Case Study Four Worksheet PDF

Title Case Study Four Worksheet
Author Gina Garza
Course Ethics And Professional Issues
Institution University of Phoenix
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Case Study Four Worksheet PSYCH/660 Version 3


University of Phoenix Material Case Study Four Worksheet Respond to the following questions in 1,500 to 1,750 words. 1. Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma? In Dr. Yeung’s ethical dilemma is that she is not Aiden and Maya’s therapist and she is only doing research on the relationships of the clients that have intimate partner violence. She is required in maintaining no harm towards any of her clients which will require her to contact the authorities since it may cause harm to themselves or others. If there is belief that Aiden may cause harm to himself or others there are steps that need to be taken. This dilemma is very difficult since there are many decisions that need to be made that are morally and ethically correct. In the five principles, there is two of them the help in framing this dilemma. “Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence Psychologists strive to benefit those with whom they work and take care to do no harm”[ CITATION Ame2010 \l 1033 ]. In this case, since Aiden did not make a direct threat in harming himself or others he did mention “ending it tonight” [ CITATION Cel171 \l 1033 ]. This comment can mean many things which Dr. Yeung may not be aware about. “According to the American Psychological Association's Code of Ethics, therapists should let their clients know that in the event the client discusses inflicting or being the victim of child abuse, inflicting or being the victim of elderly abuse, or posing a serious danger to themselves or to others, and the therapist believes these threats or allegations of violence to be valid, the therapist will have to report such discussions to law enforcement officials”[ CITATION Kin20 \l 1033 ]. Principle A. states that in her position she is obligated to make sure that her clients are not harming themselves or others. She is not sure about what is going on but the first thing that needs to be done is do a welfare check and make sure everything is okay. The next is “Principle E: Respect for People's Rights and Dignity Psychologists respect the dignity and worth of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination”[ CITATION Ame2010 \l 1033 ]. In this case Aiden has a right to

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Case Study Four Worksheet PSYCH/660 Version 3


his personal information and Dr. Yeung is to respect any information that does not pertain about the call. Once speaking to the proper authorities she is to give them minimal informations that only pertains the situation. She is not mention any information that told during the therapy session, only that she believes he is going to harm himself.

2. Does this situation meet the standards set by the duty to protect statue? How might whether or not Dr. Yeung’s state includes researchers under such a statute influence Dr. Yeung’s ethical decision making? How might the fact that Dr. Yeung is a research psychologist without training or licensure in clinical practice influence the ethical decision?

In this case it does fall under the duty to protect statue, because of the history of Aiden’s threats and the statement he gave that he will “end it tonight”. Dr. Yeung is obligated to report this, but it depends on the state is practicing will depend on who is the person she is required to report to. Some states only require psychologist to report it to law enforcement only and not anyone else. Other states may accept psychologist to report to the person that is being threatened. In the Code of Ethics section 1.07 states that in this case Dr. Yeung has to protect the level of confidentiality of all information while she was in their care, expect in which it compels any professional reason. The only expectation is if the person is going to cause imminent harm to themselves or another person that is identified. “ A positive change is that now, when a person is in a behavioral health crisis, for instance, is suicidal and in the emergency room, a therapist is now allowed/required to release treatment information without patient permission, in order to coordinate continued care”[ CITATION Dav14 \l 1033 ], The only information Dr. Yeung would have to provide to the authorities is what is relevant to the incident and should not disclose any other information that does not pertain what is going on. “3.04 Avoiding Harm (a) Psychologists take reasonable steps to avoid harming their clients/patients, students, supervisees, research participants, organizational clients, and others with whom they work, and to minimize harm where it is foreseeable and unavoidable”[ CITATION Ame2010 \l 1033 ]. Since

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Dr. Yeung is only a research psychologist this should affect her ethical decision in reporting the threat, because she is still a psychologist which she is still the person making the mandated report.

3. How are APA Ethical Standards 2.01a b, and c; 2.04; 3.04; 3.06; 4.01; 4.02; and 10.10a relevant to this case? Which other standards might apply?

