CAS 100A Study Guide PDF

Title CAS 100A Study Guide
Course Public Speaking about public matters
Institution The Pennsylvania State University
Pages 3
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CAS 100A Study Guide Professor Mark Kohler...


CAS 100A Mark Kohler STUDY GUIDE FOR COMPREHENSIVE EXAM ON THURSDAY AUGUST 4. THIS IS ESSENTIALLY YOUR FINAL EXAM SO PLAN ACCORDINGLY. The three parts of the rhetorical situation and what each term means. 1. Exigence - problem that arises a response 2. Audience – to whom the message is directed, can be multiple at once 3. Constraints – anything that can limit or restrain speaker's message The critical thinking skills checklist from your ANGEL course mail first week 1. Reluctance to accept assertions on faith. 2. Able to recognize the difference between fact and opinion. 3. Open to new ideas. Applies reason and common sense to new ideas. 4. Seeks to uncover assumptions. 5. Able to relate new ideas to what they already know 6. Able to put ideas into a broader context. The testing the strength of supporting material checklist from your ANGEL course mail first week. 1. Personal experience 2. Common knowledge 3. Direct Observation 4. Examples 5. Documents 6. Statistics 7. Testimony Know the different aspects of audience analysis (demographics, culture etc.) A big write in question will be Ethos, Pathos, Logos. In three parts. You will define the term, the type of appeal it’s making to an audience and how to best achieve it in a speech… BE SPECIFIC 1. Ethos: The perceived character of the speaker by the audience; Relates to credibility or credible appeal/trustworthiness; Well practiced, prepared, organized, credible sources, well attired Know the different types of speech purposes (inform, persuade, motivate) 1.) Persuading – want agreement from the audience 2.) Motivating – want audience to ACT 3.) Informing – understand

Know your informative tools from HW3 Onondaga Indians (definition, explanation, demonstration)

Know the main tools needed on each speech. These are on your quizzes and notes. 1. To persuade: Explanation and arguments Big write in question will include knowing all five classical canons. You need to know the term, the definition and how achieved in a speech specifically. 1. Invention: The discovery and selection of the materials for your speech mainly done by researching once you know your purpose; Going to websites for statistics 2. Arrangement: involves organizing and structuring the “invented” material. Putting material in the three basic parts of the speech: intro, body, and conclusion 3. Language Style: the speakers characteristics use of language. Ideas become concrete or tangible when a speaker chooses words to express them - how the speaker articulates an idea will affect of the receiver interprets it, making style very important 4. Memory: mastering your material through practice and rehearsal to the point where you become fluent and comfortable speaking - making it your own, funding your voice, and acquiring the ability to speak as you intend 5. Delivery: the culmination of the planning and preparation of the speech, its actual performance. This performance of the final “forming” of the speech content, when all your purposes and meanings are embodied in the words as expressed Know the different types of organization tools we went over in class (chronological, spatial, topical, cause-effect, problem solution) Know the difference between different types of examples (factual, hypothetical, brief and extended) Factual: Know the different types of connectives (transitions, internal preview, internal summary and signposts) Transitions: a sentence or phrase signaling to the audience that you are moving from one idea to another Signposts: involves giving the listener a clear indication concerning what key idea or topic is under consideration by repeating the key words used in the preview Internal Preview: offer a brief preview of a specific main point within the body of the speech, often used when introducing a particularly technical or complex main point

Internal Summaries: offer a brief recap of the previous point, followed by a lead-in to the next point Know the different parts of the outline. These will mainly come from Quiz No. 2 Know the different modes of presentation (manuscript, impromptu, reciting from memory and extemporaneous) Know the different delivery aspects like pitch, articulation, volume Style devices like metaphor, simile, repetition, parallelism, antithesis, alliteration etc Know the different types of reasoning (basic ones…there will not be anything on inductive or deductive) Causal, analogy, sign, etc Sign Reasoning – something that’s happening is a sign that something else is going to happen or is happening (people carrying umbrellas is a sign it's raining) Causal Reasoning – reasons that because one thing is a cause of one thing or is caused by another thing, the presence of one is evidence that the other one exists (a growing budget deficit usually causes interest rates to rise) Classification Reasoning – relationship between individuals, they claim that because an object is a member of a class it will share the characteristics of other members in that class (senator smith is a democrat so he probably thinks what all the other democrats think) Analogical Argument – is based on a comparison of two things to show that because the two situations are similar or analogous to each other, what is true of one will also be true of the other Know the different types of emotional appeals like sadness, guilt, compassion, pride etc.

Look over the LAST ones we covered on fallacies…starting with Non Sequitur to Slippery slope. Those are in the text. Know the parts of Toulmin’s model: data, claim and warrant. Know the parts of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence (from the motivation speech) FINALLY, there is a 10-point bonus question on this exam. Your favorite and mine…the Communication Model. Study the guide on your ANGEL page. The definitions will be provided from that sheet you will provide the terms in the proper blank slot on the last page....

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