Capstone Annotated Bibliographies PDF

Title Capstone Annotated Bibliographies
Course Capstone Seminar
Institution Northern Arizona University
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Annotated bibliographies for ten sources....


Annotated Bibliography Section 3 1. Bill, Ervolino and Network USA TODAY. "We're Exhausted: Stress, Social Media Taking a Toll." USA Today, n.d. EBSCOhost, url= direct=true&db=a9h&AN=J0E406293732717&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Thesis: “Social media can run the gamut from being fabulously uplifting to being totally depressing and exhausting.” In this article, the author looks at the effect social media has on mental and physical health. The article opens with a story involving a woman named Marie Sullivan who complained to her doctor about feeling tired all the time. Her doctor assured her that she was completely fine and that she was simply getting older. At only sixty years old, Marie didn’t buy that explanation. She explains that she used to have lots of energy but now feels physically exhausted all the time. As it turns out, there is an epidemic of growing fatigue among a number of people. Many doctors and health care professionals credit this fatigue to stress caused by social media. Therapists and psychoanalyst have conducted research that reveals young people are experiencing an increasing number of symptoms associated with stress and social media. This is especially affecting young adults because young people tend to check their social media accounts all hours of the day and night. The constant stream of information and urgency to keep up with it all can impact young adults sense of identity and make them anxious. This in turn causes lassitude, weariness, and fatigue. A sense of feeling overwhelmed by social media is a common response young adults report. In addition, social media can impact sleep and diet. Sleep apnea, poor diet, and overworking are common culprits of fatigue. In fact, fatigue runs rampant in America with 97% of American’s at risk for fatigue. Stress, vitamin deficiencies, and environmental factors are also causes of fatigue. One of the major reasons fatigue is so

widespread is because it is difficult to diagnose. Often doctors don’t know how to identify the symptoms of fatigue or do not take them seriously. The author of the article recommends setting aside times in the day to completely unplug from technology and turning off technology a few hours before bed to ensure a good night’s sleep. 2. Chell. “The Positive Effects of Social Media On Teens.” IG Reviews, 4 Dec. 2017, Thesis: “They see social media more as a way to connect with others than as a way to just broadcast their own lives. It’s also very possible that they’ve seen the mistakes their older generation committed, especially back when social media was new and exciting. In short, they get all the benefits of social media, but fewer of the negative effects.” In this article, the author examines the newest generation, Generation Z, in order to argue that they experience more positive effects from social media than older generations because they have learned from their mistakes. Today’s teenagers have always had access to WiFi and social media thus its existence is not necessarily exciting, it is simply a part of life. Due to this, they do not experience the need to overshare. Millennials experienced the technological revolution thus navigate social media in a different way than generation Z. Millennials went through an oversharing phase because they saw social media as a new and exciting opportunity to broadcast their lives. On the other hand, generation Z has seen this mistake and has learned how to use social media in a healthier and more beneficial way because they view social media more as a way to connect with others not as a way to show off. Because of this they experience many benefits from social media that older generations do not. This includes being more informed on current events, developed social awareness and empathy, improved social skills, staying up to speed, enhanced creativity, increased self-confidence, the ability to develop trust and build close relationships with friends.

Teenagers today are the generation sensible when it comes to social media. They also showcase all of the often overlooked positive effects of social media. In addition, generation Z’s increased competence on social media could indicate that each generation will improve their relationship towards social media. 3. Hudson, Matthew. “What Is Social Media?” The Balance, 25 Sept. 2017, Thesis: “Most people today define social media as apps on their smartphone or tablet, but the truth is, this communication tool started with computers.” Social is a difficult term to define because it is constantly changing, and its meaning can be very wide or scaled down. The author of this article defines social media as “a series of websites and applications designed to allow people to share content quickly, efficiently and in real-time.” He argues that most people define social media incorrectly because they view social media as apps on a smartphone. However, the author argues that social media also encompasses websites as well as applications. The misconception comes from the fact that most people access social media via their cellphones and not their computers. Social media has changed the way people live life and do business. The ability to share pictures, updates, events, and opinions in real-time has changed communication forever. In addition, social media has immensely changed marketing because retailers now have the option to engage social media. This has transformed business in many ways including increasing the competition among businesses. However, companies must be careful to treat social media with the same care as traditional marketing. Spending thousands of dollars on Facebook ads and getting no return on the investment is very real possibility if companies are not smart about their social media campaigns. There is also the problem of people’s decreasing attention spans. Catching people’s attentions today with social media ads is 10 times harder than catching

