HCM 205 Module Four Worksheet PDF

Title HCM 205 Module Four Worksheet
Author Celeste Delgado
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 7
File Size 185.4 KB
File Type PDF
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HCM 205 Module four worksheet...


HCM 205 Module Four Worksheet Neurology and Endocrinology Write the definition of the medical words. 1. thymitis Inflammation of the thymus gland 2. adenoma Tumor of a gland 3. insulin Hormone produced by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas; acts to regulate the metabolism of glucose and the process necessary for the intermediary metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; used in the management of diabetes mellitus 4. glucocorticoid General classification of the adrenal cortical hormones: cortisol (hydrocortisone) and corticosterone 5. progesterone Hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary, the adrenal cortex, or the placenta; released during the second half of the menstrual cycle 6. hyperthyroidism Excessive secretion of thyroid hormone (TH), a condition that can affect many body systems 7. hypothyroidism Pathological condition in which the thyroid gland produces inadequate amounts of thyroid hormone 8. CRF Corticotropin Releasing Factor 9. FBS Fasting Blood Sugar 10. catecholamines – dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine 11. hypoglossal nerve controls the tongue and tongue movements 12. vestibulocochlear (acoustic) nerve provides input for hearing and equilibrium 13. parasympathetic Part of the automatic nervous system that counterbalances the action of the sympathetic nerves 14. sympathetic – stimulates the fight or flight mode calsubst ances,suchasdopami neandacet yl chol i ne,t hat 15. neurotransmitters Chemi car r yel ect r i cal i mpul sesacr ossasynapsebet weent woneur ons

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Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

16. olfactory nerve - Det ect sandpr ovi dest hesenseofsmel l 17. trigeminal nerve Pr ovi dessensor yi nputf r om t hef ace,nose,mout h,f or ehead,andt op oft hehead;mot orfiber st ot hemuscl esoft hej aw( chewi ng)

18. abducens nerve Conduct smot ori mpul sest ot hel at er alr ect usmuscl eoft heey ebal l 19. oculomotor nerve Conduct smot ori mpul sest of ouroft hesi xext er nalmuscl esoft he ey eandt ot hemuscl et hatr ai sest heey el i d

20. optic nerve provides vision Word Surgery Directions: Read the medical word. Break the medical word into its word parts and give the meaning of each word part. Then give the definition of the medical word. 1. endocrine Suffix and its meaning: crine- within Prefix and its meaning: endo- to secrete Medical word definition: The endocrine system is made up of glands, each of which secretes a type of hormone into the bloodstream 2. acromegaly Suffix and its meaning: acr/o- poing Combining form and its meaning: large, enlargement Medical word definition: a condition in which the pituitary gland excessively produces growth hormone 3. hyperthyroidism Suffix and its meaning: ism condition Prefix and its meaning: hyper excessive Root and its meaning: thyroid Medical word definition: over production of hormones produced by the thyroid gland 4. androgen Suffix and its meaning: gen formation, produce Combining form and its meaning: andro man Medical word definition: refers to a substance or hormone that promotes the development of male characteristics. 5. endocrinology Suffix and its meaning: study of ology Prefix and its meaning: endo within Combining form and its meaning: crin Medical word definition: study of the endocrine system 6. somatotropin Suffix and its meaning: in- chemical Combining form and its meaning: somat body Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

Root and its meaning: turning Medical word definition: growth stimulating hormone produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland 7. hyperesthesia Suffix and its meaning: esthesia feeling Prefix and its meaning: hyper excessive Medical word definition: increased feelings of sensory stimuli like pain, touch, sound 8. meningomyelocele Suffix and its meaning: cele-spinal cord hernia Combining form and its meaning: myelo meninges Combining form and its meaning: meningo membrane Medical word definition: congenital herniation of the spinal cord and the meninges through a defect in the vertebral column. 9. neuritis Suffix and its meaning: it is- inflammation Root and its meaning: neur- nerv Medical word definition: inflammation of the nerve 10. hydrocephalus Suffix and its meaning: us-pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: hydro- water Root and its meaning: cephal head Medical word definition: condition in which there is an increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricles of the brain causing the head to be enlarged. 11. neurology Suffix and its meaning: ology study of Combining form and its meaning: neuro- pertaining to nerves Medical word definition: the study of nerves and the nervous system 12. aphagia Suffix and its meaning: swallow phagia Prefix and its meaning: a-lack of Medical word definition: loss of the ability to swallow Abbreviation Matchup Match the abbreviation to the definition. Select an answer from the column on the right and write the correct letter on the blank. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

