skills necessary to obtain employment. - Being employed increases the chances of income for the homeless individual. Counselling - Homeless people need access to counselling to support their mental health - Some may need it to nullify their drug, and alcohol addictions - Some may need counselling to support past traumas, such as domestic violence, natural disasters. - Beyondblue is an organisation used to provide counselling, to enhance the mental health of individuals.

Health care - Due to poor eating, and living conditions they need extra health care. - Health services for the homeless are provided through hospital, and community health centres - For mental health, the homeless can go to hospitals or mental clinics which are funded by NSW health. - Number of community groups, employ health workers to provide health care for the homeless on the street, such as the Red cross. Factors affecting access to services Characteristics of the homeless people


Gender ● Both males, and females can find themselves being homeless. ● Females who are homeless are usually due to domestic violence. ● There is a greater need for homeless women to be protected, so they avoid domestic violence.


Age ● Individuals that become homeless can be of all ages. ● 16% of the homeless are members of the youth group. ● Age restrictions allow for the homeless to access certain services. Example is youth who are in the age range of 16-24 are allowed a Youth allowance. Whereas for homeless people who are 65+ it makes them eligible for aged pensions


Socioeconomic Status ● Majority of Homeless people don't have an income. This entirely restricts their ability to engage in society. ● Due to there predicament, it may be difficult to provide identification, which makes them eligible for government support.


Culture ● Due to the cultural barrier of the homeless, it may cause certain individuals to have communication barriers. ● For certain cultures, the accommodation, and situation of the area, may affect their chances of increasing their cultural and spiritual wellbeing through prayer.


Type of disability ● Mental health issues are a a prevalent type of disability. ● Physical disability affects a person's ability to move from one place to another.


Level of education ● Numerous Homeless people have poor literacy, and numeracy skill. This prevents them from being capable of filling out paperwork, to allow for certain services to be met. An example is centrelink may require them to fill out paperwork, to be eligible for a service.


First language spoken ● Homeless people from different backgrounds, may find it difficult to access information, and resources. ● Individuals with unique first languages, may experience racism or abuse. Resources Knowledge Money

Energy Time Knowledge - Due to a lack of education, the majority of homeless people will lack knowledge in certain facets. - Homeless individuals may find it difficult to understand information, and lack the knowledge to fill out forms that make them eligible for certain services. - Organisations aim to develop these skills for the homeless. Example of an organisation is youth off the streets. Money - Many factors stop homeless people from having money. Example is a lack of employment. - Lack of employment becomes prevalent between the homeless. - Not being financially stable, can cause anxiety and reduce their self esteem. Energy - With limited food, homeless people will lack energy. - Some of the homeless may feel like they lack stamina, and they won’t be able to move from one place to another. - The lack of energy they have, will continue the cycle of poverty. Time - Some Homeless people, may have a lot of time. - They will have inconsistent sleep patterns, the hours during the day may be unproductive. - They will also have poor time management, due to a lack of self motivation.

Aspects of the Service Confidentiality Opening hours Location Staff Confidentiality - Homeless people usually have a lowered sense of self. They may feel like they are a burden on society. Thus they feel like they need to keep their stories confidential. - They often feel their security is threatened if details are recorded. For example, if a homeless person leaves a violent situation, they may fear their details will be passed on to their family. Opening Hours - The Homeless may find it difficult to access services during the day. As they


sleep during the day to feel less vulnerable. Services may come after hours. E.g Vinnies Van When their are crowds, the homeless may feel nervous.

Location - Location of some services, will make it difficult for homeless people to access them. - Many homeless gather in urban areas, where there is greater access to health services rather than rural areas. - Homeless people may need to walk to get to their desired location. Staff - Individuals working with Homeless people need to show constant empathy, and give the homeless a sense of belonging. - A bad experience at one organisation may cause the homeless person to have negative perceptions of other services. - Staff may be poorly trained, and aren’t aware of the priority needs of the homeless. Creating Positive Social Environment Addressing the groups issues of concerns Policy Legislation Homelessness Bill 2013 -

Paul Trad


How has it created a positive social environment

Contribution of equity issues in the group

This bill provides recognition of people who are at risk of experiencing homelessness. This bill revolves around the ability to allow the homeless to exercise their rights, and have the same opportunities as other Australians.

This bill has created a positive social environment, as it has brought communities together to support the Homeless. In fact this bill prioritises the social inclusion of the homeless.

The equity issues that are addressed in the bill are housing, and creating a social network that supports this group. This bill also encompasses the human rights international obligations. However, the main idea of this Homelessness bill is allowing the homeless to have equal rights with all other Australians.

Organisations that support homeless people Salvation Army - Allow the Homeless to access accommodation. This enhances the adequate standard of living of the homeless people. - They cater for emergency, and crisis accommodation, temporary accommodation, and long term accommodation. - Allows for unwanted goods to be donated, and these goods will be given to the homeless. Goods such as clothing are given. Orange Sky - Ensure the homeless are clean, as they allow the homeless to have clean clothes, warm showers, and conversation. This allows for an Adequate standard of living, and enhances their sense of identity, and satisfies their health needs. - They target individuals who may be suffering from primary, secondary, and tertiary homeless. Evidence of this is they will support individuals who have

been impacted by natural disasters. Vinnies Van - Provide food, and social interactions for the Homeless. Nutritious food allows the homeless to improve their physical wellbeing, as it allows for their health need to be met. Positive influences on community attitudes. Contributions the group makes within the community - Homeless people may use their stories, to motivate others. - They also may participate in volunteer work. Evidence is the ‘ The Big Issue Magazine’, who gets homeless people to distribute the magazines. This will make them feel like they have a purpose in life. Advocacy (Speaking up for the groups needs and concerns) -

Raising awareness within the community ● Homelessness week is an annual event created by homelessness Australia, to raise awareness of people experiencing homelessness. ● Orange Sky, create a safe, and positive environment for homeless people who feel ignored. They also give Australians a platform to connect with the homeless through hygiene services. ● Salvation Army raises awareness of the needs of the homeless, as they ask for contributions from the community.

Raising Awareness is integral as it makes it clear the issues the homeless people are facing. Organisations also give homeless a platform to advocate for themselves.


Educating the community ● Education about the homeless can be provided by schools, community programs, and social media. ● Orange sky use social media to promote their services, which entirely brings more people to support the homeless. ● Salvation Army go out to schools, to educate them about the predicament of the homeless. ● Homeless also deserve to be educated. As they will lack the knowledge of the resources available for them.

Educating Australia about the homeless, can help change the negative perceptions towards the homeless people. -

Promoting the rights of the group ● Orange Sky promotes the rights of the homeless by depicting the importance of satisfying the needs of Adequate standard of living, sense of identity, and health. ● Salvation Army promote the rights of the group, by encouraging

members of the community to support the needs of the group, through social media, and advertising to community groups. Promoting the rights of the homeless people is integral as it aims to end the cycle of homelessness within Australia. Promoting the rights encompasses raising awareness, and developing knowledge on the homeless....

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