people’s attentions with newspaper ads was. For retailer’s social media can become a black hole. Many retailers make the mistake of opening up an account for every popular social media platform and then leaving the accounts with little to no activity. It is actually better to have less social media platforms and to engage heavily with a few select platforms. The main point of social media is to engage with audiences. 4. Hussain, Irshad, et al. "Getting Closer Being Apart: Living in the Age of Information and Communication Technologies." New Horizons (1992-4399), vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 2017, pp. 145-160. EBSCOhost, url= direct=true&db=a9h&AN=122600014&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Thesis: “Seemingly, the real-life communication is becoming second chance and lesser among people and they are being apart even living together. People seem to be connected technologically but in fact they are being isolated physically.” The authors of this article conducted a study to answer the question, “Is the use of ICTs particularly, mobile phones and social media distracting relationships?” The 21st century brings many new innovations that have propelled the human race forward but have also left more answers than questions. The change in people’s lives since the rise of social media has been immense. It has changed health, education & training, communication & interaction, transportation, aviation and so on. However, these technological and social changes have left many people questioning how positive its impact on society and people truly is. Since social media has seemingly changed communication and interactions in human life, the authors of this study wanted to discover if this was affecting relationships negatively. A survey approach was adopted to elicit opinions from the students and academia of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan and Ankara University, Turkey. The

students and teachers from the university who used an Android phone and had social media for more than three years were invited to take part in the study. In the end, 37 respondents (9 teachers and 28 students) were from Pakistan and 32 respondents (25 students and 7 teachers) were from Turkey. All participates in the survey were volunteers. In addition, gender balance was ensured. The viewpoints of those involved in the study revealed that social media reduced physical and real-life face-to-face human interactions. It also caused mistrust by reducing the affection towards parents, children, spouses, and friends. Social media also caused people to ignore their loved ones leaving a wedge in their real relationships. “People seem to be connected technologically but they are being isolated physically and psychologically.” Overall, social media had a very negative effect on those involved in the study. People are beginning to behave like machines in social affairs. 5. Jacobs, Douglas. “How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Social Media.” Screening for Mental Health, 31 July 2017, Thesis: “Some studies found social media to have a positive impact on people’s lives, while others warned against the possible connection between social media and depression or anxiety. Ultimately, the study found that social media does affect mental health. Whether it’s a positive or negative impact is determined by how the individual uses the platforms.” There has been much written about the negative and positive effects of social media. The divided opinions can be a little confusing for many who are left wondering what the real effects of social media are. This article argues that there are both positive and negative effects of social media, but that it depends on how people engage with social media that determines the effect it has. In the end, social media does affect mental health. This is why it’s extremely important that people are aware of

how to engage social media properly so that they can experience more of the benefits and less of the disadvantages. It’s vital to develop healthy habits in regard to the usage of social media. The author includes five tips and pieces of advice on how one can achieve this. For starters, scheduling time to use social media and time to step away from social media can help balance social media usage. Social media is an essential part of many people’s lives. However, this does not mean that it needs to be all consuming. Setting aside time to log off and ignore notifications is important because it ensures there is enough emphasis placed on face-to-face interactions and sleep. Second, it’s important t have a clear purpose when on a social media site. Wasting time on social media over pointless content can quickly take over. Third, rather than viewing than viewing other people’s posts as competition, it should be viewed as inspiration. Fourth, think carefully before posting on social media to ensure the post is spreading positivity. And lastly, always put health first. Check to be sure that social media is not causing stress or anxiety. If it is, put it on hold until there is an improvement in mood.

6. Kern, Peggy. “How to Be a Healthy User of Social Media.” The Conversation, 20 Mar. 2018, Thesis: “We can learn a lot about people through how they use social media.” There are many concerns about the effect social media has on mental health especially in relation to young people. Analysis of various social media confirm direct correlation between social media usage and mental and physical health issues. For instance, Twitter language can predict the risk of dying from heart disease. In addition, cyberbullying, sexting, and victimization have risen alongside the rise of the internet. All of these issues increase the concern for the possible negative effects social media can have on young people’s mental health. Thankfully, there are also many positive effects one can experience from social media if it is engaged properly. This

means developing healthy social media habits is crucial for the sake of one’s mental health. The crisis surrounding social media and mental health is so serious that Facebook has even implemented suicide watch program. In order to avoid the dark side of social media, it’s important that people develop self-awareness about the way they engage with social media. The article lists several things people should look out for on social media. Content and tone should be one of the main things that people focus on when posting content to their social media accounts. Negative posts are associated with depression and anxiety so avoiding this kind of content can help spread positivity into one’s own life and others lives. It’s also important to focus on the quality of interactions one has on social media. Negative interactions leave people feeling drained and put them in a poor mood so it’s important to focus on positive interactions. Another important factor to consider is time spend online. Stepping away from social media for a few days can give one perspective on the oftentimes superficiality of social media. A major cause self-esteem and mental health issues caused social media is the urge it creates to compare oneself with others. Changing online social groups can immensely with this. Flushing out jealous and negative friends and replacing them with positive ones can put a stop to this destructive behavior.