In the Ehthical standard 2.01 a, b, c and 2.04 they are relevant to the case because Dr. Yeung is the health psychologist and she is person conducting reaseras on intimate partner violence, which she is educated and trained in doing. In 3.04 which states the psychologist is to take the proper steps in ensuring and avoiding any harm to their clients. As for Ethical Code 4.01 and 4.02 they are relevant to the case because Dr. Yeung is required by law keep information confidential unless they are required to by the duty protect statue. She is require to report the limits of her confidentiality since it is a requirement by law. “4.02 Discussing the Limits of Confidentiality (a) Psychologists discuss with persons (including, to the extent feasible, persons who are legally incapable of giving informed consent and their legal representatives) and organizations with whom they establish a scientific or professional relationship (1) the relevant limits of confidentiality and (2) the foreseeable uses of the information generated through their psychological activities”[ CITATION Ame2010 \l 1033 ]. It Another ethical code is 10.10a also pertains to the case, Dr. Yeung can terminate the services due to the harm that is causing Aiden. Ethical code 10.01 is another which is informed consent and it is very important that the client is aware of such information is valid. This is why Dr. Yeung should build a strong rapport with Aiden and it is her duty to inform him of the privacy policies and explain to him of any circumstances of which may occur if the confidentiality agreement is broken. “However, it is also important to note that any misconceptions someone being treated might have about this should be cleared up at the beginning of therapy when the therapist discusses with the client the exceptions to their confidentiality privilege”[ CITATION Kin20 \l 1033 ]. 10.02 can also pertain to case because Dr.

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Case Study Four Worksheet PSYCH/660 Version 3


Yeung is working with both Aiden and Maya which are a couple, and when working with couples which according to 10.02 it is very important to notify who the client is and the relationship they have with others during therapy. If something does happen to Maya, Dr. Yeung may have to appear in court and testify against Aiden.

4. What are Dr. Yeung’s ethical alternatives for resolving this dilemma? Which alternative best reflects the Ethics Code aspirational principle and enforceable standard, as well as legal standards and Dr. Yeung’s obligations to stakeholders? As for Dr. Yeung’s alternative for having a resolution in this dilemma she would have to apply the codes 3.09 and 4.05. She can look for other alternatives such as looking for others who have much knowledge of situations such as this. By using code 4.05 it is mandated that Dr. Yeung is to provide such information by law in which is her sole obligation to all parties. “3.09 Cooperation with Other Professionals When indicated and professionally appropriate, psychologists cooperate with other professionals in order to serve their clients/patients effectively and appropriately”[ CITATION Ame2010 \l 1033 ]. “4.05 Disclosures (a) Psychologists may disclose confidential information with the appropriate consent of the organizational client, the individual client/patient, or another legally authorized person on behalf of the client/patient unless prohibited by law”[ CITATION Ame2010 \l 1033 ].

6. What steps should Dr. Yeung take to ethically implement her decision and monitor its effects? The important things that Dr. Yeung has to do is follow the ethics code 3.04, which is not causing harm. She has to make sure that her level of confidentiality is researched and what laws her state has in reference to informing the proper officials of the incident. As a psychologist she is to trust in working with your clients and make sure Dr. Yeung is following the states about information that may be disclosed if an incident were to happen.In this case since there is

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possibility that Aiden is in danger of causing harm to himself or others which in fact can break confidentiality with Aiden. Which in Code of Conduct 4.05b “ Psychologists disclose confidential information without the consent of the individual only as mandated by law, or where permitted by law for a valid purpose such as to (1) provide needed professional services; (2) obtain appropriate professional consultations; (3) protect the client/patient, psychologist, or others from harm; or (4) obtain payment for services from a client/patient, in which instance disclosure is limited to the minimum that is necessary to achieve the purpose” [ CITATION Ame2010 \l 1033 ]. If in fact she believes that her participant is going to cause harm to themselves or other she is mandated to report it to the authorities. In Aiden’s case she can refer him to couseling with someone who is wel educated and qualified for these type of situations due to his substance abuse, anger and violent behaviors. “According to the APA, if a therapist is unsure of whether a discussion with a client should be reported to law enforcement or not, she should consult with other professionals in the mental health field or appeal to state or national mental health professional associations for advice on the matter”[ CITATION Kin20 \l 1033 ].


Fisher, C. B. (2013). Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. American Psychological Association. (2020, September 28). Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct. Retrieved from Fisher, C. (2017). Decoding the Ethics Code-Fourth Edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Kinney, A. (2020, September 28). Therapist Code of Ethics on Reporting a Crime. Retrieved from Legal Beagle: Ley, D. J. (2014). The Death of Therapeutic Confidentiality. Psychology today.

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