basal metabolic rate h diabetes mellitus a growth hormone c glucose tolerance test b potassium i cerebral palsy f

7. cerebrospinal fluid d 8. centimeter j 9. cerebrovascular accident g 10. herniated disk syndrome e a. DM b. GTT

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Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

c. GH d. CSF e. HDS f. CP

g. CVA h. BMR i. K j. cm

Spelling Challenge Spell each term correctly in the space provided. Incorrect Spelling Correct Spelling 1. proteen protein 2. thiroyd thyroid 3. ewthyroid euthyroid 4. adeonoma adenoma 5. obeesity obesity 6. epilegsy epilepsy 7. cerebroom cerebrum 8. sarabellum cerebellum 9. automatic nervous system Automatic Nervous System 10. cocygeal spinal nerves Coccygeal spinal nerves

Pronunciation Provide the phonetic spelling of the terms below. In addition, using a recording tool, such as Vocaroo, record the following medical terms. For support using Vocaroo, refer to the Vocaroo Tutorial document. Term 1. steroids 2. hypophysis 3. hypogonadism 4. diabetes 5. estrogen 6. cretinism 7. craniectomy 8. coma 9. aphasia 10. hypnosis 11. hyperesthesia 12. intracranial

Phonetic Spelling sterˌoid hīˈpäfəsəs hīpōˈɡōnaˌdizəm dīəˈbēdēz estrəjən ˈkrētnˌizəm krā′nē-ĕk′tə-mē koh-muh uh-fey-zhuh hip-noh-sis hahy-per-uhs-thee-zhuh, in-truh-krey-nee-uhl

Place the recording of your pronunciation of the medical terms here:

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Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e


Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

Fill in the Blank 1. The endocrine system is made up of glands that secrete hormones. 2. Many pathological conditions are caused by or associated with hypersecretion or hyposecretion of specific hormones of the endocrine system. 3. The pituitary gland known as the master gland. 4. Neurons are nerve cells 5. Neuroglia are supporting cells. 6. Motor neurons may be described as efferent processes because they transmit impulses away from the neural cell body to the muscles or organs to be innervated. 7. Sensory neurons are sometimes referred to as peripheral processes because they carry impulses from the sensory receptors to the synaptic endings in the central nervous system.

Case Study To begin, review the medical record located in the Practical Application sections of Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 in the textbook. Then, using the record, answer the questions below. Note: The questions below are different from the questions in the textbook. Chapter 13 1. Who did Matthew state takes insulin in his family? Dad and grandfather 2. What do the medical terms polydipsia, polyphagia, and polyuria mean? Polydipsia-extreme thirst that is symptomatic of a disease Polyphagia-excessive hunger or binge eating Polyuria- excessive urinating 3. According to Matthew’s family history, who has heart disease? Maternal grandmother 4. What two lab test were ordered to rule out diabetes? A1c, fbs 5. What type of seminar was recommended for Matthew to attend? Health education Chapter 14 1. What is Mr. Brown’s diagnosis? Advanced Parkinson’s disease Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

2. Mr. Brown has a mild tremor. Which arm is worse? lef 3. How is his gait characterized? Shuffling shrides 4. How long has Mr. Brown been taking the drug Sinemet 25–100 mg? 6 years 5. What did Mr. Brown’s neurological exam indicate? Mild to moderate impairment in cognition and short-term memory

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