7. Nations, Daniel. “Serious Question: What Exactly Is Social Media?” Lifewire, 19 Mar.

2018, Thesis: “So, What Is Social Media? Rather than define the term using a bunch of boring jargon that would probably only complicate things further, perhaps the best way to get a clearer understanding of it is to break it down into simpler terms.” Social media is a phrase that is thrown around a lot. People often use it to define sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. However, the term can get confusing very quickly because people also use it to describe sites like Wikipedia. The term can become so vague that it could be used to describe any

website. This is why it’s crucial to break down the phrase social media and instead define it clearly. Breaking down each word first can help t give an idea of what social media actually is. Social refers to “interacting with other people by sharing information with them and receiving information from them.” Media refers to “an instrument of communication, like the internet (while TV, radio, and newspapers are examples of more traditional forms of media).” When these two definitions are combined a basic definition for social media can be created. Social media refers to “web-based communication tools that enable people to interact with each other by both sharing and consuming information” It’s a broad definition but it narrows down social media about as much possible considering social media itself is pretty broad. The following features are also indicators of whether something is social media or not: user account, profile page, friends, followers, groups, hashtags, news feeds, personalization, notifications, information updating, saving, posting, like buttons, comment sections, review, rating or voting systems. It’s also important to understand the difference between social media and social networking. They are not the exact same thing, and such should be descried differently. Social networking is a subculture of social media. Media refers to the information one shares while networking has to do with audience and relationships. 8. Parrack, Dave. “The Positive Impact of Social Networking Sites on

Society.” MakeUseOf, 19 Apr. 2012, Thesis: “It’s clear to see that what some people would conceive as negatives can also be positives. Because there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to the effect social networks are having on us all in this day and age.” There are plenty of negative effects social networking sites have on society, however, it is also important to look at the positive effects social networking

sites have on society. Some people may view the impact of social media differently so for fairness and balance the impact of social media must be viewed from all different lights. There are several positive aspects of social media. The first one includes the fact that it is now easier to make friends. People can connect with many different kinds of people thanks to the internet and social media. This is especially helpful for those who experience social anxiety or struggle to make connections in face-to-face scenarios. These connections might not be very deep, but at the very least they are connections. Social media also helps people develop empathy. Via social media, people are able to share their positive and negative thoughts and experiences and people actually listen and offer their condolences or help. In addition, social media gives people access to speedy communication and to stay in touch with the world not just a close circle of loved ones. Social media can also help people build relationships by giving people platforms to stay in touch with current relationship or even develop new ones. Social media sites can also help people find common ground with others. In other words, people can connect with like minded people who share the same interests. This is especially helpful to those who can’t find common ground with the people surrounding them. In the end, it’s important to remember that all things in life have good and bad sides to them. Social media is no different. How people engage with it determines the outcome people experience. 9. Rutledge, Pamela B. “The Healthy Use of Social Media.” Psychology Today, Sussex

Publishers, 16 Oct. 2013, Thesis: “While there are a lot of benefits to a mobile, participatory culture, from civic engagement, economic opportunities to education and entertainment, at the end of the day, our smartphones, laptops and tablets are just tools. As with all powerful tools, we have to learn how

to use them well.” It cannot be denied that it is a digital world. People are connected twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Social media has expanded rapidly leaving people with the whole world at their figure tips. Social media is defined as “a wealth of applications—wikis, blogs, and curation tools in addition to social networks—that allow us to connect with other people, find information, and share all kinds of content, from videos and text to images.” There are many benefits to social media, however, these benefits can only be experienced if people are aware of how to use social media in a healthy way. As with all things, knowledge is the key to successful engagement with social media. Since the 21st century is going to increasingly rely on social media and technology, it’s necessary that everyone think critically about their social media usage. Developing competency in the following areas is essential to positive usage of social media: being able to effectively search and share information, having critical thinking skills to evaluate information, recognizing perspectives and agendas of media creators, understanding consequences of digital actions, developing ethical judgment, and learning skills that enable self-expression. Balance is a key phrase when it comes to social media. Overusing social media and relying heavily on its features can lead to addiction, destroyed empathy, and social skills or narcissism. There is also the issue of generational differences. Children need the guidance of older generations on how to properly use social media. This means older generations must put in the effort to develop the skills addressed above so that future generations can flourish in the digital world. 10. Walton, Alice G. “6 Ways Social Media Affects Our Mental Health.” Forbes, Forbes


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